Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Right Hcg Diet Plan For Your Wellness

Dr. Simeons recommended an HCG protocol that he developed after a long and extensive research. HCG diet plan consists of regular intakes of the hormone HCG along with 500 calories per day plan. The reason why 500 calories per day and why not 800 calories per day? 500 calories per day are required because your body is already busy in burning calories from stored fats in your body to gain energy necessary for your body. To obtain desired results and the level of 500 calories per day, you need to eat specific types of food and also you need to avoid certain foods.

So the point is what are those healthy foods which are not only recommended by physicians but also provide the required energy to your body.

It is crucial to note that apart from first three days, HCG diet plan do not allow you to eat everything you like. In first three days, also known as phase one of HCG diet plan, a dieter is free to anything in whatever amount quantity he likes. Other than these first days be ready to eat less and get more. Usually

HCG diets recipes are made with food with are rich in fiber and protein but these have a minimum quantity of calories. Both of these two essential ingredients if found in any food, are helpful in maintaining a healthy body. Protein helps you to build muscles instead of fats and do not forget fiber which helps you to get rid of most of the toxic material from your body.

In an HCG diet plan, water plays a vital role in achieving desired goals. It is particularly essential for you to understand the value of water and you also need to understand how much water you need in order to reach your weight loss goals while on HCT diet plan or any other weight loss program.

Water is mainly responsible for excretion of waste from the bowel and kidneys. Water helps in digestion and absorption of nutrients in any food. It becomes more salient when you are taking a low-calorie diet. Proper intake of water will ensure maintaining of the proper nourishment required by tissues and various organs of the body.

Likewise, if you are following any HCG diet plan, your breakfast, lunch and dinner all should consist of food with a certain amount of protein. For example, you should take organic fed beef or veal or organic skinless chicken breast. Many HCG diet plans also includes few vegetables such spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, and cabbage, as well. Make sure that you do not add oil or any other fat when you cook these vegetables.

Learn more about HCG Diet Plan.

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