Friday, January 31, 2014

Gluten Free Living - Shopping

Shopping at the grocery store provides hundreds of options to help you shop for your gluten free diet. There are many products to sift through and sometimes it can be difficult to understand where to find what you want. The most common question is: what departments should I avoid altogether?

As you know, every supermarket is divided in various departments. Right now I would like to dissect each department and what to look for when shopping for your grocery's. Some areas are better than others when trying to find gluten free food.

Gluten Free, Health Food or Natural Section: Many of the bigger supermarkets now have a section that is entirely tailored to people seeking a gluten free diet. This is a great place to start shopping. You may be able to cross off many items on your list.

Produce: This is another department where you will be able to find many items that are gluten free. You can probably go through this department with little effort and won't have to worry about products that have gluten. The other benefit is the more fruits and vegetables you eat, the more healthy you will feel. Be sure to research what produce items are safe and those that aren't.

Dairy: The dairy department is a great place to shop when looking for gluten free food. Most products in this department are gluten free including milk, eggs, butter, real (not processed) cheese and many yogurts.

Meat, Fish and Poultry: These items are almost always gluten free but be sure to avoid items that are breaded, seasoned or marinated. If you have questions don't be afraid to ask the meat manager or read the label. Gluten intolerance id becoming more and more common so the manager should be able to answer your questions. When starting out though, buy plain, fresh cut, unseasoned meat products.

Deli: Most cold cuts are gluten free and often have a label to indicate so. Typically, meat products that aren't flavored or spiced will be safe to eat. It is wise to check the status of a product online before buying or ask a manager if you aren't sure.

Grocery Department: This is where you need to be especially diligent. Many of the regular items found on the shelves are processed and contain gluten. The easiest way to determine the status of a certain food is to read the label. If it is gluten free, a company will almost always proudly display it on the box. If you aren't sure read the ingredients to find out.

Starting with foods that are likely to be gluten free such as:
plain canned fruit, vegetables, beans and legumes
plain white or brown rice (including enriched)
salad dressing, peanut butter or jam
juice, soda
unflavored coffee and tea
tomato sauce
plain canned fish or tuna
tortillas, potato chips, rice cakes or plain nuts

Frozen Food: Much like the regular aisles in the grocery store, many items found in the frozen food department are also processed foods. Always read the label before making a purchase. There are many items that are gluten free but you must be diligent when reading the ingredients. Here are a few items that are safe to buy and contain no gluten:

Ice cream, frozen yogurt, and ice pops
Frozen plain fruits and vegetables

It's important to read labels before you buy. It may seem troublesome when you first start trying to implement your gluten free diet, but the more you become accustomed to shopping for these items, the easier it will become. If you would like more information about gluten free living please visit our site to get a free Microbook.

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