Friday, November 2, 2012

Vegan Diet : The power of Vegetarian Food - Health - Fitness

Now a day's most of the people are following vegetarian diet. Religious or other beliefs, Parental preferences, health issues, compassion towards animals are among the most common reasons for choosing to be a vegetarian. However, most of them do not fall in the category of Vegan simply because the Veganism philosophy endeavors not to use or consume animal products of any kind. This means that not only meat, fish and poultry but also animal based products like milk, curd/yoghurt, cheese, paneer, and honey should be avoided. Even jellies, ice creams should be avoided as they contain gelatin which is derived from parts of an animal's body.So what is Vegan?A healthy vegetarian diet consists primarily of plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. A vegetarian diet generally contains less fat and cholesterol, and typically includes more fiber. But did you know that there are different forms of vegetarianism.

Vegans eat only plant-based foods. They don't eat foods from animals, including meat, poultry, fish, milk, eggs and cheese. Lacto-vegetarians consume milk and milk products along with plant-based foods. They omit eggs as well as meat, fish and poultry. Lacto-ovo vegetarians eat eggs, milk and milk products such as cheese and yogurt, in addition to plant-based foods. They omit red meat, fish and poultry. Flexitarians (semi-vegetarians) primarily follow a plant-based diet but occasionally eat small amounts of meat.

How Vegan Help us?Health benefits are one of the main reasons and because of this only anyone may try become a vegan. The primary benefits are: weight loss, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, feeling more energized, and looking great, also you can cut down your medications if you are following vegan diet. Many people think that to lose weight you have to starve yourself. This kind of diet is definitely not healthy and may cause anorexia and bulimia. If you want to lose weight, veganism is your answer. With a vegan lifestyle you do not have to cut back on your eating portions. It mainly consists of fruit, which have very little fat, vegetables, which have no fat, grains, which take more calories to digest then they have in them, and nuts, which have a good kind of fat but can become fattening if eaten all the time.Lower cholesterol and blood pressure is a very important benefit of vegan diet. High cholesterol and high blood pressure cause heart attacks and strokes. Both of these diseases clog your arteries and slow down your blood circulation. By eliminating animal products from your diet, which contain high amounts of cholesterol, you will automatically lower your cholesterol. Your blood pressure will drop within a few weeks of eating the right nutritious foods.Less use of medication is a health and money saving benefit. Most doctors prescribe prescriptions for high cholesterol and blood pressure, stress, and weight loss. Most vegans also do not need weight loss pills. It is also proven that eating a lot of tofu and soy products help you to handle stress better. Therefore you do not need to spend your money and take pills that are unnecessary.Some of the surgeries that you can help to prevent and possibly avoid with veganism include open heart, angioplasty, vein stripping, and surgeries for cancer.Cancer is another disease that veganism will help you to avoid. Most vegans try to stay away from a lot of pesticides, chemicals, and preservati ves in their foods, some of which have been proven to cause cancer. Studies have been done and have proven that vegetarians and vegans are a class of people with the least amount of cancer.Having more energy is another benefit. By not eating high portions of fat and sugar you will naturally have more energy. Most people who consume a lot of high fat and sugar foods have less energy and tend to drag all day long. Instead, by eating a lot of vegetables and grains you will have more energy.Looking great is pretty much self-explanatory. Everyone wants to feel and look his or her best. With more energy and weighing less you will automatically feel and look great. However to have that "buffed" gym look, you need to exercise daily. There are many people that ask how vegans get all their vitamins and nutrition by not eating any animal products. Actually a vegan diet is healthier and contains a lot more vitamins than the alternative. No diet is a guaranteed solution to every health p roblem, but a vegan lifestyle is one of the best decisions you can make to preserve and improve your health.Nutrients to focus on for vegetarians Vegetarians have to be careful to include the following key nutrients that may be lacking in a vegetarian diet: Iron Calcium Protein Vitamin D Vitamin B12 ZincIf meat, fish, dairy products, and/or eggs are not going to be part of your diet, you'll need to know how to get enough of these nutrients, or you may need to take a daily multiple vitamin and mineral supplement.Protein has many important functions in the body and is essential for growth and maintenance. Protein needs can easily be met by eating a variety of plant-based foods. Combining different protein sources in the same meal is not necessary. Sources of protein for vegetarians include beans, nuts, nut butters, peas, and soy products (tofu, tempeh, veggie burgers). Milk products and eggs are also good protein sources for lacto-ovo vegetarians.Iron functions primarily as a carrier of oxygen in the blood. Iron sources for vegetarians include iron-fortified breakfast cereals, spinach, kidney beans, black-eyed peas, lentils, turnip greens, molasses, whole wheat breads, peas, and some dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, raisins).

Calcium is used for building bones and teeth and in maintaining bone strength. Sources of calcium for vegetarians include calcium-fortified soymilk, calcium-fortified breakfast cereals and orange juice, tofu made with calcium sulfate, and some dark-green leafy vegetables (collard greens, turnip greens, bok choy, mustard greens). The amount of calcium that can be absorbed from these foods varies. Consuming enough plant foods to meet calcium needs may be unrealistic for many. Milk products are excellent calcium sources for lacto vegetarians. Calcium supplements are another potential source.

Zinc is necessary for many biochemical reactions and also helps the immune system function properly. Sources of zinc for vegetarians include many types of beans (white beans, kidney beans, and chickpeas), zinc-fortified breakfast cereals, wheat germ, and pumpkin seeds. Milk products are a zinc source for lacto vegetarians. Vitamin B12 is found in animal products and some fortified foods. Sources of vitamin B12 for vegetarians include milk products, eggs, and foods that have been fortified with vitamin B12. These include breakfast cereals, soymilk, veggie burgers, and nutritional yeast.What you can do to pursue a vegan lifestyle?Here I have mentioned few things which you can follow in vegan lifestyle.1. Add variety to the diet2. Always have a delicious vegan meal such as chopped vegetables, nuts, cookies, grains or plates of salads in the freezer. 3. You can begin the day with either fresh fruit juices or a vegetable smoothie; this can give you some extra energy. Plus, it i s very healthy also. 4. Organize your diet plans; keep a weekly menu that is pre-planned for a couple of months. You can write it down, with more details for your breakfasts, snacks, lunch, dinners, desserts etc.5. Consume whole grain products such as brown rice, cereals, wheat bread instead of refined products.6. Eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables7. Choose non-fat dairy products8. Limit intake of egg yolks to 3 to 4 every week for lacto-ovo vegetarians. 9. Limit consumption of sugar and fatty foods10. Plan your shopping so that you can have more time to read food labels11. There are available vegan products in the market today and there are also special stores devoted in manufacturing and selling non-animal products.Finally what I can say is Vegetarian diets can meet all the recommendations for nutrients. The key is to consume a variety of foods and the right amount of foods to meet your calorie needs. Follow the food group recommendations for your age, sex, and ac tivity level to get the right amount of food and the variety of foods needed for nutrient adequacy. Nutrients that vegetarians may need to focus on include protein, iron, calcium, zinc, and vitamin B12.

Vegan Diet disclaimer: Balancing nutrition is vital for a healthy vegan diet. Strict vegans may be at risk of several nutrition deficiencies such as vitamin B-12, riboflavin, zinc, calcium, iron, and essential amino acids such as lysine and methionine etc. Please consult your health care provider before opting for strict vegan diet.

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