Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Why Beauty Treatments Fail

Do you know why babies are so adorable? They need beauty to survive! Babies cannot live without an adult's support, and therefore need an adult's love to ensure their support. This is perhaps the easiest and most obvious way to show that beauty is for survival and not just for fun only.

How about in the business world? Sure, its not politically correct to say that you hire someone based on their looks, but it's almost always the first impression that sticks in your head and someone who is more attractive will always be more memorable.

How about money? Beautiful women tend to have a higher salary and better chances for a promotion. Handsome men -- not as much as beautiful women, but it still has its benefits.

Of course beauty is a big advantage in a bedroom for love. Want to know the secret of how men and women are choosing their beloved ones?

10236 Charing Cross Road, Los Angeles, California. A 50 million dollar Gothic - Tudor style house, built by architect Arthur R. Kelly in 1927, with a secret room, called the "Elvis Presley" suite. This room is famous not for its art collection or furniture, paintings or sculptures. This suite is special because when Elvis Presley stayed there, he spent a night with at least 8 women. Now the house is occupied with an aging Hugh Hefner, the Playboy boss, who is still surrounded by young beautiful girls. They are much younger than Mr. Hefner, but they are still enjoying his company. Why?

This now well-known fact remained a mystery for many years. Until 1999, when

Harvard scientist Frank Marlowe came up with the unusual explanation of this

behavior. According to him a woman can chose an extraordinary man, much older then she is, because even an aging men are fertile. Because with their experience and tools, they can compete with much younger males. The benefit is: young males have very tough competition, and women have much more choices.

What about the way men look? Does it matter for women? Sure it does. To find the truth scientists decided to find out if it is a masculine type of man, or feminine type, that women find more attractive. What they did not know was: both, but not at the same time.

When women are in fertile part of their cycle, they prefer masculine looking men. When they are in infertile part of their cycle -- feminine looking. Does it mean, that it is really women, not men, who choose? Or does it mean that infidelity is the inherent women's feature, because they need different men at different times of their cycle?

Men chose women differently: they want fertile women. In other words -- young. But how do they determine?

Full breasts, low waste to hip ratio, long legs, symmetric face, big eyes, small nose, body mass index -- all play their roles. But remember: they pick up young females! Therefore how do they decide? By "signals of youth" which are: clear and smooth skin, big and shiny eyes, full red lips, long fair hair and firm high breasts.

Marilyn Monroe, is perhaps the most famous example of this. But is this for only movie stars? What about ordinary women?

It is about 1350 BC. Ancient Egypt. The young Queen Nefertiti is about to pose for a famous sculptor Thutmose, who is going to make her bust. Suddenly Nefertiti notices that her eye liner is not perfect. To fix it she takes eyeliner and applies it to her eyes.

Now she looks perfect. That is how we know her -- from famous Nefertiti bust.

But she was not the one who used cosmetics to enhance her beauty. Cosmetics were cheap, readily available for ordinary people and easy to use. But the problem with cosmetics was: it was sometimes toxic. To get the desired effect they may put in Parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and other toxins. And cosmetics cannot do that much to cover deep wrinkles and skin folds, lift up the sagging skin or change the shape of the nose. That is why they came up with plastic cosmetic surgery.

When do you think first plastic surgery was performed? 100 years ago? 200?

According to legend, the first plastic surgery was done by Lord Shiva in India 4000 years ago, when he attached an elephant's head to his son's body 5. The first medical manual, including plastic surgery description, was written by great Indian doctor Sushruta in the 3rd or 4th century AD. Even then they knew how to make skin graft to cover damaged skin areas. Since then plastic cosmetic surgery improved significantly. Plastic surgeons now can do a facelift for you, reshape your nose, eyelids, checks, chin, breasts, buttock, tummy, penis, vagina, etc. About 12 million cosmetic surgeries were done in the US in 2008. This means, that it is very popular because it is very effective.

But it is very expensive. Because the average cosmetic surgery price is about from$2,000-$8,000 6.

June 2007, Beverly Hills California. Prominent scholar and professor Dr. Donda West, the mother of a famous American rapper, singer, and record producer Kanye West, decides to reshape her body.

She goes to a Beverly Hill's plastic surgeon, Dr. Andre Aboolian, and requests a tummy tuck and breast reshaping. However the surgeon refuses to do the procedures. Therefore she goes to another Beverly Hillsplastic surgeon, who was the host of a few TV plastic surgery shows, Dr. Jan Adams, who agrees to do the procedures.

The next day after procedures were done, Donda West died because of "coronary artery disease and multiple post-operative factors due to or as a consequence of liposuction and mammoplasty".

Looks like it does not matter how much money you pay and how famous the surgeon is.

What could be the reason that women may chose such dangerous ways to improve their beauty? Because men are looking for "signals of youth" -- clear smooth skin, big clear eyes, etc. And the older a man is, the younger the woman he is looking for. Therefore women have to use beauty treatments not to lose a man's attention. And they do.

According to US Labor Department Beauty salons treatments will increase 14% in 2006 -- 2016. But it seems not to make women more beautiful and men more handsome.

Because most of the beauty treatments like facials, massage, masks, eventually fail. They are simply temporary. Medical treatments, like Botox and Restylane are more effective, but still do not last long either. So how does it happen, that with all our technology, internet, supercomputers and men in the space we still cannot make our women beautiful, safely and easily?

Suppose your car is broken. Can they fix it if they do not know what is broken? Or you need to open a safe. Don't you first have to find out the code? The same thing applies to beauty treatments: first you have to find out the main problem, the root cause. Because if you do not your beauty treatment most likely fail.

It all started with San Francisco ophthalmologist Dr. Scott in 1960, who started using deadly botulism toxin to treat excessive contractions of eyelids and squinting in 1973. This particular poison turned out to be very effective and incredibly safe. But in 1986 Scott's Botox supplies were exhausted because even with its proven safety its micro manufacturer could not get liability insurance. Not that many patients, not that much money. Can you imagine patients who got their eyes back, but were now facing huge problems again because the drug was no longer available? They were desperate.

Looked like no solution is sight. Tragedy seemed to be imminent.

The salvation came unexpectedly.

1987, Vancouver, Canada. Ophthalmologist Dr. Jean Carruthers is seeing one of her patients treated with Botox. Suddenly she notices that the patient's skin between eyes is unusually smooth and wrinkle free. She immediately calls her husband, dermatologist Dr. Alastair Carruthers, who confirms her observation. After that it is all was going pretty fast. Much faster than for blepharospasm of strabismus treatments.

In 1989, a Sacramento California plastic surgeon Dr. Richard Smith publishes an article in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. In December 1989, the FDA approves Allergan manufactured Botox for use for blepharospasm, strabismus and hemifacial spasm.

Suffering patients were saved. On April 15, 2002 FDA approves Botox for temporary frown lines relief.

It took them 49 years to approve Botox for medical purposes, but it was only 15 years to approve it for cosmetic purposes. That is how a very effective beauty treatment was born. That is how we are able now to fix one of the most common beauty problems -- excessive muscle pull. But sometimes Botox may not be suitable to fix this problem.

Then what we may have to do is wrinkle release procedure, when we cut the connection between the skin and muscle.

Another beauty problem is loss of volume, when with age our subcutaneous fat is gone.

What happens next -- our skin starts sagging. But age is not the only reason for

subcutaneous fat loss. Trauma and inflammation are the other reasons.

1893. Germany. Dr. Franz Neuber is thinking of how to help a patient is his, who is suffering from cheek bone inflammation. Because of cheek bone volume loss, his face looks horrible. The damage looks permanent and irreparable. But suddenly a weird thought comes to Dr. Neuber's mind: what if he can take some fat from the patient's hand and put it into patient's face for fill up the defect? Dr. Neuber takes the patient to the operating room and does the world's first fat transplant for cosmetic purposes. Soon another German physician Dr. Karl Czerny does fat transplant to repair a damaged breast. Since then fat transfer became very popular. They now use it for hands and face to make them looks smooth and youthful. Fat transfer is also used for buttocks and breasts reshaping.

But fat is not the only one used. Silicon, collagen (Zyplast, Zyderm), calcium hydroxyapatite (Radisse), polylactic acid (Sculptra) -- all of them along with fat are used as fillers. But the most commonly used filler is a natural skin component - hyaluronic acid. Everybody is aware of Restylane and/or Juvederm, right? They are made from hyaluronic acid. But why so many of them and what is the difference? They may be permanent and temporary. Permanent sounds the best: take one treatment and you are done for the rest of your life. That is how a patient of mine thought, when she went to the specialist to inject permanent filler.

What she did not know was: her face would change. And what was good for her at that time would be bad in five years. Within five years her injection sites became very prominent and looked unnatural. Therefore I believe that hyaluronic acid based fillers like Restylane and Juviderm are the best.

Skin breakdown itself is a problem too. Skin loses its components because of hormones decline and lack of nutrients. It becomes damaged by sun and pimples.

Do you know what "Marilyn Monroe hormone" is? Estrogen is the one that

makes women look like she does. It is responsible for your skin. No estrogen - skin starts to get worse. But hormones are not enough. Your skin has to eat. It needs proteins, fats, vitamins, microelements and water. By eating healthy food you think you give your skin everything it needs. What you do not know is: because of soil fertilization you get 5 to 7 times less nutrients then you are supposed to.

Unless you eat organic food. But most of us do not. Moreover, we eat food we are not design to: grains, refined carbohydrates, milk, etc. What do carbohydrates do for your skin?

Clog your pores. What is the result? Pimples! Or acne. What is the first: micronutrients or carbohydrates? It is like trying to find out whether the chicken or the egg came first.

Sun is another problem. On one hand sun is necessary for vitamin D protection. The sun may prevent depression, sun wakes us up every day, sun tells us when to go to bed.

But how did it happen that sun is not a friend, but the enemy of your skin? It is like drinking water: if you drink water in moderate amount, you are ok, but if you drink gallons and gallons of water, your brain may swell and you may die.

The same is with the sun: it is good in moderation, before 9 AM and after 6 PM, when you get mostly UVA but not UVB. But sunbathing? At noon? Or visiting a tanning salon? I do not think it is natural. Have you ever seen monkey sunbathing on the beach?

Bottom like is simple:

1. Do not wait until it is too late! Your skin may be damaged to the extent that it cannot be repaired. Have you ever seen damaged cars in the junkyard? They cannot be repaired. The same may happen to your skin.

2. Find out what your problem is first: skin degradation, pimples, skin laxity, loss of volume or excessive muscle pull. Because if you do not, you may get the wrong

treatment you do not need.

3. Clean up your skin with facials and other skin treatments, unclog your pores. You clean your teeth every day, right? You clean your apartment or house every week, right?

Don't you think, that your face deserves to be cleaned at least once a month?

4. Give your skin the nutrients it needs now. Get nutritional masks and other skin

nutritional treatments. Do not let our skin starve. Because if you do, it may die.

5. Restore the elasticity and youthful skin texture by balancing your hormones, if you are suffering from skin degradation itself. Go to adoctor, who is specializing in hormone balancing.

6. Get rid of wrinkles because of excessive muscle pull, with Botox or a wrinkle release procedure.

7. Treat deep skin folds with fillers, preferably Restylane.

8. If you need a facelift, then a thread lift or plastic surgery may be the option.

9. Protect you skin from too much sun with a hat or umbrella.

After all - beautiful people earn more money.

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