Saturday, June 28, 2014

Natural Therapies for IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a condition that many people suffer from when their colon is irritable or spastic. IBS symptoms include constipation, diarrhea, stomach pain, gas or cramping. Several names for these common disorders have appeared over the years. These include nervous indigestion, functional dyspepsia, irritable colon, spastic colon, colitis, functional bowel disease, and mucous colitis.

Three main factors are significant in the pathogenesis of IBS. (1) Colonic motor activity is abnormally high in patients with colonic pain, particularly after meals or emotional stress. (2) Psychological stress -- Many with IBS exhibit symptoms of colonic imbalance at times of stress. It's commonly associated with a nervous disorder and anxiety. (3) Diet -- IBS has been linked to food allergies. Therefore, a food sensitivity test may be helpful. Foods which are reported to provoke IBS symptoms include wheat, dairy, caffeinated anything, citrus fruits, and alcohol.

After your doctor has made a definitive diagnosis, then the two of you can work together to find a treatment that will work for you. Your doctor will help you to find a treatment method that will help decrease your symptoms so that you can live your life as normally as possible. Follow your doctor's recommendations so that you can find the right treatment for you. After you and your doctor have worked out your treatment options, you can start to make some changes in your life. IBS does not have to run your life. You can live a full and productive life if you learn how to cope with your IBS symptoms.

One step that will most likely be recommended is that you keep track of the foods that you eat so that you can find the triggers of your IBS symptoms. Good sleep habits are very important in dealing with any health condition, including IBS. Several studies show that IBS sufferers who get fewer than eight hours of sleep each night experience more IBS symptoms than sufferers who get more than eight hours of sleep per night. This natural treatment for IBS is free to you. You only have to get yourself on a regular sleep schedule so that you can give your body the sleep that it needs.

Yoga is a wonderful way to decrease your stress levels and a wonderful natural treatment for IBS. If you have done yoga before, you most likely know what benefits it can give to your body and mind. Yoga focuses on the mind and body connection, which is very helpful to IBS sufferers. Some yoga positions can even improve your digestion, which will help your IBS symptoms. Yoga can even be done in the privacy of your own home.

Hypnosis is one of the options that you may want to consider to help control your IBS. Hypnosis helps in reducing your stress levels, which in turn can help decrease your IBS symptoms. Being more relaxed and less stressed by learning how to be more positive about your life can help to decrease the severity and the frequency of your IBS bouts. A hypnotist will not be needed as often after you learn self-hypnotherapy. Self-hypnotherapy is, in essence, a deep state of meditation. If you will make the effort to make this a part of your day and life, you will find that your stress levels will decrease and you will have better health, including fewer IBS symptoms.

All these methods are in the category of naturopathy. However, they are all alternative medicine therapies mainly to prevent diseases from occurring. Generally speaking, effective treatment results can be obtained using these methods to many chronic diseases; however, to other acute or some serious diseases, plant medicine should be followed. It can manifest the effectiveness of disease treatment better with the coordination of plant medicine. Natural medicines for IBS are based on advancements made in medicinal plants as they apply to virology, immunology, and dermatology.

As a natural treatments provider, NaturesPharma is always ready to provide as much information as possible on the plant-based medicinal products. IBS DropsRx is a natural cure for IBS produced by NaturesPharma and concentrated with a wide spectrum of medicinal plant extracts exhibiting effective irritable bowel syndrome treatment, as demonstrated by a wealth of scientific and clinical studies.

The certified organic essential oils in natural product have been extracted according to traditional methods and they have not been chemically treated or altered. They are also 100% pure and chemotyped (CTE), and subjected to rigorous quality control verification. To learn why these plant extracts and natural substances are safe and effective medicines for IBS further, please go to

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