Thursday, December 20, 2012

Fat Burning Foods, Some To Consider

As you know, there are many products on the market which claim to help you lose weight, and there are numerous diets you can follow, but are there any foods which actually help you to burn fat; foods that will help you to shift that extra weight more easily? Well, there are various foods which would benefit you if you include them in your diet, but it's important to understand that in order for you to lose weight, you have to be sensible with your eating habits, and don't expect these foods to help you to become slim if you're eating lots of fattening foods at the same time.

There are several fat-burning foods which help when losing weight. Among them are chicken, turkey, pork and tuna. Chicken and turkey are high in protein which helps to boost metabolism. According to Danish researchers, men who substituted protein for one fifth of their daily carbohydrates, increased the amount of calories they burned on a daily basis. Pork is another source of protein, but if you're going to eat pork chops, it's best to grill them rather than to fry them, and to trim off any extra fat.

Tuna forms a healthy addition to your diet. Leptin levels within the body are associated with metabolism, and the lower the level, the faster the metabolism. By eating tuna, you are reducing the level of the hormone in the body. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin found that during trials with mice, the mice with the lower levels of leptin had faster metabolism and as a result, they burnt off calories faster.

Fruits rich in vitamin C have fat - burning qualities. Try lemons, limes, oranges, or maybe grapefruit or guava. The vitamin C dilutes fat and makes it less effective. It also helps to release the fat from the body. Berries are full of vitamins and minerals. As well as those, they give us fibre which again helps to control our blood sugar levels, and they are an excellent source of antioxidants. Mix your berries with yoghurt, or just eat a handful when you want a snack.

Nuts can actually help you to burn fat. Although they are between 75% and 90% fat (in terms of fat calories to total calories), the fats are healthy fats. They can aid in weight loss as they are also a good source of fibre and protein, and this also helps to control blood sugar levels. They can help to control appetite. If you vary the types of nuts you eat, you'll help to consume varied types of vitamins and minerals, although it's best to eat raw nuts and not roasted nuts. This is because raw nuts have maintained the nutritional content of the healthy fats.

Dairy products are another good source. Dr Michael Zemel, University of Tennessee professor of nutrition and medicine, and director of UT's Nutrition Institute, carried out a study along with Dr. W.G. Thompson of the Mayo Clinic. They found that calcium found in dairy products such as milk and cheese, acts as a fat burner that can boost weight loss by increasing the fat breakdown in fat cells. Instead of storing fat, the fat starts to burn. Dr Zemel and his colleagues also studied the effects of yoghurt and found that by eating three daily servings as part of a calorie - controlled diet, fat loss could be increased.

There are other healthy foods which will help to burn fat, such as eggs which are full of protein and avocados, because they are full of healthy fats which help to maintain proper levels of hormones in your body. These help with muscle building and fat loss. Obviously, the more active you are, the more calories you're burning, but eating these foods will help you on your way to losing weight, as long as your calorie input is not more than your output.

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