Saturday, May 4, 2013

What happens when you quit smoking? - Health

It is thought that over 85% of smokers want to quit smoking. The main reason given by smokers for wanting to quit is that they know that they are damaging their health. Financial concerns come in second place to health concerns. Most smokers will cite fear of lung cancer as their main health concern, but there are many other health problems associated with smoking.

Whilst as a smoker, you may cite health concerns as the reason they wish to quit smoking; it is common not to know what happens when you quit smoking.

From the list of what happens when you quit smoking, it could be prudent to mention what happens when you don't quit smoking. From the age of 35-40 it is recognised that every year of continues smoking will actually reduce your life expectancy by 3 months on average!

The commonly listed things of what happens when you quit smoking, in time order are firstly the rapid reduction in nicotine levels and more importantly carbon monoxide levels in the blood stream. Carbon monoxide binds to the red blood cells and prevents them from carrying oxygen to the muscle. Energy levels increase rapidly after not smoking for as little as a day.

Within two days of quitting, lung efficiency will start to improve and lung function will stop declining. Quite astonishingly, lung cancer risk reduces rapidly (Source: ASH) in as little as two days also.

From a quality of life point of view, what happens when you quit smoking after one month is very noticeable. Energy levels, taste and smell will have improved along with blood circulation. The resultant effects are an improved appearance and better radiance of the skin. Wrinkles will seem less deep and skin will become more flexible giving a more youthful appearance, even in elderly quitters!

During this first month, most of the nicotine withdrawal side effects will be felt. These side effects include cravings, restlessness, unhappiness (not clinical depression!), loss of concentration, light-headedness, constipation, sore throat and disturbed sleep. These are all very negative effects of what happens when you quit smoking and need determination so as not to 'give up the quit'.

Coughing and wheeziness will subside over the course of the first year. Any chronic (long term) bronchial irritation will start to subside also. However, any emphysema type lung damage - the destruction of a lung's elasticity - will remain irrespective. Unfortunately, reversing emphysema is not what happens when you quit smoking!

Finally, from the end of the first year after smoking, heart failure risk is halved from that of a full time smoker. Over the following 15 years, heart failure risk declines to that of someone who has never smoked. Along with this, lung cancer risk is also halved. These are probably the most significant and beneficial benefits of what happens when you quit smoking and provide a thoroughly good reason to do so.

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