Monday, November 5, 2012

Five foods to get rid of cholesterol! - Health - Nutrition

Can a bowl of oatmeal prevent a heart attack? What about a handful of nuts or even baked potatoes, glib with a healthy margarine? High cholesterol is a leading cause of heart attack and the blockage of blood vessels, which can be fatal. It is worth to do something about it. Some simple tips can significantly lower cholesterol, perhaps so that you no longer need to take drugs for it.

First Oatmeal. Rolled oats contain soluble fiber, which reduce harmful cholesterol (LDL), which reduces the risk of heart disease. You can found soluble fiber also in young beans, apples, barley and prunes.

Soluble fiber reduces the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine. 10 or more grams of oatmeal a day lower harmful cholesterol, LDL. If you eat a cup and a half of cooked oatmeal a day, it produced 6 grams of fiber. If you add banana to oatmeal, you get additional 4 grams of fiber.

Second Walnuts and hazelnuts. Research has shown that nuts lower cholesterol significantly. They are full of namely polyunsaturated fatty acids, but also affect the health of blood vessels. Also, the nuts have similar properties. Nuts have a lot of calories, so you can eat only a handful of nuts. If you want, instead of cheese, meat or bread on the salad shake a fist of nuts.

Third Fish and omega-3 saturated fat. Eating fish raises the level of omega-3 fats that are very body-friendly. Omega 3 fats have a good affect on lowering blood pressure and reduce the possibility for clots in the veins. Doctors says that it should be at least twice a week the fish dish on menu. Most omega 3 fats are in mackerel, trout, sardines, tuna and salmon. To keep the fat content, you need to cook or bake fish on the grill.Fourth Olive oil. Olive oil contains just the right combination of antioxidants that reduce harmful cholesterol and good cholesterol remains intact. Doctors advise ingestion of two teaspoons of cooking oil per day, which has good affects for the heart. All food should be prepared in olive oil. Olive oil is really very healthy.

Fifth food full of plant sterols and stanols. Sterols and stanols reduce cholesterol absorption option. Margarine, orange juice and yoghurt reduced levels of harmful cholesterol by 10 percent. A day should consume at least 2 grams of natural sterols to lower cholesterol.

Provide a healthy skin diet before you begin anything. Be sure to separate the fats, which are most affected by the rise in cholesterol, especially if you eat them together in one meal. Look where you get good fat food. Read how is green tea extract good for diet and what green tea skin products we know.

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