Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Healthy Diet For Models - Health - Weight Loss

Read here about a healthy Diet for models.

Are there a good diet for models? Yes, listen to this: Tiffany a Swedish supermodel was beautiful, very successful, traveled and worked all over the world. She made a lot of money and was very busy.

However the life of a supermodel is not so glamorous as people think. You live in a suitcase, in and out of hotel-rooms. Late evenings and early mornings. Your eating habits are not that good either. You consume a lot of coffee and junk food, because you do not have time to eat regularly. That is not a healthy diet for models.

Over a couple of months, Tiffany realized that she had put on several pounds. No big deal, she thought. BUT the cameras saw it. There is a fact in this business: The camera lenses always add fatness to a person. That's one of the reasons the models have to diet to be so slim.

Tiffany wasn't worried at first, but then she noticed that the phone did not ring that often any more. She had more and more lazy days. She lost more and more jobs, and also a lot of money.

Then one day, the alarm went on: Her agency called, and the manager said:

"Tiffany, if you don't diet and lose at least 15 pounds, your supermodel career is over!

Ill give you four weeks to come back in shape"

That was when Tiffany turned to me, because she knew I had effective diet for models based on scientific data. A diet -system that has helped thousands of overweight people to lose weight, and stay in shape, forever!

No dieting, no starving, no pills. Instead by eating more! But the right type of food. Foods that cause you to lose, not gain weight. I have successfully marketed this system in Sweden for over 19 years. Not only a supermodels diet secrets but to ordinary people like you and I. The success-stories are overwhelming.

I gave Tiffany a copy of my book "The Eat Much More Diet" (which is not just a diet for models) She read it, was amazed and started to eat right. Already, after 3 days she lost 4 pounds! After only 3 weeks, she had lost all the 15 pounds and looked as beautiful as ever!

The manager of her agency became surprised at the result came so fast. He was very happy and satisfied.

She has her career back, and is still working, - although she is 15 years older now! That's why I sometimes call this diet system the supermodel diet secrets

This diet is simple, exact and easy to follow. It works like a charm! It does not matter if you are over weight, or just need to lose few pounds in order to fit into that new bikini.WHICH TYPE OF FOOD SHALL YOU EAT AND WHICH SHALL YOU AVOID? Basically it is fruit, vegetables, all sorts of meat, poultry, game etc. No pills just common sense.

If you want to know, in detail the secret of this diet for models read more here. /

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