Friday, August 23, 2013

Weight Loss Surgery-Fitness And Healthy

If you are very overweight and have tried to improve their diet and exercise levels, without success, then the weight loss surgery can be a real option. But this is not a shortcut to lose weight as easily as it would mean changing the way you eat forever. If you are overweight, the best way to lose weight, since changes in diet and exercise. You can learn by reading several articles about weight loss. However, in cases where changes in lifestyle, with weight loss drugs, when necessary, not sufficient, then the weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric tide may be an option. Weight loss surgery is not for everyone. And that does not mean you can lose weight without any effort. We have to show that diet and lifestyle changes before surgery, and must meet the long-term changes later. But the process can greatly help overweight people lose significant weight gain. If you are interested in weight loss surgery, talk to your doctor for more information. What is weight loss surgery? There are two main types of surgery to lose weight.

* Banda stomach. Here, the band is placed around the upper stomach. This causes a feeling of fullness after eating a small amount of food, which means that food must be eaten very slowly. * Gastric Bypass. Here, a smaller stomach is created. This causes a feeling of fullness after eating a small amount of food, which means that the body absorbs less calories. Both procedures are designed to be permanent. Learn more about these and less common surgical weight loss for obesity surgery by reading. What is surgery to lose weight? Your doctor can determine if weight loss surgery is right for you. To be considered for a weight loss surgery must have a body mass index (BMI):

* 40 or more * (O) body mass index between 35 and 40 with weight related health conditions such as type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure Know your body mass index with our healthy weight calculator. You must also:

* Be able to commit to long-term follow-up appointments after surgery * Have you tried to lose weight through diet and exercise level change for at least six months * To be healthy enough to undergo an operation under general anesthesia

Before surgeryIf your doctor thinks that weight loss surgery is right for you, we will refer to a specific group of weight loss. The consultant will assess whether surgery to lose weight is the right step to take. Consultant should explain more to you about the different types of surgery. It should discuss weight loss that may arise, and lifestyle changes have to do after that. Also analyze the risks and possible side effects of surgery. Weight loss surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Serious complications are rare, but may be more likely if you are overweight. In the evaluation, the group should:

* Assessment of health problems that may pose a risk during surgery, such as high blood pressure, heart disease and obstructive sleep apnea, or after surgery, such as deep vein thrombosis. * Evaluation of psychology, including the presence of eating disorders. It is important to know all the psychological problems with food, because after surgery you may eat as before. Although the group decided to continue the operation should be offered psychological support and help with diet and lifestyle before surgery. Many people who undergo weight loss surgery must go to a special diet, low in calories before surgery. His goal is to lose excess fat is present in the liver, so that surgeons are able to perform the operation. It is important to meet a nutritionist who can help with this diet, and this is very important to stick to it. From operationType of weight loss surgery you have depends on your circumstances, including if you are overweight, and other health problems you have. Most people who have gastric banding surgery in a hospital bed, but this varies between treatment centers. With gastric bypass, hospital stay is usually between one and three nights. After a group of experts surgeryThe different schedules appointments will then run more than one year or more, and it is important to follow all that. Experts in the team continued support is vital for long-term business success, as it will help change the habits of the old food, and to adapt to a new lifestyle. It is important to realize that after surgery, will never be able to eat as before. This means a change of diet. Dietitian group of experts who can help with this. We offer advice on healthy diets and supplements that provide nutrients and energy it needs. If it was a gastric band fitted, you may have to create it. This is done by injecting a liquid into a small port below the skin surface, and possibly be on the track appointment. After weight loss surgery, you will feel full after eating very small portions. You should eat small portions of food at meals. It would take much longer to eat, and you should chew your food well. If you try to eat too much you may experience, or may vomit.Weight loss your weight loss will also be monitored following appointment. If you have been fitted with a gastric band, you should aim for steady weight loss of about 1 pound and 2 pounds (0.5 kg or 1 kg) per week, which lasts for one year and 18 months. If there was a common gastric bypass to lose weight faster than the first. But eventually, loss of weight due to gastric bypass and gastric banding procedure is the same. If you are overweight, can not achieve a healthy body mass index, even if your weight loss has stopped. But reaching a healthy body mass index reduce the risk of serious health problems such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer.

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