Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mental Health questions and answers

I am alarmed to shower! assistance?
ok like its really stupid but i am fearful of showering because when i close my eyes to shampoo i think that some one or something is going to pop up and similar to stab me or do i stop It's not exactly stupid, but it probably...

What is the difference btw borderline sense of self disorder, the artistic temperament, and...?
...simply being notably sensitive--and needing to find better ways to have power over emotions, cope next to life, and interact next to others? I see a lot of overlapping here. Could bpd be the dismal side--or even immature side--of...

Help Me! Dr. told me that I may hold an anxiety disorder near my adhd so what the hell is an anxiety disorder?
he ask if my doses of conserta is helping me and I said it is shaky and he said that I might own an anxiety disorder also. I hold ADHD and also ""anxiety...

Why can't I remember anything?
I can never remember anything, I can never remember what I did yestarday, I don't remember what I did ultimate week, or even ending year. I remember positive events, things that own have an impact on my existence, bar that..Nothing. I can't even remember what I have for dinner final darkness....

Can my seven year frail enjoy adjectives adhd from her dads side of the loved ones?
im just courious to know that my 7 year antediluvian daughter has become a nightmare to cope next to shes a right little maddem who is always on the run and is totally incontrollable. she has adjectives the signs...

What are some things you can do to prevent stuttering?
Personally, my stuttering have better dramatically since childhood. As a child, while trying to gossip, I would stutter for I don`t know 15 second on a single word. Now, it's passageway better and I can almost avoid stu ttering adjectives together. My stutter is unusual because,...

Is she mental? Or am i basically jump the gun?
My husband has a child near a girl he had a one darkness stand with. When we first met we have broke off our relationship after 1 yr. In between that time he messed around near this girl & she got pregnant. He pays child...

I never sleep. i want give a hand?
i m 24 yrs old, married since 2 n partially years and i have a daughter (19 month old). i hold a very loving husband. everything seem to be alrite yet i enjoy fears of unknow future and i never sleep. when i bring back tiade...

I freshly started university, and i own insomnia at hours of darkness, my mom even give me two sleeping pills but i still woke?
up resembling at 3 surrounded by the morning and lay broad awake for close to two hours, i other excersize an hour or more everyday so that i can walk to sl eep...

Two effexor xr tablets?
Is taking two 75mg effexor xr tablets like as taking one 150mg xr tablet? sure is

Can you provide me your thoughts on Tom Cruise and his relation near scientology?
I reckon Tom Cruise has be *** with. Personally i dont enjoy a problem with scientology however i dont resembling the fact that he is goin around describing people that Psychiatry is useless and is the purpose for 9/11. I believe...
Anyone know anything more or less it? Try on here: Also:

How can I prove to my college that I can do it this time? (Adult ADHD)?
I am 25 and was just now diagnosed with a disorder similar to fully developed ADD inattentive type (it's a nonverbal learning disorder.) I enjoy an official dr.'s report. I own enrolled contained by and dropped out of...

Kay my life is unadulterated bad can not explain adjectives in one topic not satisfactory room. I have a heart condition wheelchair bound on oygen i own been brought subsidise to life so tons times in the hospital in a minute I am totally depressed please be nice and help me. There is more...

Am I crazy?
my mother think anxiety (I catch madness attacks when I'm within stressful situations.approaching driving s ometimes. is a chemical imbalance She tell me she requirements to be within denial of this. She doesn't resembling the view of medication and neither do I, but in that are days (PMS) when I obligation some sort of...

Http:// This Support group, Needs some strong ancestors. & can be strong & minister to others, ok, thats nice.

Old, depressed and bulky smoker?
I am 45, I have breathing problems and only just I have have no action at home, I seem to be to get tourettes when I educate at school, I quality like I enjoy become a joke to my students. My best years of my vivacity has olden me so...

What can I do to stop myself from self such an insecure creature?
Until just now I have thought that plentifully of the things I'd be insecure just about a few years ago have be deal next to, but recent events hold proved this otherwise. How would I stir give or take a few dealing beside...

How habitually do relatives beside bipolar disorder (manic depression) enjoy a symptom-free daylight?
I have bipolar II. I find that virtually every hours of daylight I have the symptoms of it. Sometimes they are extraordinarily acute, which can be extremely difficult, whilst other times they are very mild, but nevertheless still nearby (i.e....

Depression....on the brink of passing?
ok..this is whole life span i have other been a kid that keep all his emotion to himself...i dont like tto show my emotion just happieness because i am afraid of what others might deduce since i am a guy .....i have nvr have anyone i really trusted to...

Help me next to my public speaking problem?
Whenever I speak to the lead of a class, I run wheezing confidently. How do I correct this? Slow down. You're probably subconciously cause yourself to speak agency too like greased lightning due to nerves. Listen to yourself during the speech and if you can convey the...

Well for former times few weeks i haven't really feel close to myself (i've be kinda sad/depressed) and according to my friends i haven't be acting close to myself any (which i hadn't noticed). I infer i might know why but im not completely sure. There be a time closing year when i feel similar...

How can i be more friendly and smaller quantity tentative around culture ?
I want to be more friendly and socialize with citizens. I normally dont obtain to know people because i find nervous around them. How can i overcome this and communicate more with others ? join together some sporting clubs...

I suffer from hysterics attacks while driving and depression, I will be seeing my 3rd doctor in t he end 3 years?
On tomorrow. One doctor told me I'm not depressed seize over it, the 2nd told me since you invalidate and appt I can't aid you anymore, and she she told me contained by a...

How can i bring involved within speaking out for those next to consumption disorders?
i have be struggling through one and want to speak out for those who are also and help them through it. i want to be an promoter for loving your can i get involved try the 'beat' website they...

Help on depression....?
i think i am depressed- i know i am depressed. i own before cut myself but after i told my best friend the secretive, she made me promise not to do it again. i really do not know what to do at this point. i guess i kinda wanna live but... oh,...

Lamictal cause mouth & tongue to carbuncle?
I've be taking Lamictal for in the region of 2 weeks in a minute. I star ted at 25mg a morning for a week, am very soon taking 25mg 2x a time for the second week. I am also taking 150mg Effexor (since just about March). I notice...

I am sddicted to affliction!?
i am addicted to misery! I dont deem that to be precise run of the mill and i dont know what to do i other crave it but i NEVER self inflict affliction upon myself! I will own up it that i am a clut and break things constintilly! Mostly from...

How can i swot how to meditate ?
some yoga classes have deeply good courses on meditation and here very relaxing. Get some relaxing meditation music as resourcefully. That helps seriously with meditation.

Good question to ask a Home Intensive Treatment Team worker please?
want some well-mannered concept please! How oodles times year / week will you be coming round? Can we get together surrounded by any other places? What are you coming to see me fo r? Is it to monitor my mental strength, oversee medication taking, or...

More Mental Health questions please visit :

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Coconut Oil For Good Health

Were you aware that, in health food terms, Coconut oil is currently the hot topic of the moment, many researchers and medics, all around the globe claiming it to be the wonder oil everybody needs to consume, even though it is high in saturated fat.

The Western world used to see such fats as very unhealthy, so butter and lard and coconuts gained a really bad reputation, everyone encouraged to eat polyunsaturated fats or margarine instead, which a great many people globally took to heart. Oddly, and perhaps not surprisingly global populations have become fatter and sicker from use of the unsaturated fats, so a re-think became necessary.

Natural saturated fats such as coconut oil have been used, traditionally, in many world cultures, but the preference these days, for seed oils and refined oils, is leading to an epidemic of global obesity, because so much is used f processed foods, sespecially so-called vegetable oils.

There never was any scientific foundation for the bad name given to coconut oil, and while olive oil may well be the healthiest monosaturated fat one can buy, tasty and suitable for almost every diet, it is not the only healthy alternative, the health and fitness industry again turning to the many benefits of the wonderful natural fat contained within that coconut oil..

Made up primarily of medium chain fatty acids, the oil in question is known to increase metabolism and promote actual weight loss, also raising basal body temperatures during the increases caused to the metabolism, great news for sufferers of low thyroid function. Since the main ingredient of this oil is lauric acid, it becomes even more beneficial to the consumer.

These coconut oil ingredient medium-chain fats are very much like those in mothers milk, with nutritional values and health benefits first realized in Ayurvedic medicine many hundreds of years in the past. Researchers have at last discovered a common link indicating that mothers milk and coconut oil have miraculous healing powers attributable to them both.

Using coconut oil in cooking is good in several ways, the fats in it having anti microbial properties fighting bacteria, fungi, and parasites, causing indigestion problems, as well as helping absorb o nutrients lik vitamins, minerals and amino acids. II is also helpful tocardiovascular health, lauric acid helping prevent various heart problems.

It would appear thatmodern medicine now confirms coconut oil treatment for many conditions, provide a wide range of health benefits:

Modern medical science is now confirming the use of coconut in treating many conditions. Published studies in medical journals show that coconut, in one form or the other, may providing a wide range of health benefits, that include helping protect the body from breast, colon, and other cancers, as well as providing a nutritional source of quick energy.

The new wonder kid on the health food block is really an old-timer making a comeback, butit is a relief to kow that those practitioners of ancient medicine were in some respects right on the money when it came to natural cures. Substitute the olive oil you cook with for the coconut oil instead, and the diet you work so hard to get right might just start paying out in a big way, as you burn up more body fat, just because you changed over.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Benefits of Coconut Oil

Before World War II, coconuts and coconut oil were the mainstay of the diet in the Philippines. Such diseases as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, thyroid problems etc. were unheard of. The main illnesses they had to contend with were the common tropical diseases such as malaria, dengue fever etc. Coconut oil was also the oil of choice in the Western hemisphere, including the United States, for baking and cooking.After World War II Western medical scientists mistakenly identified saturated fat, the main fat in coconut oil, as a health hazard and, without the benefit of long term testing, promoted the use of vegetable oils in order to prevent heart disease. To give these oils a longer shelf life and to provide the same consistency as saturated fats for baking, the oils were hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated.

As heart disease and diabetes increased in the Western hemisphere, more tests and studies were conducted and found that hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated vegetable oil formed trans fatty acids. Trans fatty acids are not found in nature, they are manmade and they adversely affect the human body and its health. Further studies showed that the vegetable oils provided an undesirable Omega 6 fatty acid ratio to Omega 3 fatty acid, which is a further threat to health and can cause weight gain as well as deterioration in heart health and the immune system.

Saturated fats were found to contain medium chain fatty acids or medium chain triglycerides (MCTs for short) as opposed to the long chain fatty acids contained in vegetable oils. The body uses MCTs for energy, but stores long chain fatty acids as fat. This may well be the reason people in the tropics who eat a diet high in coconut oil are not prone to obesity or diabetes.

The medium-chain fats in coconut oil are similar to fats in mothers milk and have similar nutriceutical effects. These health effects were recognized centuries ago in Ayurvedic medicine. Modern research has now found a common link between these two natural health products----their fat or lipid content. The medium chain fatty acids and monoglycerides found primarily in coconut oil and mothers milk have miraculous healing power. Outside of a human mothers breast milk, coconut oil is natures most abundant source of lauric acid and medium chain fatty acids. The Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil

* Saturated fatty acids constitute at least 50 percent of cell membranes. They give our cells necessary firmness and integrity. * They play a vital role in the health of our bones. For example, at least 50 percent of our dietary fats need to be saturated for calcium to be effectively incorporated into the skeletal structure. * They lower Lp(a), a substance in the blood that indicates proneness to heart disease. * They protect the liver from the toxic effects of alcohol and certain drugs. * They enhance the immune system. * They are needed for the proper utilization of essential fatty acids. Elongated omega-3 fatty acids are better retained in the tissues when the diet is rich in saturated fats. * Saturated 18-carbon stearic acid and 16-carbon palmitic acid are the preferred foods for the heart, which is why the fat around the heart muscle is highly saturated. The heart draws on this reserve of fat in times of stress. * Short- and medium-chain saturated fatty acids have i mportant antimicrobial properties. They protect us against harmful microorganisms in the digestive tract.

In addition to all this, coconut oil makes a great moisturizer. It is soothing and emollient to the skin, absorbs completely without leaving an oily film, and may even have some degree of SPF.

Before you go out and buy coconut oil for your healthy diet, heres one word of caution. The coconut oil must be either virgin coconut oil, or if you dont like the taste of coconut, expeller pressed coconut oil. If the oil remains solid in temperatures up to 92 degrees F it is hydrogenated and not advisable for human consumption. Also avoid refined coconut oil as it is extracted with toxic chemicals. Even though most of the chemical is removed after refining, some can remain and over time will build up in your system. The refining process may also change the molecular structure of the oil, although I dont have any research to prove that.

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Herbal Advice for the Beginner

Over the past several years, there has been an exciting change happeningin America...a movement toward using more and more natural therapies and remedies to help treat health problems either in place of, or in addition to conventional Western medicine. The natural healing world is gaining increasing acceptance by the world at large, and many skeptics are finding that it's not all just "snake oil" after all! Scientific studies are finally being conducted on herbs and other natural forms of treatment, and one can find articles or reports on news shows about "alternative healing" just about every day. Most people have heard of herbs like Echinacea, St. John's Wort, Ginseng, and Golden Seal, and the ads abound on TV, radio, and in magazines for these products.

While it is wonderful that we have finally rediscovered the natural healing wisdom of our ancestors on a broad scale, it can also get very confusing to sort through all of the information (and misinformation) available to the general public on this topic. The average person doesn't know where to begin or what to believe when it comes to trying to help themselves with natural methods. This is not surprising, when even the "experts" in this field don't always completely agree with each other about methods and treatments for disorders! And since the research is still so new, there are many conflicting studies reported in the news by reporters who have no education or experience on this topic, and the science behind the herbs is still inconclusive in many ways. The fact is that they still don't know why or how the herbs work, even though they may isolate certain chemical constituents from these plants, theorizing that these are the chemicals that are the "most" important, it i s only theory. Just as they have still not identified all of the hundreds of health-promoting chemical constituents in fruits, vegetables, and grains, the same holds true for the health-promoting properties of herbs.

Yet people are interested in learning more about the use of herbs; just about everyone has either used some herbs themselves, or know someone who has. Some have been very successful, some have gotten no results at all, and unfortunately, some have even made their health worse by using herbs that are not right for them, or by using inferior quality brands. In this field especially, the old saying, "you get what you pay for" could not be more apt. There are hundreds of naturalbrands and products popping up every day, pharmaceutical companies cashing in on the wave of popularity (they advertise these herbs as being so incredibly helpful, well then, how come they didn't offer these choices a long time ago?), and thousands of other individuals trying to make the quick buck, and generally, the cheaper they are in cost, the less effective they will be. Indeed, random tests of some of these products indicate many discrepancies between what is printed on the label and what is insid e of the bottle. There may not be the same milligrams of the herb that is presented on the label, all of the chemical constituents that the herb should have may not be present, or might be in lower concentrations than what should be there, indeed, sometimes they find that the herb listed on the label is not present at all! The product could contain all kinds of fillers and synthetic materials, dirt, and worse, they have even found toxic substances such as lead and arsenic and other pesticides! So, some of these brands that people are using to help them get well could actually be harmful to their health.

It is very important to use high-quality brands and high-quality bulk herbs, and for this you generally need to be willing to pay a little more. Treating something like endometriosis requires an investment of money that would be higher than just trying to treat a cold or flu, but it can be well worth it in the long run. The "cheaper", lower quality herbs will really end up being a total waste of money in the long run, because you will not get anywhere near the same results, if indeed you get any results at all, and as stated above, you might even end up feeling worse! "Dietary supplements", as most of these herbs are labeled in accordance with the FDA, are not regulated by the FDA or any other governmental agency at this point, hence, the many unscrupulous business practices mentioned above are rampant in this field. Personally, I do not WANT the government involved, as I don't think that they do a very good job with what they allow in to this country and what they don't. Just one of the hundreds of examples would be aspartame (nutra-sweet). This product is simply poisoning the American public, causing many different health problems and even death, it contains neuro-toxins that are extremely dangerous to consume. It does not help anyone to control their weight either, as it increases your cravings for carbohydrates, it would be better to use white sugar than to use this toxic substance! But, the FDA just pushed it right on through, despite testing and research that indicated it was dangerous, and this is just one of many dangerous substances that they have "okayed" for the general public to use, while denying us access to other drugs and substances that have been found to be very useful, saying that "not enough research" has been conducted, they don't "trust" other countries and their ways of scientific testing. In reality, it's really just a matter of politics and power, and the American people suffer in the meantime.

So, when people are beginning to use herbs, it is important to know something about them first. Just because a product is "natural" doesn't necessarily mean that it's totally harmless. Anyone with high blood pressure, heart problems or irregularities of any kind, diabetes, or in extremely weakened body conditions should generally stay away from "stimulant" herbs, such as Ma Huang/Ephedra and caffeine-containing herbs such as Guarana and Kola Nut. It is also recommended to avoid these kinds ofnatural stimulants if you are taking prescription medications like anti-depressants or thyroid medications. If you are taking blood thinning medications, then you would also want to avoid herbs such as kelp, alfalfa, barley greens, wheat grass and other "green" kinds of foods and herbs that have a high content of Vitamin K, as this will work against the medication, as you would also want to avoid herbs like White Willow that also have a thinning effect on the blood, and this might be t oo much when combined with the medications. Women who have extremely heavy periods or extended periods should generally avoid herbs like Dong Quai, and Damiana, at least during period times, as these can cause some women to bleed even more, but (logically enough) these herbs are generally very helpful for women who are not having enough periods or scanty periods. People who use prescription anti-depressants that want to switch to natural anti-depressants like St. John's Wort, Kava, and 5HTP (derived from the Griffonia bean) should be aware that a gradual weaning off from the medication is in order to allow time for the natural substance to "take over". If one were to just abruptly stop taking the medication, and then begin to use the natural version, they would probably find that they will "crash" mentally!

Herbs take time to start seeing any effects for the most part; they work by gradually cleansing, building, and strengthening the body systems and this does not happen overnight. They do not store in the body like drugs do, and they do not work by suppression as most drugs do, so one must be very patient and committed to sticking with a product for at least a couple of months to begin to see any positive changes. You generally need to take them every single day, a few times a day for them to work properly in the long run. It can be very hard in the beginning to try to remember to take all of the herbs as you should, but the more you commit yourself to sticking with the program, the more the positive results will start to occur, and this makes it much easier to remember your herbs! Before you know it, it will just be second nature and part of your lifestyle.Allergies to herbs are also something to consider when starting an herbal program. For instance, anyone with really bad ragweed allergies should generally avoid chamomile, Echinacea, and golden seal. People can be allergic to any substance under the sun, whether it's natural or synthetic, and unfortunately, sometimes the only way to find out if you have an allergy or sensitivity to an herb is to simply try it! The good part is that if you do find that you develop a lot of side effects or negative effects from using an herb, you can just stop taking it, and the herbs will be gone from your system within 24-48 hours and you will return to "normal" again. If you are a more sensitive individual and tend to have a lot of allergic reactions to things, it would be advisable to start very slowly with any herbs that you might decide to do, and try starting with weak tea forms of the herbs, as this is the most diluted form of herbal products to use. Try just one cup a day for a week or two to make sure that it will be something that you can tolerate before you start gradually increasing the amounts an d then eventually move on to stronger forms such as tinctures, liquid extracts, and capsules and tablets.

While I strongly advise anyone considering starting an herbal program to consult with qualified health care professionals first, this may be difficult to do. Many conventional doctors still do not know the first thing about herbs, and many are still advising their patients not to use ANY herbs or natural products as the scientific research is still not conclusive, and these natural substances could be very dangerous and harmful. This is absolutely outrageous when we all know that many prescription drugs are much more harmful and even deadly, yet these same doctors warning against the dangers of herbs seem to have no problem prescribing these synthetic substances for people! The fact is that there have been no reports of death or toxicity from the PROPER use of herbs, although as stated above, there are a few that certain individuals have no business using, and some that should not be used in excessive amounts. Thankfully, there are some doctors out there who are open to th e use of herbs, and are gradually educating themselves on the use of natural therapies, so if you can find one of these "holistic" doctors, by all means consult with them before you start using any herbs. You can also find help from practicing herbalists, naturopathic doctors (N.D.'s), homeopathic practitioners, holistic nurses, ayurvedic practitioners (the oldest form of healing from India), and TCM/acupuncturists (another extremely old healing practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine). You can also learn a lot by talking with owners of health food stores for the most part, although there are some that really don't know a whole lot, again, these would be individuals that are only in it for the money. Talk with others who have used herbs successfully and see where they go to buy their herbs, and you will generally find reliable help there.

But, what I would really like to see is people taking charge of their own health, and this means doing a lot of research yourself. It is so easy to put our health in other's hands, giving them all the responsibility and just following what they recommend, whether it's advice from a conventional doctor or advice from an herb store clerk! Then if it doesn't work, we can blame them and despair in our suffering.And what I find even worse is that if their advised treatments DO work, we assign that healing power to that doctor or store clerk and they become "gods" to us, never learning or tapping into the healing power that lies within each one of us, always vulnerable, always powerless to change our own health in our own ways. It is becoming increasingly obvious that the ways that most of us have been brought up to just go to the doctor when we are ill and they will take care of us is just not effective for the most part anymore. There are more and more cases of immune system b reakdowns happening than ever before (endometriosis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, diabetes, allergies, asthma, etc.), and Western Medicine just does not have very effective methods for treating these problems, hence, the return to more natural methods which do tend to be very effective in helping to treat these problems. So, it would be in our own best interest to find out about EVERY treatment that might be available for us to use for our own health, whether it's conventional or natural, and this means reading and studying as much as you can on the topic from both sides of the coin. YOU are the one who is ultimately responsible for your own health, and you must make the choices about what you will or won't do when it comes to healing and preventing illness. While this initially may be a scary thought for some, the more you allow yourself to learn about your particular health conditions, the more empowered you will become. When you finally learn that yo u have this power of knowledge, your mental outlook will improve dramatically, which will also be beneficial on your total health.

I hope that this helps to shed some light on the world of natural healing, and as always, if you would like to find more information on the use of herbs for endometriosis and related health problems, please visit my website at There are also many natural and some conventional healing sites and endo sites listed under Links. You can also join my "endonatural" mailing list by going to the Carol's Corner page and clicking on the "join endonatural" icon there. Once you join this mailing list, you have access to reading through the endonatural archives which contain loads of information from myself and others who have used natural therapies and the continuous sharing of knowledge and experiences with dietary changes, yummy healthy recipes, questions and answers about herbs, nutritional supplements, natural therapies like massage and acupuncture, and much, much more.

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Kajal – Ayurvedic Makeup for the Eye

For centuries in India, Queens & Princesses have used ayurvedic kajal as the only eye makeup. In India, Kajal also forms part of shringar for gods and goddesses. It is considered to be holy. Ayurvedic kajal made from mustard oil or almond oil is known to be good for the eyes as it cools the eye and keeps them healthy. Kajal also makes the eyes look big and beautiful. It gives the person a characteristic look. If gives the face a defined look.

In many civilizations and cultures, they believe that use of kajal will protect the person from curve of the evil eye. Kajal is applied to newborns and children to strengthen their eyes.

Kajal is known by different words in different languages like kohl in Arabic countries, Katika in telegu, etc. These days kajal comes in many forms: Powder (also known as surma), Paste, liquid, stick & pencil. One should always buy reputed brands of kajal as kajal is used for eye application. Eyes are very delicate and precaution should be taken.

Ayurvedic kajal made from mustard oil or almond oil is known to be good for the eyes as it cools the eye and keeps them healthy.Kajal also makes the eyes look big and beautiful. It gives the person a characteristic look.Eyes are very delicate and precaution should be taken.

Unlike eyeliners and mascara's, Kajal can be applied inside the eye, on the inner side of the lower eye lid. Most branded kajals are waterproof and do not spread.

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Hair Loss Treatment - Natural Hair Loss Remedies

Are you aware that there are many natural hair loss remedies available for both men and women who may be suffering with hair loss or thinning hair? Many people believe that for something like this only their regular doctor or a specialist will have the answers they need to treat hair loss which simply isn't true.

Saw Palmetto Extract - this has been used for many years as a hair tonic as far back as the Mayans.

Exercise - stimulates blood flow in your entire body, including your scalp. This is another step you can take immediately to address this condition.

Green tea and saw palmetto are effective hair regrowth treatments for people who have male and female pattern baldness. This condition occurs when there is an over abundance of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body. DHT makes the follicles weak which causes the strands to fall out.

Nettele - Urtica dioica, is the commonest form of herbs which is also commonly
known as Stinging Nettle. Knowing the name alone suggests that this particular herb can be an irritant, but researches have shown that they can be highly effective for treating baldness and alopecia. It has been reported that extracts of nettle roots partly block 5a-reductase, which makes dihydrotestosterone (DHT) inhibiting component. This, in turn, resists hair fall and triggers your hair growth process.

There are two very effective herbs that can be used externally. Boil both the herbs together with burdock, nettle and peach leaf. Strain the herbs and use the liquid to cleanse the hair on a daily basis.

Vitamin E is considered to be one of the most effective natural female loss treatments because it helps keep a healthy supply of blood flowing to the scalp. This allows important nutrients to be carried in the blood to the roots to nourish the strands. Take multi-vitamins or prenatal vitamins to stimulate your strands to grow.

Mustard oil, boiled with henna leaves, is helpful for healthy growth of hair. About 250 ml of mustard oil should be boiled in a tin basin. About 60grams of henna leaves should be slowly put in this oil till they are burnt in the oil. The oil should then be filtered using a cloth and stored. Regular massage of the head with the oil will produce abundant hair.

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Friday, February 22, 2013

Hair Loss - Can Hair Growth

The thought of lost or thinning hair frightens many of us, especially those of us noticing more hair in our brushes and in the sink, but less regrowing on our head. This is a hot topic so there are a lot of products and natural treatments

You can also take a cup of spinach and lettuce juice everyday. Coconut oil mixed with lime juice or lime water stops fall of hair. An appropriate natural hair loss remedy is applying coriander juice on the head. Try boiling mustard oil with henna leaves for promoting healthy growth of hair. The quantity should be about 250 gm with 100 gm henna leaves.

a blend of six drops each of bay essential and lavender oils in a base of 4 ounces of either soya bean, almond or sesame oil has been used by aroma therapists to relax and stimulate the scalp. This mixture is commonly used in spas and it is allowed to stay on the scalp for 20 minutes before the scalp is massaged with gentle strokes. Aromatherapy adds a fragrant dimension to the herbal remedies scene. The essential oils of rosemary, lavender, cedarwood, and thyme, in a carrier oil base are reported to encourage new hair growth in people experiencing hair loss. See the resource section for a link giving more information about research behind this remedy, and a recipe for blending a bottle of hair friendly oil.

This is another vital aspect to be kept in the mind. Don't pick the shampoos that are drying. Pick the ones that are creamier and talk about your scalp health. Remember while cleaning your hair, you must gently massage your scalp so that it helps proper blood circulation and clean the dandruff too. Right kind of herbal hair shampoos are the best option, although they're not miracle solutions!

Drink plenty of water. This seems to be an answer for everything, but drinking a regular amount of water can help a person's hair maintain its strength. Drinking water helps to flush the body of impurities which gives a greater opportunity for hair follicles to grow.

Mix equal amounts of aloe vera gel and shampoo, plus a tablespoon of lemon juice. Diet for Oily Hair: Eat lots of green leafy vegetables, salads and fresh fruit.

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Hair Loss - Hair Regrowth Tips

Are you experiencing severe hair loss? If your answer is yes, then you should immediately follow the guidelines mentioned below:

Maintain a healthy diet. This will help ensure that your strands are receiving the nourishment they need. Wheat germ, soybean, and carrots help support the growth of hair.

Green tea is an effective treatment for women who have androgenic alopecia. It contains compounds which prevent enzymes in the body from converting testosterone into DHT. Another herbal treatment for thinning hair women can use to combat androgenic alopecia is rosemary.

Vitamin E can prevent baldness in women because it increases circulation and blood flow to the scalp. Vitamins and nutrients are carried in the blood to the roots to nourish the strands so a healthy blood flow ensures that important nutrients are able to get to the strands.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to treat hair loss is to maintain a healthy diet. Your hair is a direct indication of your overall health. If you are healthy and are getting enough of the right vitamins and minerals, you are more likely going to be able to maintain a healthy and full head of hair. This is the beneficial remedy for all the people whether suffering from hair loss or not. But should be compulsory used by people suffering from hair loss. Apply the oils of cedar wood, rosemary, lavender combined with jojoba seed oils on to your hairs and scalp both. Daily massage of 30 minutes with all these oils will give excellent results for people suffering with hair loss. In the cases of Alopecia Areata, this remedy holds good.

Sulphur is a mineral that helps stimulate hair growth. It is found in garlic and onions. Rub some garlic cloves or onion bulbs directly onto your scalp. Let it stay in for 15 minutes and then rinse it out. Improving the general health of the body creates the conditions that are conducive for hair growth. Eating green vegetables or consuming vegetable juices is one way to boost the immune system of the body. When you consume juices that come from lettuce and spinach, your body absorbs the nutrients and vitamins easily and that helps to promote hair growth.

The last baldness hair loss natural treatment that you can use is to massage your scalp. This will increase the blood flow to your scalp and it can help to regrow hair faster. When you do this it should be for about 15 minutes a day and the time of day does not matter.

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

How to Choose the Best Medi-spa for Your Beauty Procedures

Since a lot of people consider anti-aging and beauty as their top priorities, it is no surprise that there are a lot of medi-spas sprouting all over the country. According to the International Medical Spa Association, the number of medi-spas in the US jumped from 400 to 2,000 in the past three years, representing a 400% surge. But sadly, alongside the growth in the number of such establishments, there is also a rise in people who encounter medi-spa mishaps and blunders.

Although majority of such institutions in the country are supervised and managed by top cosmetic surgeons and dermatology experts, there are also a few run-of-the-mill establishments that prey on individuals who are hoping to get the same beauty treatments as Hollywood A-listers at a fraction of the price. In order to avoid becoming a victim of mismanaged or substandard medi-spas, you need to be more vigilant in choosing the beauty establishment where you are going to get treatment. This is espec ially true if the procedure you are planning to take involves injections and lasers.

So before you splurge your money on a new weight-loss treatment, laser hair removal, or any other procedure, read the pointers below on what to look for in a medi-spa.

Research The Company's Credibility And Legitimacy

The first thing you need to do is to determine if the company or clinic that you plan to get your treatment from is legitimate. There are many unscrupulous people who are just in it for the money so you need to be very careful. If the establishment is in a clandestine location or you think that the equipment or rooms used are substandard, then you need to think twice before getting their services. You can also ask for pertinent accreditation and licenses.
Go For The Company's Reputation

Although well-known medical clinics and spas are not spared from occasional mishaps and problems, these establishments are more likely to be stringent with their rules and more cautious with how they deal with clients because they are very protective of their reputation. Thus, if you have the money to spare, it would be best to use the services of well-known and reputable medi-spas.

Look For A Board Certified Doctor In The Team

Since the rules and regulations on the establishments of medi-spas differ from one state to another, it would be safe to choose a company that has at least one doctor that is board certified in the field of cosmetic surgery and similar procedures. Make sure that the doctor is still connected to the company at the time of your treatment.

Get To Know The Training Of The Staff That Will Handle Your Procedure

It is the right of the client to know the training, cert ification and experience of the person who will be handling the procedure he or she asked for. Before you get a treatment, you need to know beforehand who will be handling your treatment.

It is important to remember that aestheticians should only handle microdermabrasion, mild facial peels, light-based treatment, acne extractions, or even in some cases laser hair removal. Meanwhile, licensed doctor's assistant, registered nurse or a nurse practitioner should be the one handling the procedures that involve deeper peels, temporary collagen or hyaluronic injections, light-based and laser treatements, and botox for the veins. If this is your first time to be treated, you need to get a physician's evaluation first. Lastly, only doctors, dermatologists or plastic surgeons should give you injection therapies and other invasive procedures, especially those that require surgery.

Nevertheless, before you decide to undergo invasive treatment, such as botox injecti ons, it would be best to look for other safer but equally effective alternatives. For example, if you are suffering from fine lines and wrinkles, you may want to first try using a natural-based anti-wrinkle cream, such as Dermaxin, before heading to a medi-spa for surgical enhancements and injection therapies.

For more details about what Dermaxin can do for you, simply go to

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Why Beauty Treatments Fail

Do you know why babies are so adorable? They need beauty to survive! Babies cannot live without an adult's support, and therefore need an adult's love to ensure their support. This is perhaps the easiest and most obvious way to show that beauty is for survival and not just for fun only.

How about in the business world? Sure, its not politically correct to say that you hire someone based on their looks, but it's almost always the first impression that sticks in your head and someone who is more attractive will always be more memorable.

How about money? Beautiful women tend to have a higher salary and better chances for a promotion. Handsome men -- not as much as beautiful women, but it still has its benefits.

Of course beauty is a big advantage in a bedroom for love. Want to know the secret of how men and women are choosing their beloved ones?

10236 Charing Cross Road, Los Angeles, California. A 50 million dollar Gothic - Tudor style house, built by architect Arthur R. Kelly in 1927, with a secret room, called the "Elvis Presley" suite. This room is famous not for its art collection or furniture, paintings or sculptures. This suite is special because when Elvis Presley stayed there, he spent a night with at least 8 women. Now the house is occupied with an aging Hugh Hefner, the Playboy boss, who is still surrounded by young beautiful girls. They are much younger than Mr. Hefner, but they are still enjoying his company. Why?

This now well-known fact remained a mystery for many years. Until 1999, when

Harvard scientist Frank Marlowe came up with the unusual explanation of this

behavior. According to him a woman can chose an extraordinary man, much older then she is, because even an aging men are fertile. Because with their experience and tools, they can compete with much younger males. The benefit is: young males have very tough competition, and women have much more choices.

What about the way men look? Does it matter for women? Sure it does. To find the truth scientists decided to find out if it is a masculine type of man, or feminine type, that women find more attractive. What they did not know was: both, but not at the same time.

When women are in fertile part of their cycle, they prefer masculine looking men. When they are in infertile part of their cycle -- feminine looking. Does it mean, that it is really women, not men, who choose? Or does it mean that infidelity is the inherent women's feature, because they need different men at different times of their cycle?

Men chose women differently: they want fertile women. In other words -- young. But how do they determine?

Full breasts, low waste to hip ratio, long legs, symmetric face, big eyes, small nose, body mass index -- all play their roles. But remember: they pick up young females! Therefore how do they decide? By "signals of youth" which are: clear and smooth skin, big and shiny eyes, full red lips, long fair hair and firm high breasts.

Marilyn Monroe, is perhaps the most famous example of this. But is this for only movie stars? What about ordinary women?

It is about 1350 BC. Ancient Egypt. The young Queen Nefertiti is about to pose for a famous sculptor Thutmose, who is going to make her bust. Suddenly Nefertiti notices that her eye liner is not perfect. To fix it she takes eyeliner and applies it to her eyes.

Now she looks perfect. That is how we know her -- from famous Nefertiti bust.

But she was not the one who used cosmetics to enhance her beauty. Cosmetics were cheap, readily available for ordinary people and easy to use. But the problem with cosmetics was: it was sometimes toxic. To get the desired effect they may put in Parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and other toxins. And cosmetics cannot do that much to cover deep wrinkles and skin folds, lift up the sagging skin or change the shape of the nose. That is why they came up with plastic cosmetic surgery.

When do you think first plastic surgery was performed? 100 years ago? 200?

According to legend, the first plastic surgery was done by Lord Shiva in India 4000 years ago, when he attached an elephant's head to his son's body 5. The first medical manual, including plastic surgery description, was written by great Indian doctor Sushruta in the 3rd or 4th century AD. Even then they knew how to make skin graft to cover damaged skin areas. Since then plastic cosmetic surgery improved significantly. Plastic surgeons now can do a facelift for you, reshape your nose, eyelids, checks, chin, breasts, buttock, tummy, penis, vagina, etc. About 12 million cosmetic surgeries were done in the US in 2008. This means, that it is very popular because it is very effective.

But it is very expensive. Because the average cosmetic surgery price is about from$2,000-$8,000 6.

June 2007, Beverly Hills California. Prominent scholar and professor Dr. Donda West, the mother of a famous American rapper, singer, and record producer Kanye West, decides to reshape her body.

She goes to a Beverly Hill's plastic surgeon, Dr. Andre Aboolian, and requests a tummy tuck and breast reshaping. However the surgeon refuses to do the procedures. Therefore she goes to another Beverly Hillsplastic surgeon, who was the host of a few TV plastic surgery shows, Dr. Jan Adams, who agrees to do the procedures.

The next day after procedures were done, Donda West died because of "coronary artery disease and multiple post-operative factors due to or as a consequence of liposuction and mammoplasty".

Looks like it does not matter how much money you pay and how famous the surgeon is.

What could be the reason that women may chose such dangerous ways to improve their beauty? Because men are looking for "signals of youth" -- clear smooth skin, big clear eyes, etc. And the older a man is, the younger the woman he is looking for. Therefore women have to use beauty treatments not to lose a man's attention. And they do.

According to US Labor Department Beauty salons treatments will increase 14% in 2006 -- 2016. But it seems not to make women more beautiful and men more handsome.

Because most of the beauty treatments like facials, massage, masks, eventually fail. They are simply temporary. Medical treatments, like Botox and Restylane are more effective, but still do not last long either. So how does it happen, that with all our technology, internet, supercomputers and men in the space we still cannot make our women beautiful, safely and easily?

Suppose your car is broken. Can they fix it if they do not know what is broken? Or you need to open a safe. Don't you first have to find out the code? The same thing applies to beauty treatments: first you have to find out the main problem, the root cause. Because if you do not your beauty treatment most likely fail.

It all started with San Francisco ophthalmologist Dr. Scott in 1960, who started using deadly botulism toxin to treat excessive contractions of eyelids and squinting in 1973. This particular poison turned out to be very effective and incredibly safe. But in 1986 Scott's Botox supplies were exhausted because even with its proven safety its micro manufacturer could not get liability insurance. Not that many patients, not that much money. Can you imagine patients who got their eyes back, but were now facing huge problems again because the drug was no longer available? They were desperate.

Looked like no solution is sight. Tragedy seemed to be imminent.

The salvation came unexpectedly.

1987, Vancouver, Canada. Ophthalmologist Dr. Jean Carruthers is seeing one of her patients treated with Botox. Suddenly she notices that the patient's skin between eyes is unusually smooth and wrinkle free. She immediately calls her husband, dermatologist Dr. Alastair Carruthers, who confirms her observation. After that it is all was going pretty fast. Much faster than for blepharospasm of strabismus treatments.

In 1989, a Sacramento California plastic surgeon Dr. Richard Smith publishes an article in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. In December 1989, the FDA approves Allergan manufactured Botox for use for blepharospasm, strabismus and hemifacial spasm.

Suffering patients were saved. On April 15, 2002 FDA approves Botox for temporary frown lines relief.

It took them 49 years to approve Botox for medical purposes, but it was only 15 years to approve it for cosmetic purposes. That is how a very effective beauty treatment was born. That is how we are able now to fix one of the most common beauty problems -- excessive muscle pull. But sometimes Botox may not be suitable to fix this problem.

Then what we may have to do is wrinkle release procedure, when we cut the connection between the skin and muscle.

Another beauty problem is loss of volume, when with age our subcutaneous fat is gone.

What happens next -- our skin starts sagging. But age is not the only reason for

subcutaneous fat loss. Trauma and inflammation are the other reasons.

1893. Germany. Dr. Franz Neuber is thinking of how to help a patient is his, who is suffering from cheek bone inflammation. Because of cheek bone volume loss, his face looks horrible. The damage looks permanent and irreparable. But suddenly a weird thought comes to Dr. Neuber's mind: what if he can take some fat from the patient's hand and put it into patient's face for fill up the defect? Dr. Neuber takes the patient to the operating room and does the world's first fat transplant for cosmetic purposes. Soon another German physician Dr. Karl Czerny does fat transplant to repair a damaged breast. Since then fat transfer became very popular. They now use it for hands and face to make them looks smooth and youthful. Fat transfer is also used for buttocks and breasts reshaping.

But fat is not the only one used. Silicon, collagen (Zyplast, Zyderm), calcium hydroxyapatite (Radisse), polylactic acid (Sculptra) -- all of them along with fat are used as fillers. But the most commonly used filler is a natural skin component - hyaluronic acid. Everybody is aware of Restylane and/or Juvederm, right? They are made from hyaluronic acid. But why so many of them and what is the difference? They may be permanent and temporary. Permanent sounds the best: take one treatment and you are done for the rest of your life. That is how a patient of mine thought, when she went to the specialist to inject permanent filler.

What she did not know was: her face would change. And what was good for her at that time would be bad in five years. Within five years her injection sites became very prominent and looked unnatural. Therefore I believe that hyaluronic acid based fillers like Restylane and Juviderm are the best.

Skin breakdown itself is a problem too. Skin loses its components because of hormones decline and lack of nutrients. It becomes damaged by sun and pimples.

Do you know what "Marilyn Monroe hormone" is? Estrogen is the one that

makes women look like she does. It is responsible for your skin. No estrogen - skin starts to get worse. But hormones are not enough. Your skin has to eat. It needs proteins, fats, vitamins, microelements and water. By eating healthy food you think you give your skin everything it needs. What you do not know is: because of soil fertilization you get 5 to 7 times less nutrients then you are supposed to.

Unless you eat organic food. But most of us do not. Moreover, we eat food we are not design to: grains, refined carbohydrates, milk, etc. What do carbohydrates do for your skin?

Clog your pores. What is the result? Pimples! Or acne. What is the first: micronutrients or carbohydrates? It is like trying to find out whether the chicken or the egg came first.

Sun is another problem. On one hand sun is necessary for vitamin D protection. The sun may prevent depression, sun wakes us up every day, sun tells us when to go to bed.

But how did it happen that sun is not a friend, but the enemy of your skin? It is like drinking water: if you drink water in moderate amount, you are ok, but if you drink gallons and gallons of water, your brain may swell and you may die.

The same is with the sun: it is good in moderation, before 9 AM and after 6 PM, when you get mostly UVA but not UVB. But sunbathing? At noon? Or visiting a tanning salon? I do not think it is natural. Have you ever seen monkey sunbathing on the beach?

Bottom like is simple:

1. Do not wait until it is too late! Your skin may be damaged to the extent that it cannot be repaired. Have you ever seen damaged cars in the junkyard? They cannot be repaired. The same may happen to your skin.

2. Find out what your problem is first: skin degradation, pimples, skin laxity, loss of volume or excessive muscle pull. Because if you do not, you may get the wrong

treatment you do not need.

3. Clean up your skin with facials and other skin treatments, unclog your pores. You clean your teeth every day, right? You clean your apartment or house every week, right?

Don't you think, that your face deserves to be cleaned at least once a month?

4. Give your skin the nutrients it needs now. Get nutritional masks and other skin

nutritional treatments. Do not let our skin starve. Because if you do, it may die.

5. Restore the elasticity and youthful skin texture by balancing your hormones, if you are suffering from skin degradation itself. Go to adoctor, who is specializing in hormone balancing.

6. Get rid of wrinkles because of excessive muscle pull, with Botox or a wrinkle release procedure.

7. Treat deep skin folds with fillers, preferably Restylane.

8. If you need a facelift, then a thread lift or plastic surgery may be the option.

9. Protect you skin from too much sun with a hat or umbrella.

After all - beautiful people earn more money.

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Monday, February 18, 2013

Can steroids solve alopecia areata?

Alopecia Areata can respond well to steroid treatment.

When we hear the word steroids, our minds usually jump to images of fake-tanned body builders standing in uncomfortable looking poses. The word steroid, when used in that context refers to anabolic steroids. Male sex hormones that help lay down muscle mass.

When one looks at our physiology a little, this confusion soon goes away.

Our bodies evolved in an environment of dealing with basic predatory threats in the animal kingdom. The stress response is often referred to as the fight or flight mechanism, because we produce a cocktail of hormones that make us stronger to fight a predator or flee the scene.

Studying animals in Africa help us understand our own physiology better. Fights are sudden and violent, during which a lot of the dust from the dry plains is disturbed.
As we use more air during combat, we would cause an allergic reaction if our stress hormones did not suppress the normal inf lammatory response.

The body therefore makes a short term survival decision that overrides longer term health consideration. For example blood is diverted away from digestion and directed to muscles as there is no point in wasting energy digesting your lunch at the point you are likely to become someone else's lunch !

Corticosteroids are a class of drugs that mimic the actions of our adrenal hormones. They are used because they can lower our immune response and suppress inflammation.

Alopecia areata is an auto-immune disease. What happens is that the immune system gets confused and mounts an immune attack on the hair follicles in given regions of the scalp or other areas like the brows or beard.

As steroids are known to suppress the immune system, they can be applied to and absorbed by the skin to create a localised area in which the immune system is suppressed.

Corticosteroids were first used in 1948 to treat arthritis and had a rather dramatic effect due to their ability to suppress inflammation. However as the stress response is a very short term reaction and such longer term use soon began to demonstrate the side effect of steroid use.

The following are the most common side effects with topically applied steroids. However the chances of developing them will depend on the size of the area being treated, the strength of the steroid together with how long treatment is continued for.

1) Changes in skin pigmentation

2) Thinning of the skin, which may result in permanent stretch marks.

3) Fine blood vessels in the skin may enlarge and become visible under the skin surface, resulting in a permanent change.

4) Allergies.

5) Bruised skin

6) Infections

More serious side effects like growth problems in children and Cushing's syndrome, can come about if larger areas are treated over prolonged periods.

It follows that the doctor will look to administer the lightest stren gth steroid possible for a short period of time to avoid such side effects.

We often find that parents take a child with alopecia areata to their doctor and when they read the potential side effects of the treatement and then too worried to use it.

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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Laser Hair Faq

Morelaser hairquestions please visit :

Hey! Has anyone used the "Rio scanner laser tresses removal" product?
Ive ordered one and am worried that there seems to be no proctectibe eye goggles supplied - shouldnt adjectives laser work be done with proctective eye wear? eeek! xxfirefly yeah there should be eye proctectors if they dont hold them buy some

Hi All ...! I am planning to bring laser treatment for pelt loss..! Any adjectives suggestions..!?
Shall I go for the treatment or I should use any other effective method same as laser treatment.. Plz minister to. Thanks Here a few simple home remedies which can be tried at home to control hair fall. 1.Rinse your down with...

Hi can anyone bequeath me info on laser hackle removal .I hear if you achieve pregnant that the pelt can come backbone .?
I'M 23 and have no children ,I would like to attain the laser done but was wondering if it would be worth it (as its very expensiv e surrounded by Ireland) if in a year or so I...

Hi i hold hormonal lack of correspondence near facial fleece problem,can i shift for laser treatment how lots sessions i involve?
my testosterone level is high than commonplace because of PCO they can give you medication to regulate it. talk to your doctor formerly laser treatment. talk to your doctor.

Hi,I enjoy facial tresses,i'm terrifically insecure because of that.what do suggest,laser is expensivethanks?
i'm guessing you're female... You could shave, wax, or laser.. Shaving = stubs after a few hours and up to a few days.. Wax = no hair for a week or two, but wax all of your life eventually cause the skin to...

Home laser fleece removal kit any honourable ?
Not really, usually they are scams to try and get your money. Its better to bring it done professionaly, for better results but obviously it will be pricey. check out its really helpful +

Home laser fuzz machines, which one to buy?
Does anyone know a good at home laser hair removal mechanism? They range in price from $850.00 to $99.00. Whats best? Many of the really cheap ones do not work Becky Worley from "Good Morning America" tested Silk'n and Tria. Watch her video demonstration: Source(s)..................

Home laser hackle removal for men, which is best?
im trying to buy a home laser hair remover system, or a electrolysis system on ebay or amazon. which is the best kind? the choices i own are: LB500s (laser), Rio Salon (laser), Feel free (electrolysis), Epen (electrolysis), and Vector (electrolysis) please give me any advice. i involve to buy...
Home tresses removal lasers - any worthy?
Has anyone any experience of those hand held electric laser machines that you can buy in Boots and on QVC etc? I be thinking of buying one but wondered if they really work? Thanks in advance! I have an idea that it's another gimmick. If I were you, I would read some reviews...

How abundant hair does the Rio Laser Hair Removal zap at a time?
The Rio home laser down remover treats 1 hair follicle at a time using a safe 808nm laser. Salon laser machines can treat an nouns of approximately 1cm squared. Rio are rumoured to be launching a laser which can treat multiple hairs simultaneoulsly sometime...

How antiquated do you enjoy to be for laser curls removal?
Basically i want my upper lip done and just how old do you hold to be? haha thanks x I am pretty sure you will need your parents consent, and wallet. it is expensive. also it desires to be quite a bit darker afterwards your skin tone otherwise...

How bleak did laser spike removal hurt? What presently?
I'm a dude and I just got it done on my nouns and I'm not blistered or burned or anything, but I seriously want to punch that lady in the frontage after that. Apparently it feels like a rubber belt... but I've never had a rubber band grant me that burnt...

How can I amenable a laser fuzz removal business?
That might not be a good field contained by the long run. Gillette is partnering with Palomar Technology to get hold of a home laser hair removal set approved for home use. They have the impulsive approvals already. You might find yourself in the same problems as those professional barbers...

How can I find rid of my body's spine forever short electrolysis or laser?
I want to know how can get rid of hairs on the body that they are extra and unusefull for ever minus any medical procedures such as lasing or electrolysis.I mean some traditional advices seems to be more usefull laser works but pricey and takes a...

How can i lessen spike minus using wax, shaving, or laser?
waxing and shaving doesnt do good because the quill keeps growing back. laser of late cost too much for me. i can get chemicals that others cant get because i know chemists. i dont mind if it will hurt my body a bit. anybody hav any design on what...

How can I prevent fleece folicle smash up during laser tattoo removal?
The tattoo is on my head. I want it gone, but not all my spike. Will the folicle be damaged during the procedure or can I prevent damage somehow? You should nickname and ask the tattoo laser removal center. Just grow your hair out, then you can't see...

How can I remove small tiny hair contained by my forehead minus any laser treatment ?
I h ave small tiny hair surrounded by forehead it destroys my beauty of my face. so please convey me how can i remove these hairs without any laser treatment ?. If near is any herbal treatment to remove this ? please help me yaar....

How can we take rid of unwanted hair ineradicably?is in that any laser technology for that?
certainly u can walk for laser. for a girl....u need to kind sure its not ur hormones. Have u ever heard of Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome.... this can cause extra growth of hackle on face, chest and inner legs...this is all due to...

How can you catch rid of legs fleece; upper and lower lacking shaving, wax, laser etc.?
Can you just reduce the appearance because I used to use cream removal on the tops of my legs, immediately I'm not allowed, now i enjoy black hairs it looks terrible and i own my legs waxed every 4 weeks, but they don't do...

How decisive are laser vaginal fleece removals?how roughly speaking underarm down removals?does it darken your skin?
very effective Laser spike removal works good for me. I've gone a few times, and I have see a difference. The coarser the hair is, the harder it is to get rid of it; so down nearby hair will take longer, next...

How do i carry rid of down on my chest lacking laser. something more affordable?
help? wax wax you could pluck them if they are not too unpromising or try shaving the area Source(s): personal experience wax it. It'll hold to be done about monthly to keep it up, though. Laser around the areola is not as expensive...

How do i find out how huch laser curls removel would cost and where on earth theirs a nearest facility?
I have had eight laser quill removal treatments. I have seen around 75% efficiency so far. Each time it has been more and more potent. I am currently pretty satisfied with the treatment s. I believe that after my tenth...

How do I get hold of my put a bet on fleece removed by laser treatment?
I have a very woolly body and my back is the hairiest of all. I be considering laser treatments if that is an option to remove the coat. Does anyone know if that works, what the cost might be, and how hard it will...

How do I seize rid of acne cause by laser coat fall?
I underwent laser hair reduction 2 years back. I never had any skin problems beforehand that. Now ive got a lot of pimples of my facade and they keep recurring. Is it becauase i shave contained by between sessions when the hair grows back? If thats the purpose...

How do we achieve rid of facial coat apart from have laser treatment?
I do have a girlfriend who had some facil hackle on her face and she want to get rid of them permamently. Is nearby a way or a pill to take she can hold instead of laser tr eatement to permamently remove her facial hair. laser treatement...

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Future Of Hair Loss Treatments

Currently, the most effective way to treat hair loss is surgery. While there are many supplemental treatments, such as Rogaine, lasers and Propecia, no miracle cure is in sight. But what does the future hold? With incoming technologies such as genetic cloning and LED lights, a cure might not be too far off. Rob Angelino, the founder of hair loss clinic, HAIRLAB, sheds light on treatments.

What treatments are being developed or show promise?

There are quite a few technologies that I see in development at conferences that I find fascinating. The most interesting is genetic cloning which involves the actual multiplication of the follicle cells which grow hair. Right now, at the genetic level, companies are racing against each other to find the genetic silver bullet that will grow back hair. Some are turning to stem cells, which would be turned into hair growing follicle for implant an grow your own hair. I suspect that within five years we will see maj or breakthroughs in one of these areas. In 15 years, it might already be a common procedure. They might be able to take a tiny drop of blood from a client and do a genetic medical procedure that will create hair that is immune to DHT. There has been some success in testing but as of yet nothing dramatic. A couple of companies are claiming to have breakthroughs, but we have not seen a magic bullet yet.
There is also the possibility of platelet-rich injections, which would increase blood flow to the scalp, but who knows what will occur with stem cell research. So much can occur with these technologies.

Electro-stimulation is another possibility. They are working on radio waves that actually coax your hair into growing faster. LED lights are another treatement that is being tried as lasers are and show a lot of promise. In the end though, we will just have to see which one of these possibilities really pans out.

The information in the article is not intended to substitute for the medical expertise and advice of your healthcare provider. We encourage you to discuss any decisions about treatment or care with an appropriate healthcare provider.

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Friday, February 15, 2013

7 Main Causes of Hair Loss

Hair lossis thought to affect only the males in the past. However, we know that this is not the case. More and more women are experiencing the same problem. It usually occurs in adults, but in certain cases, it affects young adults as well. It is normal to lose around 50 - 100 strands of hair a day. They will grow back and there is absolutely no cause for worry.

Here are some possible reasons why you are losing more hair than you should.

1) Androgenetic alopecia. It is commonly known as male pattern baldness, and it affects both men and women (female pattern baldness). It is not known exactly what causes androgenetic alopecia, but it has been linked to heredity baldness. This is also one of the most common cause for hair loss.

2) Stress and hair loss. This is also know as telogen effluvium. Excessive stress due to work, illness, injury, pregnancy, death of a family member, financial difficulties, love problems, ke eping late nights, etc, can affect the hair growth cycle. There is no pattern, unlike male pattern baldness (see below). This problem usually goes away with the stress. So, start relaxing!

3) Aggressive hair treatments. Exposing your hair to harsh chemicals such as dyes, bleaches, straighteners, hair-styling products can also damage your hair follicles. Hair is also 'weakened' and breaks off easily. Go easy on such treatements if you can.

4) Hair styling. This is a condition called traction alopecia. It is due to excessive pulling, or traction, on the hair. This usually affects people who braid or tie their hair. It can damage your hair follicles and the result can be permanent.

5) Trichotillomania. This is a condition in which people pull out their hair on intention. It can be a sign of serious emotional unstability. If the problem doesn't go away, its best that he person involved seek professional help from a therapist.

6) Poor eating habits. People who go on crash diets, or are suffering from anorexia, might also suffer from hair loss. The body isn't getting enough proteins and nutrients for heal thy hair growth. Excessive intake of carbohydrates and fats might also affect our hormones production, which in turn affects hair growth. However, there is not enough documented evidence to support this point.

7) People on medications. Some medications such as chemotherapy drugs for cancer have been known to cause baldness. Others include birth control pills and blood thinners (also called anti-coagulants).

There are many things that are beyond our control, such as using medications or inheriting our parents' genes. However, we can change our lifestyle so that we can live healthier, happier and with more hair on our head!

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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hair Loss Treatment the Process of Retrieving and Curing Loss of Hair


There are many reasons why loss of hairs occurs in our body and for this; hair loss treatment is required to be done. The loss of hair may be due to hereditary, diseases, surgeries and mental stress. Some other facts for the loss of hair are the deficiency of proteins and iron in the body. There are also reasons that the hair is lost due to heavy medications and treatment of any medical ailment. However there are certain remedies to avoid such type of hair loss. There are even certain shampoos which can reduce the loss of hair and one such is Zulvera, the herbal shampoo. Besides this shampoo there are different types of treatment and their benefits are outlined below.

Hair loss treatment for different types of loss of hair

There are different types of treatment for the loss of hair. The Zulvera shampoo treatment is one among them. The other hair loss treatment is done according to the type of hair loss. The following are some of the hair loss treatment.

Alopecia Areata

This is a type of baldness which occurs in patches. This occurs due to the reason that the immune system starts attacking the follicles of the hair from where the hair grows. For such kind of baldness there are three types of hair loss treatments they are Corticosteroid, contact therapy and Minoxidil or the Rogaine

The Corticosteroid is a type of cream, which can be applied to the scalp for nourishment to the hair. Sometimes it can be injected at the patches where the hair is lost. This ensures the regaining of hair from the loss.

The contact therapy is considered as the best treatment for Alopecia Areata. This is an experimental therapy for treating the sev ere type of Alopecia Areata. In this type of treatment DPCP a kind of medicine is painted on the scalp where the loss of hair is affected. This painting is done once every week.

Minoxidil or Rogaine is another type of treatment used for Alopecia Areata. In this type of treatment Anthralin and Minoxidil is included. This treatment helps to stimulate the growth of the hair and also tries to prevent the loss of hair.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hair Loss Treatment Care for Hair


Recently the problem of hair loss has become a major issue to many people in the world. To redeem people from this problem many medications have arrived to treat the loss of hair. This hair loss treatment may not be suitable to a few but it works for many people who are opting for it. In most cases the usage of Zulvera herbal shampoo has been successful. This product is being used as a shampoo for hair loss treatment.

Hair loss treatment- For an inspiring look

There are many reasons for the hair loss one of the prime reasons for the hair loss is the hereditary. Besides there are many other reasons like over dosage of medication, improper care of hair, sickness, usage of cheap hair care products, sickness and stress. To overcome such type of loss, hair loss treatment is required. There are many ways to treat the loss or falling hair. Zulvera the herbal shampoo is also one among them. The d ifferent types of treatment and their usages are given below.

Hair loss treatment- Different types and usages

Different type of treatments is given for different types of hair losses. The different types of treatment are as follows.

Hair loss through inheritance

There are many persons nowadays who are facing this type of problem. The other type of hair loss may be temporary but the hair loss through inheritance is a permanent nature and to defend such type of loss, hair loss treatment is mandatory. The treatments are Androgenetic Alopecia. The aim of the treatment is to prevent the loss of hair and raise the growth of the hair. This also covers the portion of baldness in the scalp. To maintain the treated hair special hair tonic like Zulvera herbal hair care tonic may be used.

Surgery and hair transplantation

This is another method of hair loss treatment. In this method of surgery, the scalp which has more hairs will be grafted to the area where the hair growth is less or bald. The grafts contain minimum of one hair to thirty hairs. Another type of surgery for the bald head is the scalp reduction. In this type of treatment the major areas of the bald scalp will be removed and the scalp with thick hairs will be stretched to the areas of the removed scalp and stitched or pasted over it so that the baldness is not visible.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Best Hair Loss treatments and Tooth Whitening Kits

Hair loss is great concern for people all around the world. There are a lot of factors that lead to balding.
There are many hair loss myths and false or inaccurate information in the world of hair loss, especially about the causes of and treatment for hair loss.


The natural skin care section tells you about different natural skin tips, skin cancer, free radical damage to the skin, natural skin care with good nutrition and vitamins. The hair loss should be distinguished from damage to the hair shaft, which may cause breakage close to the scalp.

There are five mainstream treatments options.

Other treatment options include several anti-androgens for women prescribed by their Dermatologists.
Hair has been referred to as a crowning glory, particularly in relation to women and continues to be a very important part of how most people are identified. The reasons for hair loss are complicated and can vary from person to person. Thus, it is important to see a doctor who can diagnose the specific problem. The disease can be localized, as evidenced by patches in the coronal area; it might also be generalized, showing significant hair loss as the absence all thought out the body. Finally, hair loss may occur as part of an underlying disease, such as lupus or diabetes. Since hair loss may be an early sign of a disease, it is important to find the cause so that it can be treated.

Some products are also abrasive and while they remove surface stain, they also take out the enamel so that you end up, in effect, spitting teeth down the sink. With a variety of tooth whitening methods available, whitening your teeth has never been more accessible. Based on the available scientific information, there is no concern about possible adverse effects on tooth structure or enamel hardness.
A professional home tooth whitening kit will include a custom fitting tray which is essential to assure proper bleaching and consistent results. Another reason why such whitening kits can be called the best tooth whitening procedures available in the industry today is because of the kind of results they have registered with the av erage people of late. A professional can also instruct the consumer on take home applications and be a direct advisor should an adverse reaction occur.
It is time that we moved on from the laser teeth treatment of celebs to such best teeth whitening kits soon, for the only beneficiaries from these are us!

In the event of an adverse reaction:
Discontinue use of the cosmetic.
Determine whether you should seek medical attention for the adverse effect.

Most dental practices will ask you to sign a teeth whitening consent from to confirm that you have fully understood the procedure and all risks. Dentist can also use a very quick procedure that uses blue light or lasers to speed up and enhance the whitening power of peroxide, which is the main ingredient needed for brightening.
It is very important that your dentist isolates your gums and lips with a protective material in order to avoid any potential damage or burning.

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Monday, February 11, 2013

Really does the Smokeless Cigarette Actually Satisfy the Customers

These web sites use a number of specific suppliers that are offered to pick coming from and might allow you to determine with regards to the specific producers, sorts of methods in addition to flavours associated with advantages that could be employed which forms of capsules and also refills shall be employed. As opposed to conventional cigarettes, that permit your cigarette smoker to be able to take a breath cigarettes, smokeless cigarettes happen to be built to be a 2 element delivery technique by which ink cartridges are used inside plan to provide fumes that can be breathed in, for the smoke enthusiast, rather than smoke cigarettes. Now you can try smokeless cigarette. You can find is an expert processes inside the plan which increase the risk for water vapor to become launched and thus the particular smoker suffers from the particular interactions along with smoking cigarettes, using a a lesser amount of high-risk, a reduced amount of toxic and much less expensive usi ng tobacco encounter. Cigarette smokers realize that conventional cigarette smoking is harmful to their wellness, however, for a few, it's an knowledge which they can not throw in the towel totally. What you should really be familiar with smokeless cigarettes reviews. The most recent product that areas this particular class will be v cigarettes that are furthermore well known because E-cigarettes, Electric cigarettes or E-cig being a speedy abbreviation. smokeless cigarettes are very just like the actual normal thing. Much more self-sufficient stories inside the outcomes of which can be on it's own has to be completed. Appropriate currently the particular well being stumbling blocks are still not yet proven. Smoking not simply damages the one that is actually smoking the dangerous e cigarette, and also those inhaling the environment in which will become the actual passive smoking efficianado as well as experiences regarding no fault involving his own. The particular breathin g from the human beings which usually compromises with the mouth, nose, trachea, bronchi, and also diaphragm carries a main purpose that's to deliver air to all or any areas of the body and also breathe out the particular co2 out of your physique.

However, these kinds of identical cancer causing carcinogens may also be contained in smoking shipping and delivery alternate options like the area and also periodontal (which can be both licensed by the Food and drug administration). If cancer causing carcinogens exist within smokeless cigarette vapor, it isn't really likely to certainly not apparently enter large dosages. Each time a cigarette smoker let's air through the actual use your electronic cigarette, you will find there's sensing unit that will registers mid-air flow in fact it is thanks this kind of that after this recognition inside smokeless Cigarette the microprocessor injects small tiny declines involving liquefied smoking, that receives vaporized. The p articular watery vapor likes, thinks and looks just like cigarette smoke cigarettes community . has no particular smell also it distributes out there rapid. Anyone can test smokeless cigarettes and also cut costs. This can lead to a number of coronary heart and also blood pressure levels related problems. In addition the smoke in the cigarettes could cause several issues for you along with cause numerous malignant conditions.

But when you assess that to be able to "real" tobacco presently there significantly isn't any assessment.

Given any choice regarding the a couple of? I do believe it's really a absolutely no brainer. Perhaps the idea from the smokeless Cigarette lights up red simply because an lemon Directed is employed at the tip to mimic standard smoking. As well smokeless cigarettes are usually odour free of charge , nor cause halitosis along with yellowing of teeth. It's zero passive cigarette smoking results and doesn't annoy non-smokers. smo keless cigarettes are not specially quitting smoking products nevertheless they carry out provide a lot much healthier substitute instead of smoking cigarettes typical smoking.

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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Top Ten Reasons for Switching to Electronic Cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes have started replacing the regular cigarettes for many reasons. If you undergo the electronic cigarette reviews that are posted on-line than you'll apprehend that the majority of the shoppers have started to like the e-cigarettes a lot of than the regular cigarettes. The explanation being that these electronic cigarettes are created in such a way that they are not simply an imitation of the regular cigarettes however includes a distinctive taste of its own.

Here are my prime ten reasons as to why you would like to modify to electronic cigarettes.

1. The prime reason is that the regular cigarettes hazard your health. Whereas the electronic cigarettes can fulfill your addiction whereas safeguarding your health at the same time. 2. When you're smoking your regular cigarette you're not just harming your health however additionally putting the individuals nearby in danger of similar health hazards. It has been proven by a lot of researches that passive smokers are the worse off when it involves smoking health hazards.
3. Whereas there are a number of public places where you can't smoke you'll be able to smoke at the privacy of the corporate of your friends. But even this also a lot of people can mind as a result of passive smoking is hazardous.
4. A recent poll has shown that seventy % of people are ok about others smoking near them if it is just an electric cigarette. These can safe you the fuss of obtaining elsewhere simply to smoke.
5. If you bear the e-cigarette reviews than you will recognize that nearly all the newly converted e-cigarette smokers have reported a 50 p.c more of saving that they normally would have spent on regular cigarettes.
6. The various cartridge strength ensures that your nicotine intake will be lowered.
7. Several electronic cigarette reviews has proven that it has help them quit smoking.
8. Electronic cigarettes do not emit unpleasant smell.
9. You'll have your choose from a wide range of flavors.
10. Your nicotine cravings can be glad faster which can reduce your intake.

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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Places to get eCigs

After a moderate lunch salad I try to eat a different snack 10 peanut. For dinner, we make grilled mahi mahi with loads of vegetables zucchini, red pepper, and mushrooms. I'm relieved that I never have to try to eat salad for every single meal!

Day 2: I dismiss my snack portions and spend the value. I get started to get light-headed and my entire body feels weak. I master swiftly that you ought to seriously stick to the eating plan you want, fairly than improvising. If you do devoid of snack portions you are doing away with a ton of nutrients for the day and fundamentally starving on your own. When you eat five smaller sized meals a day, you do not sense hungry. You are consuming a good portion of meals. My breakfast is made up of egg combine as properly as red bell peppers and two slices of Canadian bacon. My snack was unusual-a breadless cheese concoction consisting of two ham rollups and very low-weight cheese. I also threw in a strip of red pepper and a spinach leaf. For lunch, I had prepared chicken on little one spinach with salad dressing. I also ate yet another piece of string cheese simply because I was however hungry. Dinner was satisfying I got grilled chicken breast and vegetable skew ers. I also enjoyed a dessert: Lemon Ricotta.

South Beach Eating habits Week one, Day three-5: Hump day passes and the weekend techniques promptly. Electricity wise, I feel excellent. In truth, I think significantly less groggy than typical. I can not say I skip the carbs physically, even though emotionally, I would like very little extra than a steaming bowl of macaroni and cheese. Nevertheless, the hunger cravings are in handle. Each time I get hungry I eat a snack nuts, cheese...minimal "spikes" of protein) and sense better speedily. Breakfasts consist of vegetable quiche cups. Lunches are fuller and I get to consume salad with tuna, and for lunch I have stir-fry vegetables with a non-regular but still delicious sauce. I essentially don't skip the rice or noodles at this point, not in terms of hunger craving. I'll see if this sensation keeps up. Snacks consist of nuts, quiches, salads and soups. Dinner is the enjoyable component of the day there are loads of recipes in the South Beach Diet regime p hase 1 cookbook. We have almost everything from stuffed mushrooms to rib-eye steak with Crawfish.

The Ultimate Days

South Beach Diet regime Week 1, Day four-7: I like eggs for breakfast, and soup and bacon for lunch. Snacks for the day consist of celery, hummus and sunflower seeds. Dinners are produced up of grilled veggies, fish, chicken and steak. I experimented with Atkins before and I ought to say this diet regime provides us the very best of each worlds-starch and crunch.

Aftermath: It's been seven days and I experience excellent, if somewhat unhinged from a lack of pasta and rice. I'm not hungry, I'm not physically ill. It's pretty much what I would call a psychological response my thoughts is revolting and my physique is ignoring its phone. Physically I really think energized, and am excited to be ingesting nutritious for a alter. I have dropped pounds in 1 week.

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Friday, February 8, 2013

Electronic Cigarette Stockists - Why Marijuana is Harmful and How You Should Stop It

Electronic Cigarette Stockists

Are you addicted to weed and grass and you want to quit the habit? Though not an easy task but, it is not impossible. Sometimes it happens that you have a dual mind and one part is ready to quit and the other does not. The decision needs to be taken by you and only you will have to take the final call.

According to a recent survey more than 39% of youths aged between 12 to 17 years have tried the puff at least once out of curiosity. The drug is often called by different names. Sometimes we call it Ganja, some times Mary Jane or grass and few of us call it weed or pot. The thing is one and the same. It is a shredded mixture of dried leaves and flowers of Cannabis Sativa plant which is hand rolled like cigarettes or sometimes used in bongs or pipes. The addiction is deadly in terms of your health because it causes lung cancer.

People often ask the question - is smoking marijuana more harmful or smoking cigarettes?

The answer is simple - Both have equally hazardous effects. The only difference is that they affect different parts and functions of a normal body. Cigarette smoking causes lung cancer, addiction of nicotine, deposition of tar, etc. Weed smoking deposits thrice as much tar on the lungs as a cigarette, causes several short term side effects which can translate to long term effects such as memory loss, insensitiveness, etc. Electronic Cigarette Stockists

These are some of things that you can do to stop smoking pot effectively. Other than these, you can always think up of new ideas in case you fall short. In many cases, smokers develop specific plans to suit their unique life and needs. For example, a woman who smokes only under depressions watches movies which make her laugh, keeps reading jokes, attends laughter club and never fights with anyone. As a result of this, she has managed to cut back on her smoking almost completely.

If you are determined to quit the habit then I will suggest you few basic tips of quitting grass and weed-

Do not listen to Psychedelic or hard rock music or any music which relates to Marijuana. Try to avoid the company of friends and colleagues who smoke grass. Never watch movies or shows something about grass, it may be a good movie but still refrain from watching it. Try watching educational and news channels. A serious mind is a fruitful mind, an empty one is a devil's workshop. Throw away any ashtrays around the house. All matches and lighters also go away. Put up no smoking signs all over the place. If you do not smoke, ensure that no one around you smokes. Throw away all your accessories which can remind you about the pot.

Eventually, you will have to come up with your own tailor made ideas to suit your needs. No two smokers quit in the same way so you will have to think and brainstorm and decide, most importantly, that you have to quit smoking pot and marijuana today. Electronic Cigarette Stockists

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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Where Can I Purchase Electronic Cigarettes - 5 Effective Tips on How to Quit Smoking and Lose Weight

Where Can I Purchase Electronic Cigarettes

Smoking is one of the most popular "habits" that most people are indulged in, despite the fact that it is very dangerous to their health. Contrary to popular notion, smoking is not actually a habit. Rather, it is an addiction to nicotine. Just like any other kind of addiction, smoking has very bad side effects. Smoking is one the prime causes of heart diseases, respiratory problems, and various types of cancer. Where Can I Purchase Electronic Cigarettes

Despite the fact that this set of bad effects is very serious, some people still choose to maintain their habits because they think that they can't quit smoking and lose weight simultaneously.

Apart from irritations and cravings, some people don't quit smoking primarily because they are afraid of gaining some weight. People who quit smoking are prone to gaining as ten pounds. More than often, this weight gain is the product of changes in the metabolism of the body. Contrary to popular notions, some people can actually quit smoking and lose weight at the same time. Below are some tips that you can follow:

1. Drink at least twelve glasses of water everyday. Drinking water can help you stop smoking primarily because it gives you something to hold in your hands. Holding a glass of water can prevent you from missing your cigarette stick. Also, drinking water can eventually help you lose weight since it keeps you hydrated and feeling full.

2. Engage in valuable group activities. To quit smoking and lose weight, you might need the support of fellow quitters. If you can, find a group of quitters in your community. Form a group and try to engage in other forms of activities that will help you forget about grabbing a cigarette and smoking. You can try engaging in community projects such as cleaning the community's clubhouse or repairing your local's day care center. Where Can I Purchase Electronic Cigarettes

3. Eat healthy foods. People should eat healthy foods if they want to be fit. Thus, in order to maintain a slender and sexy figure, you should avoid full meals and snack that are rich in sugar and starches. Also, studies show that quitting smoking will eventually increase your food cravings. To make sure that your increase in food intake will not lead to obesity, plan healthy snacks and avoid junk foods. Try fruits and vegetables instead of fries, hamburgers, and other fast food delights.

4. Exercise. Exercising is an essential part of any weight loss plan. When you quit smoking, you need to exercise more than ever. Exercising is beneficial to quit smoking and lose weight because it keeps you busy and it lets you shed some the extra calories in your body. When you exercise, there is a high possibility that you'll get much occupied with your activities and you can avoid cigarette cravings. Better engage in weight lifting and aerobic exercises.

5. To quit smoking and lose weight, you might as well avoid drinking alcohol. Alcoholic drinks have high calorie value so it can contribute to your weight gain. Moreover, some studies show that drinking alcohol can actually trigger you to smoke because most people are used to smoking and drinking alcohol at the same time. Where Can I Purchase Electronic Cigarettes

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