Saturday, September 1, 2012


80) Is Abdominoplasty a good way to lose weight?

No. Diet and exercise are the best means of removing unwanted fat, and a healthy lifestyle is an important factor. However, some people find that no matter how careful they are with food and however hard they exercise certain areas of fat are difficult to reduce or remove.

81) Is there anything to help me reduce my weight before I do a tummy tuck?

Tummy Tuck procedures, unlike liposuction, should be performed when you reach your ideal or desired weight. There are really only two healthy means of reducing weight: diet and exercise. There are many diets available but many that will not help your general health. The Shintani diet, as well as the McDougall diet, are two which promote healthy eating habits for a lifetime. They should help.

82) After loosing 125lb, I have now an excessive amount of loose skin that droops to my mid- thighs. What can be done for this problem?

Excessive amounts of abdominal skin can be corrected by an extended Tummy Tuck or circumferential / 360 tummy tuck.

83) Last year I had a mini Tummy Tuck and its fine but I do not like the lower relocation of my belly button. Can it be placed higher?

Probably not, but for a final diagnostic you must be examined in order to make a definite determination. You need to ask your plastic surgeon.

84) I am scheduled to have a hysterectomy is it possible to do an Abdominoplasty at the same time? I had a C-Section delivery 16 years ago and my stomach never tightened back up no matter how much exercise I put into it.

Yes, it is possible to have an Abdominoplasty at the same time as your hysterectomy; however, the complication rate from both procedures does increase when they are done together. It is also a consideration whether a vaginal or abdominal hysterectomy is being performed. Yo ur gynecologist may have a plastic surgeon that he/she works with often. Its recommended that you discuss this matter with your physicians.


85) If I am overweight (100 lb or more) can I still have a Tummy Tuck and/or Liposuction for a sagging abdomen?

The surgery one of the specializations of Cosmetic Harmony is to support obese, or ex-obese clients. It is, however, necessary to evaluate whether it is worth operating or not in terms of the result that can be achieved. In fact, the risk of complications in overweight clients is also greater. In these cases, it is better initially to begin with a diet in order to lose weight.

86) Is there any alternative for obese patients?

If diet and exercises have not resulted in substantial results, its recommend that obese patients first visit a gastric bypass specialist.

87) What is a panniculectomy procedure?

A panniculectomy procedure removes hanging fat and skin, typically after massive weight loss. It may be performed as a single procedure or combined with a tummy-tuck, depending on the patient's condition.

88) And what is the difference between a panniculectomy procedure and an Abdominoplasty?

Panniculectomy is different from Abdominoplasty, in that Abdominoplasty tightens the muscle, as well as removes excess skin and fat, but a panniculectomy only removes excess skin and fat. A panniculectomy may also be performed with another abdominal surgery, such as a hysterectomy, or one that repairs the abdominal wall or a hernia of the belly button.

89) How do I know if panniculectomy is suitable for me?

Panniculectomy candidates typically suffer from obesity, or have recently experienced significant weight loss, or suffer post-pregnancy issues with inordinate fat localized below the belly button. Candidates may have fat extending as low as the knees, over the hips, and around the back. These conditions cause panniculectomy candidates to experience a host of health issues, including back problems, the breakdown of skin, rashes, ulcers, or skin disorders. These conditions may interfere with everyday life walking, standing, or sitting may become very difficult.

The best candidates have stabilized their weight for at least one year. The candidate must be participating in a proper dietary and exercise plan. Candidates who have had the gastric bypass procedure should wait until one year after gastric bypass surgery or Lap-Band surgery, after the health problems associated with obesity have s ubsided.


90) I just want my six-pack to be exposed? Do I need a tummy tuck?

No, you do not need a Tummy Tuck in this circumstance. If you already have good abs, but they are hiding behind persistent excess fat, then you dont need a tummy tuck. You may want, however, to sculpt the area to bring out your hidden six-pack by doing an abdominal etching.

91) What is an abdominal etching? Is it different from a tummy tuck?

Abdominal etching is a type of Liposuction that takes you a step beyond conventional liposuction fat removal. This procedure is intended to give you a flatter, tighter stomach area, with stronger muscle definition. Abdominal etching also differs from Abdominoplasty. In an Abdominoplasty, the abdomen muscles can be tightened or removed, whereas abdominal etching only removes excess fat.

92) Who is the appropriate candidate for abd ominal etching?

The best candidate for abdominal etching surgery has naturally athletic-looking underlying muscles that can be accentuated with abdominal etching. People who are liposuction candidates, with very localized, exercise-resistant fat deposits, can obtain additional improvements through abdominal etching. The strength of the results depends on personal anatomy. The ideal candidate also follows a proper diet and exercise program, which are necessary to maintain the benefits. The abdominal etching technique can be performed at the same time as liposuction. The procedure may be performed at the same time as well as other procedures, depending on the combination treatment plan you have developed in consultation with your surgeon.

93) What is the Abdominal Etching Procedure?

Abdominal etching is performed in the doctor's office or in an outpatient surgery center. The surgery takes about one hour. Most patients return home within hours after surgery. The procedure is often performed under local "twilight" anesthesia, while you are sleepy, sedated, but awake; or general anesthesia, while you are asleep. You can discuss anesthesia options with your doctor and the anesthesia provider.

Several small incisions (1-2 millimeters in length) are made in the belly button or in natural creases of the abdomen so that the incisions are not highly visible. The surgeon uses a cannula (a hollow tube-like instrument) to remove excess fat and skin. It is a delicate procedure that includes sculpting grooves in the fat layers to emphasize a muscular appearance. A different cannula may be used to perform liposuction and to perform the muscle-definition sculpting. Results can vary among patients due to personal anatomy factors such as the unchangeable appearance of the underlying muscles.

94) What about the healing process for Abdominal Etching?

The doctor will supply a comp lete postoperative instruction list to reduce the risk of complications. The doctor will fit the patient with a medical compression garment to wear at all times except for bathing or as directed by the doctor for up to three-to-six weeks. Patients often can shower within 48 hours after surgery. Pain, swelling, and bruising may occur, all of which can be managed with medications and proper care.

Restrictions include no exercise or lifting of ten pounds or more immediately following the surgery. There cannot be any pressure placed on the abdominal area. Normal activities typically can be resumed in one-to-three weeks. The full results of abdominal etching appear within six months of the procedure. But patients often see results such as better-fitting clothes and a firmer abdominal appearance much sooner.

95) Is there any complication I should be worried about with Abdominal Etching?

Complications are possible with any medical procedur e. The most common but infrequent complications include infection, bleeding, and excessive scarring. The doctor can intervene in these situations; however, they can prolong the recovery period. Be sure to discuss the possible risks and treatments with your doctor.

96) What is the cost for abdominal etching?

Abdominal etching includes three fees: local or general anesthesia fees, facility fees, and surgeon's fees. Since the abdominal etching procedure is often performed during traditional liposuction, you pay only one anesthesia fee and facility fee. Since your treatment will be customized to fit your needs, only a range can be given. Average total fees range from $3,000 to $8,000 USD. This estimate does include the cost of the liposuction. To discuss abdominal itching further and to get your customized quote, contact Cosmetic Harmony at




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