Thursday, May 31, 2012

Characteristics of a Teacher: Know What Schools Look for – Your ESL TEFL TESOL Teacher Profile

When a ESL TEFL TESOL school searches for a new teacher for an open ESL/ TEFL TESOL teaching position, they already have an image of the teacher they want. Every school has certain qualities they feel a teacher must have to be successful. Those qualities can be many things depending on the needs and location of the school. While the qualities that each school considers important may vary, there are usually shared qualities that all schools would consider important to the job.

The experience or background of a teacher is the most important quality a school looks for so your resume should highlight the qualities they are looking for. If they are looking for an ESL TEFL TESOL teacher for kindergarten students, it may be best to highlight lessons that contain activities that you have initiated and prepared at your previous schools. In addition, if you are looking at a position for a content subject such as science or math, highlight your knowledge and education (i.e. de gree) in that area. This is especially important if you are a new teacher with little or no experience. Regardless, you should also have all academic qualifications available for the school to preview before you go for an interview. Most schools want to review the qualifications prior to hiring or considering applicants for a teaching position and will sometimes pass on teachers who don't submit these items for review when applying. Each TESL TEFOL TESOL school is unique so the best thing would be to have a cover letter that speaks to that school and the teaching job they are looking to fill. Don't just have a blanket letter and resume that you mass mail to any potential school looking for a teacher in the hopes of gaining employment. It may be beneficial to have a list of professional highlights that you can copy and paste into a cover letter based on the requirements of the position.

Another important consideration for schools is the personal qualities of a teacher. Most schools are looking for a long term commitment from a teacher so they want to make sure that teacher will fit within their school. The obvious qualities that come to mind are personable, positive and flexible/patient because these qualities will carry over into the classroom and interaction with your future students. In addition, the school will look at a teacher's qualities with regards to their professionalism because there is much that is required outside of the classroom such as preparing lessons, creating worksheets and tests and the always popular grading of assignments. In other words, they will want a teacher that is organized and committed. If they feel that the teacher can't be depended on, they may not consider them a viable candidate. One of the things that may highlight a teacher's lack of commitment is a resume that shows numerous ESL TEFL TESOL teaching jobsheld over a short period of time. Remember that you will not be judged strictly by your qualificat ions but on the sum of who you are as an individual.

The factors that go into a school's decision to accept a teacher are varied and many so it is impossible to cover them all. Regardless, cover the basics looked for in any teacher for any teaching job and then identify the unique characteristics or qualifications of a particular position. Remember that looking for a teaching job, like many other employment searches, is about selling yourself and the best way to do this is by identifying what the employer (i.e the school) wants.

The following is an abbreviated list of characteristics posted by a teacher in response to a UNICEF request to "What makes a Good Teacher?":

Positive - The teacher thinks positively and enthusiastically about people and what they are capable of becoming. Sees the good in any situation and can move forward to make the most of difficult situations when confronted with obstacles. Encourages others to also be positive.

Dependable - The teacher is hon est and authentic in working with others. Consistently lives up to commitments to students and others. Works with them in an open, honest, and forthright manner.

Organized - The teacher makes efficient use of time and moves in a planned and systematic direction. Knows where he or she is heading and is able to help students in their own organization and planning. Can think in terms of how organization can be beneficial to those served.

Committed - The teacher demonstrates commitment to students and the profession and is self-confident, poised and personally in control of situations. Has a healthy self-image. Encourages students to look at themselves in a positive manner, careful to honor the self-respect of the students, while encouraging them to develop a positive self-concept.

Motivational - The teacher is enthusiastic with standards and expectations for students and self. Understands the intrinsic moti vations of individuals, and knows what it is that motivates students. Takes action in constructive ways.

Compassionate - The teacher is caring, empathetic and able to respond to people at a feeling level. Open with personal thoughts and feelings, encouraging others to do likewise. Knows and understands the feelings of students.

Flexible - The teacher is willing to alter plans and directions in a manner which assists people in moving toward their goals. Seeks to reason out situations with students and staff in a manner that allows all people to move forward in a positive direction.

Knowledgeable - The teacher is in a constant quest for knowledge. Keeps up in his or her specialty areas, and has the insight to integrate new knowledge. Takes knowledge and translates it to students in a way which is comprehensible to them, yet retains its originality.

Creative - The teacher is versatil e, innovative, and open to new ideas. Strives to incorporate techniques and activities that enable students to have unique and meaningful new growth experiences.

Patient - The teacher is deliberate in coming to conclusions. Strives to look at all aspects of the situation and remains highly fair and objective under most difficult circumstances. Believes that problems can be resolved if enough input and attention is given by people who are affected.

You can also practice answers to typical teacher interview questions like the ones on the following sites:

Virginia Polytechnic Institute:

Resumes for Teachers:


Use and distribution of this article is permitted subject to no changes being made to the content andthe original author'sinformation (About the Author) must be included with appropriate hyperlinks/URL references i n place.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Preparing Your ESL TEFL TESOL Teacher Resume

When a school searches for a new ESL TEFL TESOL teacher for an open teaching position, they already have an image of the teacher they want. Every school has certain qualities they feel a teacher must have to be successful. Those qualities can be many things depending on the needs and location of the school. While the qualities that each ESL TEFL TESOL school considers important may vary, there are usually shared qualities that all schools would consider important to the job.

The experience or background of a teacher is the most important quality a school looks for so your resume should highlight the qualities they are looking for. If they are looking for an ESL TEFL TESOL teacher for kindergarten students, it may be best to highlight lessons that contain activities that you have initiated and prepared at your previous schools. In addition, if you are looking at a position for a content subject such as science or math, highlight your knowledge and education (i.e. degree) in that area. This is especially important if you are a new teacher with little or no experience. Regardless, you should also have all academic qualifications available for the school to preview before you go for an interview. Most schools want to review the qualifications prior to hiring or considering applicants for a teaching position and will sometimes pass on teachers who don't submit these items for review when applying. This is especially true for TESL TEFL TESOL training because this is a requirement for visa and work permits in most countries. Each school is unique so the best thing would be to have a cover letter that speaks to that school and the teaching job they are looking to fill. Don't just have a blanket letter and ESL TEFL TESOL resume that you mass mail to any potential school looking for a teacher in the hopes of gaining employment. It may be beneficial to have a list of professional highlights that you can copy and paste into a cover letter base d on the requirements of the position.

Another important consideration for schools is the personal qualities of a teacher. Most schools are looking for a long term commitment from a teacher so they want to make sure that teacher will fit within their school. The obvious qualities that come to mind are personable, positive and flexible/patient because these qualities will carry over into the classroom and interaction with your future students. In addition, the school will look at a teacher's qualities with regards to their professionalism because there is much that is required outside of the classroom such as preparing lessons, creating worksheets and tests and the always popular grading of assignments. In other words, they will want a teacher that is organized and committed. If they feel that the teacher can't be depended on, they may not consider them a viable candidate. One of the things that may highlight a teacher's lack of commitment is a resume that shows n umerous teaching positions over a short period of time. Remember that you will not be judged strictly by your qualifications but on the sum of who you are as an individual.
The factors that go into a school's decision to accept a teacher are varied and many so it is impossible to cover them all. Regardless, cover the basics looked for in any teacher for any teaching job and then identify the unique characteristics or qualifications of a particular ESL TEFL TESOL job position. Remember that looking for a teaching job, like many other employment searches, is about selling yourself and the best way to do this is by identifying what the employer (i.e the school) wants.

The following is an abbreviated list of characteristics posted by a teacher in response to a UNICEF request to "What makes a Good Teacher?":

Positive - Thinks positively and enthusiastically about people and what they are capable of becoming. Sees the good in any situation and can move forward to make the most of difficult situations when confronted with obstacles. Encourages others to also be positive.
Dependable - H onest and authentic in working with others. Consistently lives up to commitments to students and others. Works with them in an open, honest, and forthright manner.
Organized - Makes efficient use of time and moves in a planned and systematic direction. Knows where he or she is heading and is able to help students in their own organization and planning. Can think in terms of how organization can be beneficial to those served.
Committed - Demonstrates commitment to students and the profession and is self-confident, poised and personally in control of situations. Has a healthy self-image. Encourages students to look at themselves in a positive manner, careful to honor the self-respect of the students, while encouraging them to develop a positive self-concept.
Motivational - Enthusiastic with standards and expectations for students and self. Understands the intrinsic motivations of individuals, and knows what it is that motivates students. Takes action in constructive ways.
Compassionate - Caring, empathetic and able to respond to people at a feeling level. Open with personal thoughts and feelings, encouraging others to do likewise. Knows and understands the feelings of students.
Flexible - Willing to alter plans and directions in a manner which assists people in moving toward their goals. Seeks to reason out situations with students and staff in a manner that allows all people to move forward in a positive direction.
Knowledgeable - Is in a constant quest for knowledge. Keeps up in his or her specialty areas, and has the insight to integrate new knowledge. Takes knowledge and translates it to students in a way which is comprehensible to them, yet retains its originality.
Creative - Versatile, innovative, and open to new ideas. Strives to incorporate techniques and activities that enable stu dents to have unique and meaningful new growth experiences.
Patient - Is deliberate in coming to conclusions. Strives to look at all aspects of the situation and remains highly fair and objective under most difficult circumstances. Believes that problems can be resolved if enough input and attention is given by people who are affected.

You can also practice answers to typical teacher interview questions like the ones on the following sites:
Virginia Polytechnic Institute:
Resumes for Teachers:


Use and distribution of this article is permitted subject to no changes being made to the content andthe original author'sinformation (About the Author) must be included with appropriate hyperlinks/URL references in place.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mountain Lion Facts

Legends & Lore
NH's Mountain Lions
Mountain Lion Facts
Scientific Name: Puma concolor

Life Span: 8-11 years and up to 15-18 years in the wild and 19-20 years in captivity

Size: Males are 6-8 feet long; 110-180 pounds Females 5 to 7 feet long; 80 to 130 pounds

Status: western populations stable; increased sightings in the east, although officially extirpated in NH

Offspring: 1-6 cubs; usually 3 or 4

Description: The species name concolor indicates that the pelt color does not vary over the back, sides, limbs and tail. The color however varies geographically and seasonally from light gray to cinnamon to rust red and light tan or brown. The under parts, inner ear, lower cheeks, chin and lips are white. There are black markings on the side of the muzzle, back of the ears and the tip of the adult tail. Both males and females are colored alike. Young have black or brown spots on buf fy fur for up to 18 months which gradually disappear as they mature. Adult size varies greatly and can be anywhere from 5.5 feet to 8.5 feet in length (including the tail). The tail can be up to 1/3 of the animals length. Weights also vary, ranging from 60 to 225 pounds. Their feet are broad with 4 digits behind and 5 digits on the front. Estimated life span in the wild is 8 11 years (maximum 15-18 years) and over 20 in captivity.

Habitat: The Mountain lion has a wide range of habitats although these are steadily diminishing with the encroachment of human populations. They are found in high temperate and tropical lowland forests, grasslands, swamps and any area with adequate cover and sufficient prey. Mountain lions have been found anywhere from sea-level to 10,000 feet. Habitat has become fragmented and confined in the continental USA to 12 western states and the southern tip of Florida. Mountain lions are also found in parts of Canada, Mexico and South America. Mountain lion numbers are low east of the Mississippi although there is a remnant population (Florida panther subspecies) in Florida. Generally within the geographical range mentioned above, look for them in large wilderness areas. Their environmental preference is a rocky canyon, escarpment, rim rocks or dense brush. Flat brushless deserts, agricultural areas and heavily timbered areas are avoided in favor of cleared areas at the edge of forests or wetlands. Males have a range of anywhere from 25-200 square miles with a possible overlap with another male of up to 3 miles. Females are more stable and confine their permanent home range from 5 to 20 square miles. Living areas can be identified by a scrape or even a small pile of leaves and grasses on which the male urinates or defecates to establish its territory. More likely look for an overhanging ledge, a crevice, a dry cavity, under roots or even a badger burrow or deep thicket.
Predators and Prey: Ungulates are the primary prey. It is estimated that a healthy Mountain Lion will take up to 48 deer, moose, elk or caribou a year consuming from 860 to 1300 kg of meat. In North America if deer are not available they are known to take coyote, bobcat, porcupine, beaver, rabbit, opossum, raccoon, skunk, rodents and even snake and fish. The mountain lion kills by stalking and then leaping on the back of the prey , breaking its neck by biting behind the skull. In the course of a night hunt and stalk, the mountain lion will travel up to six miles in 6 bursts of 1-2 hours each with a rest period in between. They stalk by crouching in a concealed position ready to pounce with its ears upright and tail twitching. When feeding, if it does not consume all the carcass, it will bury the remainder for later consumption. Some mountain lions have been observed eating vegetation, although animal flesh is the favored diet. Mountain lions have also been known to take domestic livestock which has led to their pursuit and killing as an unwanted predator. Sport hunting is legal in 11 western states. The only exception is California. It is estimated that 2500 mountain lion are shot and killed each year by professional and other hunters.

Adaptations and Behavior: Mountain lions are solitary animals. This solitude is broken for the adult only for breeding and parenting. Population densities vary from one animal per 25-50 square miles to one per 8-34 square miles. The animals tend to space themselves to accomodate the food supply. Up to three females with young live within an area used by a resident male. Within that same range, at any one time, will be the resident adults, juveniles, transients, kittens and young adults who have not established home ranges. Movement tends to be nocturnal with occasional crepuscular forays. Communication appears to be through vocalizations of hisses, growls and purrs, but never roars. Males from a l itter band together after leaving the mother, but then disperse as adults seeking and establishing their own ranges. Generally a mountain lion will use a winter and summer home area and migrate between them, possibly hundreds of miles apart. Although adept at climbing trees, mountain lions spend most of their time on the ground. The mountain lions hind legs are long while the front legs are short and very muscular giving it the ability to jump15-18 feet vertically and 30-45 feet horizontally. It is estimated that they can run at speeds of up to 35 miles an hour covering more than 100 yards in less than 5 seconds. In spite of this great speed, they can only cover a short distance before requiring a rest.

Breeding and Development: Female mountain lions begin breeding at about 3 years of age and then breed once every 2 or 3 years. They mate during any season with the courtship initiated by the female and usually includes mating with a number of males. Typical litters of 1 to 6 kittens are born after a gestation period of 82-98 days. Newborns weigh up to one pound and rapidly gain weight. At birth the kittens are wooly, spotted and have short tails. Their eyes open in about 8 or 9 days. They develop teeth when they are a month old and are weaned when about 2 or 3 months at which time they accompany their mother to kills. Kittens remain with the mother into their second year.

Fun Facts: Also known as cougar, catamount, panther and 35 other names. The SLNSC mountain lions arrived in January 2003 from Montana. They were unfortunately orphaned at a young age and initially raised by the Montana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. There have been many reports of mountain lion sightings in the NH lakes region. As of this writing, there are scat samples submitted for DNA analysis to confirm the presence of these large cats in NH. The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department does not recognize the presence of mountain lions in NH due t o lack of confirmed sightings.

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Vacation Max Shares Important Views On The Timeshare Industry Today

Reposted by Vacation Max

A New Dawn For Timeshare Published by: Mary Ann
Over the past two years, the economic depression has had an undeniable negative effect on the tourism industry. But nonetheless, experts maintain that despite tougher times, the timeshare segment of the industry was able to endure the market collapse better than expected.

2008 and 2009 saw a considerable drop in sales in the timeshare industry, coupled with more and more timeshare owners losing the ability to maintain their properties and wanting to exit their contractual obligations. But despite these, developers point out that the crash in sales was actually a strategy (purposely reduced sales) that aims to maintain the flow of cash in the face of tightening market condition. The 'exodus' of owners from their contracts, although expected due to the prepaid nature of timeshare, was also not able to paralyze the industry. Renting vacation units in timeshare resorts became a popular substitute to hefty hotel rooms and provided relief to timeshare owners during times of weak economic conditions.
Naturally, reduced consumer spending affects vacationers too, although this is perhaps one of the reasons why timeshare industry was able to resist the economic downturn since vacationers became inclined to use timeshare units (owned or rented) as an alternative to expensive hotel vacations. Rising fuel prices also had effect (negative or positive) on the industry as it influenced many vacationers to go for closer destinations.

ARDA Chief Executive Officer, Howard Nusbaum, once predicted that timeshare sales were going to remain dreary in 2010. But despite this, new resorts are continued to be built in the U.S and all over the world, especially by larger developers. In fact, numerous timeshare resorts are set to open this year in the country, with more in popular travel destinations like Mexico, China, and parts of Europe. Back in February, Wyndham Worldwide Corporation opened its first resort in Maryland, Wyndham Vacation Resorts at National Harbor. The elev en-story property conforms to the new trend among timeshare owners to stay in urban areas inside the country and already has more than 75% of the 250 units sold.

Further, hospitality titan Marriott launched a new timeshare property in Florida, Marriott's Oceana Palms located in Palm Beach County, on January 15, 2010. To date, the development has one 19-story tower composed of 75 units, with more to be added. Once completed, the resort should have a total of 169 units.
Experts believe that the US economy is starting to slowly pick up, and is expected continue to do so this year. Although the timeshare industry was slow to feel the effects of the economic depression in the country, it should not take long for it benefit from the improving economic situation.

About: Vacation Max has been in business since 1996 connecting timeshare buyers, sellers and renters. We are dedicated to complete customer satisfaction and we are powered by results. We offer un derstanding and expertise because our founders understand the value that timeshares provide to families.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Easy Steps To Find The Best Electronic Cigarettes For You

You may be a smoker finding it hard to quit smoking in spite of knowing all about its ill effects. Then here is a good news for you. Switching to electronic cigarettes will be the best option that you can ever have! Electronic cigarettes look exactly like real cigarettes and give you the same feeling when you smoke. Then how and why are these different?

Well, these do not contain all those harmful chemicals that damage your health as the real cigarettes do. Therefore it is safer to smoke these cigarettes and are a lot more convenient as well. This is because it does not emit smoke but a vapor instead, which neither harms you nor others who are around you. No ash is formed when you smoke e-cigs so these help in keeping the environment clean. Besides, you can have these wherever you like.

It is always advisable to buy the best electronic cigarettes out of the many that are available in the market. Here are some tips on what to look for while buying the best electronic cigarettes for yourself:

1. Always look for such a supplier who will offer you genuine products and also provide a warranty with it. This will help you to get your product replaced in case you find any defect while using them.

2. Ensure that the batteries of your e-cigarettes are of good quality. High quality batteries last longer and are also easy to recharge.

3. Check the variety of filters that the supplier can offer. Good filters will have none of the harmful chemicals that damage your health. These are meant to make the experience of smoking a pleasant and a harmless one. At the same time you get the exact feeling of smoking a real cigarette. Reputed suppliers can provide filters that come with various levels of nicotine so that you can select them according to your need. Nicotine free filters are also available for those who do not wish to inhale it. In such cases, the filters contain only the vapor.

4. Keeping with the latest trend and fashion you can now change the color of your battery, filter and also the case. See to it if your supplier has such provision of offering these products in different colors and styles. This will be an added advantage of smoking e-cigs, as these will add to your style statement.

5. To get the best electronic cigarettes it is better to go through the websites of different suppliers and check the standards and quality of their products. Only when you are totally convinced that the supplier of your choice will be able to provide you the best electronic cigarettes as well as good after sales service, should you make your purchase. This will ensure that you get the best product and also save money.

If you wish to save your life and your money then quit smoking. Smoking does no good but ruins your health. Get the best electronic cigarettes for yourself and continue enjoying a smoke without damaging your health.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Ayurveda Village-kerals's Best Ayurveda Resort

The Ayurveda Village, the holistic health centre at Poovar Island Resort is the best destination in Kerala for ayurvedic treatments, rejuvenation, training in Yoga and mediation. The Poovar Island Resort acclaimed as the best Ayurveda resort in kerala is located at an island, a natural habitat rich with flaura and fauna. Since the ayurvedic treatments and therapies follows sensitive treatment methodologies, the right environment, suitable facilities and experienced doctors cannot be ignored.

The Ayurveda village, the holistic health centre for ayurvedic treatments, rejuvenation and for mediation training in Poovar Island Resort. The Poovar Island Resort acclaimed as the best Ayurveda resort in kerala is located at an island surrounded by water, making it a natural habitat rich with flaura and fauna. The ayurvedic treatments and therapies are the most sensitive treatment methodology and in the hands of a wrong practitioner, the health could be ruined considerably .

Ayurveda village combines the advantages of a standard environment and authentic way of ayurveda along with the experienced doctors. The village stands true to the Indian concept of a natural place where people leads a healthy and happy life. The traditional wisdom and natural way of healing leads them to healthy life practices. The ayurveda village offers to recreation of this ancient practices to ensure a rich and healthy experience to the body and mind of every one of our guests.

Welcome! To the real world of Ayurveda, where it is practiced without compromise, with the surroundings that enriches the healing better and to put yourself into ease.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Friday, May 25, 2012

Pursuing a Motorcycle Accident Claim

You can ride safer by following these quick tips on motorcycle safety:

1. Always assume that you and your motorcycle are totally invisible to other drivers.

2. Leave plenty of space in front and back and to the sides from all other vehicles.

3. Beware of motorists turning left in front of you at intersections.

4. Never drink or take drugs and try to ride a motorcycle.

5. Avoid riding at night, especially late Saturday night and early Sunday when drunken drivers may be on the road.

6. Beware of taking curves that you can't see around. A parked truck or a patch of sand may be awaiting you.

7. Do not give in to road rage and try to 'get even' with another rider or motorist.

8. If someone is tailgating you, either speed up to open more space or pull over and let them pass.

9. Take a motorcycle safety course to learn what to look for to avoid accidents.

10. Wear protective clothing and a helmet.

There is no New York No-Fault insurance available to motorcycle riders. This means that in the event of injury in a motorcycle accident, private health insurance must pay the bills. If the rider wins a lawsuit, these bills must usually be paid back to the health insurance carrier. If there is no health insurance available, the issue of medical bills and paying for medical care becomes complicated, indeed. Consult an experienced accident and personal injury attorney.

As a lawyer and rider who has held a motorcycle license for many years, I have some definite thoughts on this topic. But I'd like you to "cram down" some statistics about motorcycle safety, which relate to accidents and injuries, and which I find fascinating:

1. Approximately 3/4 of motorcycle accidents involve collision with another vehicle; most often a passenger automobile.

2. Approximately 1/4 of motorcycle accidents are single vehicle accidents involving the motorcycle colliding with the roadway or some fixed object in the environment.

3. Vehicle failure accounts for less than 3% of motorcycle accidents, and most of those are single vehicle accidents where control is lost due to a puncture flat.

4. In single vehicle accidents, motorcycle rider error is present as the cause about 2/3 of the time, with the typical error being a slideout and fall due to overbraking, or running wide on a curve due to excess speed or under-cornering.

5. Roadway defects (pavement ridges, potholes, etc.) are the accident cause in 2% of accidents; animal involvement causes 1% of accidents.
6. In multiple vehicle accidents, the driver of the other vehicle violates the motorcycle right-of-way and causes the accident 2/3 of the time.

7. Drivers inability to recognize motorcycles in traffice is the main source of motorcycle collisions. The driver of the other vehicle involved in collision with the motorcycle does not see the motorcycle before the collision, or does not see the motorcycle until too late to avoid the collision.

8. Deliberate hostile action by a motorist against a motorcycle rider is a rare accident cause.

9. The most frequent accident type is the motorcycle proceeding straight and the automobile making a left turn in front of the oncoming motorcycle.

10. Intersections are the most likely place for the motorcycle accident, with the other vehicle violating the motorcycle right-of-way, and often violating traffic controls.

11. Weather is not a factor in 98% of motorcycle accidents.

12. Most motorcycle accidents involve a short trip associated with shopping, errands, friends, entertainment or recreation, and the accident is likely to happen close to the place the trip began.

13. The view of the motorcycle or other vehicle involved in an accident is limited by glare or obstructed by other vehicles in almost 2 of multiple vehicle accidents.

14. Visibility of the motorcycle is a critical factor in multiple vehicle accidents, and accidents are significantly reduced by the use of motorcycle headlamps (on in daylight) and the wearing of high visibility yellow, orange or bright red jackets.

15. Fuel system leaks and spills are present after 62% of motorcycle crashes. This means that there is usually a fire hazard.

16. Significantly overrepresented in accidents are motorcycle riders between the ages of 16 and 24; motorcycle riders between the ages of 30 and 50 are significantly underrepresented. Although the majority of accident-involved motorcycle riders are male (96%), female motorcycles riders are significantly overrepresented in accidents.

17. Motorcycle riders involved in accidents are essentially without training; 92% are self-taught or learned from family or friends. Motorcycle rider training experience reduces accident involvement and reduces injury in the event of accidents.

18. Almost 1/2 of fatal accidents show alcohol involvement.

19. Motorcycle riders in those accidents have difficulty avoiding the collision. Most riders overbrake and skid the rear wheel, and underbrake the front wheel, greatly reducing the ability to slow down and avoid the accident. The ability to countersteer and swerve are essentially absent in the presence of alcohol.

20. The typical motorcycle accident allows the motorcyclist just less than 2 seconds to avoid the collision.

21. Motorcycle modifications such as those associated with the semi-chopper or cafe racer are definitely overrepresented in accidents.

22. The likelihood of injury is extremely high in motorcycle accidents - 98% of multiple vehicle collisions and 96% of single vehicle accidents result in some kind of injury to the motorcycle rider; 45% result in more than a minor injury.

23. Half of the injuries to motorcycle riders are to the ankle-foot, lower leg, knee, and thigh-upper leg.

24. Crash bars are not an effective injury countermeasure; the reduction of injury to the ankle-foot is balanced by increase of injury to the thigh-upper leg, knee, and lower leg.

25. The use of heavy boots, jacket, gloves, etc., is effective in preventing or reducing abrasions and lacerations, which are frequent but rarely severe injuries.

26. Speed, alcohol involvement and motorcycle size increade the injury severity.

27. Seventy-three percent of accident-involved motorcycle riders use no eye protection, and it is likely that the wind on their unprotected eyes contributes to impairment of vision which delays hazard detection.

28. Approximately 50% of the motorcycle riders in traffic use safety helmets but only 40% wear helmets at the time of their accident.

29. Voluntary safety helmet use by accident-involved motorcycle riders was lowest for untrained, uneducated, young motorcycle riders on hot days and short trips.

30. The most deadly injuries to motorcycle accident victims are injuries to the chest and head.

31. The use of the safety helmet is the single critical factor in the prevention or reduction of head injury.

32. The riders abiblity to hear or see is not decreased by use of a safety helmet, nor does it cause fatigue or loss of attention; no element of accident causation is related to helmet use.

33. Helmeted riders and passengers showed significantly lower head and neck injury for all types of injury, at all levels of injury severity.

34. The increased coverage of the full facial coverage helmet increases protection, and significantly reduces face injuries.

35. There is no increase in neck injury by wearing a safety helmet; helmeted riders have fewer neck injuries than unhelmeted riders.

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Information About Role of Vitamins for Mood Disorders

"Vitamins are important, not only for the physical health, but for the mental health as well," the researcher said.
Nobody ever would have thought that taking a diet rich in vitamins can help in curing depression. There are a variety of vitamin deficiencies that can lead to depression symptoms. Correcting deficiencies, when present, often relieves depression. However, even if a deficiency cannot be demonstrated, nutritional supplementation may improve symptoms in selected groups of depressed patients.

Diet plays an important role in preventing illness and keeping us well. The absence of essential minerals and vitamins is associated with many serious health problems including depression. Many elderly people neglect this important part of their health. If you live alone, the effort involved in cooking a meal may seem overwhelming. Depression can also rob people of their appetite. Use the clock to tell you when to eat if your body doesnt let you know when you are hungry. Restore balance by starting to keep track of what you are eating.

Vitamin B3 is necessary for cell respiration it assists in releasing energy and metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, healthy skin, performance of the nervous system, and normal secretion of bile and stomach fluids. It can be administered for treating schizophrenia and other mental illnesses, it is also a good memory-enhancer and also responsible for the synthesis of sex hormones. People show increased mental alertness when this vitamin is in adequate supply.
Lithium orotate differs chiefly from prescription strength lithium based on the ion it is bound to. This seemingly insignificant change makes all the difference in the world in the realm of safety. The original scientific study looking at lithium orotate theorized that this form of lithium was specifically released within cells at the critical sites where cellular transmission occurs, and that this form of lithium is able to cross the blood brain barrier with greater efficacy than standard lithium.

Vitamin A: Vitamin A helps protect the mucous membranes of the nose, eyelids, mouth, throat, stomach, intestines, thereby reducing susceptibility to infection. Vitamin B Complex: Vitamins B complex provide the body with energy by aiding in the conversion of carbohydrates to glucose, which the body "burns" to produce energy.

We believe you may want to consider a comprehensive formula specifically designed to combat depression. In fact, a comprehensive formula using carefully selected ingredients can offer more therapeutic benefits, often better than taking a single nutrient or herb on its own.

Therefore, it's important to understand the how and why of what makes some these comprehensive depression products useful -- an important factor in making an informed choice. Moreover, mixing and matching nutrients and herbs on your own can be very dangerous to your health as well as expensive.
Treatment of mood disorders such as depression is a complex process and may involve psychotherapy and drug treatment. Drugs which have antidepressant effects usually alter levels of neurotransmitters, serotonin and noradrenaline, which are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses in the brain. There are several types and they have slightly different effects in the body. People respond differently to the various types of antidepressant drugs; and a person's symptoms, age, whether or not they have a physical illness, suicide risk, and response to previous medication may help to play a role in deciding what drugs are given.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bipolar personality disorder "manic depression" or mood disorder and me

I have Bipolar "Manic depression" a mood disorder!

Right this very second I'm in such a bad low depressive state that I have spent minutes off and on thinking about dying!! how nice it would be to get rid of this horrible dark crappy feeling and to get away from this state of mind. Thinking logically, all I want to do is curl up in my warm bed and sleep for ever! in other words die. This is how I feel right now, this day, this second, nice! and for some of you it will seem like I'm reading your mind where as for others I guess they wont have a clue what I'm talking about and will jump to the conclusion that I'm stupid or mad! yet I have a gift as such. Once you have this Bipolar disorder or mood disorder, you are able to understand many other people but sadly some people with never understand you, something I have experienced in my past.

Work is on my mind as once coming down I begin to hate what I do. The boss has no idea how to deal with me as a normal guy let alone having this to deal with. His fault? Well his wife has depression so yes you would think so but I cant hold my mental illness against him. I hate the words "mental illness" as its so umm mental!! Not one person would raise an eyebrow at a guy with a broken leg or arm but say the magic words "mental illness" and lots of people get so worried and may even avoid you, yet I think I have more people skills and care for others than most! in my opinion.

I feel isolated and very very alone but in one way I need this as When your depression is bad you can't face the world. I have had to go out for food as supplies were low, only to feel so bad while in a large food store that I left my trolley half full of food and walked out. Friends don't really know what to do and I don't want to afflict it on to them, but I so wish they could see the signs and not fall into saying all the wrong things to me that just winds me up and make me sink to an even further depth of crappy state.

Manic depression is a large issue for many people suffering with its conditions. Being depressed is bad enough and I mean real depression, not these people just saying they feel depressed as the rabbit has died!! There is no cause that the medical world can agree on other than it could be in the genes or a physical brain problem. There are trigger points that can bring this on and these can be little things such as an argument with somebody or frustration. I last three years as a rule with an employer as after this time I get so frustrated with how things are done or not done or not being heard, that It starts my depression off. If you have an understanding employer! they could help, but sadly this is rare.

It does make me laugh and make me some what angry when I hear the words "I'm so depressed" when a person has just lost a 10 bet or broken a nail or has had a large bill from the garage!! Stop using this word "Depression" in the wrong place! You will get over it and dam quick I would think. There is organic and inorganic depression I think, organic being when you are born with it or develop it in time, where as inorganic is when you lose your wallet or the like. DONT use the word depression in this manner as it is so far from the real thing.

I know of a few people that suffer with depression other than myself and it is no joke, it takes over your mind and being and even knowing it will pass in time, it still makes you want to die! while your going through it.


Me though, I don't just get the down side, oh no, I get to swing right up the other end with Mania!! oh yes a double bloody whammy of ups and downs and up and over and bloody down again! And this is when you are trying to work your job and enjoy friends and hold down a relationship! Still single at 41 and I cant see any girl wanting to manage a guy like me with emotional baggage! Can you? Even though I'm liked by many I just cant let anyone in as I feel my bipolar will drive them away at some point.

Bi-polar (Manic Depression) or any mood disorder is a thorn in anyone's side and it has caused no end of emotional pain in my life since I was about 16, so I have been told by doctors. This explains why I think the way I do and why so many people get right on my nerves with the way they behave!! let me swap with you please....

Yes I'm well and truly in my depressive cycle so I had to take a week off work using holiday, no sick time left that is paid for and that is all my holiday gone now. Great way to spend it !! staying home wanting to die!! such fun I have I tell you its amazing... But even as I just wrote that line and am feeling sorry for myself, i n popped the kids and wives of the dead British Army guys being repatriated at Wootton Bassett in Wiltshire. Now that makes me feel bad for feeling bad! Shall I sink lower.......... arse bloody biscuits I hate this,where is the bloody sharp knife gone... ok ok will have a cuppa first. I have to joke for my sanity.

So there is a very very very small in site into how just the depressive nature of Bi-polar gets you. The Manic side is no better as it got me bankrupt, homeless and I lost friends and upset my closest family. I have had lots of sexual partners! So some sort of upside I guess some of you may think but Nah, not really when its just empty lust driven by the mania. Love is what we need but its hard to find.

Anyway next week I will be talking about my left buttock! Don't miss out on the beauty :) Till then chin up and if you have depression right now like myself, just jump off a bridge or watch eastenders for a night!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh the thought of that... yes It was a joke about the bridge. Not funny to most but for me its a dig at how I feel.

On a positive note I'm trying different things to help these moods. Walking along my local river bank is great, fresh air and beautiful views helps me focus. I'm really excited about and have gotten into hypnotherapy in a few ways. Looking at the "Brain evolution system" and others, I will write more on it once I think its working.

This is a 15 min free download that I think is really good. Get some help.

click here for help

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Depression and Mood Disorders

Depression: A Look at Possible Treatments for this Mood Disorder

Depression is a mood disorder that can happen due to many reasons. Usually, a person suffering from depression has prolonged phases of sadness often accompanied by unexpected mood fluctuations.

There are different types of treatments for depression and the kind of treatment needed by a person depends on the severity of his/her depression. Medication in the form of anti-depressant drugs is the most frequent form of treatment given to someone suffering from extreme depression. However, by itself, medication may not often cure the patient completely.

Therapy, in addition to medication, is usually required. But, the efficiency of medication in combination with therapy cannot be assessed properly because of the insufficient time given to sufferers for recovery. Every sufferer has a unique time requirement for the cure of depression and their subsequent recovery. As such, it's not possible to say beforehand how long a person will take to recover.
The Ultimate Depression Mood Disorder Cure: Medication + Therapy + Support

If you are suffering from mood fluctuations and depression, then you can go to a psychotherapist to seek help. The psychotherapist will be able to offer you solutions by talking to you and listening to your problems.

This type of therapy is highly beneficial for someone suffering from prolonged depression. The therapist will be able to teach you skills to deal with everyday stress that might contribute to depression. However, you must have patience with your treatment because just like other mood disorders, it takes time to identify the cause of your depression and use the appropriate therapy to finally remove it. Psychotherapy, given along with medication, is often highly effective in treating depression.

Often, patients give up their medication when they start feeling better and believe that their depression has been cured. However, the medication prescribed to you should never be discontinued without consulting your doctor.

It is necessary that the course of medication be completed properly. Otherwise, the withdrawal of medicines (before its diagnosed time of treatment) can have some really bad side effects, the commonest of which is a reappearance of your depression.

It is also necessary that you have a proper support system around you while your treatment is going on. Friends, family and loved ones can make a huge amount of difference during your treatment of this mood disorder.

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Monday, May 21, 2012

Different Types Of Mood Disorders

Mood disorder has become a bit of a generic term when discussing mental health. A person with any sort of emotional or psychological difficulty -- generalized anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobias, etc. -- may be described as having a "mood disorder". But in reality, the term mood disorder refers to one of two specific conditions: depression or Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depression).

Depression is certainly well known, if not actually understood. Many people refer to feeling sad or disappointed as "being depressed". This is a factually incorrect description. Depression is, in part, a chronic change in one's mood, outlook, or behavior. Normal sadness and disappointment don't linger on for weeks at a time.

Bipolar Disorder is a swing between feeling euphoric mania, and major depression. Bipolar Disorder can have a severe impact on the lives of people inflicted with it, as the euphoric mania stage sometimes results in excessive, irresponsible behavior -- spending a great deal of money unwisely, for instance, or inappropriately interjecting oneself into certain situations -- while the major depressive stage can leave a person almost completely incapacitated, and sometimes leads to a suicide attempt. In almost all cases of Bipolar Disorder, a mood stabilizing medication must be used for successful treatment to take place. Fortunately, most people with Bipolar Disorder do respond to appropriate treatment, and as long as they remain in treatment, those with Bipolar Disorder can often lead normal lives.

Having anxiety is quite a different scenario than having Bipolar Disorder. Anxiety is, generally speaking, feeling emotionally overwhelmed and/or extremely fearful, be it most of the time, or only in certain situations. The person with anxiety may feel as though they aren't in control, but an anxious person typically isn't going to engage in public displays of irrational or unreasonable behavior like someo ne with Bipolar Disorder may. While the person with anxiety often fears that they don't have control over themselves, the person with Bipolar Disorder usually has no such concerns; in fact, the person with Bipolar Disorder typically considers their behavior to be completely normal. One of the telltale signs of anxiety is a fear of losing control over one's behavior, or of "going crazy": many anxious people, in fact, have a deep fear of becoming mentally ill. Interestingly enough, this fear of becoming mentally ill is typically an indication that one is not mentally ill at all, as most people who are truly mentally ill consider themselves to be normal and healthy, and may even react hostilely to anyone suggesting otherwise.

While using the term mood disorder when one really means anxiety may just be a case of semantics, it is important to differentiate between various emotional and psychological conditions, if for no other reason than to ensure proper treatment.< /p>

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Have You Ever Suffered Depression-related Mood Disorders

Depression-related mood disorders are symptoms that occur when a person is suffering from a health problem known as depression. These symptoms usually vary according to the type of depression you may be suffering from, age, or sex. To add on to this, depression- related mood disorders differ in their modes of treatment since some require medicinal treatment while some only need counseling and family support to go away.

For teenagers, depression-related mood disorders include frequent sadness, hopelessness, tearfulness, decreased interest in activities, low energy, social isolation, poor communication and persistent boredom. The levels of these symptoms experienced by the teenager may be evident when he or she starts wearing black clothes frequently signifying sadness in the process, starts becoming preoccupied with songs that have nihilistic themes or just starts crying for no good reason. Other ways that these symptoms could be noticed is by seeing that no effo rt to maintain personal hygiene or no optimistic thoughts is being considered by the teenager. When all these signs occur, it would be best for the parents to take these children to see professional doctors who would be in a better position to help them come out of this situation.

When we come to women, commonly known depression-related mood disorders that take place are frequent shouting, moodiness, pessimistic thoughts, high levels of sadness, or just keeping to themselves. These disorders are normally brought by hormonal imbalance in their bodies caused by activities such as ovulation cycles, pregnancies, giving birth or by having emotional problems including the loss of a loved one. All these occurrences have the ability to tamper with the hormone level in the body something that greatly affects the functionality of the brain in regards to the control of the person's emotions and as a result, the above mentioned disorders take place. Men on the other hand have different depression-related mood disorders that mainly comprise of alcohol consumption and having a low self esteem. These disorders occur as a result of stressful work, bad relationships, business deals that do not materialize or lack of any major achievements in life. When the level of depression is left to advance, insomnia (inability to sleep)could be the result. This sign of depression requires medical treatment for it to stop.When depression sets in one may appear gloomy from then hence forth, be subjected to a self-criticism condition, appear pessimistic at all times and always be seen to be sad.

Depression-related mood disorders in old people mostly tend to differ from the ones that occur in other people. Constant murmuring and frequent complaints of pain usually dominate during the depression episode. These symptoms are mainly caused by the illnesses that keep on attacking the old people together with the side effects that come with the medication used to treat these illnesses. These factors hinder the old person from being able to perform simple tasks that he or she used to undertake. This greatly affects the person's self esteem and as a consequence of this, depression settles in. Emotional support from family members is usually very vital during these periods or else the old person may just give up on life and ultimately die out of depression.

Wangeci Kinyanjui is an expert on research and reporting on Health Matters for years.To get more information on depression-related mood disorders visit her site at <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/600494']);" href="">DEPRESSION-RELATED MOOD DISORDERS</a>

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

How to cook pasta the Italian way

Pastasciutta and pizza are the iconic Italian foods . You all probably known the spaghetti alla Bolognese, the most know preparation of pasta in the world. That is just one of the endless possibilities you have to garnish your pasta.

I dont have to tell you why pasta is good for your health . Nor why any kind of food, if consumed in excessive quantities, is not good for your health. All you need to know from me is that pasta is quick to prepare, it comes in many different sizes and shapes and can be accompanied by an almost limitless number of sauces. You can eat pasta every day and yet never have the same dish before you. Of course, pasta is very high on carbs , so I dont actually recommend to have pasta for lunch and dinner every day.

Anyway, Im going to tell you how an Italian cooks his pasta . The Italian being me, it actually is how I cook pasta. But my method is quite the canonical way.

This guide is easy and the instructions are simple to follow. But I don't want to scare you with a long text, so let's start with a summary of the steps for a perfect pasta :

First of all, cooking pasta means actually cooking the pasta and the sauce. While cooking the pasta itself is basically made by the one step throw pasta in boiling water, the sauce can be a more complicate affair. I will give you the recipes for two easy sauces , very popular in Italy. Since the basic steps are more or less the same, you can go on and create your own sauce from there.

Second point: each kind of pasta has a cooking time , usually indicated on the package. Cook pasta for less than the cooking time, and it will remain hard, go over the cooking time and it will become softer and softer. Go well beyond the cooking time and congratulations! You have inedible glue! We Italians like our pasta al dente , that means a little hard. You usually get it al dente by cooking it for exactly the indicated cooking time. But beware: since foreigners often prefer their pasta soft, you may find on the package a cooking time that reflects this and advises you to cook the pasta for much more time than an Italian would. Since pasta is cheap, you can throw away a little and experiment until you find your perfect cooking time .

Third point, just do me a favour: no ketchup . No ketchup. Repeat with me: No ketchup. Ever.

Ok, lets start.

Take a pot , fill it with water for 3/4 of its capacity and put it on the stove, heat it untill it boils . Put a lid on, to make it boil faster.When the water boils, add salt . We use sale grosso, my dictionary calls it cooking salt. Its salt in big grains of irregular shapes. You can use the finer table salt, it wont change the flavour, but you will need a lot more and in my opinion its harder to measure the right quantity but remember: Im doing this on almost daily basis, so Im working out of habit here. You my find that for you its easier to get the right quantity of salt by using table salt. The right quantity of salt is a personal taste affair, experiment until you find yours. Why waiting until the water boils to add salt? Because salted water takes longer to reach the boiling point . Adding salt right away wont affect the final flavour, but it will lengthen the time to reach the boiling point. After adding salt, wait half a minute, then put the pasta in . Put the p asta in the water when it boils , not before, or you will ruin it!Wait for the cooking time indicated on the package, stir the pasta often to avoid it gluing to the surface of the pot. Now, cooking pasta is simple and there are no secrets in it. But there is one trick . Pasta is like a sponge: it absorbs the fluid in which its immersed. Cooking it immersed in water is ok, but cooking it immersed in the sauce is better! It will be flavoured by the sauce from the inside . So heres the trick: one minute before the cooking time is over pour one or two table spoons of cooking water from the pot in the pan where you are heating the sauce, then strain the pasta out of the water and pour it in the pan , mixing it with the sauce and ending the cooking time in there. Let it heat for a minute, a minute and a half, then take the pan from heat and serve your pasta. Thats it: true Italian style pasta .

Now, the recipes of the sauces . The first one is a classic: tomato sauce . Youll need:

Put a table spoon of oil in a frying pan, add tomato sauce, a hint of pepper or finely minced chilli pepper, let it heat for 5-6 minutes stirring from time to time, pour the pasta in the pan, keep cooking for a minute more. When its ready, take out from heat, add a few leaves of basil and serve. Of course you will be heating the sauce while the pasta is cooking in the boiling water.

The second one is zucchini and shrimps . Youll need:

Put a table spoon of oil in a frying pan, add the zucchini, the shrimps (without shells) and spray lightly with pepper. Let cook on low fire for 10 minutes stirring from time to time, then add the pasta and keep heating for a minute more, stirring the mix. When its ready, take out from heat and serve.

There you are. Original Italian pasta .

To save time I usually prepare the sauce and start heating it while I wait for the water to boil and for the cooking time to be over. You can also prepare a variety of sauces in advance and freeze them , taking them out of the freezer when you need them, letting them unfreeze naturally or microwaving them, then heating in the pan while the pasta is cooking up. You can also use industrial made sauces, theres nothing wrong in that. Remember: the only trick is to heat the sauce in a pan, cook the pasta one minute less than suggested, then pour it along with a couple spoons of cooking water in the pan and finish cooking the sauce and the pasta together in the pan .

Buon appetito!

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Friday, May 18, 2012

How to Stop and Quit Smoking - Health - Quit Smoking

There have been numerous books written on Tobacco and Smoking that has the sole purpose of making the society aware of the Health hazards of tobacco. Below mentioned list of five books will help you know the effects of active and passive smoking and why we need to come together and say no to tobacco.

1. ABC of Smoking Cessation : this book will explain the practical problem of smoking and its contribution to health and what can and should be done about it. It explains how much smoking damages health at individual and public level, the central role of nicotine addiction in smoking , how to set up smoking cessation services, the economic impact of smoking and the public health and policy initiatives that can be used to reduce smoking.

2. Easy ways to Quit Smoking : In this book the author proposes to the readers tried and tested ways and means to overcome all tobacco related activities and habits.

3. Burning Ambition: The Inspiring Story of One Man's Quest to Cure the World of Smoking : This book will show Allen Carr's addiction to smoking for over 30 years. His first cigarette led to a 100-a day habit that he could not break. He tried every method of quitting and they all failed, until he discovered the Easy Way. From then onwards he knew that his approach would work for others as well who wanted to escape the nicotine trap.

4. Smoking Bans : The book deals with the issues of smoking that despite its well-known dangers remains a legal activity for adults. The book's debates over smoking involves not only questions of medical and scientific theory but tissues of individual choice, social responsibility and the proper use of the government's power to protect public health.

5. Tobacco and Smoking : This book has been written to make the society aware of the consequences of smoking. It emphasizes on how different constituents of smoke affects human health working as a slow poison. In this respect stress have been given on Nicotine's harmful compound in tobacco leaves.

There have been numerous books written on Tobacco and Smoking that has the sole purpose of making the society aware of the Health hazards of tobacco. Below mentioned list of five books will help you know the effects of active and passive smoking and why we need to come together and say no to tobacco.ABC of Smoking Cessation

Easy ways to Quit Smoking

Burning Ambition.

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Exactlty what can you learn through seeking Electric cigarettes

Electric cigarettes appear comparable to an average cigarette without worrying about hearth or harmful chemicals.Keeping the facility to light up wherever is really a good attribute in case a new cigarette smoker is thinking about giving up or even thinking of an alternative to be able to smoking the location associated with where these people smoke is a lot more a general public profit than the usual private gain. The majority of smokers search for choices in order to assist their effort inside damaging the cigarettes training because of by themselves and the actual household they generally connect to. This is due to of those unfortunate characteristics which usually any smoke enthusiast can benefit from by making use of the actual electric cigarette. The leading benefit which moves from your using the actual electric cigarette would be the quick elimination of most dangerous chemical compounds which might be commonly within cigarettes.

Black and hazardous cancer causing agents which can be present in just about every cigarette available on the market usually are not based in the remedies that happen to be made use of inside the electric cigarette, making speedy good results from the entry to the particular electric cigarette. On the subject of an individual's well being, you will find usually a pair of difficulties topping the actual chart of those unfortunate men and women. While each look like uncomplicated fixes, halt generating poor eating selections and stop using tobacco, these steps aren't thus purely accomplished.
Thankfully for people who smoke ,, there exists a remedy out there that assists these people terminate along with conquer the particular cigarette smoking habit with the use of this electric cigarette.

One of the big alternatives can be found using the which can be that's unveiled in the machine over the electric cigarette. Numerous electric cigarette organizations present alternatives which may have diverse amounts of cigarette smoking which could let you transition your own cigarette craving for pure nicotine. Also, the particular numerous stages of nicotine will probably enable you to slowly and gradually reduce your cigarette smoking reliance until your own electric cigarette just isn't desired. Smoke is known as to become much more risky in comparison with cigarette smoking your cigarettes are. Electric cigarettes tend not to pose this challenge for those.

Your core kit could possibly be an expense to take into consideration, however for ci garette smokers at the very least a new pack connected with cigarettes every day, it becomes cheaper eventually in comparison with cigarettes are usually. 1 electric cigarette can certainly substitute any package with a group . 5 regarding cigarettes. You can also discounted vinyl flooring by collecting a new liquid pure nicotine fill up in addition to re-filling your own personal tubes. Even though this is a tremendous gain, the majority of people who smoke have difficulties inside combat to quit as a result of behaviors as well as habits which were created by frequent best electric cigarette smoking. Having the capability accomplish most of these desires although it is not disclosing yourself to the injurious cancer causing agents and also harmful toxins involving cigarettes signifies among the finest a look at the electric cigarette.

In case oral fixation or work regarding using tobacco is definitely addicting on the particular person, the particular electric cigarette mimics the use with the smoking cigarettes practice including the expertise of cigarettes, the flavor involving cigarettes as well as the steam which is produced simply by deep breathing. Finest coming from all if an individual discovers true satisfaction within smoking cigarettes they will operate the electric cigarette being a substitute into their training and forestall revealing ourselves towards the injury associated with standard cigarettes.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What Are Electronic Cigarettes?

If you're anything like me, when you first heard the term "e-cig" you probably thought it was some kind of computer program or internet website designed to simulate smoking an actual cigarette (a.k.a. something that no one would openly admit to participating in). However, an e-cig is much, much different from that.

An electronic cigarette is a battery-powered device that delivers nicotine to the system in the form of a vapor. E-cigs are an outstanding alternative to smoking regular cigarettes because they simulate all of the same effects minus the tar and 10,000 other harmful chemicals. In addition, e-cigs come in a large variety of flavors and nicotinic levels...which brings me tomy next point: there are no proven health risks for smoking (or asI like to call it, "vaping") an electronic cigarette.

In fact, studies conducted on ex-smokers who converted to e-cigs show improved health signs almost immediately. People who quit smoking for vaping report feeling more energetic, more willing to participate in activities they had previously forlorn, and most importantly: more alive. Why? Because the majority of vapers do not experience thehealth defects that smokers do.

What else is cool about vaping? It produces absolutely no smell . As soon as you blow out the vapor, it dissolves within a few seconds (although enough vapor is produced to do tricks). This means no lingering smell, no smelly clothes, no horrible tobacco aftertaste (those of you who have kissed a smoker right after they finished smoking know what this is like), and most importantly none of the social and hygenic problems that are associated with smoking. What's one of the best parts about vaping over smoking? Well, as you can imagine after reading this, you can smoke it anywhere. Of course, you still want to be mindful of would probably be considered rude vaping right in front of someone as they are speaking to you. Where it IS ok to smoke is your favorite club, your office while finishing a report, your car with the windows down and so many other places.

Sounds like a pretty appealing gadget, right? Of course, you are most likely not going to accept the words of a stranger so quickly. How exactly does something so similiar to a cigarette come with so little hassles and so many more benefits? Well, the truth is that it's nothing similiar to a cigarette at all. Cigarettes carry so many costs: lighters (and they seem to disappear so fast...), frequent trips to the store and laundry room, yellow teeth, health degeneration...honestly, there are so many it's easy to lose track of time while listing them. To smoke a cigarette you literally have to inhale "smoke"--the same stuff that's produced by a burning building, a burning bush, a burning...turkey. In most cases, cigarette smoke is way more toxic of a smoke to inhale because of all the chemicals contained within the smoke. However, many of us smokers saw that the utility of smoking (i.e. how it can take you out of a stressful moment) outweighed the healthrisks -- plus, most of us weren't going to be smoking for that much longer...right? Now, using this to segway into the next point...vaping provides everything that smoking does and MORE. The vapor of an e-cig is produced when its internal heating system interacts with the liquid solution--providing a clean, smoke-free vapor. An e-cig's heating system is activated each time the user takes a drag, so no more having to worry about a match or wet-weather. The main ingredient inside of the liquid solution varies between "Propylene glycol" and "Glycerol," both of which are odor-less, organic compounds used in a large variety of health and food products (and by main ingredient I mean more than 85% of the solution). I tried looking as hard as I could for e-cigs containing tar but I couldn't find any. And in terms of monetary costs? Well, in addition to the money you'll save because you won't need a lighter etc., you get more puffs per cartridge per dollar than you do puffs per cigarette per dollar...aka you're going to be spending way less restocking your e-cig than you will your cigarette carton (and a much easier time stocking your wallets and purses).

Electronic cigarettes are the best alternative to smoking a traditional cigarette on the market. Sure, nicotine patches may work sometimes, but most of us started smoking because of the act of smoking. To be honest, I don't even notice the nicotine most of the time...smoking isjust something that keeps my hands busy and provides the oral fixation we are all scientifically proven to desire. Smoking is great for when you're out with friends, going through a stressful business project, on your break at work, or just want something to do for 5 minutes because you're going crazy in your house. By vaping, you get to do ALL OF THIS but to a much greater extreme: vape with your friends inside the club, take a break from your project inside the comfort of your own home, vape on your break without having to worry about smoke on your clothes...whatever you do, you can vape anywhere. And the deal-sealer? There are no proven health risks associated with vaping.

Enjoy everything you love doing with a cigarette but without any of the worries.

E-cigs...they're new, they're hip, they're 100% completely tar-free. Now the only thing you'll have to worry about is choosing which flavor you'll want for next week...

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Smokeless Cigarettes Less expensive Compared to the Real Thing

Giving up smoking smoking cigarettes may do not be deemed uncomplicated, however there are numerous regarding nutritious solutions that could make helping hand for some those that smoke. You will find others who understand that they might never be capable of practice it. People fall short simply because they think that your cigarette incorporates a quite strong hang on their lives.

When simply intending to give up so that you have to try it out at any cost, but deciding on the best helping hand just like smokeless cigarettes can always prove to be useful that can help stop smoking together with smokeless cigarettes. These kind of indications regarding drive occur in quite a few sizes and shapes, not the same as getting to be exhausted whilst in the bad overall body picture they have got experienced for quite a while for their brand new desire to reside extended due to the fact on the shipping and delivery of your kid. In spite of this makes to acquire a much healt hier way of life design of smokeless cigarette you'll find basically typically methods any individual may contemplate to improve their life, his or her behavior as well as their own effectively acquiring possibilities. To obtain a person who have came to the realization this clean design of enthusiasm, by far the most apparent website to start enhancing your healthy life-style will be revealed working with the excretion of light up using tobacco cigarettes. Cigarettes consist of each black and carcinogens that will inside your extented work comprehensive toxic the complete physique, uncovering someone to dangerous problems which includes respiratory troubles, coronary heart issues and quite a few cancer. On top of that, employing cigarette damage those approximately anyone by subjecting these phones your related harmful chemicals, possibly although they have got developed current debts not really light up. A remedy that can be found on your smokeless cigarettes person in ord er to get very much additional nutritious recent design in addition to evade the hold of tobacco use is found along with the smokeless cigarette.
Evaluations associated with Smokeless Cigarettes will always be one of the better solutions if you are lastly considering quitting smoking. These are the basic ideal products which can be powered by mobile and that means you can expect your healthy dose connected with nicotine the second you require it. The best part is you also can find the feel connected with smoking an actual cigarette however this sense might possibly not have virtually any negative facets related to it.

They can both equally appear to substitute the particular smokeless cigarette on the standard smoke cigarettes or maybe are going to capable to completely remove the two smokeless cigarette and the usual cigarette. Firstly you need to have an understanding of the way the smokeless cigarette assists free you the harm of normal cigarettes.

The actual smokeless cigarette is definitely created to fulfill all the methods along with fixations which have been brought to life by ciga rettes as an example mouth, get in touch with, and magnificence. The particular smokeless cigarette additionally products distinct smoking runs in their filtration system making it possible for someone to determine which diploma is made for you to definitely defeat any yearnings. On your own cigarette smoker who want to cease completely, the actual smokeless cigarette offers you through an substitute for smoking cigarettes harmful cigarettes immediately after which means that you can slowly and gradually wear by yourself away from around the pure nicotine craving together with cutting down cigarette smoking ranges. Which ever you are searching to complete to help get a more healthy life-style the particular smokeless cigarette reviews can be a prolonged strategies by getting rid of ones fight.

The particular smokeless cigarettes provide you with support where you can conquer all of the mental features as soon as imagining to relinquish smoking. The particular ta ble bets element is that you get the need for retaining in addition to smoking this smokeless cigarettes as being a true a single but you may perhaps never ever see any lung burning ash decreasing down and it can also lack every one of the harmful effects of tobacco. You must remember your own smoking is just with your anxiety so after you employ electronic cigarettes additionally you have an opportunity in order to feel that you're in reality cigarette smoking an actual cigarette even so the fact here's how the actions you actually accomplish really floods your lungs together with very good oxygen that is tar free in addition to chemical free.

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Monday, May 14, 2012

Wholesale Disposable Electronic Cigarettes - Learn How to Be a Smoke-Free Mommy to Be

Wholesale Disposable Electronic Cigarettes

Are you and expecting mother who wants to quit smoking during pregnancy? There is absolutely no better time to quit smoking then when you are pregnant. But it also can be confusing for women who are pregnant to choose a smoking cessation method that is safe for their baby. Wholesale Disposable Electronic Cigarettes

So often they try to go it on their own with very little success and some of them go on to have unhealthy or very sick babies who suffered through nine months of cigarette smoking. But there is a way to quit smoking that is very effective and safe for your baby.

How about we start with a little test. I am going to list some of the top smoking cessation methods and you tell me which one is the best for pregnant women:

Medications (Chantix, Zyban)] The "Patch" Quitting Cold Turkey Group Therapy/Support Hypnotherapy

Have you made your choice yet? If you chose hypnotherapy the congratulations you have chosen the safest and most effective way to quit smoking during pregnancy. But why?

Before we explain why hypnotherapy is the best smoking cessation method for pregnant women, let's discuss why the other selections are incorrect. Wholesale Disposable Electronic Cigarettes

Medications are dangerous for expecting mothers and most of them even say so on the label. Nicotine is one of the most harmful chemicals in cigarettes for your baby so you do not want to use the patch or any nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) that feeds nicotine into your system. Quitting "Cold Turkey" has a less than 5% success rate. Group therapy is just too slow, pregnant women need to quit smoking quickly.

So what is so great about hypnotherapy? Just about everything as far as pregnant women are concerned. First of all it is all natural, no harmful chemicals that could hurt your baby. It works very quickly. Many people quit smoking after one session, especially if they use the right kind of hypnotherapy (more on that later). It also has a very high success rate.

Some kinds of hypnotherapy are ore effective than others. The most successful type of hypnotherapy is called NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming. NLP is the "modern technology" version of hypnotherapy. Unlike traditional hypnotherapy you do not have to go see a hypnotherapist to quit smoking using NLP techniques. The technology behind NLP makes it so that all you have to do is listen to an NLP recording to have the cravings to smoke removed.

NLP is also very effective, even compared to traditional NLP. In a recent test 90% of smokers who listened to an NLP stop smoking recording remained smoke-free six months after the test. NLP gives pregnant women the best chance to quit smoking during pregnancy in an all natural and fast acting way. Wholesale Disposable Electronic Cigarettes

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe To Use - Tips You Should Try

Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe To Use

Everybody knows that smoking is injurious to health. Still! We smoke. Even, every cigarette brand holds the statutory warning,"cigarette smoking is injurious to health" on its cigarette packs, though unwillingly. Smoking kills not just the smoker, but also those who surrounds the smoker. Let's begin a step to stop smoking. Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe To Use

Do you know what is smoking?
A pinch of tobacco rolled in paper with fire at one end and a fool at the other.

Answer yourself: you want to be a fool who smokes or a smart who does not smoke? Option is purely yours. If you choose the later, then here are some wonderful timeless tips you should try to quit smoking that will give you a new lease of life.

Stop Smoking at all
Yes! Don't do smoking at or in any case. Whether you are tensed or you feel tensed, whether you feel incomplete or you are not able to clear the stomach in the morning; just don't do smoking.
NOT Possible read further.
I know that Rome was not built in a day. If it is not really possible to quit smoking in a day, take following steps...

Deep Breathing:
It is a magical tip to relieve you from the pressure of cigarette and smoking. Anytime you feel to smoke a cigarette; do the following. Do it three times.

Close your eyes; breathe in the deepest lung-full of air; slowly and slowly breathe out the air. Visualize all the stress moving out from your body. Take a deep breath again and observe the positive energy getting into your body. Again, breathe out slowly and slowly. Smile and repeat.
I also suggest Meditation and prayer. Take some time out for your own self. There are several ways to meditate and prayer is a sort of mediation.

Where there is a will there is a way. Remember, every time is a good time to quit smoking. Above all! It is better to be late than never. Trust yourself. Have a strong determination against the evil. Eventually, you can start stopping the smoking today. Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe To Use

Drink lots of fluid to flush out the toxic nicotine. Drink water, fresh juices, and etc. (I'm not talking about alcohol). Please avoid drinking coffee, as it is also addictive and people, sometimes, replace cigarette with coffee.

Write and read:
It sounds quite funny, but it is a beautiful way to control your mind. Just take a paper and pen down at least ten good things about stopping smoking and ten bad things about smoking. Paste the paper opposite to your bed and read as many times as you think of cigarette.

Love yourself:
Until and unless you cannot love yourself, there is no need for quitting smoking. For whom do you need to quit smoking then? Please, search you hidden traits, do self-appraisal, and respect yourself. Mull over them and take them as the best opportunities to enjoy life. Love yourself and, yes you know, quit smoking.

Do Exercise/Yoga/Massage:
Exercise/Yoga/Massage are very important to overcome stress and to quit smoking. To stop smoking, you should be physically fit and mentally strong. Exercise tightens the loose muscles and rejuvenates the fatigued muscles. Massage is a wonderful way to relax and calm down your tired muscles.

Family n friend support:
Human is a social animal and cannot live isolate. Go ahead; do not hesitate to share your feelings with your near and dear ones. Involve yourself in social activities and games. I'm sure they will support you to quit smoking. Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe To Use

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Saturday, May 12, 2012

How to maintain your Electronic Cigarette

After using your Electronic health cigarette for awhile you may notice that the amount of vapour that it produces will become less, the reason for this is after some time the Atomizer gets clogged up with residue from the liquid. But there are a couple of things that you can do to fix or prevent this from happening.

"Special Note" If you want your electronic cigarette to last as long as possible treat it the way you would treat all your electronic devices, keep it clean & dry at all times and only charge the battery when it is completely flat.

1.Prevent liquid from building up inside the atomizer by leaving it upside down on a paper towel every night before you go to bed, you should see liquid on the paper towel when you wake up in the morning.

2.Rinse your atomizer under warm running water while holding it with a tweezers for a couple of minutes and leave it to dry overnight on a paper towel.

3.Don't use too much liquid on the atomizer, more liquid will not produce more smoke it will just damage your electronic health cigarette.

(Note: There may be certain electronic cigarette stores out there that may say that this will break your atomizer, these people have a very poor understanding on how exactly an atomizer really works and it would be ill-advised to listen to any advice they might have, we have tested this method countless times with various types of liquid and it works great. It has nothing to do with the type of liquid being used)"Just be sure to let it dry over night"

Remember that after you rinsed your atomizer it may take up to 40 drags before it will function properly again, this is because the wick has to absorb the liquid again.

Always keep the part that connects to the battery dry because if any liquid gets into the battery it will cause the pressure switch to malfunction and will void your 3 month warranty on your battery. So always clean both ends of the Battery screw connector regularly.

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Electronic Cigarette Questions & Answers

* Q: Why does my electronic cigarette cut out some times?

* A: When you inhale for longer than 5 seconds the electronic cigarette will cut out to protect the atomizer from burning out. Leave it for about 2 minutes then try it again.

* Q: How long does it take to charge the battery?

* A: Depending on the model and charger, it may take up to 4 hours to fully charge a battery. Your charger has an indication light on it to tell you when charging is complete, Red = Charging, Green = Fully Charged

* Q: Why do i get a nasty taste from my electronic cigarette?

* A: Either the atomizer is out of liquid or it may be time to replace the atomizer. Either refill your cartridge, drop some more liquid on the atomizer and if it still tastes bad try rinsing the atomizer under warm running water and let it dry, if it still tastes bad replace the atomizer.

* Q: My electronic cigarette does not want to switch on when i take a drag, why?

* A: Try to charge the battery until the indication light on the charger turns green, if it still does not work the pressure switch might be damaged in which case you have to replace the battery.

* Q: How much liquid should one drop onto the atomizer?

* A: 1-2 Drops

* Q: Can i smoke anywhere with the electronic cigarette?

* A: Yes, the electronic cigarette does not produce any smoke but a harmless vapor that dissipates in seconds, you might draw some attention when you do smoke it in public areas but it is completely legal and an explanation to the person in question will solve any disputes. You may want to ask owners of buildings if they mind you smoking the electronic cigarette on their premises.

* Q: How long can i smoke with one battery?

* A: It will vary from model to model but the average amount of drags you should get is 200-240 inhalations. Be sure to carry a fully charged battery with you when you go out.

* Q: Why does the vapor look like smoke and not like vapour?

* A: The liquid that is used in the electronic cigarette contains propylene glycol, this is a chemical that is used in food colouring and is considered to be completely safe. It is this chemical that produces the "Smoke" effect.

* Q: I get a funny sensation when i exhale through my nose, why?

* A: Remember that the vapor is a liquid and you might get the sensation of water in your nose when you exhale through your nose, it's nothing to be alarmed about.

* Q: My battery does not seem to last as long anymore, why?

* A: The battery used for the electronic cigarette is based on lithium ion technology, unfortunately after a long period of charging the battery might lose its ability to charge, A replacement is recommended if this happens.

* Q: Why does the light flash after a couple of drags ?

* A: The computer chip in the battery is programmed to notify you when you have taken 15 drags because this is the equivalent of 1 normal cigarette, that is why the light will flash, if the light keeps on flashing when you try to take a drag the battery needs to be recharged.

* Q: Why do i get a headache when using the electronic cigarette

* A: The most likely cause for a headache would come from receiving to much nicotine than what your body can tolerate, the solution would be to either use the electronic cigarette less or switch to a lower strength nicotine level. If you still receive headache we advise you to consult your doctor.

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Friday, May 11, 2012

Bikram Yoga And Its Poses

Some great benefits of yoga must not be denied and fortunately, someone can be neither too outdated or even a too young to gather the profits associated with yoga. Yoga is designed for everything as well as the real, mental, and other outcome of yoga are currently in heap. Bikram yoga is a very mature kind of yoga as tried by the many individuals for the pluses. It requires to be mentioned that still Bikram yoga is exclusive kind of yoga but it surely is not a separate diverge of it. It is very greatly component of yoga nonetheless comprises of 26 distinctive poses.

The precise devised 26 poses for Bikram yoga will be performed on high temperature of 100 Fahrenheit proportions. The specific postures and asanas associated with Bikram yoga may be organized on the selected reward to people. The gathering associated with Bikram yoga lasts 90 summary and boasts to provide great health benefits. The 26 Bikram yoga poses are solely owned by the owner, Bikram Choudhury. Included in a particular person, the Bikram yoga allegations to grant the most health benefits as well as being quite popular in customers. The 26 Bikram yoga poses could be learnt from books, online as well the classes. Although the exercise and workout routines are not very easy to learn nonetheless can be acquired together with precision after normal rehearsal.

The 26 Bikram Yoga comprises of: Ardha-Chandrasana and Pada-Hastasana (Fifty percent Moon Pose and regulate to Feet), Pranayama Show (Lasting Booming Existing Pose), Utkatasana (Cumbersome Pose), Garurasana (Eagle Pose), Dandayamana-Janushirasana (Standing Head to Knee Pose), Dandayamana-Dhanurasana (Durable Bow Lifting Pose), Tuladandasana (Weighing-in Stick Pose), Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Paschimotthanasana (Standing Part Leg Stretching Pose), Trikanasana (Triangle Pose), Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Janushirasana (Place Split Leg Head to Knee Pose ), Tadasana (Plant Pose), Padangustasana (Toe Continue Pose), Savasana (Lifeless Whole body Pose), Pavanamuktasana (Wind Getting rid of Pose), Sit-up, Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), Salabhasana (Locust Pose), Poorna-Salabhasana (Broad Locust Pose), Dhanurasana (Drop Pose), Supta-Vajrasana (Constant Agency Pose), Ardha-Kurmasana (Half Tortoise Pose), Ustrasana (Fanatic Pose), Sasangasana (Rabbit Pose), Janushirasana along with Paschimotth anasana (Head to Knee Pose), Ardha-Matsyendrasana (Needle Twisting Pose) and Khapalbhati (Upset in Steady Pose).

Such 26 Bikram yoga poses should be able for 90 moments 2 times per day. Bikram yoga serves as home to provide supreme benefit to future health. Infact, that yoga will be therefore beneficial for people who just it truly is supposed that in case practiced steadily, an individual can never are prone to every sickness around his/her your lifetime. The exceptional health benefits proceeded by way of this kind of yoga workout is actually to offer most health benefits to folks. Regular exercise will assist you to fully understand the art for Bikram yoga and infact it may possibly likewise aid you manifest as a Bikram yoga teacher.

In spite of the period, the Bikram yoga is truly to supply your body having wonderful preservation. Since Bikram yoga is performed on hot temperature, for this reason it is simply just like named hot yoga. That area using yoga has grown to be extremely popular on a variety of spaces and there are a number of schools employed in this kind of sense. However, the train associated with Bikram yoga poses isn't meant for all the people. People who find themselves sensitive to moist or even a liable to dehydration as well as heat strokes typically are not the good aspirants in Bikram Yoga. Pregnant women are not the eligible candidates for Bikram Yoga.

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

How to cook pasta the Italian way

Pastasciutta and pizza are the iconic Italian foods . You all probably known the spaghetti alla Bolognese, the most know preparation of pasta in the world. That is just one of the endless possibilities you have to garnish your pasta.

I dont have to tell you why pasta is good for your health . Nor why any kind of food, if consumed in excessive quantities, is not good for your health. All you need to know from me is that pasta is quick to prepare, it comes in many different sizes and shapes and can be accompanied by an almost limitless number of sauces. You can eat pasta every day and yet never have the same dish before you. Of course, pasta is very high on carbs , so I dont actually recommend to have pasta for lunch and dinner every day.

Anyway, Im going to tell you how an Italian cooks his pasta . The Italian being me, it actually is how I cook pasta. But my method is quite the canonical way.

This guide is easy and the instructions are simple to follow. But I don't want to scare you with a long text, so let's start with a summary of the steps for a perfect pasta :

First of all, cooking pasta means actually cooking the pasta and the sauce. While cooking the pasta itself is basically made by the one step throw pasta in boiling water, the sauce can be a more complicate affair. I will give you the recipes for two easy sauces , very popular in Italy. Since the basic steps are more or less the same, you can go on and create your own sauce from there.

Second point: each kind of pasta has a cooking time , usually indicated on the package. Cook pasta for less than the cooking time, and it will remain hard, go over the cooking time and it will become softer and softer. Go well beyond the cooking time and congratulations! You have inedible glue! We Italians like our pasta al dente , that means a little hard. You usually get it al dente by cooking it for exactly the indicated cooking time. But beware: since foreigners often prefer their pasta soft, you may find on the package a cooking time that reflects this and advises you to cook the pasta for much more time than an Italian would. Since pasta is cheap, you can throw away a little and experiment until you find your perfect cooking time .

Third point, just do me a favour: no ketchup . No ketchup. Repeat with me: No ketchup. Ever.

Ok, lets start.

Take a pot , fill it with water for 3/4 of its capacity and put it on the stove, heat it untill it boils . Put a lid on, to make it boil faster.When the water boils, add salt . We use sale grosso, my dictionary calls it cooking salt. Its salt in big grains of irregular shapes. You can use the finer table salt, it wont change the flavour, but you will need a lot more and in my opinion its harder to measure the right quantity but remember: Im doing this on almost daily basis, so Im working out of habit here. You my find that for you its easier to get the right quantity of salt by using table salt. The right quantity of salt is a personal taste affair, experiment until you find yours. Why waiting until the water boils to add salt? Because salted water takes longer to reach the boiling point . Adding salt right away wont affect the final flavour, but it will lengthen the time to reach the boiling point. After adding salt, wait half a minute, then put the pasta in . Put the p asta in the water when it boils , not before, or you will ruin it!Wait for the cooking time indicated on the package, stir the pasta often to avoid it gluing to the surface of the pot. Now, cooking pasta is simple and there are no secrets in it. But there is one trick . Pasta is like a sponge: it absorbs the fluid in which its immersed. Cooking it immersed in water is ok, but cooking it immersed in the sauce is better! It will be flavoured by the sauce from the inside . So heres the trick: one minute before the cooking time is over pour one or two table spoons of cooking water from the pot in the pan where you are heating the sauce, then strain the pasta out of the water and pour it in the pan , mixing it with the sauce and ending the cooking time in there. Let it heat for a minute, a minute and a half, then take the pan from heat and serve your pasta. Thats it: true Italian style pasta .

Now, the recipes of the sauces . The first one is a classic: tomato sauce . Youll need:

Put a table spoon of oil in a frying pan, add tomato sauce, a hint of pepper or finely minced chilli pepper, let it heat for 5-6 minutes stirring from time to time, pour the pasta in the pan, keep cooking for a minute more. When its ready, take out from heat, add a few leaves of basil and serve. Of course you will be heating the sauce while the pasta is cooking in the boiling water.

The second one is zucchini and shrimps . Youll need:

Put a table spoon of oil in a frying pan, add the zucchini, the shrimps (without shells) and spray lightly with pepper. Let cook on low fire for 10 minutes stirring from time to time, then add the pasta and keep heating for a minute more, stirring the mix. When its ready, take out from heat and serve.

There you are. Original Italian pasta .

To save time I usually prepare the sauce and start heating it while I wait for the water to boil and for the cooking time to be over. You can also prepare a variety of sauces in advance and freeze them , taking them out of the freezer when you need them, letting them unfreeze naturally or microwaving them, then heating in the pan while the pasta is cooking up. You can also use industrial made sauces, theres nothing wrong in that. Remember: the only trick is to heat the sauce in a pan, cook the pasta one minute less than suggested, then pour it along with a couple spoons of cooking water in the pan and finish cooking the sauce and the pasta together in the pan .

Buon appetito!

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