Saturday, February 11, 2012

Depression - False Identity

Who is more prone to become affected by or suffer from psychological problems? the answer nearly everyone. Depression in the United States alone has left its mark on at least 17 million adults who have experienced a bout of clinical depression at some stage. Suffering from this disorder can interrupt any plans a person may have on leading a normal life. (Depending how serious the symptoms for each patient) depression affects us all in different ways some cases more severe than others.

Serious depression needs nurturing and this can be done with medical help
What to expect if depression takes hold, well it can cause unbearable pain emotionally also expect your life to turn upside down if the depression escalates out of control. You are not on your own if you have been diagnosed with depression people around you feel your pain also therefore affected too.

Similar is bipolar disorder which is another form of depression. Bipolar was once named manic-depressive disorder, mood swings that came with bipolar differed in many ways, one being is the manic highs which were noted as a high risk factor for self inflicted harm to the patient.

Without doubt a patients thoughts and feelings change dramatically if in possession of this psychological condition. Depression has often been mistaken with the feeling of sadness or lethargic bouts; these common symptoms do not necessarily mean this is depression they relate more to every day stress.

Stress normally withers away after a few days but if you find you are still saddened and the fatigue factor still strong and there is no sign of these symptoms easing up then seek medical help as it could be the start of depression
Unfortunately in some cases depression goes unnoticed and because of this approx two thirds of depressed patients are not receiving the right medication or treatment. Sadly this is an unfortunate predicament because with the right medical treatment approx 80% of depression sufferers will have found light at the end of the tunnel.

Depression has been known to take lives; patients struggle to adjust to their new found way of life living with a burden that some believe are with them till eternity, a similar feeling to having a Siamese twin attached till death do us part. Well now we have modern medicines in a modern world that can help you in your separation from depression which has driven you to take on a false identity where the laughing on the outside is overpowered by all the crying within.

Just like the Siamese twins medics have now proven that with the right medical treatment they can UN-attach the attached.

Talk to someone if you have reason for concern on your health or that of someone close and let those with the knowledge on depression help you in your quest to lead a normal life once again.
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