Thursday, January 24, 2013

Electronic Cigarette Reviews Inviting the Enemy Cancer

Cigarette smokers know for a fact that the nicotine that they inhale is something that they get addicted to.Knowing fully well that it can be injurious to health, they continue to indulge in the habit of smoking cigarettes day in and day out. Most often you will find the smokers ignoring hard facts and truth and instead choosing to believe in myths and popular but false notions. They can hold on to their blind beliefs only till such time that they do not become victims of a disease. At this point they find all myths and believes disappear in thin air.

Very often you ask an individual who has been a regular smoker if he isn't aware of the ill effects of smoking. He is likely to say that since his dad who was a smoker did not get affected and was fine and fit, he too is not likely to fall ill due to smoking. Many more will tell you that they feel fit and fine and do not feel ill at all so why stop smoking. So these men believe that there is no real need to stop sm oking and stop having fun.
However the hard fact is that in most cases of lung cancer, the causes are attributed to direct and passive smoking. There is no guarantee of the fact that because one's parent did not fall ill that the self will also be spared. This false notion and belief cannot save you from the risks of smoking. The other fact is also that if you have lung cancer you need not feel ill. It is only when the lung cancer has sufficiently advanced that you might discover that you have lung cancer. You can continue to feel fit and fine but the lung cancer can be silently growing inside of you.

Yet another category of smokers turn around and say that they probably already have cancer growing and so why avoid smoking now. The doctors will tell you that if the person stops smoking before the cancer begins to grow, the affected tissues can grow back to their normal self.If you have stopped smoking for over ten years, then your risk of developing cancer is reduced to a large extent than if you continue to smoke all through.

Smokers generally tend to go along with the myths without wanting to face the truth for themselves. However when children begin to smoke in their high school years, what prompts them to start smoking is something else all together. Most of them think that it is considered fashionable to be seen to be smoking. Many more children take to smoking due to their need to belong to the group and peer pressure. There are several children who like to be rebellious and smoking them belief makes them feel independent.

Any individual who understands how smoking can affect his health and future can with the help of a strong will, quit smoking even if he is addicted.

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