Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Emotional Health & Wellbeing: What are obsessions?

The 14th to the 16th century Europe believed that people who experienced blasphemous, sexual, or other obsessive thoughts are evil possessed. Because of this reasoning, treatment involved banishing the "wicked" from the "possessed" person through exorcism to stop the "obsessive" thoughts.

Most common themes are aggression, contamination, harm, illness, religion, sexuality, and violence. The frustrating aspect of obsessive behavior is the irrationality taken up by the person to himself for the sake of the anticipated pleasure.

Obsessions, eventually, has to end once it makes the person unable to focus because of the fixed and deep-rooted craving to perform the repetitive behavior in order to control the anxiety resulting from these thoughts.

What are common Obsessions?

Everyone keeps up with a daily routine. However, there are instances that these habits can get in the way of people's daily lives once they turn into obsessive thoughts. When they do run through the person's mind repeatedly, people become nervous and afraid.

Obsessions with fears of evil thoughts, of harming others and of certain sounds, images, words, or numbers can hamper any normal life. People turn to alcohol or drugs to alleviate anxiety and to be free of the distressing thoughts, temporarily.

In the same way, obsessions are intrusive and irrational like washing one's hands repeatedly due to the fear of contact with dirt, and germs including contamination.

Obsession also evolves from a deep fear of hateful zealots who view others as targets. When people develop an obsession with intruders, they may lock and re-lock their doors many times until they feel safe and secure. It is a simple routine gone wrong.

Being obsessed with people brings about confusion and insecurity. Obsessing on people complicates the difference between love, lust, and desire. On the other hand, they can be delightful for as long as control rules over these feelings.

Likewise, obsession with people can create a certain level of distrust like worrying that a task is not over and done properly even when this is not true. It can also be a fixated concern with order, symmetry, perfection, exactness, or truth.

Uncontrollable and persistent ideas or images that a person cannot end even though it creates significant distress like constant lying, instant shopping, chronic gambling, sex addiction, or drugs problem have harmful consequences, even if they briefly relieve the stress of the obsessive thoughts.

Obsessions can become the master, and you are its slave. The root of being obsessed with the rich and famous is plain insecurity. Celebrity-obsessed people feel better being with famous people. In today's society, individuals who are obsessed with the way they look make use of their celebrity obsession as inspiration or idea for makeover.

Then again, the overwhelming liking or excessive interest in a given subject can violate prevailing social norms, and the obsessive enthusiasm makes people forget their aspirations.

Obsessing excessively can worsen over time. Obsessions with aggression, blasphemy, and possessiveness constantly put people in war zones. Persistently and indiscriminately, you hunt for would-be enemy daily.

The extreme obsession with acquisition of different things and failure to use or discard them creates a significant clutter that impairs basic living activities. Compulsive hoarding cause by fondness for material objects is link to compulsive buying. As the boundary between right and wrong blurs, the behavior could lead to stealing and reluctance to return borrowed items.

Obsessions come in all shapes. Thus, one can be obsessed with good parenting, fund-raising, collecting antiques, or promoting moral regeneration. These obsessions produce good feelings and beneficial results, but obsession with perfection can get them out of control.

Obsession with perfection that stems from the desire to be happy, to live in an ideal environment, and to lack nothing if foolishly impersonated can cloud right judgment. Thus, the only way to make perfect a life obsessed with perfection is to accept imperfections.

Daily concerns like paying bills, studying for exams, keeping home clean, do well at work, interpersonal relationships are legitimate worries. However, without people noticing, they bear these desires to obsessive extent.

There are many different theories about the cause of obsessive behavior. The majority of researchers believe that it is an abnormality of the neurotransmitter serotonin, along with psychological or biological defects.

Obsessions stems from many things that most people are not aware. A bad obsession is the endless focus on something, mentally and physically, until the behavior causes significant impairment and distress. A good obsession would be focusing on working out a problem to achieve something good.

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