Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Electronic Cigarettes: the best way to quit smoking

Ever been indoors in a public setting or establishment and that craving for a smoke kicks in? Then you think of how cold it is outside and you begin debating with yourself whether or not it's worth it. What if I told you that you could stay inside and still satisfy your craving LEGALLY without any gum or sticky patches?

In the past recent months, electronic cigarettes have dominated headlines. The "vaporized smoking" industry is growing rapidly, so lets discuss the latest & greatest trends & products!

Anelectronic cigarette, which is also known as an e-cigarette ora smokeless cigarette, is abattery operateddevice that providesdoses ofnicotineor non-nicotinevaporized odorlesssolution through inhalation. It is a healthier & cheaper alternative tosmokingtobacco products, like traditional cigarettes,cigars, orpipes.

In addition to vaporized nicotine delivery,this also provides a flavor and physical sensation similar to that of inhaled tobacco smoke. No smoke or combustion is actually involved in its entire operation, making it acceptable in public environments such as restaurants, airports etc..

For a COMPLETE REVIEW on e-cigarette brands that are HIGHEST ranked in value, popularity and quality, CLICK HERE

An electronic cigarette takes the form of some manner of elongated tube, though many are designed to resemble the outward appearance of real smoking products, like cigarettes, and cigars. Most electronic cigarettes are reusable devices with replaceable and refillable parts. A number of disposable electronic cigarettes have also been recently developed.

Some manufacturers go as far as to even give out free electronic cigarettes for promotional use. Typically, for $100 to $150 or so, a user can buy a starter kit that includes a battery-powered cigarette and replaceable cartridges that typically contain nicotine. (Cartridges can be purchased separately). These may include flavoring and propylene glycol, a liquid which when vaporized, generates a smoke-like mist, and when a user inhales, a sensor heats up the cartridge. The flavorings include but are not limited to tobacco, mentholand cherry, the levels of nicotine vary by cartridge.

Cigarette companieshave searched for ways to reduce tar and nicotine levels, in efforts to create a more safe smoking experience. However, nothing has ever come close to the electronic cigarette.

The electronic cigarette has also been proven as a way for smokers to quit the habit, as the level of nicotine can be carefully monitored, thus giving the smoker the option of gradually lowering the level until he/she can quit without fear of withdrawals. Most electronic cigarette refill cartridges are available in full, medium, light and none. In fact, most traditional tobacco smokers have now quit smoking cigarettes and only buy electronic cigarettes!

For a your FREE REVIEW so you can evaluate the most popular e-cigarette brands on the market today, CLICK HERE

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