Friday, August 31, 2012

Thinking about getting a TUMMY TUCK OR MINI TUMMY TUCK?? Here you will find the answers, tips, and 100's of FAQ


>> Learn all you can before deciding having your plastic surgery done.


41) What can I do to expedite the healing process of my surgery?

Many surgeons recommend that Tummy Tuck patients begin a program of light exercise after the 5th day following surgery. The motion resulting from this activity will reduce swelling, decrease the possibility of developing blood clots and enhance skin tone. Vigorous exercise, such as lifting heavy objects, etc., should be put off until the surgeon advises otherwise.

42) When can I resume my normal activities such as housework and work in general?

Mainly, patients shouldrest doing only the light domestic chores which are permitted for the first week then gradually increasing their usual activities and social engagements the following week and the one after that. Although it varies according to their pre-operation physical condition, its possible to return to normal life and work after 2-4 weeks.

43) When can I resume physical activities such as work out?

Sporting activities, such as swimming, yoga, and light sporting activities, can be resumed after 3-4 weeks. As far as the more energetic sporting activities (skiing, tennis, football, basketball, sailing,and underwater fishing), it is better to wait for at least 6 weeks post surgery.

44) When will I be able to resume my sexual activity (intercourses)?

Sexual intercourse can be resumed after 2 weeks. However, it may depend on the persons comfort.

45) What about driving? When can I resume it?

Driving can be resumed after 2 weeks.

46) What do I need to do to prepare for a tummy tuck?

< p>Follow these helpful pre-surgery tips provided by Cosmetic Harmony to help decrease the risk of Abdominoplasty complications. Taking the necessary steps to properly prepare for surgery is the best way to ensure that you achieve all the benefits from your Tummy Tuck surgery. And, have a smooth Tummy Tuck recovery. Below are important factors to consider prior to Abdominoplasty surgery, including:

a well-balanced diet; whether youre a smoker; your exercise level; your other medical problems, if any; your use of medications, if any; and the need to arrange for someone to take care of you following surgery.

Maintaining a well-balanced diet is central to preparing for any type of surgery. Providing your body with the proper nutrients helps to strengthen your immune system, which will result in a faster recovery. Taking a multivitamin may be helpful in some cases, but be sure to discuss this with your doctor first. Some vitamins that are normally good for the body may increase the likelihood of deep scarring or produce an otherwise inhibited healing process. It is important that you avoid vitamin E intake for about two weeks prior to undergoing surgery, as vitamin E can interfere with blood clotting. Under normal circumstances this helps decrease an individuals likelihood of contracting heart disease, but in the context of surgery it can lead to hemorrhaging. Wheat germ, nuts, and some vegetable oils contain the largest amounts of vitamin E.

Candidates for Abdominoplasty should be as close to their ideal weight as possible before the Tummy Tuck is performed. Obese patients are generally poor candidates for Abdominoplasty as they are at higher risk for complications during the post-surgical healing process. Eat a well-balanced diet and safeguard your health by losing the weight prior to getting a tummy tuck.

Stop Smoking!

Smoking increases the risk of surgical complications, whatever the surgery. S moking decreases the amount of oxygen that is circulated to your skin cells by constricting your skins blood vessels. Less oxygenated skin cells have a slower healing response. If you smoke, your surgeon will probably recommend that you stop smoking at least two weeks before your Tummy Tuck is scheduled. Even then, smokers are at increased risk compared to non-smokers. Nicotine patches or gum should not be used to take the place of cigarettes or cigars as they also are associated with increased complications.

Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is helpful in preparing for Abdominoplasty surgery. By exercising, you increase your metabolic rate and build muscle mass, which helps you to avoid gaining weight during the sedentary Tummy Tuck recovery time. A strong heart promotes a faster immune response thus speeding up your Abdominoplasty recovery so be sure to include plenty of aerobic exercise in your fitness regime.

One risk faced by Tumm y Tuck patients is the formation of blood clots in the legs. Your doctor will usually recommend that you take gentle walks during your recovery process to decrease the likelihood of experiencing this complication. However, having strong, well-toned leg muscles prior to surgery will help your body combat the formation of blood clots during the initial day or two after surgery, when you are unable to move or will be moving with difficulty.

Another reason to exercise before undergoing Tummy Tuck surgery is that the best Abdominoplasty candidates are within 15 percent of their ideal weight. Abdominoplasty can lead to dramatic improvements to the appearance of people with small, but stubborn, fat deposits and loose, sagging skin around the belly area. It is not, however, necessarily the best choice for seriously overweight patients. Losing a lot of weight after an Abdominoplasty can also undermine Tummy Tuck results, leading to the need for further surgery to reshape the abdominal skin. Those whose weight prevents them from being good candidates for Abdominoplasty may wish to consider the possibility of liposuction instead.


47) Does an Abdominoplasty leave obvious scars?

With a full tummy tuck, the horizontal incision is placed along the upper end of the pubic hair and extended toward the love handles or hips. It is importan t to discuss with the surgeon the design of the preferred underwear in order to make a strategically positioned incision. In most cases it is possible to put the incision in a position which will be covered by the patients preferred underwear or swimsuit.

48) Where the mini Tummy Tuck incision is made?

During a Mini-Abdominoplasty, the plastic surgeon makes an incision that generally spans only the width of the pubic area, similar to a C-section incision. In both procedures, patients with excessive fat in the hips and flanks may have liposuction to contour these areas. However, liposuction is not recommended in the areas of the abdomen that are being stretched because this could cause damage to the blood circulation in those areas, leading to scarring or even skin loss.

49) Is there a difference in the size of the scars between the mini Tummy Tuck and the full tummy tuck?

The amount of skin excised with the Tummy Tuck determines the length of the scar. For a full tummy tuck, a large amount of skin is removed and the resulting scar is usually from hip to hip. On the other hand, the scar resulting from a mini Tummy Tuck may be one half the size of a full tummy tuck. The size and location of the scar is planned with the patient based on their individual anatomy and desires.

50) Will the Tummy Tuck incision leave scars on my abdomen? Will I be able to use a two piece bathing suites without concerning about scars?

During Mini-Abdominoplasty (mini tummy tuck), the plastic surgeon makes an incision that generally spans only the width of the pubic area, and that is similar to a C-section incision. As with most surgical procedures, scars do result from tummy tucks. Typically, surgical scars appear to worsen during the first few months following a Tummy Tuck - this is normal. In some Tummy Tuck cases it may take up to a year before most scars flatten out and li ghten in color. While scars never disappear completely, Tummy Tuck scars are placed in areas that will subsequently be covered by clothes, two piece bathing suits, etc. A skilled plastic surgeon makes this incision so that the resulting scar is hidden under a bikini or by undergarments.

51) Is there anything I can do to reduce scarring or bruising?

For the first or two days after surgery most doctors recommend that you have as much rest as possible. Some patients feel that applying vitamin E or Aloe Vera to the scar may help. If you apply these creams do not rub the scar for about six weeks because you can damage the fragile new tissue. If you have tapes or stitches in place, do not use any cream or lotion unless instructed.

52) Can I have the scars removed by laser?

The cars can not be removed by laser. The scars will, however, fade with time but do not disappear.

53) How should I take proper ca re of cosmetic surgery incisions?

You will have steri strips over the incisions for the first four-to-six weeks after surgery. Once the steri strips come off, our team of doctors recommends Mepiform. It is a silicone sheeting that aids in the healing process of your scars. You will wear the Mepiform for approximately three months.

54) Would I have drains after surgery?

Drains may be used to evacuate fluid that is produced under the skin; they are generally removed the week after your Tummy Tuck surgery. This allows the skin and superficial tissues to adhere faster to the underlying muscle and fibrous tissue. At Cosmetic Harmony the patients who minimize activity in the week following surgery are frequently able to remove their drains sooner.

55) Would I have to remove sutures or staples?

Most of the sutures that are used to close the incisions are absorbable and do not require removal, but there i s also one long suture that needs to be removed 20 days after surgery. If the patient is flying back home before this date, the doctor will instruct the patient on how to do it at home in one single step. Our physicians do not use staples, so there won't be any hatch marks. It also may vary in some cases so consult your plastic surgeon.


56) Can men benefit from Abdominoplasty?

Yes, there are now many men taking advantage of Abdominoplasty for treating a large and protruding stomach or excess fat in the abdomen region.

The following instances are reasons men can significantly benefit from Abdominoplasty. Frequent or dramatic changes in weight can cause the abdominal muscles to weaken, the skin to sag, and stretch marks to appear for men. In many cases, however, simple aging is the primary reason behind the flabby midsection that is the source of frustration and disappointment for many men. As we age, fat redistributes itself to the abdominal area. For many men, exercise alone cannot produce the slim, fit, and youthful looking result they desire.

57) How common is Tummy Tuck surgery for men?

Thus, a Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) can help patients achieve their ideal figure following a successful program of diet and exercise.

58) Does a male Tummy Tuck differ from a female tummy tuck?

Yes. Because Abdominoplasty is a form of body contouring, a male Tummy Tuck differs from a female Tummy Tuck in that the surgeon is trying to achieve a very different body aesthetic. Further details of the procedure are noted below.

59) How is the male Tummy Tuck procedure performed?

Abdominoplasty surgery for men is usually an outpatient procedure, performed under general or local anesthesia and sedation. In a traditional male Tummy Tuck procedure, an incision is made in the lower abd omen from hip to hip, and a second incision is made to reposition the navel. The abdominal muscles are tightened and excess skin is removed. The remaining skin is stretched to create a firmer, tighter abdomen.

Mini Tummy Tuck: In an endoscopic / partial, or "mini," male tummy tuck, less skin is removed, and the navel is left intact. A smaller incisional scar is left behind, and the recovery time is shorter compared to the full male Abdominoplasty. Liposuction can also be performed at the same time to remove any excess fat from the area. During the endoscopic tummy tuck, small incisions are made and using a small camera device, the surgeon tightens the abdominal area. No skin is removed in this procedure and it is less invasive than other Tummy Tuck procedures. Full Male Tummy Tuck: The full male Tummy Tuck procedure takes approximately two-to-five hours and the partial male Abdominoplasty requires one-or-two hours to complete. Extended Tummy Tuck: In an extended tummy tuck, the surgical incision extends around the patients flanks, and the treatment area is expanded to include the love handles and upper hips.

To determine which type of Tummy Tuck might be most appropriate in your case, consult a surgeon in your area or send pictures to for a Free Consultation and Quote.

60) What are the benefits of the Tummy Tuck for Men?

Male Tummy Tuck surgery (or male Abdominoplasty) can improve the appearance of the abdominal region through the removal of excess skin and tightening of the abdominal muscles. For the best results, male Abdominoplasty should be teamed with a balanced diet and regular exercise. A common and highly successful Tummy Tuck surgery can create a tighter and flatter abdominal area for men, as well as provide a boost in confidence and a new, more youthful contour.




Angelina Cooper, Cosmetic Surgery Consultant


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