Tuesday, August 21, 2012

BarleyLife Is The Ideal Fast Food

According to Wikipedia.org: "Fast food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quicklytypically the term refers to food sold in a restaurant or store with preheated or precooked ingredients, and served to the customer in a packaged form for take-out/take-away."

Fast food dates back long before the twenty first century however. In the cities of ancient Rome for instance, street vendors had stands that sold bread soaked in wine as a quick snack in the mornings, and cooked vegetables and stews were sold in simple eating establisments later in the day. Many people living in urban areas during these times had no means to prepare or cook their own food, so they relied on these vendors for their meals. During the Middle Ages, large towns and major urban areas such as London and Paris had many vendors that sold dishes such as pies, pastries, flans, waffles, pancakes and cooked meats. Like the early cities of Rome, many of these vendors catered to people who did not have the means to cook their own food or could not afford housing with kitchen facilities. Thus, they relied on fast food.

As we fast forward to 1916, a gentleman by the name of Walter Anderson had built the first White Castle restaurant in Wichita Kansas, in which he introduced a low cost, limited menu, high volume hamburger restaurant. People liked the low cost hamburger, fries and colas that were offered. As time went on, more and more fast food establishments were opened and familiar sights such as the golden arches' have now become mainstream places to eat.

Along with the popluarity and increase in fast food restaurants, many serious health issues have also become popular and are on the increase. Nutrient depleted and high-calorie foods, as well as lifestyle choices, are taking their toll on the health of many people. Obesity, type 2-diabetes (now being coined diabesity' because of the relationship between weight and diabetes), high blood pressure, heart disease, and arthritis are becoming the popular and accepted' chronic diseases of Western civilization, with many other developing countries not far behind. And researchers are now beginning to admit that diet plays a huge role in the prevention and treatment of disease.

Fast food is highly processed and loaded down with additives. Many of these additives found in fast and processed foods are substances that damage our cells. Although many of these chemicals have been approved by the regulating government bodies, they are still foreign to the body and can cause health issues. If these substances cannot be processed and disposed of (or eliminated), they can end up lodged in our tissues or fatty areas, which creates an acidic pH. Considering disease can only survive in an acidic pH environment, it makes sense to stay away from foods that are doing this.

In North America, reports estimate that caloric intake is up by an average of 340 calories per day due to the availability of inexpensive, calorie-dense foods and eating out at fast-food joints regularly. Vegetables, fruit and fibre are often absent from high-calorie diets, and these types of high-calorie diets provide little or no valuable nutrients our bodies need to maintain good health. Not only is fast-food high in calories it is typically high in sodium, saturated fats and trans fats, and many fast-foods are very high in sugar. So what can we do to avoid the pitfalls of fast food?

Well, it's time to reconsider our approach to eating and get back to the basics by looking at the nutritional benefits food provides. Our ancestors received their nutrition from whole food sources grown in chemical and pesticide free soil. Their vegetables, fruits, and grains were grown in nutrient rich soil containing minerals and enzymes. Although it's a little more difficult today to find foods that are as nutrient dense as they used to be, it is still vitally important to get a complete balance of healthy foods the way nature intended

Choosing foods that are high in fibre and low in fat can help to keep us healthy and fit. Lots of fresh veggies, fruit, and whole grains are a must in today's diet and the fresher and organic we can get is best. The local farmers markets are in full swing at this time of year so it's a great way to shop for our fresh food needs. Another way to ensure we are receiving the nutrients we need on a daily basis is to supplement our diet with a live whole-food concentrate such as BarleyLIfe.

Considered "the original green juice", BarleyLife is an all-natural, green barley grass juice concentrate that helps provide our body with the essential nutrients it needs to develop a strong foundation for good health and vitality. As a matter of fact, barley grass is thought to be the only vegetation on earth that can supply sole nutritional sustenance from birth to old age!

As a live, whole food concentrate, the green barley grass juice in BarleyLife contains an abundance of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, phytochemicals, protein, amino acids, and chlorophyll. Very different from a multivitamin pill, these are food-sourced nutrients in natural proportions - so our body will know what to do with them. One of the most fundamental benefits of green barley grass juice is its profound alkalizing effect. Barley grass juice has a neutral pH of 7.0 and contains alkaline minerals that buffer or neutralize acidic materials.

There is no doubt that fast food is here to stay, but unless we start to change our food choices, experts warn we are creating a generation of very unhealthy people who are already creating a huge burden on the health care system. If you need your fix of fast food, remember one thing. You are what you eat! Once food breaks down inside you, it makes up the very cells that your body is made of. If you want to be strong and healthy, then choose powerful foods. BarleyLife is one such food. It's fast and convenient, while delivering the maximum nutrition needed to maintain whole body health. In fact, when you think about it, BarleyLife really isthe ideal fast food!

When you see the golden arches, you are probably on your way to the pearly gates. ~ William Castelli, M.D.

BarleyLife is now new and improved and is available in a number of varieties to suit your needs: BarleyLife powder, BarleyLife Xtra powder (with 18 different fruits and vegetables), BarleyLife capsules (vegetarian), and BarleyLife Sample Packs.

For more information about AIM BarleyLife, please visit our website at http://www.followthegreen.com where you can read more, download a data sheet and watch a video. As with any supplement it is always recommended to read the literature thoroughly to find out if this product is right for you, and consult a health care practitioner if you have any medical conditions or concerns.

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