Monday, December 3, 2012

A Comprehensive Study Between Electronic Cigarettes and Traditional Cigarettes - Health - Quit Smoking

There has always been a debate on the topic, if electronic cigarettes are better than normal cigarettes. There can be several parameters on which this aspect can be judged. The most important aspect for judging the difference is probably the health factor. South Beach Smoke smokeless cigarettes have been designed to make sure that you do not harm yourself in any possible way, while smoking these cigarettes. If you have been smoking tobacco cigarettes for quite a long period of time, time is ripe to shift to electronic cigarette from the traditional ones.T he biggest problem about the traditional cigarettes is, they contain carcinogen and tar. These elements are quite harmful for your health. In fact, all the traditional cigarettes contain almost four thousand different types of chemicals blended in a single cigarette. All these dangerous chemicals are mixed with tobacco. The cigarette has cotton made filter at one end of it. This filter is supposed to stop the harmful chem icals or their smoke from coming to your mouth. This way the effect of bad chemicals and smoke can be evaded to some extent, but you cannot get rid of it completely.

Second hand smoking experience or passive smoking is another big thing that has become a strong reason for avoiding smoking tobacco. When you smoke the traditional tobacco cigarette, a choking gush of smoke fills all your senses. You might be ready to inhale that amount of smoke but, why should people around you accept that torture? If you start smoking electronic smokeless cigarette, that will be a relief not only to your senses but, to all the passive smokers around you. The reason- unlike traditional cigarettes, electronic cigarette smoking does not generate carbon monoxide, smoke of tar or chemicals.

Smoking normal cigarette has been proved to be among the major causes of coronary heart diseases. So, smoking increases the risk of getting stroke or cardiac arrest. Apart from that, the smoker also has a risk of getting ontogenesis lung cancer, protracted obstructive lung diseases, etc. Apart from these, according to researches, they might also face problems like curtailed circulation in artery, gangrene, etc. The electronic cigarettes are designed in a way that these diseases are not caused by them. These are completely free from the harmful chemicals like carcinogens, tar, etc.

Traditional cigarettes often cause abdominal aortic aneurysm, (swelling of an artery, where it passes through the abdomen). Traditional cigarettes can also cause diseases like lung cancer. Apart from that this single piece of horror stick can become the reason of several other forms of cancers. Best electronic cigarette by South Beach Smoke can lessen the harm caused by the traditional tobacco cigarettes.

It has been found that women with the habit of smoking tobacco cigarettes run a risk of suffering from lesser density of bone. On the other hand women who smoke the best electronic cigarettes are less prone to that problem of porous bones. Different newspapers or magazines publish e-cigarette review and spread awareness against smoking tobacco. Instead of giving it up completely, you can switch to electronic cigarettes.

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