Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Top 10 Ways to Get A Supermodel Figure - Health - Weight Loss

It doesn't take fame or a lucrative modeling contract to pull off the top 10 ways to get a supermodel figure. Even the average woman can achieve the much coveted whistle-bait model's physique which really doesn't require superhuman abilities or the services of a celebrity trainer. Transforming the body into a svelter figure doesn't only help a woman become more attractive to the opposite sex, but it can also help her achieve good health and wellness. Becoming model thin and gorgeous, however, should be taken into proper perspective. Attaining a toned yet ideal 'model' figure suited to one's body type will require determination and some techniques.

1. ZAP OUT NEGATIVITYOftentimes what derails or discourages a woman from succeeding in her weight loss goal is negative mentality. A supermodel body cannot materialize if the mind isn't really keen on the idea. Self-defeating thoughts that only promote insecurities or self-doubt are likely to affect a person's motivation.

2. 'STRUT' LIKE A MODELThe top models from around the world have one other thing in common besides an eye-catching physique--they also exude confidence and the drive to be the best at their trade.

3. TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT THE MIRROR This may seem like a simple task, yet a lot of women are afraid to go in front of a full-length mirror. This is primarily because they compare what they see before them from what they've gleaned from the TV and magazines where ramp models are captured in their most flattering angles. A woman has to identify areas of her body that need work, decide the right body weight for her and the approaches necessary to bring the desired results.

4. HOP ON THE SCALEMany people are terrified of reality. But the only way to make the 'ideal' real is to gain awareness of the body's status quo so that persons can make realistic expectations for themselves. For all they know the task at hand might be easier than it seems.

5. THE ART OF COMPROMISEAn important element behind the top 10 ways to get a supermodel figure is making smart choices. If slimming down might mean losing a lot of weight and not just doing simple exercises to tone some problem areas, then a person has to know and apply weight loss basics first. Creating a calorie deficit conducive to losing weight doesn't have to mean extreme exercising and dieting that eliminates calories across the board; otherwise, the body will go on starvation mode and start storing fat to compensate for the lack of calories necessary for energy.

6. EATING WELLModels eat, and many of them actually enjoy the experience. Gone are the days when the 'waif' look was in, which was never a model body type for the general public. Eating a well-balanced meal prepared in a healthy way is a fundamental rule that a lot of supermodels follow faithfully. Crash or fad diets may work at first, but in the long run they can actually foil one's plans instead of aiding them.

7. TALK TO THE DOCTOR OR DIETICIANSome people may need the guidance of their doctor or health care provider before embarking on a weight loss program--which is the case for women with preexisting health needs or injury.

8. A CHEAT DAYEven models indulge in candy or pizza once in a while. The trick is to allocate a day in a week when a woman can satisfy her cravings, without going overboard. A cheat day can also be in the form of shopping or any other activity that can be regarded as a 'reward' for a job well done.

9. INCREASED PHYSICAL ACTIVITYSports Illustrated supermodels are the apotheosis of form and function--not only do they have well-toned bodies, but because they are in best shape of their lives, they're also agile, flexible and resistant to injury. Exercise is the key.

10. DOCUMENT, INSPIRE AND SHARESometimes sharing a weight loss journey with one another helps women achieve their goals collectively. In the end, a great way of celebrating the success of the top 10 ways to get a supermodel figure is doing 'model' pictorial as token of one's achievements--and as a visual reminder to never go back to a body that's out of shape.

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