Monday, May 20, 2013

Best E Cigarette On The Market - Changing My Emotion Led Habits

Best E Cigarette On The Market

As a normal person (at least I think so), and like most other smokers, smoking had become a part of my emotional crutch. We all use emotional crutches to help us deal with those all too frequent times when life has an impact on us at a personal emotional level. Moments of emotional stress, caused by our daily events, the people around us and various other situations, are often the reason why most of us go reaching for the cigarettes - our emotional crutch! I want to share with you three of the common situations where my emotion led habits were stopping me from quitting smoking... Best E Cigarette On The Market

1. My Chaotic Domestic Life

Like most people I like to think of the home as a place of happiness and peace; but there are times for me, and for many others, when it becomes a place of stress and down right misery (thankfully not all of the time!) I know from my own experience that these times lead one to the point of needing some form of 'emotional comfort' and for me personally the three commonest 'comforters' are food, alcohol, and smoking cigarettes (but not necessarily in that order). However, the one I turn to most often are of course the cigarettes. Whenever I experience domestic disharmony it seemed to be an emotional trigger that automatically made me grab at one of my emotional comforters and it was usually the tobacco! This emotion led habit made it really hard for me to stop smoking so my solution was to work harder at maintaining domestic harmony (OK, so there were times when I had to say sorry even when it wasn't my fault but that's another story!) However, not only did this help me brea k the link between my emotional responses and my smoking habit but it also dramatically improved my family life! Best E Cigarette On The Market

2. Work and Stress

For me, and I am sure for you, an undeniable fact of life seems to be that the majority of us work in situations that are not the most sympathetic to our emotional needs or stability. A common problem for most of us when at work is work related stress. It is clear to me also that work related stress can be more of a problem due to our negative interaction with co-workers. For example, I used to have a domineering and autocratic boss (nothing worse than a bully with the power) whose interpersonal skills left much to be desired. The work related stress was bad enough but this boss just compounded everyone's problems. These work related issues were having a great negative emotional impact on me and my colleagues which then became an emotional trigger for smoking. During times of work related stress the number of cigarettes I would smoke during the official breaks would rocket. My negative emotions were feeding my habit! That was it; I knew that I needed to find a release for my moments of high stress if I was to succeed with stopping smoking.

3. My (and your) self-esteem

Everyone I know, including me, have issues with themselves. When we look in a mirror are we happy with what we see? The pressure of living in our sophisticated world, where so much emphasis is placed on the way we look and how we dress for example, can badly affect our self-esteem and cause us to need cigarettes as a means of dealing with things. The pressure to be the same as some model of perfection, which we know doesn't actually exist except in the digitally enhanced world of publicity for beauty products, puts a tremendous strain on many people, more so women. The pressure to conform to some dream image, or to a lesser extent even a dress code at work, can lead to issues of low self-esteem and poor personal confidence. These two emotional states, which usually go hand in hand in the same person, can create a strong emotional impetus to smoke (or eat, or drink). Most people find a comfort in smoking, I know I did when I felt low, despite the proven risks to health but the problem is that smoking a cigarette really doesn't resolve the main cause of our emotional habits. In stead of grasping a false emotional comforter, which cigarettes are, I sought to identify the 'emotional root cause' of why I was smoking and then seek out a solution to deal with it. By doing this I was able to get right at the source of why I had developed into a smoker and then get on with the job of removing the emotional habits I had developed. This helped me to quit smoking in the quickest possible time. Best E Cigarette On The Market

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