Friday, February 1, 2013

A Look at Weight Loss Infomercials and how to choose the right one?

Only in America could billions of dollars be made selling weight loss products to people who need to shed a few extra pounds. In a world full of starving people, Americans seem to have emerged as a nation of overfed, under exercised fatties who can't put down that bag of potato chips, stop eating that ice cream or refuse that second (or third?) helping of pasta. America's weight problem - historically solved by eating less and exercising more - had now proliferated a dizzying array of products. Celebrities, nutritionists, doctors, herbologists, hucksters and former fatties have come up with thousands of products designed to melt fat, reduce cravings for bad foods, block carbs, sugar and fat, lose pounds while you sleep, and more..

Many products claim that, as long as you take one of the pills, you can eat what you want and actually lose weight. There are diet plans, calorie counters, diet food cooked and delivered to your doorstep daily, dance and walk your way to weight loss, the hula weight loss program, the Brazilian weight loss program, the fat burning, belly reducing, balanced woman, unbalanced woman. You name it and it's on a weight loss infomercial. In fact, weight loss programs (separate from fitness programs and equipment, which may result in weight loss but are sold as ways to improve your appearance) account for more than 50% of all revenue generated in today's infomercials.

One of the most successful weight loss infomercials ever produced featured a product called Bio Slim. Created by Doctor Josh Leightberg, Bio Slim was a science-driven, medically sound program consisting of several herbal pills which when combined with a diet plan also created by Dr. Leightberg resulted in a changed metabolism, an improved digestive system and a stronger anti-immune system, all of which ultimately led to a steady, healthy weight loss. Following the success of Bio Slim, a steady stream of niche players, knockoff artists and entrepreneurs took to the airways with their twist, their hook, their product designed to produce quicker, easier results. One of them was the well known and extremely successful Fen-Phen diet, which was a combination of two herbs known to doctors and other professionals in the industry as herbal speed. While still legal at the time, the pills killed the appetite completely, created a euphoric state in the user and led to many problems in cluding heart attacks which led the FDA to ban the main substances from use in the USA.

Weight loss infomercials are so powerful and so successful that you have to be careful which products you choose to use. As with anything else in life, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. There really is no magic pill or substance that is going to let you sit on the couch and eat huge quantities of bad foods and make you lose weight without paying some kind of terrible price. I mention Bio Slim as an example of a stellar product designed by a professional doctor whose goal was to improve people's lives and make money. You could call a number given out to anybody who ordered Bio Slim and speak directly with Dr. Leightberg if you had questions or concerns about his product. That should tell you something about the man and the product he's putting his name on.

Another thing to look out for in weight loss infomercials are the add-ons. Popular diets like the Atkins diet which were not sold on infomercials, but became successful through book sales, interviews and word of mouth led to the creation of a whole host of products you didn't need that were designed to help you stay on or perform better while on the Atkins plan. Low carb foods and low/no carb candy imitations, sometimes ten times more expensive than their higher carb counterparts, flooded the airwaves. Pills designed to reduce the difficulties associated with the Atkins diet surfaced in infomercials. These items are usually designed by less than professional individuals looking to cash in on a craze they had nothing to do with in the first place.

With all those skinny supermodels made to look so good in fashion magazines, who wouldn't want to lose several pounds more? The show business industry also proves that those with amazing figures get to have a better chance at fame. Even our small neighborhood doesn't help so much either; overweight students may not get the best deals.

Most people are even going to extremes to achieve a great figure. They pay a high price for surgery. They take in some diet pills. Some even starve themselves to death just to loose several more pounds quickly.

However, achieving quick weight loss is rarely achievable without some major side effects. You might experience severe headaches or even a much more serious implication if you failed to give your body the enough nutrition it needs.

In this world, image is a very important thing, but you shouldn't sacrifice so much for it. There are easy and healthy weight loss programs that are available out there. Just a few more weight loss supplements should get you in perfect shape the soonest possible time.

Weight loss supplements could be synthetic or natural foods which you can take to ensure that you're still getting enough nutrients despite the fact that you're not eating much. Some supplements could also decrease your appetite by making you full longer. There are even some which can help you build strong muscles.

Are you familiar with GNC products? They used to be the most popular company that has an extensive selection of weight loss supplements. If anybody is into weight loss, he goes to a GNC store and would surely find the products he needs. GNC offers weight loss supplements to muscle builders. Whether you just need to shed off a few pounds or knock off a great deal of fat, you'll be able to find the perfect supplement to your diet.

Now, with more and more people wanting to get into TV or just needing to grab a little attention, the business for weight loss supplements grew to be a multi-billion dollar industry. In fact, you can find weight loss products from the internet, to a multi level marketing scheme, and of course, to your nearest drugstore.

Just try to go to your nearest supermarket, for example. You'll find a variety of delicious foods which could supplement your weight loss program. If you're craving for a bar of Hershey's, you might want to try some healthy food bars instead. There are pre packed health meals for your convenience.

With the accessibility of the internet, you could easily look for more information on other weight loss supplements. Searching world wide web is definitely a good way to start your weight loss programs. It could give you enough information for the right weight loss supplement to fit your needs.

Before you start taking in just any supplement, you have a few things to take into consideration. Get clearer and realistic goals. Ask yourself what you want to get accomplished. How many pounds do you want to shed off? Or maybe you just need to firm up some of your muscles? It would be best if you could ask the help of professionals in helping you decide what weight loss supplement is right for you.

You could also try out natural weight loss supplements or anorexiants. Since they come from a natural source, they could give you good results without any major side effects when used properly.

Since there seems to be so much weight supplements available, you might find it hard to know which ones are right for you. Advertisements of very thin girls and muscle packed guys should not easily sway you. Just be cautious enough in choosing the weight loss supplements you're going to use, or you might end up as a victim to a tremendous side effect.

You might usually encounter miraculous pills that promise great results in just a few days. If a product sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. Be careful not to fall for a fancy sales pitch. Most weight loss supplements just extract liquid for your body to make you look thinner.

This is not what we want. What we need is to eliminate real fat from our bodies in a healthy way. When you lose weight, make sure that you'll still be healthy enough to enjoy your new figure.

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