Friday, March 8, 2013

make me a Supermodel - Health - Weight Loss

Secret Diets that the Supermodels would rather you didn't know...

These days it's pretty much impossible to see much body fat on any super model or Hollywood star. Today's stars are slim and toned, much to the annoyance and envy of anyone with a once or two of excess body fat...

When interviewed a lot of these stars will say it's all down to their 'good genes' or declare their pin thin figure is down to regular Yoga...or simply down to running around with their children and taking the pet dog for long walks.

What the general public doesn't know - some of these famous super thin stars are blatantly lying...

Recently exposed in the national press by a 'top fitness coach' who trained some of Hollywood's top stars has revealed some dark truths that these stars would rather the public did not know - namely their 'bizarre diet secrets'

Boiled eggs & nothing else!It was a well know fact amongst the film crew on the set of 'Cold Mountain' that one famous actress would rise in the morning and eat one boiled egg - no lunch and then for her dinner have one or two more eggs boiled eggs, that was her entire diet, day in day out!

One famous 'pin thin model' was living on nothing but diet coke and peanuts. She drank up to five tins of diet coke a day and munched her way through a large bag of peanuts; if she got hungry she'd smoke! She's not alone, the secret weapon of many top models is constantly smoking, a well known way of suppressing appetite.

The dangers of smoking are well documented - we've all been alerted by family members, doctors and even perfect strangers, to the dangers of smoking. Lung cancer, emphysema and heart disease are only some of the health issues associated with long term smoking habits. Let's face it - you would have to be living on mars not to know the dangers!

Caffeine addictsMany top models are regularly spotted leaving Starbucks clutching huge cups of coffee, this coffee 'addiction' is becoming a steady trend amongst Hollywood's thinnest actresses. They believe coffee not only speeds up their metabolism, which in turn will burn fat, but they also believe drinking plenty of it keeps them from eating...

This could not be further from the truth - nutritional experts state - Coffee can actually make you obese. If you drink too much, the caffeine mimics the stress response in our bodies, in turn your cortisol and insulin levels rise.These excessive levels of stress hormone signal the body to store fat.

The fitness coach also exposed a famous actor who was using a nicorette patch, not to stop smoking but to subdue his food cravings! Which may well succeed in eradicating the need for cigarettes - but definitely won't work for weight loss.

In an industry where you are paid mega bucks for looking good, it's no wonder that some of the worlds top super stars will resort to any desperate measure...Thankfully for those in the 'know' there is an alternative to all this 'craziness' The solution is the use of a 'natural herbal remedy' the product has been featured on FOX and CNN news - the best part is YOU can try it for FREE! By visiting the website below.

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