Monday, August 19, 2013

Aerobic Exercises

Aerobic exercise is a long duration, lower intensity activity which increases your oxygen consumption, makes your heart and lungs work harder, and results in increased endurance. Swimming, brisk walking, running are common Aerobic exercises.

Aerobic exercise is one of the key ingredients to a healthy body. It is also a great way to relieve stress and anxiety. It is best if you're trying to lull yourself to sleep at night.It is one of the best high impact cardiovascular exercises that you can do for your body.

Aerobic exercise is the only form of exercise that burns fat, thus helping to lose fat weight. It is better for blood pressure than resistance exercise. These exercisesareusually of moderate intensity, about 60-80% of maximum exertion, for the duration of at least 15 or 20 minutes and burns primarily fat (fatty acids) for fuel. It is perhaps the answer to turn the body into a lean and mean machine, brimming with energy and strength.It is a type of exercise in which muscles draw on oxygen in the blood as well as fats and glucose that increase cardiovascular endurance.

Remember, if your aim is to get a six pack, a healthy eating regime, along with aerobic exercise is also required. The simplest and most common form of water aerobic exercise is swimming.

The main benefit is that Water aerobic exercise is a safer and healthier aerobic exercise simply because this aqua exercise does not strain the bone, joint and body muscle.Water aerobic exercise is also known as aqua aerobic exercise.For those who hate the feeling of sticky perspiring body, water aerobic exercise is a good alternative.

Recommended intensity of aerobic exercises is within 60 to 90 percent of your maximum heart rate. The number of calories you'll burn during aerobic exercise is affected by your body weight, the intensity of your workout, your conditioning level, and metabolism, so burn rates are only an estimate. (Maximum heart rate is equal to 220 minus your age).

While aerobic exercise is the best way to improve cardiovascular fitness, weightlifting is the best way to strengthen muscles and bones and build muscle mass. Regularexercise is a key to maintaining a nontoxic body in our toxic environment.

Aerobic exercises and Muscles

Aerobic literally means "with oxygen", and refers to the use of oxygen in muscles' energy-generating process.Muscle soreness and discomfort are normal symptoms of strength training, and may be delayed as long as 48 hours after training.Muscle cells have many mitochondria, which allow them to respond quickly to the need for doing work.Muscle burns more calories at rest than other bodily tissues, though just how much is debatable.

Practice of aerobic exercises will help you develop stronger leg and hip muscles and it will do wonders for your cardio-respiratory fitness level as well. Start with the largest muscles and work your way up to the smallest. Your largest muscle is your hips and your smallest muscles are your arms.

Some important facts about fat: Fat will not turn into muscle, nor muscle into fat.

Any activity involving the major muscle groups can be aerobic, such as swimming, running, or brisk walking."But the biggest change in metabolism (in women at midlife and later) comes from loss of muscle mass. Women and men lose muscle as they age, which is why it is recommended that everyone strength train two to three days a week to keep the muscles strong.


Oxygen, fats, and glucose are used to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the basic fuel for all cells.Oxygen aids the functioning of every body system.Aerobic literally means "with oxygen", and refers to the use of oxygen in muscles' energy-generating process.In such exercise, oxygen is used to "burn" fats and glucose in order to produce adenosine triphosphate, the basic energy carrier for all cells.Good circulation is a boon to every inch, providing oxygen and nutrients to the cells.

Aerobic exercise can be defined as the one, which involves the use of oxygen to produce energy, whereas anaerobic exercise makes the body to produce energy without using oxygen. While oxygen is used to break down glucose by aerobic exercise, the anaerobic exercises make use of phosphocreatine, stored in the muscles, for the process.

Aerobic exercises improve the circulation of blood and transportation of oxygen in the body reduces blood pressure and burns fat. It isa type of exercise in which muscles draw on oxygen in the blood as well as fats and glucose that increase cardiovascular endurance.

By: Pradeep Mahajan

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