Wednesday, July 2, 2014

How to Build Up Your Immune System: Restore Digestive Health With Boost Foods And Supplemental Vitamin Boosters

A strong immune system is essential for good health. It is like an impenetrable army against invading forces . However, if the immune system isn't continually nourished and fortified, it will slowly weaken and become susceptible to foreign invaders. These invaders include bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites, foreign substances such as pollen and dust and cancer cells.

Our immune systems are weakened by chronic Stress, toxins, high sugar intake, enzyme depletion, poor nutrition, adrenal fatigue and imbalances of the gastro-intestinal tract. Eliminating these threats by avoiding processed, refined and other junk foods and consuming a healthy diet along with regular exercise and adequate rest will restore the immune system to proper health.
Restore Digestive Health

Digestive problems range from indigestion and heartburn to irritable bowel syndrome, dyspepsia, diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel disorders and colon cancer. Many digestive problems l ead to immune system challenges, such as allergies and autoimmune disorders.

A good understanding of how the digestive system works will make restoring it to health simple. The digestive process starts in your mouth. Properly chewing your food, disintegrates it and allows proper enzyme penetration from saliva starting the digestive process. Once the food reaches the stomach it is mixed with stomach acids and sent to the bowel.

In the bowels, the acid/food mix is combined with the alkaline secretions and digestive enzymes. The digestive enzymes digest the food/acid mix to microscopic pieces which are absorbed through the bowels. During this process, proteins, starches, fats, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, foreign hormones and chemicals are digested.

All these microscopic pieces are absorbed through the bowel walls into the blood stream. The indigested part is usually fiber, which stimulate the bowel muscle contraction. The bowel contains billions of friendly bacteria called bowel flora, which help digestion and body detoxification. The bowel flora interact continuously with the immune cells around the bowel walls, which play a major role in keeping a healthy immune system.

What causes Digestive Problems?

Foods - low in fiber and digestive enzymes
Antibiotics - destroy bowel flora which leads to growth of yeast and fungi and imbalance in the gut.

Low FIber - leads to infrequent bowel movements( two to three bowel movements per day is considered healthy) Serious complications lead to various digestive diseases.

Lack of Digestive Enzymes -health A diet low in digestive enzymes forces the pancreas to secrete higher levels of enzymes and eventually it is unable to keep up with the demand. The results being indigestion, excessive gas, bloating, lactose intolerance, as well as allergies and immune system challenges.

Too much or too little stomach acid - too much stomach acid usually is the result of stress and can lead to stomach ulcers. Too little is the result of age and prescription medication. Eating food with little or no digestive enzymes, which is difficult to digest, leads to heart burn and indigestion when there is too much acid in the stomach.

Gulping food - eating food t o quickly and not chewing properly(20 to 30 times)

4 Steps to Restore Digestive Health

1.) Eliminate fungi, bacteria, and toxins with fasting, natural laxatives, natural antibiotics, and lots of fiber.

2.) Restore digestive enzymes with high quality, broad range, digestive enzyme supplements.

3.) Restore desirable bacteria into the intestine with high quality probiotics to establish balance.

4.) Repair the intestinal wall with Quercitin, Rutin, L-Glutathione, L-Cysteine, Bioflavonoids and Selenium.

Stress management is also crucial to restoring digestive health.
Enzymes are the catalysts of every chemical reaction in the Their job is the digestion of food. They break down food into smaller particles so that the bowel is able to absorb them. There are several different types of enzymes designed to deal with different types of food. They are named on this basis.

For example: Protease breaks down proteins to simple amino-acids. Lipase breaks down proteins to simple fatty acids. Amylase breaks down carbohydrates to simple sugars. Lactase breaks down lactose. Cellulase breaks down cellulose. What happens when we are lack digestive enzymes? The food just sits in your stomach and begins to cause indigestion and gas. The food reaches the bowel in a state that make nutrient absorption difficult. By the time it reaches the colon bacteria is beginning to ferment causing gas. bloating and abdominal pain. Bowel movements are hindered and detoxification is limited.

The partially digested animal proteins lead to food allergies. A classic disease known as celiac disease is caused by the undigested gluten. There are several reason why we are enzyme deficient which include cooking, milling and refining, food preservatives, drying, canning, freezing, irradiation, food additives, preservatives, coloring agents, health flavoring and pesticides. The Solution is t o avoid processed and canned foods, eat raw, natural foods high in enzymes and supplement with a broad range formula capable of digesting all food types.
Reduce Stress

Make sure you are getting adequate amounts of Vitamin C, Thiamine, Riboflavin and Panthotenic acid because they are involved in cortisol production. The B vitamins help replenish the bodies energy supply and help reduce the feelings of stress and anxiety. Studies have found magnesium to decrease anxiety and overall stress. Aerobic exercise releases chemicals in the brain called Endorphins which helps us to relax.

A healthy immune system is the key to resisting the continual attacks from invading organisms. If not properly maintained, eventually the immune system will be overcome. Once invaders are allowed to spread a variety of health conditions and diseases are inevitable.

* How to Speed Up Your Metabolism
When people start to gain weight or have trouble losing it many times they blame it on their metabolism and ask themselves; how can I increase my metabolism? It is possible for anyone to increase their metabolism.

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