Friday, June 8, 2012

Mind Development Technique for Starters

A mind development technique is needed by almost everyone breathing in this world. It does not mean that when one is active in sports, his body is already conditioned and that is the end of the story. Aside from being physically fit, ones brain should also be exercised. Sounds unusual, right? The brain also needs to be exercised and there are a number of ways which we can use in order to give our brains the practice that they would need so they will be fully developed or functional.

Though this can be dizzying for some, one example of a mind development technique is visualizing a three dimensional figure or shape. The person must not pressure himself, though, and immediately begin with the complex shapes. He can start with the simple ones and move on to the complexity offered by other shapes as he goes along. Aside from practicing your brains, this exercise can also reward you a night of sweet dreams. The second technique is connec ted to the first one, before you can proceed to this, you must at least have familiarized (if not mastered) yourself with exercise number one. Exercise number two is not just for people who are fascinated with particles, molecules, planets, and galaxies. It is also an exercise for people who, though they are not fascinated with planets or stars, are considering their brains of great importance. The second exercise would consist of imagining yourself disintegrating into various small pieces. After that, imagine yourself traipsing in outer space and visiting different constellations while moving on a speed which goes faster and faster as time ticked by. Exercise number three would be fun and while you are doing this, you will find yourself creating the figure 8 as you wander in the region of the moon, planets, and other stars. You would go from star to star, planet to planet, or constellation to constellation then go back to your starting point. Say for example that your start ing point is the moon, after going from planets Earth to Neptune, you would return to that particular moon. These techniques are free so you do not even have to pay for a gym instructor just to know these. After three months of continuously exercising for at least 20-30 minutes before retiring in bed, you can immediately see the results or your accomplishments.

A mind development technique can do wonders to your brain. It can improve your concentration so that even if you are feeling drowsy, you would not find it hard to still act or speak energetically as well as think clearly. It also makes you keep track of the tasks which you normally forget so you are able to accomplish your goals on time. Aside from that, it also promotes calmness which in turn lowers the risk of mental breakdown, being hounded by ones frustrations, and resulting to still being emotionally stable despite all the pressure. It also rewards a person the keenness to spot even the s mallest of problems and tiniest of details which need to be covered. Furthermore, it gives one the capability to think more clearly so that regretting decisions would not happen. Certainly, it would not hurt for us to try this out and who knows, we might even get better results which would make our life better.

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