Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Five Simple Steps Toward Creating The Perfect Weight Loss Plans

There are many different weight loss plans that can be used for losing unwanted body weight. But in this article you will discover how instead of using an "in-effective" weight loss approach like a low calorie diet or a fad diet, you can design your own personal weight loss program that can help you to create permanent fat loss!

By the way, permanent fat loss is when you reach your ideal body weight and then maintain it for life! I also like to call it "irreversible, long-term weight loss success" because once you reach your main target weight -- you never re-gain the unwanted body fat that you worked so hard to lose! Isn't this what you truly want to achieve when you decide to start a weight loss program?

Diets, diet pills, appetite suppressants and other "flawed" weight loss strategies and products are simply a waste of your precious time and hard-earned money! To create a lean, healthy body in the long term, a completely different approach has to b e used, and it should include only proper nutrition and exercise.

There are a few serious problems with using someone else's weight loss plan for creating permanent fat loss. The first, and most obvious, is that it wasn't custom tailored to your wants and needs. Second, it doesn't take into account your physiological characteristics. The person that designed it didn't know if you have an endomorph, ectomorph or a mesomorph dominant body type.

Without taking into account your own personal wants, needs and your body type it is impossible to design an effective nutrition and exercise program that will help you to "effectively" lose unwanted body fat and eventually create permanent fat loss.

Conventional diets, fad diets, diet pills, appetite suppressants that promise quick weight loss in reality lead to muscle loss, water loss, and slow down your metabolism. When this happens your body can't burn calories efficiently and eventually you always hi t a weight loss plateau.

In addition to this -- your organism will continue to increase your appetite because it is not getting what it needs to function properly on a daily basis -- and eventually "massive hunger" will force you to start consuming more food than your body can realistically burn during the day!

Obviously, when this happens, the little weight that you lost using in-effective weight loss approaches and products will be all gained back!

Considering that conventional diets, fad diets, diet pills, appetite suppressants have an almost 100% failure rate -- I would recommend that you avoid using them -- if you want to reach your ideal weight and then maintain it for life.

Your first step toward designing your own weight loss plans is to always start at the end!

What result do you want to create when you arrive at the end of your weight loss journey? Answering this question should be the first step that you take when you start to design your own personal weight loss plans that will help you to create permanent fat loss.

The process that you will use to create the body of your dreams should be designed taking into account the end result that you want to bring into reality. The reason for this is simple: Before you start taking your first steps you must know exactly in what direction you are heading!

If you want to go from where you are right now to reaching your ideal body weight and bringing into reality the body of your dreams I would strongly recommend that you spend some time on creating a goal chart with all the steps that you will take in your weight loss journey!

This brings us to the second part of the first step, which is to objectively observe your current circumstances. Current reality is the only place where you can begin to create the body of your dreams. So before you actually start to use proper nutrition and exercise in order to create a lean, healthy body, decide exactly where you are going and simultaneously observe where you are right now.

This means you have to honestly write down your currently total body weight, your current body fat percentage, your current nutrition strategy, and your current exercise strategy. If you don't have nutrition and exercise strategies -- simply write down what you eat on a daily basis and the exercises that you do.

When you take these two first steps, only then you are ready to start working on the process that will help you to get from where you are right now to where you want to be in the future when you create a lean, attractive body that is filled with health and vitality!

The major reason why most people can't bring into reality the body of their dreams is because they do not know how to create the drive and the non-stop motivation to keep moving toward their major health goals through the toughest parts of their weight loss program wit hout quitting, giving up and throwing in the white towel!
Before we continue, I want to mention that the process for losing unwanted body fat is very simple to describe, but it is not that easy to implement for most people. And if you were born with an endomorph dominant body type, and have a slow metabolism -- it can be very hard!

Knowing this can help you to accept this part of reality -- and can help you to keep moving toward your major health goal -- even if you fall off the wagon a few times during your weight loss journey!

Your second step toward designing your own weight loss plans is to create your own weight loss chart!

The second step that you should take toward reaching your ideal weight is to create your own weekly weight loss chart. This is actually part of tracking current reality and helps you to track your weight loss results on a weekly basis.

By simultaneously focusing on what you desire and where you are in the present moment you will create the energy that can hel p you to keep moving and moving toward reaching your ideal body weight!

The weekly weight loss chart is what will keep you on track, and at the same time it will help to fuel your movement toward your major goal. This is the approach that I used to lose over 110 pounds of unwanted body fat in 12 months. By focusing on my current reality on a daily basis I was able to adjust my weight loss approach until I found the nutrition and exercise strategies that worked especially well for me.

If you want to produce similar results in your weight loss program, I recommend that you design your own weight loss plans using the strategies in this article -- and start moving toward creating irreversible, long-term weight loss success today!

Your third step toward designing your own weight loss plans is to create a nutrition approach that works especially well for you!

Once you have designed your own goal setting chart and created your own weekly weight loss chart, your next step in the design of your weight loss plan should be to custom tailor your own nutrition unique approach that you will use to reach your ideal body weight.

To create irreversible, long-term weight loss success -- the food that you consume on a daily basis should be used mostly to maintain your current weight. You can create a small calorie deficit by using the thermic effect of food sources like lean protein and natural complex carbohydrates.

One of the biggest mistakes made by the majority of dieters is that they attempt to "diet off" their fat instead of burning it off directly using an effective exercise strategy. Trying to lose body fat using conventional diets, fad diets, diet pills, and/or appetite suppressants will always backfire, because your body requires an optimum amount of food on a daily basis to function properly.

When you do not provide your organism with what it requires on a daily basis, it will force you to consume more food through different mechanisms that produce "massive hunger." When this happens you will give up your weight loss approach and start to overeat on a daily basis. When this happens -- all the weight that you lost using these "flawed" approaches and products -- will simply be re-gained!

It is very important that your custom tailored weight loss plan includes the basics and fundamentals of proper nutrition. And one of the most important elements of proper nutrition is to consume natural, unprocessed and unrefined food sources as much as possible.

When designing your own weight loss plan there are some other very important things that you must take into account. When it comes to creating permanent fat loss your daily calorie intake plays a large role in helping you to create this result. Make sure that you calculate your optimum daily calorie intake for yourself -- taking into account your current lean body mass. This is the mo st effective way to get this number right.

Choosing the right nutrient ratios is also a part of a healthy diet plan that will help your body to efficiently burn off the calories that are consumed by you on a daily basis. Nutrient ratios are simply the percentage of the calories that come from the carbohydrates, protein, and dietary fat that you consume on a daily basis.

Last but not least, an effective weight loss plan must also include the proper meal frequency and meal timming approach. Eating four average size meals, every four hours of the day, is the best way to help your body to completely burn off the calories in these meals.

Your fourth step toward designing your own weight loss plans is to create an exercise approach that works especially well for you!

The next step after designing your own nutrition strategy, should be to design your own exercise approach. This step will help you to burn off the unwanted body fat that you currently have stored inside your fat cells more effectively than any other step in your weight loss plans.

The first part of using exercise to burn off unwanted body fat should include cardio workout routines that you use on a regular basis. Cardiovascular exercise will help you to burn off the unwanted body fat directly, and is without a doubt the major secret for creating permanent fat loss. Without making cardio part of your weight loss plan, reaching and then maintaining your ideal body weight is almost impossible!

To lose unwanted body fat you must create a calorie deficit, and cardio training is the most effective way that this can be accomplished without slowing down your metabolism.

The most important thing to know about cardio, is that you can choose to either work out with high intensity for a short period of time, work out with medium intensity for a moderate amount of time, or work out with low intensity for a long time period, and accomplish the same calorie burning result.

This is very important because there is a myth when it comes to cardio training that you must burn a lot of body fat to produce long term weight loss results using a certain intensity while working out.

And the fact is that this is simply not true. The only thing that matters when it comes to creating permanent fat loss is the number of total calories burned, and not if they come mostly from burning fat or from carbohydrates as an energy source.

When you are doing cardio, you are always burning both fat and carbohydrates, the only difference is that you are burning them in different ratios depending on the intensity you are using. But when it is all said and done, what matters is the total amount of calories that you burn, period!

Weight training is the second part of creating an effective weight loss plan and should be used for maintaining your current muscle mass. Your muscle is a m etabolically active tissue and your body must spend a lot of energy (calories) to maintain it.

This means that if you lose muscle during your weight loss program, your metabolism will slow down, and what was once your daily maintenance calorie intake will become a surplus, and eventually this can lead to long term weight gain.

When you are in your weight loss phase of your program you will always lose some muscle no matter how perfect you eat, or with what intensity you do cardio training. To maintain your muscle and avoid muscle loss, weight training is simply a must.

Weight training helps to maintain your current muscle mass -- which helps to keep your metabolism elevated. Obviously this will help your organism to keep burning as many calories as possible during the day, and will help you to keep in the direction of creating permanent fat loss.

Weight training is necessary for both men and women, and the approach to weight traini ng is similar for both sexes. The only difference is the actual weight and intensity that you work out with. An effective weight loss plan will always include both cardio and weight training as part of the strategy to reach your ideal body weight!

Your fifth step toward designing your own weight loss plans is to create a single-minded focus on hitting your main target without ever quitting or giving up!

The final step in your own personally designed weight loss plan should be to decide that no matter what happens, that you will keep going until you bring your major health goal into reality. And once you reach your ideal weight, that you will do everything to maintain it for life!

Making this choice is very important, and will help you to get through the toughest parts of your weight loss program. When the going gets tough, this fundamental choice will tremendously help you to stay focused on your major health goal and at the same time to focu s where you are in the present moment.

If you create your goal setting chart and keep track of your results using your weekly weight loss chart, this will help you to always keep moving in the right direction. There is nothing that will produce the drive and non-stop motivation like simultaneously focusing on what you want to create and what you have in the present moment in relation to this desired result.

This is why it is so important to know what you truly desire to create in your weight loss program and to work on this on a daily basis.

Taking these five steps is what it will take for you to create permanent fat loss, and to bring into reality the body of your dreams! Now the choice is up to you, will you use these steps and create a lean, healthy body, or not?

A true choice is when you can choose to do something or choose not to do something. And I truly hope that you choose the first, and eventually will use these five simpl e steps toward creating your own weight loss plans -- to bring your health goal completely into reality!

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