Friday, December 20, 2013

Health care insurance is available for you - Other

Many people in the USA are looking for more affordable health care owing to the continued increase in premiums. Workers are being hit hard by employers anxious to save money on their premiums by reducing cover or passing on the rises in cost. I am one of those people affected by these rises because a couple of years ago my companys health care plan was changed, resulting in fewer benefits. Last fall, out of the blue, we were informed that our health care provider was going to be switched to a cheaper alternative.

They said that to have a low cost health care scheme for everyone meant we would have to change companies. I do not doubt that many people will say that I am still doing alright and should not complain. To some extent I do agree, but their search for another provider now costs me double the money from my paychecks to have my husband and daughter on my policy. Ok, so many other people benefit, including my company, but my paycheck is considerably lighter now that the premium has doubled to keep my family on the policy.

I suppose my health care plan is still good but this new company is not as good as the old one. As far as I and some of my co-workers are concerned, the only real person to benefit form this new *affordable* health care arrangement is my company. I am sure of this because just over 2 years ago when I had my little boy, the stay in hospital was completely covered by my insurance policy. Whereas if I were to have that same stay in hospital today it would cost over 4,000 dollars.

However, that amount is just for the hospital and delivery because I would also have other expenses and that just doesn't seem fair to the majority that are involved. Luckily there are more and more affordable health care programs being created to help those that do not have any coverage. Some people are even able to get free health care, also single mothers or families where an employment scheme is not available are having the opportunity to join low cost plans. In principle, these plans are a good thing but there are always those that misuse it making the situation difficult for genuine cases.

Those less well off are in need of these affordable health care schemes but they are also used by those who are intent on living of the state and do not actually contribute to society. Although I say they can be a burden to the state, I really mean a burden to its citizens because it is the tax payer who foots the bill. It is true to say that my employer is very happy because he found distinct benefits to finding a different health plan program. Many of the workers found themselves subsidizing the companys desire to save money yet still provide a scheme by ensuring that they paid in their paychecks. We have a responsibility here in America to providing some sort of affordable health care for those that need it most.

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