Monday, June 30, 2014

A New Unique Prebiotic Digestive Health Supplement Has Helped Relieve my Diverticulosis Problem

Did you know about 30% of middle aged Americans have Diverticulosis, what's even more surprising is 50% of people over 60 years old also have it. As it happens I've had if for many years too, and it's been bloody annoying to say the least. However recently I added a prebiotic digestive health supplement to my diet and I'm suitably impressed.

Over the years I've tried many ways to boost my fiber and roughage intake, but how much bran, raw oats, greens, yogurt, fruit and vegetables can a person take. On my doctors advise I even resorted to taking that awful dietary fiber powder mixed with water 3 times a day. When you take a lot of this stuff every day it can cost a fortune every month.

Just in case you don't really know what Diverticulosis is, here's a brief explanation

Diverticulosis (diverticular disease) develops because the colon wall muscles become weaker as we get older that cause pockets to form on the outer wall of the colon.

This is where waste material not being excreted builds up; because it isn't being regularly expelled it becomes larger, dryer and harder over a number of days. Eventually your system gets to the point where it has to get rid of this waste. This is why it's very difficult and often quite painful to pass it out of your system.
If you're interested at the bottom of this article the first link goes to one of my blog pages that shows what a colon diseased with Diverticulosis looks like. There is also a link there that takes you to the Bristol stool scale chart.

Unfortunately once you get Diverticulosis you're stuck with it, the only option you have is to increase your fiber and roughage intake. Some options are:

Eat more bran and raw oats because they are very high in fiber and roughage. Don't buy regular breakfast cereal because most of them have way too much sugar and salt in them.

Eat more vegetables, fruit, wholegrain breads, nuts and wholegrain rice.

Try a Psyllium based fiber powder mixed with water if you want to -- this can be a good addition but can become very expensive each month.

Eat more probiotic yogurt to get more good bacteria into your gut. You might have to try a few different ones because there are a lot of varieties a vailable with different types and amounts of bacteria.

Start taking a prebiotic digestive health supplement to boost the number of good bacteria in your colon and reduce the number of bad bacteria. I recently started taking one that comes from the same company that I source my nutritional supplements and omega 3 fish oil capsules.

It's only been a short time since I started and I'm very impressed with the changes and improvements to my Diverticulosis issues since I started on this prebiotic.

This particular prebiotic is concentrated non-digestible soluble fiber, which promotes the growth of new bacteria in the digestive system to help maintain a good balanced digestive tract.

Make no mistake about it; taking a prebiotic supplement every day can be very beneficial in helping to reduce the discomfort of Diverticulosis. However taking the unique prebiotic capsule I take every day is even better.

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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Asthma & Allergies: Is your Digestive Health responsible for your suffering?

Often times symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, tightness of the chest, runny nose, sneezing, and itchy eyes are caused by environmental factors including dust, pets, foods, flowers, and grasses. These symptoms indicate that the mucosal membranes of your respiratory tract, intestinal tract and nasal passages are irritated and inflamed. This process is an overreaction by your immune system to certain environmental triggers, and is known as a hyper-sensitivity reaction.

So what do asthma and allergies have to do with your digestive health?

Approximately 80% of your immune system is found in your intestinal tract.

When your body is functioning optimally, your intestines support your health in three key ways:

Beneficial bacteria live in your intestines and protect you from an overgrowth of detrimental bacteria, which can cause infection. They also help absorb nutrients and make certain vitamins, supporting the health of your entire body. The inner lining of your small intestine acts as a barrier to separate beneficial nutrients from waste products. Vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats are absorbed into your body through this inner lining and everything else passes through as waste products. Within the lining of your small intestine your body produces immune cells, which are constantly being made to protect you from foreign material traveling from your mouth through your digestive tract.

Proper breakdown and absorption of nutritional factors is dependent on the synergistic functioning of the protective barrier, good bacteria, and the immune cell function of your small intestine. Disruption can be caused by antibiotics, over the counter pain killers, and fried foods, which kill good bacteria, cause inflammation and ulceration, and disrupt digestive functioning, respectively. Infection, asthma, allergies and chronic disease are all symptoms of this disturbance.

When you have an immune reaction, your intestines become inflamed with immune cells. This results in increased intestinal permeability, which inhibits your intestines' ability to separate nutrients from waste and some particles that shouldn't be absorbed, get absorbed. Your immune cells respond by attacking those particles (hypersensitivity reaction). This increased intestinal permeability has been linked not only to bronchial asthma and allergies, but also to other conditions such as Crohn's disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Diabetes, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

So, why do you only experience allergy and asthma symptoms some of the time? It's all about your body's threshold. As long as your body can process daily exposures to toxins and allergens, you don't notice symptoms. However, once that threshold is reached, intestinal permeability breaks down, hypersensitivity reactions occur and you start to experience itching, wheezing, sneezing or other symptoms.

Here are some actions you can take to avoid this reaction long term:

Limit the use of pain killers and anti-inflammatories to when you really need them. If you find that you are using them on a regular basis, see your doctor. Take probiotics during and 2 weeks after antibiotic use. Use a neti pot or other device for nasal passage irrigation before bed, especially during allergy season. Drink 1 tablespoon of organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar with meals to support digestion. Drink plenty of water. The number of ounces of water you should drink daily is equal to the number of pounds you weigh divided by 2!

There is no substitute for medical advice from a licensed doctor. See your Naturopathic Medical Doctor or other medical practitioner about your health care concerns so they can develop a plan that is right for you.

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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Natural Therapies for IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a condition that many people suffer from when their colon is irritable or spastic. IBS symptoms include constipation, diarrhea, stomach pain, gas or cramping. Several names for these common disorders have appeared over the years. These include nervous indigestion, functional dyspepsia, irritable colon, spastic colon, colitis, functional bowel disease, and mucous colitis.

Three main factors are significant in the pathogenesis of IBS. (1) Colonic motor activity is abnormally high in patients with colonic pain, particularly after meals or emotional stress. (2) Psychological stress -- Many with IBS exhibit symptoms of colonic imbalance at times of stress. It's commonly associated with a nervous disorder and anxiety. (3) Diet -- IBS has been linked to food allergies. Therefore, a food sensitivity test may be helpful. Foods which are reported to provoke IBS symptoms include wheat, dairy, caffeinated anything, citrus fruits, and alcohol.

After your doctor has made a definitive diagnosis, then the two of you can work together to find a treatment that will work for you. Your doctor will help you to find a treatment method that will help decrease your symptoms so that you can live your life as normally as possible. Follow your doctor's recommendations so that you can find the right treatment for you. After you and your doctor have worked out your treatment options, you can start to make some changes in your life. IBS does not have to run your life. You can live a full and productive life if you learn how to cope with your IBS symptoms.

One step that will most likely be recommended is that you keep track of the foods that you eat so that you can find the triggers of your IBS symptoms. Good sleep habits are very important in dealing with any health condition, including IBS. Several studies show that IBS sufferers who get fewer than eight hours of sleep each night experience more IBS symptoms than sufferers who get more than eight hours of sleep per night. This natural treatment for IBS is free to you. You only have to get yourself on a regular sleep schedule so that you can give your body the sleep that it needs.

Yoga is a wonderful way to decrease your stress levels and a wonderful natural treatment for IBS. If you have done yoga before, you most likely know what benefits it can give to your body and mind. Yoga focuses on the mind and body connection, which is very helpful to IBS sufferers. Some yoga positions can even improve your digestion, which will help your IBS symptoms. Yoga can even be done in the privacy of your own home.

Hypnosis is one of the options that you may want to consider to help control your IBS. Hypnosis helps in reducing your stress levels, which in turn can help decrease your IBS symptoms. Being more relaxed and less stressed by learning how to be more positive about your life can help to decrease the severity and the frequency of your IBS bouts. A hypnotist will not be needed as often after you learn self-hypnotherapy. Self-hypnotherapy is, in essence, a deep state of meditation. If you will make the effort to make this a part of your day and life, you will find that your stress levels will decrease and you will have better health, including fewer IBS symptoms.

All these methods are in the category of naturopathy. However, they are all alternative medicine therapies mainly to prevent diseases from occurring. Generally speaking, effective treatment results can be obtained using these methods to many chronic diseases; however, to other acute or some serious diseases, plant medicine should be followed. It can manifest the effectiveness of disease treatment better with the coordination of plant medicine. Natural medicines for IBS are based on advancements made in medicinal plants as they apply to virology, immunology, and dermatology.

As a natural treatments provider, NaturesPharma is always ready to provide as much information as possible on the plant-based medicinal products. IBS DropsRx is a natural cure for IBS produced by NaturesPharma and concentrated with a wide spectrum of medicinal plant extracts exhibiting effective irritable bowel syndrome treatment, as demonstrated by a wealth of scientific and clinical studies.

The certified organic essential oils in natural product have been extracted according to traditional methods and they have not been chemically treated or altered. They are also 100% pure and chemotyped (CTE), and subjected to rigorous quality control verification. To learn why these plant extracts and natural substances are safe and effective medicines for IBS further, please go to

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Friday, June 27, 2014

Meditation for Pain Relief: How to Meditate Your Pain Away

Mindful meditation for pain relief has been proven to decrease the mind's response to pain by 40-57% according to a discovery published in The Journal of Neuroscience. But how do you get these benefits when you're in so much pain you can't think? This article offers you easy meditation techniques to use for meditation for anxiety and pain relief.

But let's briefly discuss the research behind this great discovery.

THE RESEARCH: According Fadel Zeidan, Ph.D., in The Journal of Neuroscience, "Mindfulness meditation... significantly reduced pain unpleasantness by 57% and pain intensity ratings by 40%... Together, these data indicate that meditation engages multiple brain mechanisms that alter the construction of the subjectively available experience..."

So, what is Dr. Zeidan really saying? Not only is the brain "too busy meditating" to experience pain, but that meditation in and of itself significantly changes the structure o f the brain to reduce pain. This research gives great significance to using meditation for pain relief.

BENEFITS OF MEDITATION: While this research shows one of the best benefits of meditation, i.e., pain relief, there are a few other physical benefits well worth noting:

Meditation lowers stress chemicals such as cortisol and adrenaline, both of which increase pain, anxiety and depression. Meditation increases good chemicals such as endorphins that help the body stay healthier overall, which in turn lessens pain, anxiety and depression. Meditation also boosts whole brain power which answers the question that many people are asking, "How can I increase my brain power?" Meditation is one of the best relaxation techniques because of long-term and cumulative effects.

MINDFUL MEDITATION FOR BEGINNERS: When learning how to meditate, it is important to find easy meditation techniques. Why? Because learning mindful meditation can take years of study and practice, and unless you are completely devoted, the task may seem to be "too much work."
In particular, when you want to use meditation for pain relief, to put forth the effort to learn mindful meditation while feeling such pain can seem a bit daunting.

BRAINWAVE ENTRAINMENT: When you enter into a state of mindful meditation, your brain "shifts gears" to different electrical frequencies. Just like when you change stations on a radio, so your brain "changes stations" to vibrate at a different frequency. Brainwave entrainment is a way to electronically induce meditation and is one of the best types of meditation for beginners who want to use meditation for pain relief because it electronically "shifts your mind's gears" into the various states of alpha, theta or delta.

Alpha brainwaves: This is a light meditative state where you feel calm and relaxed. If you are doing meditation for anxiety or meditation to relieve stress, this light meditative state is fine.

Theta brainwaves: This brain state is a deeper sta te of meditation and is used for increased memory, focus and overall well-being.

Delta brainwaves: Now this is "where it's at" when you want pain relief. When your mind is in the delta frequency, you have increased immune function as well as put out chemicals that have a deep renewing benefit to your body.

But the delta brainwave state of mind is only achieved when we are in deep, restful sleep. So, if you have pain, which leads to insomnia, which leads to decreased sleep, which leads to less "delta time" for the brain, you are in a downward spiral.

HOW TO GET STARTED: It is easy to get started using brainwave entrainment:

Find a good brainwave entrainment audio that puts your brain down into at least 2.5 Hz for 20-30 minutes. Set aside 30-45 minutes a day to listen to a brainwave meditation audio that puts you into the delta frequency. The best time to listen to it would be as you go to sleep at night. Give yourself time to reap the benefits of this pain management technique. Your body has its own rhythm for healing, so give yourself time to develop your body's reserves to renew itself and feel good again.

SUMMARY: Meditation for pain relief has been scientifically proven to work. Using a brainwave entrainment meditation to put your brain into the appropriate brain frequency to achieve these results gives you one of the best types of meditation to use to get started right away and to keep going because you can meditate your pain away while you sleep!

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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Weight Loss Through Running

Running to lose weight facilitates the loss of weight, remodel the body and improve the sensation of well being. Running to lose weight can be a great way to exercise if you follow certain guidelines. Although you want to make sure that you have the right equipment like the proper running shoes and are eating healthy. Additionally, I strongly advocate that you invest in two to three pairs of high quality running shoes. Then, alternate the shoes each time you go out running to lose weight. The great thing is running shoes do not have to be expensive. In fact, this activity is one of the cheapest cardio workouts that you can engage in.

If you're just starting out, you might want to begin with the suggested pattern, especially if you haven't been exercising for quite a while:

Start walking, gradually add running, and build by no more than 10% per week.

Exercise will enhance all areas of your body and improvements will appear as you progress. B y recording a log of your exercise routine, you will be able to see a progression of your improved fitness levels over time. Exercise that has the most benefit for minimizing cancer risk is probably that done at moderate to vigorous levels. The benefits of working out are tremendous, but the American lifestyle has become sedentary. Working out need not be an backbreaking or difficult job -- it can be fun, exhilarating and provide great moments for families to not only exercise together but to talk and share other significant aspects of their lives.

Running can the likeliness of everything from the common cold to cancer. Your toughness will increase. Runners World magazine is a great resource and the online version can be accessed. The Chicago marathon website is one of the best that I have seen provide information, running schedules , information on running shoes and running tips for the beginner runner , route maps with inclines, water stops, energy drink stops, spectator and cheering squad stands and locations, expected weather and other information.

However, there are some dangers especially if you have been on extreme diets recently. Runners who attempt to lower their body fat percentages to unhealthy levels run the risk of injury, illness, infertility, and at the very least, decreased performance. You may experience performance problems if you've been dieting religiously to lose weight.
When you exercise, do it at least five days a week. If you are able to make it 7 days a week, it's even better. No matter whether you run five days or seven, remember to make it enjoyable. And if you are stressed, aerobic workouts, walking, cycling, swimming, or running can help loosen those tight muscles and produce endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that can help counteract stress. Exercise in moderation may also help you control your blood pressure.

Beginner runners especially can get injuries if they set the bar too high. There are numerous books and magazines that give specific information programmes for all levels of running such as Runners World and Running Fitness. Novice runners need speed play to remind them how to run properly; all runners need speed training for running enjoyment and for muscle stimulation-especially during the high mileage training which builds base. Low level aerobic exercise is the safest way to build aerobic enduran ce for running.

When you've been running for a while, you'll realize that running becomes your own work of art. You'll learn how to manage your pace, your stride length, even the way you land and push off the ground. As a beginner runner, run the designated mileage at an easy, conversational pace. Use your breathing as your guide to manage your running pace.

To make your running more pleasurable and less routine, Run/Walk in different places or at different times of the day. The Sacramento area offers some incredible places to run/walk. Run more so long as it's pain-free. Always stop when you're experiencing pain. Run to the beat of your favourite music on your next run and concentrate on short strides. If while running you are really tired it just means you are trying to take large strides AND keep up a faster cadence.

Take it slow at the beginning, because your target is to build a habit and make running your regular routine. You won't expe rience weight loss immediately, except through water loss. However, given a period of weeks to months, you'll start to experience both weight loss AND improved health levels.

If you want to add intensity to your run, hills will obviously drive your heart rate up. But that does not mean you should get rid of hill work outright. As you improve in your health and fitness levels, adding runs up hills are an amazing way to improve your strength and challenge your anaerobic system. The first thing you need to do, however, is find a hill with a fairly steep grade.

Additionally, training through extreme weather conditions in the winter or summer can be emotionally exhausting as well as physically challenging. If there's one in your area, running in the pool provides a change of scenery from familiar running paths or treadmills and training at an indoor pool allows for consistency when weather conditions make outdoor running uncomfortable.

Rest days are as important as training days. They give your muscles time to rest so you can run again.

To see how far you've come since you first started running to lose weight, track your workouts, meals, calories, nutrients, measurements, dieting progress, general health and more. Visualize your progress, judge the effectiveness of diets and workouts, and you'll be able to reach your goals sooner.

If you find maintaining your run routine difficult then use walking as a starting point. Walking during a cool-down is a form of active recovery, which helps clear the lactic acid out of the muscles faster than if you come to a dead stop. Jogging may be more effective after a hard workout, but usually walking is a more comfortable way to cool down especially in the heat.

Combined together with a sensible, sound nutrition program, running to lose weight will quicken your advancement towards your weight loss goals. And you'll be slimmer and healthier sooner than you think!

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Which Weight Loss Diet?

Diet and Weight Loss - attention

When a lot of people contemplate a diet or weight loss system, they often need to lose weight quickly. Being on a diet or weight loss system and trying to lose weight quickly just isn't a fantastic thought, and just isn't really excellent for your physique. It really is not like pumping gasoline (petrol) where you'll be able to just pump out several gallons of body fat and you might be instantly thin. Your physique can be a small bit a lot more complex than that. Though you could need to drop the bodyweight quickly from the diet or weight loss system, it really is not really excellent for your physique. Nearly all of us realize that although on the diet or weight loss system, to lose weight we need to melt away a lot more calories than we get in. A pound of body fat includes around three,500 calories, but what exactly is a calorie specifically? A calorie can be a scientific unit of power. This can be calculated by a unit of power equal for the amount of heat necessary to b oost the temperature of one gram or 1 milliliter of drinking water by 1 diploma Centigrade.So should you took one pound of body fat and set it 1 fire below a pan of drinking water, you might warmth up 3,500 milliliters 1 degree Centigrade. Yet another alternative would be to heat up a hundred milliliters of drinking water 35 degrees Centigrade. In any event the very same amount of power is employed.

Diet and Weight Loss - calorie consumption

Now a number of these diet and weight loss plans on the market declare you'll be able to drop 3 to 4 lbs of body fat each and every week. That will equate to some exactly where inside the area of 14,000 calories each and every week you'd have to melt away in your diet or weight loss system.

I am not declaring which is unattainable, but it is around 2,000 calories each day you must melt away although on your diet or weight loss system. Which is a really higher amount of calories to melt away each and every and every single day when beginning out with any diet or weight loss system. Once you commence a diet or weight loss system, you might be in some techniques teaching your physique to acknowledge a brand new set of codes to have the ability to lose weight. Examine it in this way, for or a long time you've got followed a set of codes or consuming behavior and routines that have lead you to achieve bodyweight. Your new diet or weight loss system will probably train you a new set of codes, but very first we have to realize the previous types. These strategies are set within your method as difficult code for your physique to comply with. You see you've got invested day in working day out, 12 months right after 12 months teaching your physique to respond to those codes. We are all creatures of practice, and so reside our lifestyle by a set route each and every and every single day. Take into consideration how you commence your working day each and every and each morning. You may locate you typically commence it the very same way over and over. Nicely which is what your physique does together with the foods you consume.

Diet and Weight Loss - duplication

You possibly do all the very same points inside the very same buy since your brain continues to be skilled that way. Which is why you'll be able to be nevertheless 50 percent asleep and get prepared for work with out thinking of it. Now try just when to alter the buy you do your early morning program in and I assure you may overlook to do something. The reason you do overlook is since your body and brain have already been skilled to complete points in a set buy. Once you skip a phase the brain instantly picks up within the following phase and completes the remainder from the jobs it's got to complete inside the buy it absolutely was skilled. The very same concepts utilize when eating. All of us have a tendency to comply with a set regime of behavior when we consume or snack. Let's get a bottle of pop as an example, you possibly drink the very same flavor each time and also you consume it at the very same time each and every working day. This can be since your body is emplo yed to acquiring that pop at that time. It's got set a psychological clock to get that liquid sugar at that time, since its practice as well as your physique reply to behavior. Take into consideration all the junk foods you take in as well as the occasions once you take in it. When you commence to acknowledge the patterns you'll be able to commence to alter them. When beginning your diet or weight loss system don't rush out and alter each factor more than evening as your physique won't adapt to that really nicely and you may shortly locate your self back again within your previous way and possibly consuming a lot more junk foods since of it. Attempt to publish down every single day for per week every little thing you consume and drink. Then commence to substitute objects inside that record gradually with much healthier options from the diet or weight loss system. As an example that pop that you consume every single day, substitute it with drinking water or an herbal tea. Rig ht after numerous days of alternative commence on yet another merchandise. You may be shocked at how swiftly you'll be able to alter your whole eating behavior to a much healthier set. Just bear in mind that your physique is nevertheless gonna attempt to get the sugars you might be taking away from another portion of the diet. Don't fall for it, remind your self that you don't want that sugar and may get far better sugar from organic items that don't cause you to achieve bodyweight. Sugars arrive from a variety of excellent items like honey or fruit. These organic sugars will melt away up quicker and preserve you from gaining bodyweight, which can be what you might be attempting to do although on any diet or weight loss system. So beginning your diet or weight loss system needs to be gradual. Although you might be starting to study up in your diet and what you have to do, make excellent use of this time by exchanging poor eating behavior for excellent types. That way once yo u commence your diet or weight loss system you may be less probably to crave a number of your previous food items. You may have skilled your body to anticipate the new foods stuffs as an alternative which can be excellent for the new diet or weight loss system.

Diet and Weight Loss - Talk theTalk

Often integrate physical exercise into your diet or weight loss system. This can be a huge need to do, even when it really is only strolling for 30 minutes twice a day. Making use of your muscle tissue will melt away a lot more body fat and enable you to create a leaner physique. Although in your diet or weight loss system don't fall for that previous scales are not going down syndrome. It really is really achievable that you are acquiring thinner each and every and every single day but your bodyweight just isn't altering. In some circumstances I have observed folks achieve bodyweight but drop gown dimensions although on a diet or weight loss system. This can be since when you understand to exercise, your muscle tissue start to reshape. Muscle is really, really dense and takes up less room than body fat, which can be bulky. So as your body gains a lot more organic muscle back again you commence to shrink in dimensions but do not lose weight, which can be discouraging when on the diet or weight loss system. When on your diet or weight loss system, merge weighing and measuring to keep an precise report of the adjustments. When you physical exercise a lot more your body body fat will reduce but your bodyweight may possibly not. It really is an excellent factor to create muscle because it helps to melt away body fat quicker. This boosts your metabolic rate, which can be what each one who goes on the diet or weight loss system wants to do. Stay away from the fad diet plans or weight loss plans as they can lead to you burning muscle tissue which can be really poor. Final of all bear in mind that you did not achieve this bodyweight more than night also to drop it on any diet or weight loss system won't take place over night.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Drop Weight Quickly With The Best Ever Weight Loss Diet Plans Online

The speedy weight loss diet plan for free strategy is actually uncommon to uncover. Although there isn't any this type of point because slimming down over night, you will find weight loss programs that may really assist you to shed some weight quickly in just a few days or even as much as 3 days according to a couple of aspects concerning oneself. Many people who're buying speedy method to decrease pounds quickly do need an eating plan which functions and it is balanced to begin with. The rapid loss of weight diet plan isn't essentially determined by hunger to be able to reduce pounds. Depriving you to ultimately slim down is actually harmful. Continue reading to obtain the very best weight loss program I can recommend.

Very best On-line Rapid loss of weight Diet plan

Weight-loss four Dummies: This particular is among the the majority of well-known down loaded diet plan on the web. During the past couple of years, weight-loss four dummies continues to be taking over on-line within the weight-loss sector among the greatest weight loss programs with regard to rapid weight-loss. Lots of people purchased the program as well as dropped pounds and that's most likely among the explanations why weight-loss four dummies is actually well-liked. What exactly is actually the program exactly about? Fat reduction some dummies is dependant on an idea associated with "Calorie Shifting" instead which consuming reduced carbohydrate, low-fat or even reduced calories from fat. Calorie moving isn't regarding depriving your self possibly. This means to alter the actual proportion associated with meals such as protein, carbs as well as extra fat. Weight loss diet plan for free isn't a minimal calorie reduced carbohydrate weight loss plan however it includes a percentage manage area which regulates the actual calories from fat as well as carbohydrates a person eat so that you will merely do not consume whatever you would like anyhow.

The principle causes of moving calories from fat would be to permit metabolic process to sit in your diet plan as well as to not obtain bored to death ingesting exact same foods on a regular basis. If you use the actual moving calorie technique like the 1 present in this particular rapid loss of weight diet system, a person accelerate your own metabolic process as well as maintain this higher on a regular basis. Marketing campaign results will probably be burning up much more calories from fat compared to you believe. Fat reduction four dummies also offers a good on the web dinner electrical generator that enables you to choose the meals you want from your checklist which has a wide selection of healthy food. This particular quick weight reduction on the internet plan really is easy to follow along with and also the methods which are layed out in the system by itself tend to be which may function. Weight loss four dummies is actually deserving attempting as well as my pers onal just complaint is actually which it does not stress working out. The program will help you slim down quick fast will be far better in the event that coupled with a fundamental exercise program. Weight loss four Dummies promises that you could shed 9 lbs within 11 days which may be impractical to many individuals.

Remove Which Excess fat Weight loss plan for free: This is the fresh weightloss program which i is only going to state this resolves exactly what weight loss regarding dummies hasn't already resolved. This runs on the "calorie moving method" similar to the system examined previously mentioned also it enables you to customize your own diet programs how you would like as well. Remove Which Body fat Plan Program to make use of as well as easy to stick to. This can be a easy to use system that will fix unwanted weight reduction difficulties. By using this rapid loss of weight diet regime, you are able to produce your own diet programs utilizing It is device known as STF diet plan application. It's more than forty, 000 various bi weekly diet plan combos that you could produce. This statements which inside 2 weeks, it is possible to drop as much as 10 lbs. This particular declare is actually much more practical compared to weight loss four dummies declare where one can shed 9 lb s within 11 times. The actual quick weight loss methods found in Remove Which Body fat diet regime tend to be useful as well as easy to put into action. implement assist you to slim down quick plus they are relevant with regard to long term weight-loss. Pay attention for those who have already been depriving your self with regard to reducing your weight, With this particular plan, you are able to consume just as much healthy food through it is menus while you need when you are reducing your weight.
Remove which body fat handles the importance associated with attaining muscle mass to improve metabolic process. In contrast to weight loss four dummies, this suggests the best workouts that you can do to be able to boost muscle tissue as well as burn off much more calories more quickly. The program as a result can stress the significance associated with working out to lose pounds quickly. It's also less expensive along with a lot up-to-date, helpful and also in depth details in comparison to weight loss four idiots. Consuming healthy food along with a wholesome well balanced weight loss diet plan for free like the selections supplied by deprive in which excess fat might have an instant optimistic impact on weight reduction.

The particular confirmed concept of calorie changing also needs to improve weight reduction as well as alllow for a highly effective eating habits. For individuals who have been in visit a rapid loss of weight diet program, remove which body fat is actually deserving to consider.

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Monday, June 23, 2014

The Health Benefits of Juicing Are Well Documented, But What Exactly is Juicing?

Juicing is a method of separating the juices of fruits and vegetables from the pulp and fiber. A high end masticating juicer is capable of releasing the juice from fiber by literally breaking the fiber. A centrifugal juicer is not capable of breaking fiber and instead, fiber remains in the pulp and its nutrient potential is lost. Masticating juicers are recognized generally as the best selection to derive the maximum health benefits from your juicing.

Fresh juices are a very valuable source of nutrients as well as highly digestible. Juices that have been pasteurized have been subjected to heats as high as 120 degrees, destroying the natural enzymes in the juice. Fresh juices are rich in minerals, enzymes and vitamins that processing such as pasteurizing damages or destroys. The nutrients in freshly extracted juice are intact and thus, provide maximum benefits for health and taste.

It is often difficult to eat enough fruit and vegetables every day to meet our daily nutrition requirements. One great thing about juicing is that it is an easy way to meet the needs of our bodies. Another fine feature of juicing is that you can make juice from any combinations of vegetables and fruits that you have on hand. For example, juicing 1 apples, 2 peach, an orange and 4 stalks of celery will make one tasty glass of juice loaded with nutrients and antioxidants.

It is doubtful that you would eat all these fruits plus celery at one time but you are likely to consume the entire glass of juice. Juicing provides a simple way to consume adequate amounts of nutrition. Shortly after beginning to routinely drink freshly extracted juices, most users feel a marked increase in energy level and generally feel better.

Liquids are absorbed by our bodies quicker that whole foods. Liquid nutrients bypass a part of the digestive process allowing them to be digested very swiftly to be utilized by the body for healing, building and maintaining itsel f. In essence, the juicing of raw vegetables and fruits results in a highly concentrated glass of easy to absorb nutrition.

The health benefits of juicing are numerous. Some vegetables (spinach for instance) are very rich in antioxidants and are therefore, beneficial for detoxifying your body. Juicing for health is basically juicing for life. Uncooked fruits and vegetable contain phytochemicals which are thought to be among the strongest of disease fighting natural substances.

In general, people do not consume enough raw fruit and vegetable to reap the benefits of phytochemicals. By juicing on a regular basis, the level of phytochemicals consumes will be adequate to have an impact. Another health benefit of juicing is that those concerned about maintaining or losing weight will find that their metabolism is affected by the live enzymes contained in freshly extracted juice. Live enzymes increase metabolic rates to burn calories more quickly.

Juicing for health is an excellent preventative measure against many diseases. Juicing specific combinations of fruits and vegetables is thoug ht to benefit those who suffer from specific ailments such as cancer. Juicing is not suggested to be an alternative or replacement for medical treatment. The benefits that patients realize may be simply a general energy level increase and an increased feeling of well being. Mainstream medical professionals have become more amenable to juicing for health and a better quality of life.

Pregnant women find that juicing helps eliminate or moderate many issues normally related to pregnancy such as anemia, pre-eclampsia, constipation, morning sickness and fatigue. Mood swings are often less harsh and after delivery recovery time is very likely to be hastened.

Not only does a pregnant woman derive benefits from freshly extracted juice, so does an unborn fetus. It is well documented that good nutrition is critical to the development of a normal brain, good birth weight and in decreasing the chance for complications in the pregnancy. Juicing provides vitamins, minerals a nd other nutrients crucial for the unborn baby's development and for the mother's safe, healthy pregnancy.

During pregnancy it is suggested that you should consume the juice of at least one high Vitamin C fruit (an orange, for example), three raw vegetables and two raw fruits daily. To put this in perspective, 1/2 cup of cooked vegetable is generally considered to be one serving whereas one cup of raw, green, leafy vegetables is one serving, 1/2 cup cooked or chopped fruit is one serving as is one cup of whole, raw fruit. In order to consume the recommended amounts of fruit and veggie, it is much simpler to juice all the recommended foods into one glass of fresh juice packed with nutrients.

It is recommended that if you have any doubts about juicing that you take proper medical advice.

Be on the alert for new juicing recipes for good health. Look for new ways to use your juicer; the more you use it the more benefit you are receiving. As a source of live enzymes, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants crucial to physical and mental health, juicing cannot be beat. A daily cocktail of freshly extracted fruit and vegetable juice to satisfy your daily nutrition needs and tantalize your palate is a wonderful start to the day.

The benefits of juicing are too numerous to list and do justice to in one article. Juicing has no negative side effects; drinking fresh juices will only improve your health.

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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Stress Management Secrets Review - How To Set Up A Stress Management Program

Stress and anxiety is normal physical and mental reaction to events in our lifetime. Small doses of pressure can motivate us at times, but a person which experiences constant stress may require a stress management program. Stressors can derive from family problems, employment, marriage or personal factors. Creating a personal stress management program will end up in reduced stress. Consult a doctor if stress becomes excessive to manage on your own.


Determine the sources of stress that have affected you. Make a list of main reasons why you may feel stress and anxiety, whether the reasons want to do with school, employment, family, relationships or other personalized reasons. Confronting the problems will allow you to focus on possible resolutions. Decide whether there are ways of permanently fix stressors (like solving a relationship issue or running a time management program). If there are no tangible ways to fix the issues by eliminating st ressors, develop ways to handle to stress.

Write about your problems. Purchase a journal that will specifically enable you to write down your thoughts, stressors and desires. Keep this journal private (if you don't plan on showing it to a therapist) and decide on it when daily for only a few moments. According to Psychology The present website, writing for just a matter of minutes a day can significantly improve somebody's mental and emotional health and wellbeing.
Exercise regularly and construct a workout program that is specific to your body's needs. It may not be to lose weight or gain muscle mass; simply moving your body can be healthful. According to the Mayo Center website, working out can lower stress by releasing endorphins and additionally providing a meditation-like encounter. Visit a local gym and consult an instructor about what will benefit your body form. If you don't want to join a gym, scout out a nearby park or yoga facility to help you out get moving.

Find time for one self. Make sure that what you are doing something, even if it is only for a half-hour per day, that makes you thrilled. This could be an activity, meeting with a friend for coffee, or taking a muted walk alone. Make sure to allow yourself the time you need to exercise, work out or share. Manage your time by making a schedule; just as you would go to work on time, make it clear that you will spend some time doing things you like.

Develop a peaceful hobby that allows you to think about something specific and it is exciting to look forward to. According to the website Deal with Stress, gardening, creating art (pottery, painting, creative writing), reading or listening to music can significantly lower stress levels by giving you a distraction out of your stressors. Choose a hobby and make time correctly in your schedule, from a weekend afternoon to an hour each evening.

Now, let's talk about Stress Management Secrets created by David and just how it may assist you. I hope this short Stress Management Secrets Review will assist you to differentiate whether Stress Management Secrets is Scam or a Real Deal.

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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Stress Management Tips – Great Ideas to Manage Stress

Getting stressed is a perfectly normal reaction if you have too many things coming at you at the same time. But always getting frazzled and cracking under pressure isnt the way to handle it. You need to apply some stress management tips to toughen yourself up in the face of pressure and to keep yourself from breaking down.

One of the biggest causes of stress is the workplace. From worrying about job security, dealing with heavy workload, and going through the daily commute, your job carries with it a lot of pressure.

Studies have shown that stress can have a severe negative impact on your health and well-being. Heart problems are just one of the physical manifestations of the tension you feel. If you bring your stress home as well, it can also severely impact your personal relationships.

Before your life reaches this point due to stress, you must take action to keep it from happening. Instead of always resorting to dealing with stress negatively, there are other means for you to approach stress in a healthier way. Here are a few stress management tips to help you overcome stress.
Stress Management Tip # 1: Take a break. Yes, thats right. To be able to cope with stress better, you need to step away from what youre doing and get your energy together. Working under pressure and completing your duties while youre stressed will only wear you down and could also affect your performance. Removing yourself from a stressful situation, even for a brief moment, will help you breathe more easily and give you a fresh perspective.

Stress Management Tip # 2: Pamper yourself throughout the day. It doesnt have to be anything elaborate and lengthy. You can do it by enjoying a hot soothing cup of herbal tea, particular ones with calming properties, or buy yourself a small massager to soothe your aches and pains.

Stress Management Tip # 3: Be organized. If youre juggling too many things all at once, you tend to forget how to schedule your work properly. Make a list of everything you need to do, and then arrange them in order of urgency and when they need to be completed. This will help you stay focused on the things that need to be done right away instead of turning your attention to the ones that arent as urgent.

Stress Management Tip # 4: Say no to more responsibilities. You already have too much on your plate and not much time to work on them, which is why youre getting frazzled and stressed. You dont need more responsibilities. But dont worry; this wont make you look irresponsible and incapable. If you have a hard time saying no to extra work, simply think of all the work you need to do and the time you dont have to accommodate more work.

Stress Management Tip # 5: Get help. You might want to talk to a friend or a loved one to help you vent out your frustrations or perhaps even distract you from whats causing your stress. Acknowledge that youre not capable of doing everything, and dont be afraid to get help around the office too.

These stress management tips dont sound too hard, do they? Once you get stress under control, youll be able to work more efficiently and then go on to enjoy a happy and fulfilling life.

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Friday, June 20, 2014

Top Stress Management Techniques for Stress Relief

Stress influences our life and health quite significantly. Stress can be defined as any psychological or emotional condition that leads to an overall imbalance of the system. The effect of stress can be profound. It may cause several complications ranging from simple headaches to severe heart attack.

Not all stresses are bad. When you are doing exercise you are experiencing stress, but it is temporary with a promise of health benefits if it can be performed in effective fashion. However, if you are continuing your exercise module for longer period than is actually needed, it has all the possibilities that you are welcoming some disputable stresses in your life. Hence, as it reveals, it is all in the way how you manage stress rather than how you experience it. So learning and adopting various stress management techniques in your daily life can actually make you able to manage your life with full potentiality.

Managing Stress

Typically, stress is associated with two interrelated factors. One is external and the other one is internal. External factors may include all and everything related to your physical world, the world of job, home, relation, events, diseases and others. On the other hand, internal factors determine the bodily abilities. Stress management techniques focus on alteration in the external factors contributing stress or on internal factors in terms of making them strong to deal with external ones. Now we will focus our attention on few effective stress management techniques.

We do physical exercise because it perks up our health - not only in physical terms, but also in emotional terms. Exercise helps us to maintain a healthy balance in holistic sense. When you feel that you are physically fit and healthy, it feels good to your mind and eventually it helps to develop confidence to fight against stressful conditions.

Relaxation and Meditation

Relaxation and mediation technique are really worthy as it promotes the overall mind-body enhancement. There are a great variety of these two techniques. Some of the relaxation and meditation techniques can not be learned without any expert guidance; however, there are some that can be achieved by own effort. Here is a brief overview of some of the relaxation and meditation processes that are integral part of any standard stress management techniques.

Meditation: Since ancient ages meditation is considered as one of the best stress management techniques to acquire a total mind-body relaxation. In practice, there are more than thousands meditation techniques available, some of them can be learned by own. The meditative state is achieved when someone may have a deep focus upon the core of his own being. This is a state of absolute calmness and tranquility. A regular and structured practice can induce the same. Transcendental meditation is a particular form of meditation which has been popularized in last decades.

The primary objective of transcendental meditation is to achieve the state of transcendental awareness, the non-complex form of consciousness. Another form of meditation technique known as relaxation response is designed to inducing the opposed reaction to the stress stimuli experienced. It is effective lowering high blood pressure and other bodily stress response.


Originally evolved as a part of ancient Chinese health care system, Qigong offers a blend of physical activities in essence with Eastern philosophy and relaxation techniques. It may include different activities ranging from standing, walking, sitting to body massage and many others. Recognized as one of the most effective stress management techniques, Qigong demands patience, time, commitment, group cohesion, and determination.

Visual Imagery:

This is also known as guided imagery. It offers a calmness of mind and soul by using pleasant visualization through imagination. In this process, you will learn to regulate your breathing pattern in addition to visualize a soothing image in your mind. Controlling these two factors, you will gradually reach at the state of absolute relaxation. This method is easy to learn and virtually any one can take advantage of this technique. A regular practice can ensure a good control over stress.

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Stress Management Techniques

Stress Management Techniques
The simple realization that you’re in control of your life is the foundation of stress management

Living with high levels of stress, can putt your entire health at risk. Stress wreaks havoc on your emotional stability, as well as your physical health. It tapers with your ability to think clearly, function effectively, and enjoy life.

Causes of Stress
Stress may be because of any physical, chemical, or emotional factors that cause bodily or mental unrest and that may even cause physical sickness. Stress also has effects on the immune system. Chronic (long-term) stress has the effect of “wearing down” the immune system, leading to an increased susceptibility to colds and other infections.

Physical and chemical factors that can cause stress include trauma, infections, toxins, illnesses, and injuries of any sort. Emotional causes of stress and tension are numerous and varied.

How to Manage Stress
Stress is a daily part of our life; it would be absolutely foolish to think that we can eliminate it from our lives completely. What we can do is to manage it and not let it cripple us.

Learn to say “no” : This is the most important step, know your limits and stick to them. Whether in your personal or professional life, refuse to accept extra responsibilities that you know will cause you distress.

Avoid people who stress you out : If someone constantly causes stress in your life and you can’t turn the relationship around, limit the amount of time you spend with that person or end the relationship entirely.

Take control of your environment : Avoid environments that stress you, if traffic’s got you tense, take a longer but less-traveled route. If shopping is an unpleasant chore, do your grocery shopping online or ask someone to help out.
Avoid heated topics : If you get upset over religion or politics, avoid talking about them. If you repeatedly argue about the same subject with the same people you are bound to be stressed.

Know your limits: evaluate your schedule, responsibilities, and daily tasks. If you’ve got too much on your plate, drop tasks that aren’t truly necessary to the bottom or eliminate them entirely.

Express instead of bottling up- If something or someone is bothering you, communicate your concerns in an open and polite way. If you don’t voice your feelings, resentment will build creating unnecessary stress.

Compromise- When you ask someone to change their actions, be willing to do the same. If you both are willing to bend a little, you’ll find a middle ground.

Be more assertive- If you need something ask for it. Deal with problems head on, doing your best to anticipate and prevent them.

Manage your time better- Poor time management can cause a lot of stress. When you’re stretched too thin and running behind, it’s hard to stay calm and focused. But if you plan ahead, you can avoid these stress-inducing pitfalls.

Don’t try to control the uncontrollable- Many things in life are beyond our control— particularly the behavior of other people. Rather than stressing out over them, focus on the things you can control.

Look for the Brightside- When facing major challenges; try to look at them as opportunities for personal growth.

Share your feelings- Talk to a trusted friend or a therapist. Expressing what you’re going through can be very therapeutic, even if there’s nothing you can do to alter the stressful situation.

Learn to forgive- Let go of anger and resentments. Free yourself from negative energy by forgiving and moving on.

Include relaxation time-Include rest and relaxation in your daily schedule. Don’t allow other obligations to encroach. This is your time to take a break from all responsibilities and recharge your batteries. Make time for leisure activities that bring you joy, whether it be stargazing, playing the piano, or working on your bike.

Create a Support system- A strong support system will buffer you from the negative effects of stress. Spend time with positive people who enhance your life

Exercise regularly. Physical activity plays a key role in reducing and preventing the effects of stress. Make time for at least 30 minutes of exercise, three times per week. Nothing beats aerobic exercise for releasing pent-up stress and tension.

Eat a healthy diet- Start your day right with breakfast, and keep your energy up and your mind clear with balanced, nutritious meals throughout the day.

Reduce caffeine and sugar- The temporary "highs" caffeine and sugar provide often end in with a crash in mood and energy. By reducing the amount of coffee, soft drinks, chocolate, and sugar snacks in your diet, you’ll feel more relaxed and you’ll sleep better.

Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs- alcohol or drugs may provide an easy escape from stress, but the relief is only temporary. Later the stress simply piles on plus your health starts to suffer.

Get enough sleep-Feeling tired will increase your stress because it may cause you to think irrationally.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Stress Management: is Necessity the Mother of Good Inventions, Bad Inventions, or Whatever Getsyou Through the Night

Stress Management: Is Necessity The Mother of Good Inventions, Bad Inventions Or Whatever Gets You Through The Night

"Stress" and "stress management" are terms that roll off our tongues as if understanding them is second nature to us all. To make sure we are all on the same page let's start with a working definition of stress courtesy of

1)An applied force or system of forces that tend to strain or deform the body, 2) The resisting force set up in a body as a result of an extremely applied force and 3) A physical or psychological stimulus that can produce mental tension or physiological reactions that may lead to illness.

If you can't relate to the language used in these definitions just pay attention to the fact that all three definitions speak define stress in negative terms. This is as far from the truth as me telling you that coins have one side to them. Stress exists along a continuum. There is for each individual and each activity an optimum level of stress that enhances performance and stimulates growth producing adaptations. One person pushed to perform in school may respond with excellent test scores. Another may either become anxious and have difficulties concentrating, go blank or even worse get so anxious as to not to show up for the test. Due to the interplay of genetics, learning, and accidents of fate different people may respond very differently to levels of stress applied in different situations.

For instance, Tiger Woods is more likely than most professional golfers to perform at his best when internal and expectations rise during the major golf championships. He is now playing for his ranking in golf's pantheon of immortals. Many of his peers will be his equal for 1, 2, or maybe 3 rounds only to lose their cool on Sundays during the final rounds of major tournaments with victory on the line. If they are playing in The Hartford Open instead of The Masters many will manage the stress of the moment very differently. Others depending on their longevity on The PGA Tour might have identical degrees of difficulty no matter what the prestige level of the tournament. How Tiger Woods was trained by his father to compete under pressure has been widely publicized. Was he blessed with extraordinary athletic gifts? This is probably a safe bet. Clearly, his competitive fires burn at just the right temperature. If Tiger and his peers get themselves worked up into a frenzy like f ootball players getting ready to wage their proverbial Sunday wars, their fine motor skills that translate muscle memory to well executed shots might very well abandon them. They would not have the violent outlets to modulate and control their states of heightened readiness. Football players and golfers have different levels of optimum stress to ready themselves to perform at their bests.

Optimum levels of stress promote optimum performance. To illustrate this accepted notion let's take for example, aerobic exercise. This stressor to our systems is known to be a mood elevator, and an anxiety reducing activity. Whether your activity of choice is swimming, cycling running, dance or time on the step master in the gym, there are countless health benefits of a sensible exercise regimen. Your heart and lungs, bones and muscles will grow stronger if the stress to your body is such that during intervals of rest and repair, the organ systems responsible for physical performance grow stronger. This will translate to being able to perform more work at lower levels of exertion. Other benefits include being more resistant to muscular skeletal injuries. Studies have indicated that people who exercise regularly have healthier immune systems that are more resistant to illness, and a healthier cholesterol profile that points to a lesser likelihood of a premature build up of plaque in their arteries. Exercisers tend to lose excess weight as exercise burns calories during exercise and at a higher than normal rate for hours after the exercise has stopped. The rise in the blood sugar is also an appetite depressant. I'm not just air brushing the warts on this profile of stress, I am emphasizing that optimum levels of stress are catalysts for growth and development. The complete absence of stress would severely curtail our abilities to succeed. We would not evolve and actualize our potential as people as quickly as we do if we would do so at all. Necessity is the mother of invention.

Too little stress on our bodies during exercise will not stimulate growth in our capacities to perform work. To much stress may produce a host of negative consequences to our health and well being that are every bit as worrisome as the aforementioned benefits were wondrously encouraging. Too much exercise combined with and/or too little rest may strain our bodies and or minds setting off a cascading deterioration of mind/body level of functioning. I have been around enough runners in my time to have learned first hand that this activity not unlike a pack of cigarettes should come with the warning: "Running may be hazardous to your health." If we are tired or sick and have become too dependent on the release of endorphins from the pleasure center of your brains to feel good, you may continue this activity long beyond the point of diminishing returns and become deaf to your bodies screaming to you that you need to rest.

Over use syndromes can lead to a host of muscular skeletal injuries, and fatigue syndromes that leave people feeling like they have the flu. A immune system compromised by physical exhaustion may lead to symptoms of depression which may in turn further compromise the immune system and leave the door open to a host of physical maladies. To feel compelled to exercise to discharge stress from our bodies and experience "the runners high" may leave runners anxious and over time depressed. When we feel out of control of ourselves the potential to lose our cool and engage in mindless and impulsive actions is a strong human tendency. Furthermore, in addition to the potentially shame producing, self esteem eroding reactions to losing control of ourselves, we may begin over time to feel hopeless and helpless to steer ourselves as we see fit unless, we can consciously connect with and exercise authority over these impulses, feelings and beliefs. Teaching people how to regain control of themselves is what psychotherapists like myself do.

Negative stress is compounded by an over reliance or unhealthy dependence on unhealthy stress management strategies; activities that may cause us to ignore our needs to address stressful problems in our lives. We call such unhealthy dependencies addictive relationships. If a loved one is pressuring us with expectations that feel overwhelming or are simply expectations we do not wish to meet we may choose to address the matter directly or we may seek to escape our dilemma and go for a long run or bike ride hoping to feel significantly different about the problem. We may "feel better" temporarily discharging tension in our bodies however, we will not have moved any closer toward the resolution of our problem. In fact, the more we run away from any problems the bigger the albatrosses they become around our necks. Look what happens to those of us who do everything they can to rationalize staying away from the dentist's office. That intermittent tooth pain we wish to minimize m ay actually disappear for awhile and at some point resurface only to express itself one morning as a raging infection that blows one side of our face up to the size of a grapefruit. The more we minimize and deny the existence of the necessity to cope with rather than to pursue temporary band aids on problems, the less capable we feel to cope with the problem and the more stressful the problem becomes. This is both due to allowing a small problem to become a larger problem due to neglect, and also because like muscles that go unused and are permitted to atrophy; stress management strategies that we don't use we lose.

Energy is neither created nor destroyed. It simply changes form. This concept of energy conservation elegantly explains why energies trapped in our bodies lead to illness. If we are able to think about emotional energies that may get trapped in our systems and make us sick then, we can channel these energies creatively and/or harmlessly discharge them like environmentally friendly steam by talking them out. "Go ahead and let some steam off responsibly" is far more desirable than holding it in so that you get a back ache or a stomach ache. The logic that explains why some people's vulnerabilities to stress leave them anxious, depressed, substance dependent or headache sufferers is a complex and sometimes impossible mystery to unravel. We have learned nonetheless, that if the stress is discharged in constructive ways the symptoms will lessen if not disappear.

We know that energy dynamics is the physical principle that governs these processes. Whether or not an environmental pollutant stresses a body to the point that the inhabitant develops a form of cancer is determined by many factors some of which have to do with their willingness and ability to manage the impact of such a stress on their systems. If such a person is overweight, depressed, and sedentary he may be more vulnerable to an environmental toxin however, we don't know for sure why he will or will not develop a life threatening disease. We do know however, that how he manages or defends against the environmental toxin and other environmental stresses will have an impact on the body's vulnerabilities to disease producing processes.

If you take yourself seriously then, you will take stress in your life very seriously as the levels of stress in your life and how you manage them will go a long way to determine your health and welfare. Stress management strategies complement each other. After reading this article you may consider managing stress on your own and/or in combination with professionals like myself to modulate your levels of stress and learn to discharge stress in healthy ways so to keep your mind and body in balance and to have the energy available to achieve meaningful results in your lives.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Good News About Stress Management: How "good" Stress Keeps Us Going & Growing

Every health and lifestyle magazine contains articles claiming stress is bad for us. They list dozens of ways to relieve stress, from exercise to eating healthy foods. A wide range of relaxation techniques have also been proven to help manage stress in our crazy-busy world, especially for people who take care of others and tend to neglect themselves.

But stress is not always as bad as these cautionary articles insist. In fact, some stress is actually necessary to keep us going and growing.

Our individual responses to different types and levels of stress can either drain or energize us. It is how we perceive and process both ongoing and unexpected stressors that intensifies or reduces their impact on our bodies, minds and emotions.

The term "stress" was first used in the mid-1950s by endocrinologist Dr. Hans Selye in his book "The Stress of Life." In his research experiments, Selye discovered that we experience stress not only when we hear bad news but also when we receive good news. He differentiated these two types of stressors by calling negative stress "distress" and positive stress "eustress" (the Greek prefix "eu" means well or good).

The idea that we naturally feel stressed by positive experiences -- like getting married, having a baby, graduations, promotions, winning awards or races -- is echoed in the Social Readjustment Ratings Scale. Devised by University of Washington medical researchers Holmes and Rahe, the SRRS ranks the impact of good stress-events as well as bad stressors like death, divorce or losing a job.

They discovered it is the accumulation of minor plus major changes over a period of time that increases one's chances of developing stress-related ailments like heart disease, cancer or a weakened immune system. Stress effects also intensify when several changes occur without enough time between them to recharge our physical and mental resources.
When dealing with normal life changes, Holmes and Rahe also concluded that a single event is rarely stressful enough to cause significant illness if we have some control over the situation and are able to view it as a challenge or opportunity instead of a threat.

So stress is not always bad or unhealthy. It can actually keep us from becoming complacent or staying too long in jobs, relationships or environments which are not good for us. When bad stress builds to the "breaking point," it usually forces us to make choices and change our behavior or environment with positive and healthier results.

Stress is also necessary to keep us moving forward while working toward a goal -- like a creative or business project -- or training for athletic events like championship games or marathons. This type of eustress prevents us from slowing down or giving up too soon and helps us build momentum in the early stages to empower us to reach the "finish line."

So positive stress management can actually give us a Competitive Edge via increased focus and drive. As we move forward on what researchers call the Performance Stress Curve, eustress helps us make choices, take actions and communicate more clearly.

When it comes to managing stress, there are two basic approaches: Defensive or Offensive. If we take a Defensive approach, we subconsciously distort reality by hoping the situation will change without having to do anything about it. But this keeps us in a state of denial and often amplifies the internal impact of distress, contributing to disease or depression.

Taking an Offensive approach, however, enables us to manage stress by using it to our advantage. By consciously changing or adapting, we adjust to life-changes organically and can view things in perspective that at first feel like problems. Then we can reframe these "problems" as opportunities or challenges and take appropriate acti on.

Offensive ways to manage stress include:
1.Changing our situation whenever possible
2.Increasing our ability to cope with the situation as it is
3.Changing our perception so the situation looks and feels different
4.Changing our behavior, as this is truly where we have the most control

Whenever we feel stressed, it can be useful to first determine whether it's Distress or Eustress. Then we can decide whether to become Offensive by utilizing or adjusting it, or remain Defensive and wait to see if the situation changes on its own. Sometimes choosing to live with stress is appropriate, like when it energizes our Competitive Edge.

We can also balance our stress levels to avoid being thrown off-center too easily or often. Ongoing stress management techniques for creating balance include sleeping well, eating healthy foods, exercising, meditating &/or focusing on the positive things in our lives. These are simple a nd inexpensive ways to relieve pressure, especially when we're faced with unexpected events or must manage stress over a long period of time.

While the bad news is that it's nearly impossible to avoid stress in our crazy-busy world, the good news is that using stress management techniques and being mindful can actually make stress empowering instead of draining. This puts us in control of the stressors in our lives so they can't stop us from continuing to go forward and grow more joyfully empowered every day.

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Monday, June 16, 2014

Stress Management | Addressing the Source

Stresses induced by modern day living habits takes a serious toll on the well being of families everywhere. Deadlines to meet at the workplace, financial obligations to be met at the homefront, relationship issues, parenting issues and the like have caused a lot of havoc in a lot of peoples lives. News articles and magazines are filled with stress induced fatigue and stress induced senseless actions taken by people in all kinds of stressful situations. And this stress is not limited to any specific geographical region, any specific people or any specific age group. Stress seems to be affecting not only adults in the prime of their lives, but also the elderly and children of both sexes male and female. Management of stress is extremely important at this juncture in our society and unfortunately this is not something that is taught in schools and universities. While this article cannot encompass all aspects of stress management, we will deal here only with one aspect of stre ss management and that is addressing the source of stress.

Stress management is usually associated with yoga or meditation and other relaxation exercises. While mind calming techniques such as deep breathing and calming scene visualizations do play an important role in stress reduction, in the opinion of the author, stress reduction is different from stress management. To associate stress reduction with stress management is akin to saying reducing your household expenses is the same as home finance management; sure reducing the expenses will certainly help, but that is not management. Stress management invokes the use of techniques to manage stress, with the full awareness that you cannot lead a stress free life in the modern world and run to the mountains. Hence the first step in stress management is the acceptance that there will be factors that push your limits and introduce stress levels in your day to day life. Now, once that is accepted, you can proceed to manage it. Management of stress involves first of all finding the sou rce of the stress and addressing the source rather than the result which is the stress. For example, because there is a tight deadline for you to meet for some project at work, you may get stressed; in this case, the source of stress is the deadline at work; you need to manage your resources, time, people, etc to ensure that you will meet this deadline and you would have managed the stress effectively. Another example here; lets say you are in the process of buying a house and your finances are really not in great shape to purchase this house; you are getting stressed all over. In this case, you need to identify that purchasing the house is not the source of stress, rather it is your bad financial management that is the culprit; you have one of two choices, you can face the reality and back off buying this property until you get all your financial ducks in a row or you can opt to buy a lesser valued home. The house project may suffer, but you would have mitigated the stress from buying the house when your finances are terrible. As you can see from these two examples, addressing the source of the stress many times involves being completely honest with yourself and facing reality the way it is instead of hiding behind the curtain of imaginary bliss.

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Sunday, June 15, 2014

What do You Need to Know About Stress Management

Realizing the need of stress management, many experts have been continuously conducting studies in order to give people who suffer from it as many options as possible. As defined, stress management is means of managing stress using various techniques that are key in equipping people with coping mechanisms that can be effective when they undergo different types and levels of stress.

Experts say that over the years, there have been so many stress management techniques that have been developed in order to help people deal with psychological stress, physical stress, and even emotional stress. But, these stress management techniques is not tailored for all types of people. Many of these will work on other people while some of it may not be very effective or helpful to other. So, for stress management to be effective, an individual must utilize a specific technique or strategy and see if he or she can cope with various stressful circumstances.

Managing stress effectively

Stress is one thing that many people cannot live without. In fact, there are those people who use stress to fuel their drive to do something or accomplish tasks in time. Although stress can be beneficial to some people, this is not always the case for everyone because too much unmanaged stress can be detrimental to physical and psychological well being.
As defined, stress refers to an individual's "physiological response to an internal or external stimulus that triggers the fight-or-flight response." Meaning, it is something that is innate for people and normal once it is managed properly.

To date, there are various models of stress management that are being recommended to people who want to effectively manage their stress levels. The most common stress management models include the transactional model and the health realization or innate health model.

The transactional model says that stress that is not a direct response to a certain stressor but from other sources can be controllable. Here, the stress that a person goes through may be reduced by changing the stressors' perceptions, thus, providing people with different strategies and techniques for them to cope up and gain back their confidence in completing tasks at hand.

Another stress management model is the health realization or innate health model which says that being stressed doesn't always need a stressor to be felt. This model aims to help individuals that are being stressed to better understand the nature of a person's thinking specifically in giving them the realization that to know when they are feeling stress so they will know how to overcome it and eventually reduce their stress levels.

To effectively manage stress, there are some techniques that can be used to manage it. Majority of which can help people who get stress to cope with it or even control it during crucial instances. Experts say that most of these techniques can vary depending on the theories that are being taken into consideration.

The techniques to manage stress include meditation, cognitive therapy for anxiety or clinical depression, nootropic, autogenic training, exercise, deep breathing, conflict resolution, various relaxation techniques, which include either fractional and progressive relaxation or using stress balls.

You can also use natural medication, alternative treatments that are validated by the clinic, effective time management, and through listening to certain types of music that are relaxing which include new age music and classical music.

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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Stress Management is an Important Part of a Healthy Lifestyle

Stress is your response to any physical, emotional or intellectual demands. Stress is a major contributing factor either directly or indirectly, to coronary artery disease, cancer, respiratory disorders, accidental injuries, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide; the six leading causes of death in the United States. Although we cant eliminate stress, we can all do a better job in managing it. Stress management includes following a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and making time for uninterrupted relaxation.


Symptoms of stress can be either behavioral or physical. They are different for everyone, but some common signs that you've had too much excitement and need to slow down include:

Impatience or Edginess - Lack of Enjoyment - Sleep Problems - Exhaustion.

Common physical symptoms of stress include: muscle tension, headaches, low back pain,

insomnia and high blood pressure.

These symptoms may manifest themselves psychologically as irritability, anxiety, impaired concentration, mental confusion, poor judgment, frustration and anger. And some people who have a chronic illness may find that the symptoms of their illness flare up under an overload of stress.

Healthy Lifestyle

Stress management should be a major concern for a healthy lifestyle. Effective stress management is a lifestyle and we must learn to incorporate into our daily lives. A commitment to live a healthier lifestyle should never take a back seat, especially not to stress. Stress management is not only an urgent need in todays fast-paced lifestyle, but an important factor in both physical and mental health. In the alternative, if stress is more the result of ones lifestyle, eliminating the stress causing factors and/or gaining healthful insight on how to alleviate stress the right way might just be the best thing for an individual to do for themselves.

Stress Nutrition

Nutrition is one area where stress can be reduced most effectively, because we eat every day at least 3 times a day, so even the smallest of changes could bring about significant benefits. Stress can and does also result from unbalanced and inappropriate nutrition; excessive use of socially acceptable intoxicants; suppressive drugs and vaccinations; environmental toxins; negative emotions; lack of physical exercise; genetic factors; and improper body alignment. Stress nutrition is a program specifically designed to combat stress dysfunction and attempts to meet individual biochemical requirements by providing the right amount of each nutrient in proportion to every other nutrient.


For decades, fitness professionals have had various degrees of success motivating clients and making them accountable for a healthy lifestyle. There is evidence that you can reduce stress, prevent ch ronic diseases including depression and improve happiness through ongoing mental fitness training. A complete nutritional approach, combined with proper fitness maintenance and stress management is most important. Exercise and physical fitness act as a buffer against stress, so that stressful events have a less negative impact on psychological and physical health.

Exercises And Sports

You can help trigger the relaxation response by learning simple breathing exercises and then using them when you're caught up in stressful situations. Other people rely on exercise and participating in their favorite sports and games to spend pent up energy. Not all stress is bad and an example would be in sports. Joining a sports team, even with your co-workers can increase the work fun level, and reduce the tension. Exercises such as golf, tennis, handball, biking, and other sports have shown to help people relax.


Stress management is the application of methods to either reduce stress or increase tolerance to stress. The tricky part of managing stress is that, when dealing with stressful events that are enjoyable the good stress, you may not always notice how stressed you feel until you experience the more serious stress symptoms, or until you feel overwhelmed. Positive stress is desirable for your own good, and also for the good of your family and also for the society as a whole.

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Friday, June 13, 2014

Stress Management The Simple Way for Single Parents!

An overburden of living with too much stress is on the increase. Single parents who always contend with child care responsibilities on their own are higly likely to be living a life of too much stress. Situations can and do vary, sometimes high stress levels can be managed however this is not always the case and consistent and raised stress levels may lead to a feeling of overwhelm and overburden. Stress management has always been important, however new technologies are on the increase that may not be understood yet by many HOWEVER need consideration.

What is meant by the impact excess stress causes? There are various things that a person might attempt in concious and subconscious ways to reverse the stress they are under. Some may potentially try to alleviate their problems through scores of means that are not helpful. They may reach for drugs, they could overeat, they could go on spending sprees, and take part in scores of other activities that would undermine thei r ability to be a good parent. These behaviours can prove potentially devastating to the health and welfare of the child and the entire family. A parent cannot be effective if he/she is not in the proper frame of mind needed to be a good guardian.

So, what can a single parent do as a means of engaging in effective stress management? Stress management is key to an enjoyable and fruitful life, there are all kinds of means available to parents in order to reduce stress levels. The most common first step is to understand that stress is a state of mind. It is a response to serious anxiety. In no way should it be thought that the catalysts which are adding to your anxieties are in no way important. They may be very serious. However, the response that you have to the situation need not be one where you are not in control of your life. One crucial point- everyday when you wake up, you will still have the responsibility of a child or young adult in your care. Understanding that stress is a state of mind is the first step towards lessoning its impact.

It is also important to separate your feelings towards your stress from your children. To summarise, the last thing you want to end up achieving is taking your frustrations out on your children. Such actions are a reprehensible form of "stress management" and should always be avoided. Seeking instead proper means of dealing with stressful feelings and ultimately improving your overall health for the good of all.

For example, simply getting a decent amount of exercise has the potential to reduce stress levels. Stress can cause physical and mental overwhelm that can quite literally drain you of all energy and well-being. In the long run potentially causing more harm than most would give credit. Upon taking part in a proper exercise regime, a great deal of pent up anxiety can literally be burned up. This form of stress management also has scores of obvious health benefits as well which adds t o its benefits.

Deep breathing exercises are a good "on the spot" form of stress management. When you feel overwhelmed in a stressful environment, counting down from ten and taking deep breaths can deliver excellent stress management results. Simple concepts like this should not be underestimated, any amount of stress that can be removed from your life no matter how large or small is a great great thing.

Affordable stress management and reduction home study programs have been designed also that can help play a major role. Programs that can.............

-Help YOU to eliminate your stress and lose weight whilst gaining more energy!

-Create a healthier and happier lifestyle.

-Help you to stop letting others push you around and let you start to take control.

-Give you the power to strengthen relationships with your family and loved ones.

-Educate you to utilise simple exercises to reach a deeper sense of relaxation.

You may be requ ired to spend a little time researching the most appropriate and affordable program for your needs. However these stress management programs can provide you with a key to unlocking and banishing harmful if not deadly levels of stress for the rest of your life!!

Stress management for single parents is not always easy due to the many varied responsibilities involved with being a parent. But, with the proper effort, one can certainly lower stress levels to a manageable degree and this can only be a benefit to all.

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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Learn How to Increase Energy, Boost Your Immune System and Improve Your Digestive Health

A colon cleanse is very important to the body. It gets rid of old waste and deadly toxins that are left in your body. When your body does not have a healthy digestive system there are ways your body tells you that something is wrong. An unhealthy digestive system consists of constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, and a nauseated feeling in your stomach. When your colon is cleansed you feel more energetic, your stomach goes down, you lose weight, and become healthier than ever before. Its not only for losing weight; you can use it just so that your body is healthy and stay free from harmful toxins. Increase your immune system just by cleaning out your insides, get better skin, hair and nails.

All that waste that sits in your body is not good and could be the reason why you cant lose weight the way you want to. Having a healthy colon is a great way to good health and losing weight. An unhealthy colon can cause fatigue, constipation, bloating and even skin problems. B eautiful skin comes from a healthy colon. A toxin colon can cause major skin problems like blemishes, pale skin, blackheads, oily skin, rashes and wrinkles. Some people only go to the bathroom only once or twice a week. This is a sign that your colon needs adjusting. Many women dont know this, but this could be a sign of breast cancer when going to the bathroom once a week. Toxins from the blood flow to the skin which causes premature aging. A blocked colon prevents nutrients from being absorbed into your body and your body need nutrients to function properly. If your digestive system is not working like it should it could cause death, which leads to colon cancer.

Heres how you know when you need a colon cleanse if you experience the following:

Foul smelling stools

Bad breath and fatigue

Metallic taste in your mouth

Low energy


Excessive Weight

Powerful Food Cravings

Skin Problems

Gas and Bloating

Mood Swings

Belly Pooch

Unhealthy Digestion

Toxins and left over food in your body is very unhealthy and dangerous for you. The waste in your body releases toxins which go into the blood. Thats not good. Other side effects from an unhealthy colon are joint aches, acne, fatigue, back pain and muscle aches. Having your colon cleanses can give you more energy, make you get rid of all that excess weight, get rid of constipation, diaherra and just make you feel like a whole new person because you know that your body is clean and free from the dangers of viruses, diseases, conditions and illness. Lose inches off your waste line with a clean colon; Parasites live in an unhealthy colon which can cause health problems. Parasites have killed more humans than all the wars that have taken place in this world. Parasites are worms that invade the body when its not healthy. They feed off the extra waste and food that is stored in your body from an unhealthy colon. Getting healthy and having a healthy colon is the key to a happy and healthy body. It will change your life.

Improve your digestive health and it will change your life Ablene

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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Omega 3 is important for your digestive health

Proper digestion is important for our bodies to function normally and if the food and fluids we consume are not digested properly, we start to suffer from constipation and other such problems. What you eat plays a crucial role in improving your digestive health and even if you are going to be a little reckless in your food consumption, make sure that you at least follow the basics to stay away from an unhealthy digestive system.

One thing to remember is that the healthier your digestive system is, the more resistance your body holds towards diseases. Lots of fresh fruits like apples, bananas, canned fruits, grapes, kiwi, mangoes and watermelons are healthy for your digestive system while good vegetables include asparagus, beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, onions among many others. You can also depend on eggs, fish and lean meat to improve the status of your digestive system.

However, one of the best sources for your system is Omega 3 fatty acids as it strengthens your digestive system. Medical experts claim that this is one of the best remedies for a healthy digestive system. Omega 3 fish oil, when added to your diet, contains elements that that will level out and attain an optimal balance.

The acids present in these fatty acids bring balance to the digestive system and since most people's diets are high in omega 6 fatty acids including processed vegetable oils and other ingredients used in most fast food items, consumption or intake of omega 3 fatty acids is the perfect choice for any individual.

Medical research and data provided by experts have shown us that the use of omega 3 fish oil supplements helps in treating numerous ailments including many illnesses that are directly associated or linked to the digestive system. Its consumption is therefore extremely useful in helping us maintain healthy digestive systems and keep away many diseases and ailments.

Your digestive system needs to be cared for just like you would care for the way you look on the outside. Many of us don't even realize that 80 percent of the food that we eat is usually unhealthy for us. However, with proper care, any illnesses that could be related to an unhealthy digestive system can be avoided.

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