Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Future Of Hair Loss Treatments

Currently, the most effective way to treat hair loss is surgery. While there are many supplemental treatments, such as Rogaine, lasers and Propecia, no miracle cure is in sight. But what does the future hold? With incoming technologies such as genetic cloning and LED lights, a cure might not be too far off. Rob Angelino, the founder of hair loss clinic, HAIRLAB, sheds light on treatments.

What treatments are being developed or show promise?

There are quite a few technologies that I see in development at conferences that I find fascinating. The most interesting is genetic cloning which involves the actual multiplication of the follicle cells which grow hair. Right now, at the genetic level, companies are racing against each other to find the genetic silver bullet that will grow back hair. Some are turning to stem cells, which would be turned into hair growing follicle for implant an grow your own hair. I suspect that within five years we will see maj or breakthroughs in one of these areas. In 15 years, it might already be a common procedure. They might be able to take a tiny drop of blood from a client and do a genetic medical procedure that will create hair that is immune to DHT. There has been some success in testing but as of yet nothing dramatic. A couple of companies are claiming to have breakthroughs, but we have not seen a magic bullet yet.
There is also the possibility of platelet-rich injections, which would increase blood flow to the scalp, but who knows what will occur with stem cell research. So much can occur with these technologies.

Electro-stimulation is another possibility. They are working on radio waves that actually coax your hair into growing faster. LED lights are another treatement that is being tried as lasers are and show a lot of promise. In the end though, we will just have to see which one of these possibilities really pans out.

The information in the article is not intended to substitute for the medical expertise and advice of your healthcare provider. We encourage you to discuss any decisions about treatment or care with an appropriate healthcare provider.

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