Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Definitive Top Ten Fitness And Weight Loss 'you Deserve' Secret Tips

Lets be truthful, people will always be searching for some new miracle fruit or tablet, or a 'magical' cure for body mass loss or weight loss secrets because they want to lose lots of pounds but they want to do it without doing anything physical to achieve it. They also want immediate results, the only way you're gonna get that is by cutting it out or off, if they weren't so lazy in the first place they wouldn't even have all the extra weight. so lets get u off ur fat, lazy arses and get you down to your natural weight again and before u know it you'll be running around with your kids, your grand kids even again and keeping up with them.

achieving permanent weight loss and keeping ur body mass down or just lower will be a very slow process and will be dependant on these following, this list is not exaustive n' you can probably think of some moreurself:

1. how long u r prepared to stick at it, (in my opinion you are better off to keep it up indefinitely). 2. on ur body's metabolic rate, (each and everybody's rate are very different) 3. what u eat and how much? and nearly as important, when you eat and how much?. 4. also what ur natural body mass is because in my opinion you cannot really 'chose' what weight to drop down to, without expecting a fight from your body's natural body weight. 5. what level of fitness and/or weight you are at before you start using these weight loss tips.

I have come up with a few weight loss diet secrets below toward getting ur body mass/weight down to it's natural mass, or it's equilibrium if u like.

nb: this next bit is more important than u think coz it works; u need to type out or write up your objectives, exactly why you want lose weight and what benefits u r gonna get out of going for it and print loadsa copies out. then stick them on the; on the tv, beside your bed, on every mirror, on every door, (both sides), in ur car, u get the idea. your 'objectives' need to be constantly in ur face as a constant reminder as to why u r taking on this task. also, if u r gonna start this dieting and fitness regime, pleeeaze!! think about this! u owe to urself, u have to keep it up, u can't just give up when; a. this fitness training is just too hard(if it is hard then it's coz it is working, so don't give up, eh??) b. u don't feel like going tonight, (loser with capital, L) just go n' sit ur fat rump back on that couch in front of the tv again, there is no helpin u) c. the weight is just not comin off anymore, (some people do have a phase when their weight seems to stop going down or is harder to lose). keep at it n' i promise it will, this not a 5-minute wonder, more like 6-months to a year, okaay? d. i'm still aching from the last session, (this doesn't mean you have to stop training because as soon as u have warmed up, you'll be good to go on). any good trainer will always do a gradual 'warm up' followed by 'calisthenic's before you start the harder stuff.

but if u r going to use one of these above 'excuses' and insist on spendin that evening 'monging' out in front of a tv every night for hours on end, then u deserve the body mass u have and u will always have, and it is likely that u'll get larger n' larger n' until ......,urgghgghgh,...pop, eeuw!!!! what is all this mess. ;-/ juzt kidding of course you not really gonna burst.

a personal tip; when i was training really hard 6 times a week in martial arts, there were nights i felt i could just leave for tonight, or i just didn't feel like going but i did n' i was always glad i went after all coz it often turned out to be better than usual. there were also many nights when, after that wonderful hot shower, i would go to my car and would have to lift my legs into the car because they ached all over. you do not think you can handle another session like that but you can and you do.

anyway, here are the 10 top weight loss diet tips you have patient enough to wait for, i have put them in the order which i feel are the more important ones, you may notice the majority of first of these tips are related to diet, this is because diet is of paramount importance and a large component of losing weight, getting 'and' keeping fit.

natural body mass - tip 1 we often hear people say, 'don't snack while watching TV', while you are cooking or in between meals, well in my opinion, don't znack at all is the best rule, ur stomach will thank u, if nobody else will. if you have had a good meal you do not need to 'eat' anything else in between, it is juzt greed and often just a bad habit, just like gettin a cigarette out. it's okay to eat a meal while watching television, just make sure u r sat upright, like when u are at the table, where u r supposed to be eating your food, posture is quite important when eating food but if u expect to lose weight, then snacking is never acceptable.

natural body mass - tip 2 never eat a full meal late at night or at least leave, 2-3 hours between eating and goin to sleep and leave the gap for drinking and sleeping to about an hour, cos whatever you in put ur mouth, your stomach will start producing acid to help to dissolve it, so chewing gum, n snacking are very bad for ur stomach, coz it conztantly thinks u r eating, so will keep on producing acid.

natural body mass - tip 3 if u can skip a large breakfast without resortin to scoffin urself stupid at the first cafe u come across a little later, which is fine if u have a job is very energetic, like; mixing cement all day, climbing up telegraph poles, postman, or of course, a fitness trainer, etc. i personally have a a piece of fruit followed by a small 'yakult' or similar, a 'petite filous' type yogurt i find this just enough to take the edge off my apetite but small enough to be conducive with loosing weight. whatever you do try follow this advice, otherwise you are much more likely to binge later in the day.

natural body mass - tip 4 substitute your sweet tooth snacks like: chocolate biscuits, cookies, custard creams, packetz of crisp's, butter soaked toast, etc with fruits such as; bananas, watermelon, pears, apples, peaches, and oranges. these are all at a pretty good price at the super-markets now + they've always got deals and if u go to ur local ztreet market they are fresher and even sometimes even cheaper. yogurts with the above fruits in are a fairly good alternative too.

natural body mass - tip 5 try to eat the meals that you have during the day at regular intervals n' just as important, at the same time of the day, 'regular' is key. do this until it becomes habit. setting alarms might assist you in this endeavour. +tip; if you are eating a cooked meal more than twice a day the you are eating way too much.

natural body mass - tip 6 try to exercise for at least a half hour to an hour every day n' maybe treat urself to the sunday off, this can be as little as quick trot round the block, or at least a fast walk. if you have an exercise bike even better because cycling, along with tai-chi and swimming exercises almost every muscle in the body. if u can't manage this then try to do 15 minutes at least.

natural body mass - tip 7 at least three or four times a week replace the potato in your main meal with rice or if you don't like rice try pasta. also, try to abstain from high calorie foods unless u have taken on an extremely energetic workout regime or your job is very active (but then u r not likely to have a weight problem). stir fry's are excellent an alternative and very healthy coz the goodness is not, 'cooked ' out of the food. so this would be an excellent alternative meal 3-4 times a week.

natural body mass - tip 8 make sure u eat at least two-three vegetables with every meal, not only are they filling but they will also supply u with most of the vitamins, phyto-nutients and fibre our body's require to function properly, our teeth are very much like a cow'z set of teeth and they are perfect for chewin grass n' foliage so vegetables are perfectly designed for us humans. they are not designed for eating meat, as meat eating animal's teeth are, n' let's face we do not have canine teeth for tearing meat from the bone either. i personally have gone completely thai with my food but i have an advantage, i have a thai wife and recently we recently went to thailand for three months. i came back after a month to the uk but that didn't stop me sticking to this new food while she was away. it made me realize i don't even like english food any more coz it is so stodgy, u know that feeling when u feel u can't move coz ur so full up. anyway my point is, that i have been eating only thai food for just over a year, without any exercise and i have come down from 82/83kg to 71/72kg, so that is the power of the right diet, even if this one was an 'accidental' one. so the correct diet on it's own can bring your weight down and if stick with it ur weight will remain with just a reasonable amount of execise.

natural body mass - tip 9 if u r not sure what to take up as an exercise juzt tog up for whatever the weather is outside, grab an mp3 player, ipod,or even your phone they can play muzik too, plug yourself in n' bugger off out for a brisk walk or jog n' whilst ur walking or jogging maybe u'll be able to delve bak into ur past and find an energetic pastime/hobby or sport u or ur friends once did in the past. it might take a few 'runs' b4 u come up with something but at least ur doing something healthy meantime eh??? u might even find that it's walking or running u like doing. coz with all said n' done, there is a certain air of freedom when u go running, as long as u don't overdo it. 'slowly slowly catchy monkey', as they say huh?? there are many forms of exercise u can take up that do not require great effort and can be started slowly. here are some examples of some excellent alternative fitness training to the more strenuous ones: callisthenic, aerobic or isometric exercising, walking, jogging or running, cycling, swimming, thai chi, yoga, circuit training to name but a few, i hope this list has given u some ideas, some of these involve paying out money n' others do not.

natural body mass - tip 10 if u feel some the above physical exercise is beyond ur capability of you still really need to get out n' exercise even if it'z only once week, these can involve, running, biking, yoga, tai chi, etc try n' find someone like minded to do it with if you feel it is a chore that you have to do, then at least it might be a bit of fun, if u r running or on ur bikes it won't hurt to call in at a pub on the way bak and have a cool half pint of lager shandy. you'll juzt be replacing the fluid u've just used up, it's not gonna undo the work u've just put ur; heart, lungs, legs, arms n' maybe ur bum through, coz if u haven't been on a bike for a while, that gets a caning too eh???

natural body mass - tip 10a if ur state of health, prevents u from tryin any of the above fitness training exercises there are still other forms of exercise u can do, even if ur bed-ridden. have u ever watched a kitten or a cat when they first wake up, the stretching that put themselves through is an excercise u can do whilst lying down and it is perfect for keepin ur muscles, limbs, ligaments, joints, etc from stagnating and becoming unusable. there are also exercises u can do even if u r disabled, or impaired in some way and these are called 'isometric' exercises, these involved using ur limbs and other parts of ur body to work against each other by 'pushing' and 'pulling'. think of this pushing and pulling being much the same as someone using the floor to resist their thrusts when doing pushups or a 'bar' for pull-ups or their feet under the sofa so they can for instance. this is achieved by, for example, for ur upper body by grasping each hand with the other one and trying to pull them apart, then by one pulling on the, whilst the other in return resists this, 'pull' and then vice-versa. u start with ur arms above ur head or as far up as u can then work ur way down til they are in line with ur tummy. then you can start using ur feet too, now i know u haven't got monkey's feet but u can still link ur feet together for the 'pulling' forces then use the insteps of ur feet for the 'pushing' forces. if are lying down you can also dig ur heels into the bed and try to arch ur ur body upwards, sideways, then maybe from lying on ur front u can do the same in reverse. these isometric execises rely on using all ur body part to resist each other to flex ur muscle, stretch ur tendons and muscles with just using ur the aid of external things like weights, bikes, bars, etc. before long u will be able to work on or come up with ur own lying down execise regime

i personally do not go to to sleep or get up until i have spent at least 5 -10 minutes doing nothing but stretching and flexing, n' u know what! it's a great feeling, especially the night-time one. Although, once or twice i've gone to far n' pulled a muscle.

so all in all, after a few weeks of flying around on a bike, rediscovering your passion for tennis, trying to out-run the car behind u to the next lampost, or taking up tai-chi kung-fu, kick-boxing etc or even manouvering urself all around ur bed, whatever u've decided to do, you should already be feeling your fitness coming back and feel a 100% better for it. so pleeeeeaze, do yourself and your children the biggest favour u can by resisting the urge to get bak in front of that 'waste of space' plasma screen or tv, not only is it a conversation killer, it is inadvertently a people killer too, we humans were not made to sit around on a chair for hours on end plus, in the grand scheme of things, we are not around for very long, so why would you want to go wasting your short life sat in front of a tv night after night, after night, the last paragaph is dedicated to friend of mine Duncan, who died at the age of 42yrs, a few days ago from a massive heart attack.

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