Sunday, April 7, 2013

If My Husband Eats An Alkaline Diet, Will We Have A Boy? If He Eats An Acidic Diet, Will We Have A Girl? - Family - Pregnancy

I often hear with couples who have learned about how diet can influence your baby's gender. Many are trying to conceive and want to know what both the man and woman (or the mother and father to be) should be eating if they want a girl or boy baby. I recently heard from a woman who was trying to come up with a diet for her husband in order for them to conceive a boy, but she couldn't find a lot of literature as to what her husband should be eating when they were having sex and trying to become pregnant.

She asked, in part: "can foods really affect the gender of a man's sperm? In other words, if I feed my husband certain foods, can I make sure that he has more Y or boy sperm? If so, what should he be eating?" I will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Unfortunately, There's No Evidence Indicating That Foods Or Diet Affect A Man's Sperm In Terms Of Gender: Although there are plenty of theories about how a woman or mother-to-be's diet affects her baby's gender (more on this below,) the same is not true for the father's diet. Although there is some literature about men's diets affecting the quality and viability of the sperm, nothing suggest that a man's or father's diet plays a role in the ratio of X's to Y's (or girl to boy producing sperm or vice verse.)

In fact, researchers have looked at the sperm of men who produce the same gender exclusively (for example a man who has several daughters or sons) and they have not found any difference in the ratio of the gender of the sperm. In other words, men who produced only girls still were producing roughly the same amount of boy or Y sperm while the men who had sons still were producing plenty or X or girl producing sperm.

So while it makes sense to encourage the father to be to eat a balanced and healthy diet, there's nothing that would indicate that you'd need to put him on a special diet in order to encourage more X or Y sperm depending on the gender that you want. In other words, feeding acidic foods to a man in the hopes of conceiving a girl baby isn't likely to be nearly as effective as tweaking the mother's diet. And, in my opinion and experience, you'd had a much higher chance of reaching the goal of conceiving a boy baby if you focused on an alkaline diet for the mother rather than for the father. The reason is that the mother-to-be's diet can have a huge effect on her baby's gender which leads me to my next point.

Foods Consumed By The Mother To Be Are Said To Affect Her Baby's Gender. Here's Why: The foods that a woman eats can have an effect on or change her vaginal PH. If she eats more acidic foods (which tend to be more processed foods including meat and dairy,) then this will in turn make her vaginal environment more acidic which then in turn makes her more likely to conceive a boy. This is because the Y sperm that the man produces tend to weaken or die off when the PH is too acidic. Likewise, when a woman consumes an alkaline diet (which tends to include more fruits and vegetables although a few fruits and vegetables are acidic rather than alkaline) this encourages and preserves those Y sperm that we just talked about and gives her a great chance of conceiving a boy.

Changing your PH and influencing your baby's gender through food is possible, but you'll often have better results if you use a PH tester to see where you really are and what changes are really taking place. And, things aren't always so simple in terms of alkaline or acidic foods. There seems to be exceptions to every rule and everyone's body reacts differently. You can also combine douching with your diet for faster results. In addition to foods and diet, both the mother and the father to be should be very aware of the timing and the sexual positions that they are using as both can also greatly impact baby gender.

If you're still a bit confused about natural gender selection, I've put together a few websites that take a lot of the guess work out of choosing your baby's gender when getting pregnant. You'll find step by step instructions, resources for douche recipes and food PH lists, information on when to conceive, tips, support, and examples of ovulation predictors / PH testing strips.If you want a girl baby, check out If you want a boy baby, check out /

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