Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Stressful Moments - How To Cope Rather Than Live in Hope For A Cure

Why do we get stressed is a common question asked when looking for answers behind stressful moments. What a major breakthrough that would be if we could pinpoint exactly what it is that triggers these stressful bouts - but because we all differ in so many ways then trying to decipher what brings these moments to ahead can be very difficult.

Stressful moments can be brought on by many happenings or mishaps. In a stressful situation a sufferer may feel and experience loss of control of their body actions and emotions which they find is out of their jurisdiction. Stress hormones escalate out of control - this then activates an energetic flush of hormone release which speeds up the beat of the heart to pump faster which then causes muscle tension followed by accelerated breathing. These are not unusual reactions when stressful moments kick in

Other painful ailments suffered by a patient suffering from stress is migraine, back ache, palpitations, perspiration and high blood pressure - these symptoms are all common partners of stress. (Not in everyone) You may find a change in personality where you become touchy and irritable. Different reactions for different people - in some people the effects of stress may contribute to why they develop ulcers cold sores, and heart disease. Once again this does not apply to every one.

There are many stress related factors but the two main stressors are the internal an external - the outer one of the two can be brought on by a bereavement, debt or even a break up of a long time relationship. The other stress factor is where you yourself instigate the situation furthermore by forcefully contributing with the intake of certain matters that are not agreeable to the condition. Alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and many more along with environmental toxins are all chemical substances to be avoided because of how they exhaust the body of energy.

Cutting down or cutting out on your intake of these sources is not the cure but most definitely soothes the condition from flaring up to stages of severity. However, there are various techniques used to help combat stressful moments.

If you can label and identify the reason to why your physical and mental doings take place then there is a possibility that you can calm the condition. By ignoring the signs and symptoms of stress you may hamper your chances of ever having peace of mind thus intensifying the pain causing unnecessary suffering.

Proven techniques practiced to today by millions to help with stress relief and pressure is to take up yoga exercise. Exercise therapy controls the build up of stress hormones. Mental exercises like Yoga meditation is a form of mind control exercise. By controlling the nervous system with relaxation classes you claim back control of your life - your emotions - your feelings - your actions and all because you did it the natural way.

Yoga is a natural remedy that is helping people to cope instead of living in hope for a cure. (Depending on the severity of stress or any other illness)

How Exercise Can Help You Sleep Better...

The amount of physical activity that you expend during the day is a key ingredient to helping you sleep restfully at night.

The more active your body is during the day, the more likely you are able to relax fully at night and fall asleep easily.

With regular exercise your sleep quality is improved and the transition between the cycles and phases of sleep becomes smoother and more regular.

Keeping up your physical activity during the day may also be help you deal with the stress and worry in your life.

Studies indicate that there is a direct correlation between how much we exercise and how we feel both emotionally and physically by changes in our brain chemistry that occur from regular exercise.

Try to increase your physical daily activity during the day. The goal here is to give your body enough stimulation during the day so that you are not restless at night.

Our bodies require a certain amount of physical activity in order to function in a healthy manner.

It is important to note that you should not be exercising three to four hours before bed.

The ideal time for you to exercise is in the late afternoon or early evening. You want to expend your physical energy long before it is time for your body to rest and ready itself for sleep.

Attempt to exercise at least three to four times a week for a continuous period of 20 to 30 minutes. This can include something as simple as walking or something as strenuous as running.

The goal is to increase your heart rate and strengthen your lung capacity. Adding a regular exercise activity to your daily schedule will improve your overall health and benefit you emotionally. This is can help promote a natural remedy for your sleeplessness.

Besides walking and running there are many physical activities that you can add to your life to increase your activity level. Aerobic exercises seem to work best to battle sleeplessness.

Your goal is to increase the amount of oxygen that reaches your blood. There are many types of aerobic activities to choose from. These include running, biking, using a treadmill, jumping rope, and dancing.

Some non-aerobic activities may be beneficial to you as you attempt to solve your insomnia problem. The following activities are relaxing and have other healing properties:

- Yoga has a stimulatory effect on your nervous system, particularly the brain. Yoga uses breathing techniques and yoga postures to increase blood circulation to the brain centre, promoting regular and restful sleeping patterns. Regular practice of yoga will relax you as well as relieve stress and tension.

- Tai Chi is a form of breathing and movement that was developed by ancient Chinese monks. The movements involved in Tai Chi are precise and slow, which is ideal if you have joint pain or are unable to participate in high impact aerobic exercises. Studies have shown that Tai Chi may help people with insomnia by promoting relaxation.

If you find that you have no time to exercise on a regular basis try sneaking extra moments of activity into your daily schedule. Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible.

Try parking your car around the corner and walking that extra block to your appointment. There are many small ways that you can incorporate some added activity into your life. Your goal is to have a healthy, well balanced life...


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Get Started Exercising Now But Take It Easy

So you're overweight, "fat"--to be honest--and you want to start exercising. Before you take off like an overlarge airplane and start preparing for the Olympics trials, stop right there. You may have it all figured out by now, after checking with your friends, the media and finally that fickle fiend known as the bathroom mirror, that a regular exercise program is the only way to fly when it comes to permanent weight loss. That entails working out or otherwise flexing your physical and psychological muscles on a regular basis, perhaps three times a week, or maybe even once per day.

But therein lies the rub. How do you get started? How often do you exercise? Most importantly, if you've been very sedate or at least somewhat off your feet for awhile, what's the safest way to begin an effective, weight-loss centered exercise program?

Beginning a Righteous Program--Realistically

First of all, follow the old saw about consulting with your doctor. Don't start thinking you can just begin running around the block. That's why the medical profession exists, to advise and keep you safe. You doctor will recommend specific types of exercise tailored to fit your own individual lifestyle, personal health needs and concerns. But you don't need to make it entirely clinical when you begin an exercise program.

Most importantly, you need to pick something you're going to stick with. What do you like in the way of sports? If you're people-oriented, you should look into joining a team sports program of some kind in your area, one created for adult participation. You can look for a local softball league, take a beginning aerobics class at a fitness center, or play regular games of basketball at a gym with your buddies. And then there's golf, the perennial favorite of people who want to perform fun and interesting mild exercise. All you have to do is motivate yourself and perhaps some friends to get started. Or if you're a loner, you can take up an individualized sport such as bicycle touring, which can also be done in small groups, or laps swimming at your community pool.

But be realistic, and work with your doctor. You want to aim for something fun that you'll keep committing to doing regularly. If it's something you hate, perhaps such as running on a track, climbing stairs or using what seems to you to be boring exercise equipment, forget it! Don't spend all your money on something you can't keep doing because you feel guilty, or think you have to punish yourself into exercising. Be sure you like what you're going to do before you get started. Simply walking around the block is a very inexpensive and potentially fun way to go from a sedentary state to a beginning new level of much better health and fitness. You must start with something easy and simple if you haven't been exercising for decades, and you should gradually increase your level of activity as you feel comfortable with it. Move by inches, not by miles.

Eventually, you can try exercising every single day, anywhere from twenty minutes to a full hour. But especially at first--and that may be for several months--don't push yourself too hard. Don't go all out, and get frustrated because you can't keep it up. You don't have to be a college athlete, and you can seriously hurt your heart by pushing too hard or overdoing it. Remember, you're doing this for fun, for health reasons and to feel good about yourself. Don't try to become an "athlete" unless you think that will be something you'll want to commit to on a much more rigorous schedule. Later!

Easy Exercise Comes--Naturally

Americans tend to think of exercise as more their duty than as a part of their culture, or "way of life." But it's a true lifestyle preference. Throughout the world, many forms of regular exercise are taking hold of whole general populations. Take walking, for example. In Europe, people are flocking to their local well-developed public hiking trails, and there's quite a few of those spread across the USA as well. Walking of a moderate type is called Volkssport in Europe, and it's really been around for many centuries.

Easy-going exercise such as walking continues to stave off heart disease, osteoporosis, high cholesterol and many types of cancer, as well as taking care of most of your belly flab. It doesn't sound like much, but it will really tighten your whole body up. Your legs will especially benefit, and your buns will automatically grow firmer as you stroll. Not to mention that the worst investment you need to make is a pair of comfy, sturdy sensible shoes, preferably made of leather or canvas with rubber soles. You may think that yoga is some uncomfortable form of Eastern self-punishment and mysticism, but it's not. Yoga is great for toning your body, as it's extremely gentle when done correctly. It combines traditional breathing and relaxation techniques with simple stretching. It's good to use yoga during a weight-loss program when you're sedentary, as it's very easy on your body, you don't have to repeat the same exercises every day, and it requires a minimal time commitment. Yoga can be used in conjunction with a more rigorous exercise program to help maintain your overall state of fitness. "Yoga doesn't take over your life, it enhances it," says Alice Cristensen, founder and executive director of the American Yoga Association.

Continuing Your Program--Goals and Motivation

Okay, so you've gotten started, but what does all this have to do with watching your weight? To keep on schedule with this as your original goal, you also have to keep that commitment to lose enough poundage to be a healthy, happy and physically fit person.

First of all, you have to figure out exactly what you're expecting to accomplish. Are you looking for optimal health, or do you really want to fit into slinky clothes better? Either way, you're going to have to set goals and try to attain them as you go. It helps to clearly keep in mind what you're aiming for, and it helps to visualize yourself at your ideal weight several times a day. This image impresses itself upon your subconscious and inwardly motivates you to continue your program with a bulldog's sheer tenacity and motivation. You want that; whatever happens, you don't want to stress out and quit. Try looking at old photographs of yourself at your ideal weight and picturing realistically what you'll look like when you're back there again. Don't expect the Fountain of Youth, but you'd be shocked how close you can get to your mental picture, and how good you're going to feel as you move your body, eat less liberally and become fit and not fat.

You must also remember to keep it simple when you're losing weight. In most cases, burning more calories than you ingest is the biggest concern. You have to expend approximately 3,500 calories to lose one pound of adipose fat tissue. Water weight doesn't count, and that's what a lot of people lose at first. Also, the important thing about exercise is that you can eat almost normally and still lose the weight at a healthy and reasonable pace. If you don't exercise and try to lose weight, you'll be tempted to embark on a starvation diet. This has been shown to make you lose lean muscle mass instead of fat in most cases, and although you'll drop some pounds, they may be the wrongest ones. Chances are that if you're unfit while you're losing weight, you'll get physically tired, sleep less, become overly emotional, and stress out and become extremely irritable. It simply isn't healthy to do it that way, so you need at least a moderate exercise program.

Try keeping a journal of your progress every day, and consult with it when you want to know how far along you've come. You can also use it to gauge how you're doing, and whether or not you're losing weight at a reasonable pace. Congratulate yourself every time you ate the right thing, kept to your walking schedule, or didn't give in to temptation that day by making a brief note about it. Read the journal to inspire you about what you're doing whenever you feel the urge to let go.

Don't forget to share any successes or failures with your friends and family. Tell them all about how proud you are of the new lifestyle choices you're making, and share in their enthusiasm. They want you to be healthy and go on living, and so do you. But some of them may worry that you're starving yourself or are in a state of denial. Reassure them, and proceed carefully with your healthy diet and exercise plans, while always knowing that it's exactly what you need to do to look better, feel stronger and live longer.

Easy Dieting Tips to Live By--Starting Now


Monday, February 27, 2012

Stop Anxiety Attacks - Review

Some people don't even realize that they are having anxiety attacks, until they know what the definition of one is. An anxiety attack is a strong sensation that creates fear in oneself, as the symptoms can seem like you are actually dying. If you are someone who suffers from these kinds of attacks, it is important to know as much as you can about them as to help control them. Thus the more you learn and know the quicker you can begin to control your anxiety attacks.

The cause of anxiety attacks can vary from person to person. They may be caused by an upsetting event in someone's life or a fear of something they have experienced growing up. Stress is a big contributor to anxiety attacks, but the possibilities are truthfully endless. Medication is a known trigger of an anxiety attack, and being less than active is known to be a contributor as well. In reality, there is not a particular known reason for people who experience these attacks, they are in short a body's way of dealing with an overwhelming feeling in one way or another.

One of the main symptoms of anxiety attacks is extreme fear. Now, fear may be acknowledged as a symptom of anxiety, but in reality it is just the end result of the real symptoms. Before fear sets in, you are likely to experience one or more symptoms of anxiety, which lead you to the fear. Chest pain due to a racing heart, shortness of breath, and dizziness are all symptoms you may experience before the fear sets in. In the end, any uncomfortable sensation that is realized which makes you become fearful for your life is considered a symptom of anxiety, and therefore should be treated as such until you can confirm your suspicions.

Because so many symptoms that are realized during an anxiety attack are similar if not exactly like those of some other kind of condition, it is almost impossible to determine if what you have been feeling is due to anxiety attacks, or another condition. This is why it's important to see a doctor and explain your symptoms, so that your physician can run the necessary tests in determining whether you have an underlying medical condition that needs to be dealt with or whether it is more than likely anxiety you are dealing with at which point you can work with your doctor in finding ways to control it.

Once you and your doctor have worked together you can be on the way to resolving your trouble. If it is an anxiety attack there are many approaches you can take to help. Discuss your approach with your doctor. In many cases awareness is the first step you can take to stop your anxiety. Check back, as I will be posting other articles on anxiety and will include some of my own experiences.

I have posted a link at the top of my website for a book and audio clips that has help many people to overcome there anxiety and stress. It strongly recommend this guide.

Feel free to visit some of my sites Stop Anxiety Now and Stop Panic Attacks

Exercise And Sleeping Better

The amount of physical exercise that you exert during the day is one of the key ingredients to helping you get a good sleep at night. The more active your body is during the day, the more likely you are to relax at night and fall asleep faster.

With regular exercise you'll notice that your quality of sleep is improved and the transition between the cycles and phases of sleep will become smoother and more regular. By keeping up your physical activity during the day, you may find it easier to deal with the stress and worries of your life.

Research and studies indicate that there is a direct correlation between how much we exercise and how we feel afterwards.

You should try and increase your physical activity during the day. The goal here is to give your body enough stimulation during the day so that you aren't full of energy at night.

Your body requires a certain amount of physical activity in order to keep functioning in a healthy manner. It is also important to note that you should not be exercising three or four hours before you go to bed.

The ideal exercise time is in the late afternoon or early evening. You want to make sure you expend your physical energy long before it is time for your body to rest and ready itself for sleep.

You should attempt to exercise at least three or four times a week for a period of 30 minutes or so. You can include walking or something simple. If you prefer, you can include strenuous activities such as running as well.

The goal here is to increase your heart rate and strengthen the capacity of your lungs. By adding a regular exercise activity to your daily schedule will help you to improve your overall health and help you emotionally as well.

Along with running and walking there are several other physical activities that you can add to your daily life to increase your level of physical activity. If you are battling not sleeping, you'll find aerobic exercise to be the best.

Your goal with exercise is to increase the amount of oxygen that reaches your blood stream. Overall, there are many types of aerobic exercise for you to choose from. The activities include running, biking, using a treadmill, dancing, and jumping rope.

There are some non aerobic exercises that you may find beneficial to help you solve your amnesia problem.

Yoga Yoga is an exercise that has a stimulatory effect on your nervous system, especially the brain. Yoga utilizes breathing techniques and yoga postures to increase the blood circulation to the brain, promoting regular and restful sleeping patterns. The regular practice of yoga will help you to relax as well as relieve tension and stress.

Tai Chi Tai Chi is an ancient art of breathing and movement that was developed by the Chinese monks. The movements involved are slow and precise, which is ideal if you have joint pains or you are unable to participate in high aerobic exercises. Research has shown that Tai Chi can help with insomnia by promoting relaxation.

If you discover that you don't have any time to exercise on a regular basis, you should try to sneak moments of activity into your schedule. Whenever possible, you should take the stairs instead of the elevator, as little things like that will do wonders for your body.

You should also park your car around the corner and walk that extra block or two to get to your destination. As you may know, there are many small things you can add to increase the activity in your life. Your overall goal here is to have a healthy and well balanced life - with plenty of sleep.


Sunday, February 26, 2012


Exercise And Sleeping Better

The amount of physical exercise that you exert during

the day is one of the key ingredients to helping you

get a good sleep at night. The more active your

body is during the day, the more likely you are to

relax at night and fall asleep faster.

With regular exercise you'll notice that your quality

of sleep is improved and the transition between the

cycles and phases of sleep will become smoother and

more regular. By keeping up your physical activity

during the day, you may find it easier to deal with

the stress and worries of your life.

Research and studies indicate that there is a direct

correlation between how much we exercise and how

we feel afterwards.

You should try and increase your physical activity

during the day. The goal here is to give your body

enough stimulation during the day so that you aren't

full of energy at night.

Your body requires a certain amount of physical

activity in order to keep functioning in a healthy

manner. It is also important to note that you should

not be exercising three or four hours before you go

to bed.

The ideal exercise time is in the late afternoon or

early evening. You want to make sure you expend

your physical energy long before it is time for

your body to rest and ready itself for sleep.

You should attempt to exercise at least three or

four times a week for a period of 30 minutes or so.

You can include walking or something simple. If

you prefer, you can include strenuous activities

such as running as well.

The goal here is to increase your heart rate and

strengthen the capacity of your lungs. By adding

a regular exercise activity to your daily schedule

will help you to improve your overall health and

help you emotionally as well.

Along with running and walking there are several

other physical activities that you can add to your

daily life to increase your level of physical

activity. If you are battling not sleeping, you'll

find aerobic exercise to be the best.

Your goal with exercise is to increase the amount

of oxygen that reaches your blood stream. Overall,

there are many types of aerobic exercise for you

to choose from. The activities include running,

biking, using a treadmill, dancing, and jumping


There are some non aerobic exercises that you may

find beneficial to help you solve your amnesia



Yoga is an exercise that has a stimulatory effect

on your nervous system, especially the brain. Yoga

utilizes breathing techniques and yoga postures to

increase the blood circulation to the brain, promoting

regular and restful sleeping patterns. The regular

practice of yoga will help you to relax as well

as relieve tension and stress.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is an ancient art of breathing and movement

that was developed by the Chinese monks. The

movements involved are slow and precise, which is

ideal if you have joint pains or you are unable

to participate in high aerobic exercises. Research

has shown that Tai Chi can help with insomnia by

promoting relaxation.

If you discover that you don't have any time to

exercise on a regular basis, you should try to

sneak moments of activity into your schedule.

Whenever possible, you should take the stairs instead

of the elevator, as little things like that will

do wonders for your body.

You should also park your car around the corner and

walk that extra block or two to get to your

destination. As you may know, there are many small

things you can add to increase the activity in

your life. Your overall goal here is to have a

healthy and well balanced life - with plenty of



(word count 626)


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Seasonal Affective Disorder and Tanning Salons

With the arrival of the cold season, besides cold-driven nuisance, some persons experience drawbacks regarding the general state, lack of energy and depression of unknown origin. It was scientifically ascertained that the lack of light favors the production of melatonin by the pineal gland, a hormone inducing sleep. That is why, during the cold seasons when days are shorter and the sunlight is scarce, we often feel sleepy or drowsy. Also, even during spring and summer, if the tendency is to keep most of the time indoors at home or at the office, the effect may be similar, though not as severe.

Well, if drowsiness were the only impact generated by season changes, things would be easier to solve (with a little coffee maybe!). The problem is that melatonin secretion is synchronized with the production of a neurotransmitter, serotonin, which is involved in several physiological processes such as temperature, blood-pressure regulation and in neuropsychological functions such as appetite, memory and mood. The two do not work together at the same time. When melatonin is secreted, serotonin production is inhibited. Lack of serotonin causes disorders such as chronic fatigue syndrome and reflects its effects on mood also, triggering depression in some persons.

Melatonin is active at night and serotonin is active in the daytime. Also, there is the age factor that contributes to the balance of the two chemicals: the secretion of melatonin decreases with age. There has been established that the link between serotonin and melatonin along with their dependence on the body clock may explain the depression experienced by the people suffering from the disorder called Seasonal Affective Disorder - SAD. Depression, sleep problems, weight gain, anxiety, joint pain, irritability, stress, headaches are some of the symptoms that may appear when we suffer from SAD.

The problem is primarily caused by the lack of sunlight. It has been scientifically proven that sunlight favors increase in serotonin levels and favors vitamin D accumulation. Besides having anti-osteoporotic, immunomodulatory, anticarcinogenic, antipsoriatic, antioxidant properties, vitamin D is also a mood-modulator.

UV rays exposure favors vitamin D synthesis in the skin. That is why persons who go to tanning salons have noticed mood improvement and keep the habit in order to maintain the state of well-being. However, it is common knowledge that the effects of the UV exposure are not always the most desirable ones. If going to tanning salons becomes a habit, then recurrent, prolonged UV exposure may result in consequences such as premature skin aging and eventually skin cancer.

Light therapy represents a way to treat SAD. Light operates on the body in two ways: through skin impact or by entering your eyes. Only UV light has effects on the skin, while the light that has effects by entering your eyes needs not be UV, it just has to be bright. Its energizing effect comes from the fact that it stimulates the production of serotonin. The simplest way to get enough bright light is to spend an hour a day or more outdoors, where the light levels range from 1,000 to 50,000 lux or more, compared to room lighting, which is about 50-200 lux.

If your schedule or the weather does not permit it, an alternative is to purchase a light therapy device. For optimum effects, the light source either has to be very bright - 5,000 lux or more - or it has to be in a particular spectrum - around 460 nanometers, which is in the blue range. According to new research, blue range light will provide benefits even if at a dimmer level. Most companies producing light bulbs make full spectrum lights that may successfully replace sunlight.

Yet, there are side effects that bright artificial light may induce, namely it may interfere with sleep (especially when exposure is made in the evening hours) or even trigger in some people a mania - condition called bipolar disorder (known as manic depression).

The safest remains the natural outdoor light, on condition that UV protection is used.

Mudras Hand Symbolism Hand Mysteries Part 2

[Note: This paper contains images which may be seen as originally published at our website]

The lines on the palms of the hands are believed in the occult science of palmistry to designate a person's character and changing fate. In all systems of palmistry--Chinese, Hindu, and Western, certain portions of the hand and fingers represent the celestial bodies--the sun, moon, and planets. Palmistry tells us that the hands come in various shapes: "square," "conical," "spatula," etc; each shape with its own special meaning. The fingers likewise come in assorted sizes hinting of the owner's personal psychological constitution. Lines or marks are to be found on the palms of the hand, and throughout life these are constantly changing in formation. Why lines appear in the hands and may reveal a person's character and probable future is a mystery that remains to be solved. One theory is that the lines are caused by nervous energy or fluid coursing through the physical body leaving its imprint, its indelible marks on the sensitive, impressible palms of the hands. It is beli eved that the nature and strength of the marks are determined by the intensity of this vital-fluid which in turn is caused by the inherent qualities of the indwelling soul. The regulator of this nervous-energy appears to be the soul-impressed brain.

To explain this in another way: first, the soul influences the brain with its innate characteristics, its character, then the brain releases and regulates the nerve-energy flowing through the body which is recorded on the sensitive portion of the hands appearing as lines and identifiable marks. This theory is logical but it does not explicitly explain how one's "fate" may be indicated by the etches made upon the palms of the hands. Perhaps we could explain this simply by saying that one's character, beliefs, and attitudes determine to a large extent one's so-called fate, and so by knowing a subject's psychic make-up it is possible to know his or her probable future. For instance, if a subject has a slothful character, we could predict that he or she would experience financial problems and poor health. This principle is based upon the Law of Cause and Effect and is nothing mysterious.

Terence Dukes in his book, "Chinese Hand Analysis," tells us that the hands may be analyzed at different levels, not only from its physical aspects, but from its psychic constitution as well:

"Because of the principle (Li) of transmutative levels, it also became possible to interpret a hand from its energy flow rather than its physical attributes, and the 'psychic' element (as we would call it today) became accepted. The interpretation would differ depending on the level of paradigmatic and hermeneutical ability of the analyst. From observed hand patterns, a Taoist analyst may be able to tell that you have rebuilt your home, a Chen-Yen Buddhist that your grandmother's spirit was watching over you, and a Buddhist-cum-Taoist that your liver was overworking! The well-trained cheirologist could tell you all three and more, for such training implies trans-level understanding and not just prognostic ability."

Whether a coincidence or not, the palms show a significant number. The figure nineteen in Arabic numerals may be found etched on them. Using the terminology of palmistry, the figure consists of the "life," "heart," and "head" lines. Nineteen is definitely esoteric being one of the two numbers discovered thus far with which the Quran, the holy book of Islam is structured.

There are several million nerve cells on each fingertip and these are extremely delicate. The surface of these fingertips are covered by ridges called rugae, which are developed in the fetus during pregnancy as early as the eighteenth week. The formation of these ridges do not change in life and remains until death. They cannot be obliterated by any process. Accidents may efface them, but as the skin recovers, the original pattern appears once again.

That each individual has a different set of fingerprints were observed by ancient people and they utilized this to identify themselves to others. For instance, the ancient Assyrians and Chinese made use of fingerprints to sign legal documents in the same manner that we use signatures. Technically, the study of the well-defined patterns of ridges on the fingertips is known as dermatoglyphics.

It is believed that the modern study of dermatoglyphia or fingerprints were first conducted by the Czech physiologist Johannes Evengelista Purkinje in the 19th century. Some time later, the British scientist Sir Francis Galton proposed the use of fingerprints for identification purposes as did his ancient predecessors. Modern fingerprinting was first pragmatically implemented by British police officer Sir Edward Richard Henry (1857-1930) in Bengal, India in the 1890s to identify criminals.

What is the occult explanation of the unique patterns of our finger ridges? As understood metaphysically, physical man is an expression of the Soul. Patterns upon fingertips are caused by the Higher Self, or the Ego stamping its identity upon the tissues of the body by way of the blood and forming ridge patterns to be found nowhere else in the world. Since each person has his or her own Ego, unlike animals, each individual is unique, "one-of-a-kind," like a facet of a cut diamond that has its own effulgent glory. As we have said previously, the hands are reflective of man's inner being. The uniqueness of the Soul may be seen in its shadow, the physical body, together with its micro-components.

The tactile sense is believed to be the most complex of the five senses. It is said to possess at least eleven distinct sub-senses. There are millions of sensory end organs in the skin. There are sensory detectors of cold, heat, pain, texture, pressure, etc. These senses work through the central nervous system. There are also subtle senses of the skin related to the autonomic or sympathetic nervous system. These subtle senses capture energies vibrating beyond the energy-spectrum perceptible to the five senses. The occasional twitching of the eyes, ears, and various parts of the body that have time immemorial been attributed by occultists to metaphysical forces are actually true in fact. The subtle senses of the skin are ultra sensitive to thought and emotional force emission whether from an internal or an external source. The belief that when the right eye twitches means that "someone is thinking of you," reveals a basic occult truth often derided by skeptics.

The sensitivity of our skin differ in the various parts of our body. The fingertips and mucous membranes, as an example, are more sensitive than most parts of the physical structure. According to embryologists, our skin is sensitive to light and is convertible to sight receptors. They explain that small cells, called ocelli, are to be found all over the skin, and that these cells resemble miniature eyes. Among the body parts that are sensitive to light are the forehead, chest, cheeks, temples, and hands. It is no wonder that some people are said to have the unusual ability to sense colors or even "read" words through their fingertips.

There is an amazing soothing power in the hands. We often use it to comfort and delight another by touching, caressing, and stroking. We please and tease our loved ones with our playful fingers. In romance the touch of the hand is as essential as the kiss. In Act II, Scene II of "Romeo and Juliet," a famous Shakespearean play, the young Romeo while admiring Juliet from afar wishes that he were a glove on her hand caressing her cheek:

"See how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O that I were a glove upon that hand, That I might touch that cheek!"

Human hands are fascinating, enchanting and evocative. They often fill us with wonder with their beautiful or repulsive appearance. The pioneer of modern western palmistry, d'Arpentingny, expresses it eloquently:

"there are hands which naturally attract us, and there are hands which excite in us repulsion. I have seen hands which seemed covered with eyes, so sagacious and so penetrating was their experience. Some, like those of the sphinx, suggest an idea of mystery; some betray recklessness and strength, combined with activity of body, others again indicate laziness and cunning."

Doctors and scientists have recorded the fact that the lack of touch--of fondling, petting, and caressing of babies and children cause them to suffer psychologically and physically--their emotional condition being affected even in their adult years. Children are most vital and healthy when exposed to an affectionate dose of touch. Generally, children who receive more hugs from their parents grow taller and more intelligent than those who do not. Autistic children who are disturbed, withdrawn, and frightened respond to hugs and caresses more readily than they do to any cold clinical treatments. The loving touch is therapeutic and can be more potent than pranic or Reiki healing treatments that are apathetically and mechanically given.

We often wonder why without the touch of loving hands we find our lives empty, meaningless, and burdensome. We seem to lose a sense of purpose, enthusiasm, and self-motivation. Metaphysics has an explanation: energy when imbued with a certain characteristic becomes a force that when emitted from a person may cause changes in the ambient surroundings. When such a force is tinged with the power of love and affection it uplifts all that it comes into contact with. Human beings, animals, and even objects that receive such a force are transformed and ennobled. This is the reason why it is always preferable to return love for hatred, and affection for anger. Whatever we touch ought to come from our hearts.

The human touch, affectionately given, also help to anchor or ground the consciousness of those who are psychologically disturbed to the physical plane and prevent hallucinations from taking place. Sensory input through the tactile sense is vital for a balanced mind. Adults as well as children require it to maintain sanity.

The handshake or a pat on the back from a friend is always reassuring--especially when it comes from one's Guru. In a stressful period of life a massaging hand on the shoulder does wonders to relieve loved ones of tension and cause them to relax. The touch is truly magical when we consider how a mother comforts her innocent babe with the touch of love. In this respect if animals had hands they would certainly use them to express affection just as humans do. Lacking them, snouts and beaks are employed instead. Some of course, are able to use their cute and sometimes deadly paws.

In many cultures the handshake as a traditional custom originated with the intention of showing that no weapons were held concealed in the hand and that the two persons involved in the handshake did so in peace and friendship. Hands behind the back or hidden in pockets have always been regarded with suspicion. To the knowledgeable, the handshake reveals a lot about a person's characteristics. The firm, strong grip often indicates someone who is willful, determined, and disciplined--all leadership qualities. Weak grips naturally denote weak natures. Gentleness, enthusiasm, energy, clumsiness, self-confidence, inferiority complexes, etc.--all these may be sensed by the power of the grip, the vigor in which the hand is shaken, the length of time in which the hand is held, and the jerks and movements that it makes.

Hands are applied for various purposes in daily life. They are used for eating, cleansing, working, creating, worshipping and expressing oneself. Man instinctively clasps his hands in prayer--a very significant mudra that has the power to intensify inherent energies and may cause precipitations to take place on the physical plane.

Ever since bygone days, hands have been used as a calculating device. The simple counting of the fingers was a universal method applied in primitive times. Our most used modern method of computation utilizes the base of 10. This is derived from the ancient usage of the ten finger-digits in calculations. Complex systems of counting have been devised using the appendages of the hand. Javanese mystics, for instance, have unique formulas to calculate certain life's cycles using only their fingers. Hand postures are sometimes used to represent numbers. These manual gestures for representing numeration have been chiefly employed in the past by the Romans and Greeks.

There are many functions of the hand that may not be replaced by robotics. No mechanical hand may ever offer the same dexterity, sensitivity, grace, and versatility as a natural hand would. It took millions of years for man's hands to evolve to its present state of perfection. Man may create machines to do the tasks normally done by his hands, but he will never replace them completely by his inventions, just as no supercomputer would ever match the intricacy of the human brain--not for a long time yet anyway.

Hands are used to communicate and reveal thoughts. We often use all sorts of gestures to emphasize or stress certain words, ideas and feelings that we wish to convey or project outwards. This is normally done unconsciously without any willful intent, executed through subconscious impulses; at times willfully, as for instance, the sign of hunger or thirst, or a "come here!" hand movement. A whole psychological branch of study has developed out of these gestures. As part of the study of "Body language," hand gestures have become an important subject in understanding the operations of the human psyche and human behavior.

Sign language uses the media of the hands in order to communicate. When forced to interact with someone speaking a different language we often make use of signs. The American Indians, for instance, developed their own forms of sign languages to communicate with tribes not of their own native tongue. Things of nature, ideas, emotions, and sensations all have their particular hand-sign. The gestures that the American Indians possessed were elaborate enough to carry-out a detailed non-verbal conversation. Other races or cultures have also developed their own sign languages such as to be found in certain cultural groups in Assam, Eastern India, and of the Aborigines in Australia. In modern times manual gestures have been developed for the deaf.

Aside from lip-reading, the deaf are often taught to communicate through definite forms, signs or poses of the hand. In this communications system, there are basically two types of signs: natural signs and systematic signs. Natural signs stand for objects and ideas whereas systematic signs stand for word-by-word or letter-by-letter renderings of the written language.

Among the disabled, the blind likewise benefit from their hands by reading words in Braille. In contemporary times, the hands are used extensively in the art and science of speed reading by those who seek to augment and optimize the volume of their reading input and comprehension ability.

Sign language has also been successfully used to communicate with animals--with the anthropoids in particular. It has been observed by researchers that apes have a large capacity to memorize and perhaps understand hundreds of signs representing abstract concepts.

The sensitivity of the fingers of the hands may be increased in order to sense colors and energies as alluded to above. Psychometry, for instance, is the occult art of reading energies in objects so as to uncover their personal history. This is especially done through the media of the hands. Impressions are received through the autonomic nervous receptors in the hands and conveyed to the brain for translation into images, thoughts and feelings. In yoga teachings, the term sparsha (lit. "touch") denotes superperception of the tactile sense, of which development is a by-product of meditation.

Hands are often used in healing. Perhaps one of the most famous mystical brotherhoods of the past to apply the life energy emanating from the hands therapeutically were the Rosicrucians. The members of this spiritual organization practiced the "laying-of-hands" like their ancient counterparts, the Therapeutae in Egypt and the Essenes that lived along the shores of the Dead Sea. In past centuries, western occultists like Paracelsus and Anton Mesmer similarly made use of this etheric nerve-energy emanating from the hands for healing purposes, the latter calling it "animal magnetism." Ancient Greeks called people who healed with the power of their hands, "cheirourgos," meaning "hand-workers." The word "surgeon" is derived from this Greek term. The ancient Egyptians believed that the hands emanated a force filled with healing and life-giving properties. They called this force sa-ankh. Other ancient cultures called this power by various names. That man emanate energy from the hands is the reason why some individuals are said to have "green thumbs," meaning that plants are sympathetic to such persons and the life-giving force that they radiate and respond by growing healthy foliage and producing abundant fruits. Everyone emanates magnetic rays from their hands and fingertips. Healers naturally have a much more powerful flow.

That power flows from the palms is recognized by the monks and priests of Buddhists monasteries in China in past centuries. Mainly used in therapeutics and the martial arts, "the Buddha Palm" as it is called, has found its way to our modern world and into the Occident.

Hands may be luminescent under the right conditions. The Jews have observed that the hands of holy people at prayer often become incandescent; Christians likewise believe that the fingertips of saints often shoot forth rays of light.

It is proven with modern Kirlian and high-frequency photography that the hands and physical body emits energy. These modern devices reveal indubitably in a concrete manner how we are surrounded by our own personal bioluminescent magnetic-field that otherwise may only be seen through etheric sight.

The human aura is generally heterogeneous in its various layers and sections. Each part of the body emanates a different force in accord with its state of vigor and vitality. The diverse energies of Man's aura, or bio-magnetic field may be detected through the hands. Negative, sickly, or congested energies in the aura may be sensed by the trained hands through the sensations of density, heat, coolness, electrical tingling, etc. In conjunction with this, the hands are also used to clear or balance energies in the aura. Hands are certainly great instruments used in most alternative therapies.

Why some are left-handed and not right-handed may seem a mystery to some. There are those who believe that this is inherited; however, this cannot be conclusively proved. A plausible answer from the metaphysical point of view, is that this is a karmic habit and is related to a past life injury upon the major hand. Incapacitated in the use of the right hand, the soul intelligence was forced to apply the minor hand in daily activities. This became habitual and was later carried over to a future incarnation where it still remained for the soul the hand of major use.

Copyright 2006 Luxamore


Friday, February 24, 2012

Tips For Easing The Pain Of Chidbirth

The best labor tips for an expectant mother are listed below. These tips are all based on relaxation. You will see why this is so important for your body. I hope you will find these labor tips for your natural childbirth helpful. RELAXATION

Relaxation is one of the most helpful techniques for pain relief. Let your body do what it is supposed to do. While your uterus is contracting, relax the rest of your body so your energy isn't working against you. Relaxation is something that should be practiced throughout your pregnancy. There are several different ways to do this. Working with your labor partner throughout your pregnancy to find out what works for you. For me, it was to have my husband stroke my hair. For someone else is may be massage. It's funny to think that relaxing is a SKILL. The following are some suggestions to try for relaxing.

* Massage

* bathing or showering

* listening to music

* deep breathing

* meditation

* Yoga poses

* visualization


Massage is a wonderful labor tip. Having your partner give you a massage not only relaxes you but it also gives your partner a chance to be a part of the labor process. It promotes closeness and intimacy. And also, as I said above, relaxing takes practice, so that means that you'll also have to practice massage. You need to find out what works for you and what relaxes you. And heck, asking for practice massage is a good way for you to get a massage every week or so? Good idea huh gals?

Bathing or Showering

Bathing is an obvious labor tip. I shouldn't need to explain how wonderful a bath feels even if your aren't in labor. Just having the feeling of the water on your body is an instant massage. I have to say that taking a shower was the best way for me to deal with my labor pain. I just didn't ever want to get out of the shower.


Music can be such a relaxing medium. It can take you to another plane of consciousness. It can also evoke such memories and choosing the right music that puts you in the place of total relaxation is a powerful feeling. This is something too, that should be practiced throughout your pregnancy. Experiment with different types of music and see what mood it puts you in. Try something new, you may be surprised. Another benefit of doing this is that having music surround you that comforts you during your pregnancy will make you a happier and more content pregnant woman. And we all know that a happy preggers makes for a happy baby. Your little one can also benefit from the tunes.

Deep Breathing

An often overlooked labor tip, breathing, is something that also needs practiced often during your pregnancy. Deep breathing can do wonders for a stressed out or nervous mom in labor. In Yoga it is called Pranayama breathing. This type of breathing can be detrimental in pain relief. Breathing correctly or concentrating on your breathing will help oxygenate your blood which in turn oxygenates the baby. I think this is such an important tool to use.


Meditation is a deep form of relaxation. Being able to be still and concentrate on positive images instead of dwelling on pain can not only help with pain relief but can also help you along in your labor. For you,the laboring mom, to be able to be totally relaxed and to have a grip and feeling on what your body is doing and feeling can only speed up labor and have the body do what it knows how to do. Letting your mind relax and give your body the chance to do the work. Meditation can be anything from just sitting in a quiet room with peaceful thoughts, listening to soothing music, practicing the Pranayama breathing, or actually doing yoga. There are aids out there to help you practice meditating.

Yoga Poses

Practicing yoga during pregnancy can give you the tools you need to help with pain relief during labor. As stated above, the breathing techniques are of high value and if you have done yoga in the past you know the feeling you get right after your practice. You have a feeling of peace and inner strength. One of the most important poses to do during pregnancy is the cat or the Bidalasana pose. A variation of this pose is similar to the pelvic rock exercise. This position is so important because of the benefits to your body which in turn, benefit your baby. This exercise relieves pressure on the lower back and increases circulation and can improve digestion. But most important, is that this position gives the baby the most room for movement and can sometimes help in repositioning the baby from a breech position. This pose is also very helpful in labor. This pose was one that helped me the most. This pose is done by getting down on your hands and knees, knees spread shoulder width. Now, arch your back and then release, tilting your pelvis while doing this. During labor, just being in this position can help the pain, this position was very helpful to me during my labor.


Visualization is a form of meditation. This should be practiced often as should all of these forms of relaxation. Try to pull out a memory of something positive, run this story over and over through your mind. Make this memory a trigger for you feeling peaceful and centered. you are getting very sleepy, you are getting very sleepy....OK Just wanted to make sure I still had ya ;) Think about the first time you met your partner and the things that made you get those butterflies... think about your favorite vacation when you were truly relaxed and content. maybe picture how you will feel when that precious little life is handed to you for the very first time.


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Searching for a Sign of Anxiety Attacks

Searching for a sign of anxiety attacks is kind of looking for a needle in a haystack. The thing it is not quite as concrete. At least with the needle, once you've found it you know that it's a needle; it feels like a needle, it looks like a needle, and it likely is a needle. With a of anxiety attacks, it could just as likely be a symptom to a great misdiagnosed problem as it could be a sign of anxiety attacks. Seeking good professional help is the most important key to solving this mystery.

Fear is your body's natural reaction to a lot of outside stimuli. It is normal for the body to react in such a way as to become anxious or fearful because this often protected our ancestors from a lot of problems and harm. It is not normal, however, for our bodies to be overtaken with fear to the point that physical symptoms begin to arise because of it. When this happens, it is usually the sign of a larger problem.

There are many common types of anxiety: fear, panic, worry, dread, obsession, and compulsion are just a few. Clearly, anxiety comes in a variety of forms and is not only represented by fear. It is also quite common. Most people experience anxiety in some form, experiencing it before or after stressful situations like a traumatic event or an important meeting with the boss of your company. Other times the anxiety comes quickly and without warning and for no reason at all.

Anxiety can Affect your Relationships

An anxiety disorder is a more disabling feeling of anxiety that actually is constant and consuming. Anxiety disorder causes people to completely withdraw emotionally and often physically from their family and friends. It can cause people to withdraw indoors and avoid social activities for reasons involving fear. An anxiety attack, conversely, is an unexpected episode that usually involves fear as oppose to an overwhelming feeling.

A sign of anxiety attacks can be anything from irregular heartbeats to chest pain. They also include: shaking, twitching, trembling, hot flashes, chills, “rubber legs”, tingling in extremities, difficulty sleeping, unpredictable sleeping patterns, body tension, aches and pains, sweating, clamminess, and stomach problems such as nausea or “butterflies”.

There are also emotional signs including: fearfulness, a feeling of terror, insecurity, incredible self-consciousness, irritability, apprehension, dread, a desire to escape, a feeling you are going to perish, and other frightening emotions. These emotions are sometimes very hard to deal with. It is always recommended that you discuss your findings and experience with your doctor. Your doctor can direct you in the right direction for getting help and ending your anxiety.

Feel free to visit some of my sites Stop Anxiety Attacks and Stop Anxiety Now

Advantage of Outsourcing your bookkeeping to professional BookKeeper.

What is a role of a bookkeeper in your organisation :

BOOKKEEPERS keep complete, up-to-date, and accurate records of accounts and financial arrangements. Bookkeepers verify and enter information into journals and ledgers or into a computer. They periodically balance the books and compile reports and financial statements. Bookkeepers also receive, record, bank and pay out cash. They balance checkbooks with monthly bank statements. They may calculate employee wages from plant records or time cards and issue payroll checks. Some of the other work they may do includes posting accounts receivable and payable, prepare and make bank deposits, record payrolls, maintain inventory records, purchase supplies, prepare purchase orders and do expense reports. Bookkeepers may also make schedules, sort documents, and file bills. These type of jobs are found in every industry and may have various job titles, such as accounts payable clerk, accounts receivable clerk or assistant bookkeeper.

Cost of a Bookkeeper :

The pay for these jobs depends upon experience, clerical skills, the level of responsibility and the job location. Beginning salaries go from minimum wage to $ 15 per hour. Experienced Bookkeeper can make $ 20 an hour. After having worked for three years with the same firm, a Bookkeeper can earn at $ 25 per hour. A Bookkeepers usually work 40 hours a week; sometimes it may be necessary to work overtime. Some employers have fringe benefits such as paid vacations and sick leave, life and health insurance, and bonuses. Other benefits that the employer may include are participation in a credit union, or retirement and profit sharing plans.

Advantage of outsourcing Bookkeeping work to a professional bookkeeper :

There are several distinct advantages to outsourcing your bookkeeping functions. First and foremost is saving money. You get what you pay for and if you don't pay for quality than you won't have quality service. However, you can save money by outsourcing because you won't be paying for employer payroll tax expense, workman's compensation and general liability insurances, vacation time, sick time, health insurance and other benefits a good full time bookkeeper will expect from his/her employer. Just remember, however, that these costs will be built into the consultant's hourly rate and their fee will reflect these costs. Any bookkeeping consultant who has not taken these costs into consideration is not a bookkeeper you want - if they don't know enough to include these costs into their fees, then they don't know enough to be a help to your business. You should expect to pay at least three times what you would pay an experienced full charge bookkeeper.

And just how do you save money by paying three times the amount you would pay an employee? Well, let's see. There will be no recruiting, interviewing and training costs for start. And if you should find yourself unhappy with the services there will be no additional recruiting, interviewing and training to replace your bookkeeper. Also, you will not have to be concerned about law suits such as sexual harassment, unlawful firing, age discrimination, sexist, etc. Or an increase in your unemployment rates because you laid off an employee that you really wanted to fire but had no lawful cause to do so. So right away we have less time and money spent and potentially less hassle if things don't go well.

And of course you will not be paying workman's compensation and general liability insurance premiums. Also any worthy bookkeeper will expect at least two weeks vacation, coverage for sick time, health and dental insurance and even perhaps more benefits.

Most professional bookkeepers will have their own offices saving you space within your office. So you will not be buying that extra desk, calculator, computer and computer software. Your bookkeeper will be providing all of that as part of his/her fee. No software updates, computer maintenance, training costs, etc. Of course should you prefer to have your computerized bookkeeping records available to you at your office, a small investment in software installed on your computer makes this possible. Also no office supplies to be paid for. You will be amazed at just how much pens, pencils, and paper can be used by a bookkeeper. Your consultant bookkeeper will either ask you to drop off the work at their office, will pick it up at your office or some may even offer remote bookkeeping service. And by having your bookkeeping done off site, your bookkeeper will be able to work more efficiently and accurately because her/his office will most likely offer less distractions than you r busy office. All of this is saving you money.

And the best reason for outsourcing is that you control the amount of money spent on bookkeeping. What I mean by this is that the person you hire to do your bookkeeping will be doing just that - not answering the phone, dealing with drop-bys, chatting to other employees, etc. Also you can start with just a few hours a month and add on when you need to and then adjust downward again should it be necessary. Can you imagine finding an employee to start with only four hours a month, then asking them to put in 20 hours a week for awhile and then back down to four hours a month again. I don't think you would keep them for very long, but a free lance bookkeeper is able to work around these variables and even more importantly expects to work with flexible schedules.

So have I convinced you yet? If so, then just remember "you will get what you pay for". Go for top quality because your financial records are the core of your business and without great bookkeeping you cannot expect to succeed no matter what type of business you have. After all don't you think you are worth it ?
This article was published using Article Submitter


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Cosmetic Surgery - Are You Covered By Health Insurance

Cosmetic surgery, in its true sense, is an elective procedure that is performed to reshape or enhance body parts a patient may find unflattering. Since cosmetic surgery has an intrinsic aesthetic intent, it is usually not covered by health insurance. The argument put forth by insurance firms is that a person can very well do without cosmetic surgery, and the procedure is used for mere beautification instead of being a life saving surgery. On the other hand, reconstructive surgery is generally covered by health insurance, though the extent of coverage may vary a lot from one case to another.

In many ways, the answer to the insurance question lies in discerning whether the plastic surgery procedure is cosmetic or reconstructive. For instance, abdominoplasty (or tummy tuck), when performed on an obese patient to guard the patient against heart problems, is eligible for health insurance. Breast reduction surgery, when carried out with the intent of reducing weight of the breasts to curtail orthopedic pain, is typically covered by health insurance. On the other hand, breast implants or augmentations are performed with the aesthetic aspect in mind and, therefore, don


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Is Depression Always a Medical Problem – Another View

Advertisements for anti-depression drugs are constantly smattered across the tube today. They are accompanied with the possible advantages of taking one drug or another to relieve this common malady. By law such ads are followed with a list of contraindications (possible side effects) some which sound much worse than the depression itself.

Along with these ads is a little noticed disclaimer or shall we refer to it as a simple honest statement about depression. That statement is that the cause for common depression is not fully known. I use the word common here for an important purpose. Surely some depression is in fact caused by chemical imbalance or emotional shock of some kind. No one could argue that point.

It is said that up to twenty million Americans have some sort of depression. It seems to be a modern phenomenon in our history as a nation. There are few records of this malady prior to the early twentieth century. Depression prior to the modern era was often referred to as melancholy. Abraham Lincoln was said to suffer deep bouts of melancholy that were offset with times of joviality and levity. Perhaps a change in his attitude was his own way of making adjustments or a behavioral self medication of sorts.

Few studies conducted on depression include a side by side comparison with other countries or cultures. Some countries have virtually no sizable number of reported cases of depression. Often these are the poorest countries in the world. A lot could be deduced from this about how much money; affluence and materialism have to do with making Americans happy and well balanced.

In thirty five years of studying the Bible I have never heard one preacher or theologian worth his salt ever approach the causes for depression based on a biblical view. Not only does the Bible explain the cause of depression but it provides a complete answer to it as well. No, it is not a miracle or a divine healing it is simply a profound change in a life that pushes the depression out sometimes instantly and in some cases more slowly. First let’s look at the cause for most general depression in people according to the Bible.

Contrary to the general consensus God doesn’t just wink at unbelief but he is actively engaged in convicting the unbeliever to answer his call to salvation. His dogged pursuit is fired not just by the fact that they are sinners but because he loves every human being that is born in a way that is beyond our imagination. God is trying to love people into his kingdom not drag them into it. To do this he has to make them fully aware of their separation from him. It is a present pressure applied by God’s Holy Spirit.

Jesus spoke of this matter and he said in no uncertain terms that it is one of the Holy Spirit’s primary works while he is in the world. He said in John’s gospel “Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he will reprove (convict) the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.” Jn. 16:7, 8.

Believers often say they came under the conviction of the Holy Spirit and that is what finally brought them to pray and accept the salvation God is offering. Unbelievers say they’re depressed, moody or in some inexplicable state of mind. That the conviction described by the believer and the depression felt by the unbeliever is one and the same thing is verified by the countless millions over the centuries that ceased to experience the depression soon after they yielded to God. I have seen this result countless times in the past more than three decades. This first hand experience and the scriptural support have convinced me beyond doubt that millions of people are suffering needlessly.

I would never advise anyone not to see their doctor for a complete examination of their depression. If it does happen to be a chemical imbalance or related to an emotional experience then the question is answered. If this does not answer the question then seeking God for his salvation should be the next move in their lives. In fact it should be the first move in their lives.

Speaking for myself I think living apart from Jesus’ love and having no certain hope of the future would indeed be very depressing. I’m glad I answered that question many years ago.

Alternative Medicine - What Happens During Acupuncture Treatment

Acupuncture is one of several popular alternative therapies tracing its roots to traditional medicine in China more than 5,000 years ago. Although the treatment is regarded as one of the most common and oldest worldwide, acupuncture only started to become recognized in the US after New York Times journalist James Reston wrote a feature on how his post-surgery pain was eased by doctors in China in 1971 using the procedure.

1. The Basis Of Acupuncture

The treatment assumes something called qi (pronounced key) - energy in living beings that passes through twelve meridians or invisible energy lines in the body. Each line links to a specific organ system; the belief is that any imbalance in qi flow leads to a disease. The key component of acupuncture treatment is the insertion of needles into key points on the meridian lines to renew balance. These extremely thin, metallic needles are aimed at specific anatomical points and controlled manually or by electrical stimulation. An individual usually feels relaxed and energized after acupuncture.

2. Modern Treatment

The US Food and Drug Administration reclassified these needles as medical devices in 1997, from the earlier classification as experimental. The FDA notes that over $500m are spent by people in the country every year for the treatment, for which a good number secure insurance coverage. The agency's main restrictions with the needles are that they be non-toxic and sterilized and that they be used only once and discarded immediately after.

- Acupuncture is endorsed by the National Institute of Health

- Is practiced by dentists, doctors and other health practitioners

3. Increasing Acceptance

Increasing acceptance of acupuncture was highlighted by the National Health Interview Survey in 2002, which indicated that the number of American adults turning to the treatment surged from 2.1 million in 2001 to about 8.2 million the following year. The interest in acupuncture also received a boost from the impatience individuals had with the failure of conventional medicine.

4. How Does It Really Work?

Acupuncture reportedly induces the release of endorphins in the body, relieving an indivudal from pain. Other effects attributed to the therapy include influence over neurotransmitters, or substances transporting nerve impulses; promotion of circulation; and effects over the body's electrical currents and autonomic nervous system. Many common ailments and undesirable conditions are addressed by acupuncture treatment.

5. Commonly Treated Conditions

- Sinusitis

- The common cold

- Smoking and other addictions

- Migraines

- Tennis elbow

- Infertility

- Menstrual cramps

- Obesity

- Low-back pain

- Asthma

- Arthritis

- Carpal tunnel syndrome

6. Procedure

On the first meeting, acupuncturists usually ask new clients to fill up a personal health record prior to an interview. A session then has the client answer questions that cover main health issues, diet, emotional and psychological profile, and overall lifestyle and regular activities. The therapist should also be informed by the individual of any current medication and treatment being taken. During this interview, one can also expect the practitioner to evaluate pulse points and establish how healthy the individual's twelve meridians are. A diagnosis is then given, followed by the use of between 6 and 12 needles as treatment is commenced. Patients keen on acupuncture must realize that the exact placement on target points on the meridians is more important, not the number of needles used.

The initial insertion may make the patient feel pricked or stung. However, the treatment should be painless and comfortable for the duration that could extend to an hour or more. An individual should immediately tell the acupuncturist to discontinue if he feels any numbness, discomfort or pain. Variations of the treatment may involve use of herbal medicine - capsules, tablets or tea made from Chinese herbs to boost the therapy. Some practitioners also integrate cupping - a suction effect created with the use of glass cups on the skin, in part to promote blood circulation and continuous qi flow.

7. Rising Popularity

The recent withdrawal of the Vioxx painkiller has raised apprehension over pain relievers available in the market. This concern, combined with statements from the NIH and other government and health organizations that side effects from acupuncture are significantly lower, has made more individuals turn to the treatment, particularly for pain relief. Several studies have also shown how acupuncture has helped patients with osteoarthritis, post-chemotherapy nausea and even depression. Despite all the apparent positive feedback, those considering acupuncture should still consult regular doctors and health-care professionals for advice on their conditions first. If they decide to pursue the treatment, they must make sure that the acupuncturist or practitioner they see is highly-qualified and certified by organizations such as the American Academy of Medical Acupuncturists.


Monday, February 20, 2012


Acupuncture for Weight Loss

It's hard to meet anyone that is not at least a little bit concerned about their weight. The society that we live in as well as the type of lifestyle that many of us keep has led to an epidemic of weight gain that all of us are suffering from. Even those of us who are able to maintain a fairly lean lifestyle still struggle because of the difficulty of eating a healthy diet and maintaining our weight. There are some things that can be done, however, in order to help curb your appetite and to lose the extra pounds. Acupuncture is one of these.

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical treatment that has been done for thousands of years. Even though it spread throughout many areas of Asia, it really has only become popular in the Western world in the past several decades. Since that time, many tests have revealed that there is a lot of truth in what acupuncture is able to do for us as individuals. In recent years, it has also been discovered that a natural balance in the body is one way for you to be able to combat weight gain and problems with overeating. Acupuncture is a natural way to maintain balance in the body so they work hand-in-hand.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, we all have an energy about us that is typically known as Chi. This energy has two basic parts that are opposite to each other but when they work in balance they give us the life force that we need. By manipulating certain parts of our body with acupuncture needles we are able to maintain the flow of energy and to find that balance that our body needs. This can do everything for us from removing pain and depression to helping us to maintain a healthy weight.

So, if you have been struggling with weight gain or have a difficulty with overeating, acupuncture can help you in several different ways. Not only can it bring you back into a balanced state where your body will work better as a unit, it can also help by suppressing our appetite and making it easier for us to maintain a healthy weight. Although it will still take willpower on our part to a certain extent, by using acupuncture to maintain healthy weight, you will be giving your self some help along the way.


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Instant Drug Testing Methods & Procedures

Drug testing involves many different methods and devices that detect whether or not a person has been using drugs or is currently under the influence. Drug testing products are available for home and office use that help concerned parents or employers find out the truth about their teen or employees. Likewise, drug testing procedures assist employers in creating a workplace drug testing program that ensures the safety and wellbeing of their employees while still protecting their rights.

On Site Drug Testing

Substance abuse testing works by means of testing a sample from an individual to find out if drug use has occurred. On site drug testing is typically best for the office and workplace environments as the results can be obtained quickly and action can be taken immediately. On site drug testing can occur in a number of ways. Urine drug testing is the most common drug testing products. It works great as an on site drug test because after a sample is taken, test results are typically available within a few minutes.

Saliva (oral) drug testing is also a convenient means of substance abuse testing. After a collector sponge is saturated in the donor’s saliva, it is placed in a testing device from which results can be read. Spray drug testing is also convenient, but not quite as effective as other drug testing products. Lastly, hair drug testing is probably one of the most accurate drug testing products on the market. While it requires a laboratory to obtain results, this form of on site drug testing requires only a few strands of hair follicles as sample.

Drug Testing Procedures

Creating a drug testing program can be a viable option for employers who wish to increase productivity, lessen the likelihood of jobsite accidents and insurance claims, and maintain a safe working environment for all. In order to organize drug testing procedures for the workplace, it is advisable to seek legal counsel to ensure your company’s program does not violate any federal or state laws or individual rights. Additionally, a clearly written workplace drug testing policy and procedure is required in order for the program to be carried out smoothly. An effective on site drug testing policy will detail when and where the drug testing procedures will be carried out, who will be conducting the tests and disciplinary action to be expected should an individual test positive for an illicit substance.

Another important aspect to take into consideration during the planning stages of drug testing procedures is when drug testing will take place. Deciding on whether or not you will enforce random drug testing, pre-employment screening or only suspicion-based testing gives you as an employer a better idea of how many testing kits required for a given year.

Drug Testing Products

Drug testing products are efficient and effective at screening for drug use. As an employer, it is vital to choose a drug testing product that is easy to use as well as accurate.

Parents also benefit from drug testing products that provide on site results. If you suspect your teen is using drugs, a simple urine drug test after they get home from a party will provide the answers you need. Substance abuse testing used to be reserved to laboratories, but now, anyone can conduct a drug test in order to create a safer and healthier environment for all.

Friday, February 17, 2012

How To Fight Back Against Depression

I am one of those people who can easily slip into a very negative state of mind. The slightest knockback or problem can lead to a cloud of doom descending over me, a cloud which I find hard to push away and remove. This article looks at ways in which we can fight back, to quickly get us back into a happy mode.

I used to be quite a fragile character, some would say that I was even scared of my own shadow. I was always paranoid that people were talking about me and laughing behind my back.

Even though my parents are superb, I was not a happy child or a happy teenager. I am so unlucky you see or so I thought. I walked around as if the world owed me something and would often feel very sorry for myself. I was bullied at school, it was more mental bullying rather than anything physical. I am sure that most people also get bullied and deal with it. It would leave me in a state of panic and depression. Looking back I have to say I was a bit of a wimp in reality.

I decided that enough was enough by my mid-twenties and decided it was time to toughen up. I could not continue to live my life as I had been, as I would probably be dead by the time I was fifty.

I then went about a self-help program to increase my overall self-confidence and self-esteem. I wanted to learn more about stress-management, dealing with depression, relaxation and about how to become successful in life.

What I found out over the next twelve to eighteen months would change my life forever.

These are the things I had to do:

I had to stop feeling sorry for myself. Yes I am not perfect but who is.

I had to think in a more positive way.

I had to stop worrying about the future.

I had to stop caring what other people thought of me.

I needed to smile more.

I needed to learn to relax. I now use meditation for this purpose.

I had to learn to like myself.

I needed to become stronger to fight away the negative thoughts in my head.

I needed to appreciate what I did have in life, rather than concentrating on what I had not.

I started to implement the above and it helped me no end. That horrible cloud of doom, still descended however, around once a month. When it does descend, I now write two lists. What I am happy about in life and what I am sad or worrying about. I then analyse both lists and more times than not, I am actually over-reacting.

In conclusion, life is a battle. There are good times and bad. We need to become strong and learn to think in a more positive way. We have to fight back against people who bully us and against the voices in our head who are trying to make us panic. This is not easy, however with determination people are able to turn their life around just like I have.

I used to feel anger towards the people who bullied me at school. I now feel sorry for them. They are the bad apples and I prey for them. I prey that God will one day make them pure.

How To Acne Best Treatment Program

Despite acne treatments and medications having improved dramatically over the years, acne still seems to take a firm hold on many people. If your acne has not improved within 4-6 weeks following treatment with such products, you should consult your doctor. Current understanding of the different presentations of acne allows for individualized treatments and improved outcomes. Also, treatment must be given constantly to all acne-prone areas, and not just to individual existing pimples.

Severe Acne: Antibiotics given by mouth, including tetracycline, doxycycline, minocycline, and erythromycin, are reserved for the treatment of severe acne. It's essential that teens with acne be given an appropriate treatment regimen. However, acne scar treatment available today cannot only wipe out the infliction(in many cases), but can also deliver smooth, refreshed skin. Even if outbreaks of acne cannot be eliminated, conventional treatment can provide relief. Even dermatologists cannot cure a severe case of acne but can only provide an acne treatment regimen. We have a growing impressive line of therapeutic quality natural herbal based treatments to keep your acne and oily skin healthy. Little is known about how personality and emotional traits affect acne and its impact on quality of life and treatment.

Objectives To evaluate the relationship between TA and acne severity, skin-related quality of life, satisfaction with treatment, and adherence to treatment. Unfortunately, 60% of these women either do not respond to standard acne treatment or build up a tolerance to frequently used medications. You can then build up your use gradually.7 No home treatments for acne will work immediately. Unfortunately, about 60 percent of these women either do not respond to standard acne treatment or build up a tolerance to frequently used medications. Most people who suffer from acne go out and spend good money on common over-the-counter acne treatment products. For healthy skin, Americans spend billions of dollars on acne treatment and anti-aging skin care products every year.

Most people who suffer from acne go out and spend good money on common over-the-counter acne treatment products. And no matter what a drug ad says, acne treatments alone will not help you win the battle against acne. CEighty percent of inflammatory acne cases clear up after four weeks of twice-weekly treatments, Leal says. "Basically if someone with mild acne presents for treatment, your first line of defense will be a topical regimen," says Dr. Alternative therapies continue to gain new respect in acne treatment. Even after blemishes disappear, you usually must continue to use an effective acne treatment to keep new blemishes from forming.

Once you've got your acne cleared up it's important to continue with the treatment that's working so it does not return. Cryotherapy is another treatment for acne scars, using repeated freezing to gently shrink scar tissue. Here you will find information about acne scar treatment. An individual can either use any generic mild facial soap or a soap made especially for acne by major treatment brands. We are particularly interested in how Alabu soap may have helped with acne treatment and other acne skin conditions. (17) In the 1800s dermatologists used acne treatment such as sulfur in which this dried out the skin. Although long used in treatment of acne, it is not known how sulfur acts on the skin to influence the development of acne. Sulfur is less frequently used by itself as an acne treatment due to its unpleasant odor. What is known as an anti-inflammatory treatment for acne is embracing a certain lifestyle.

When choosing a treatment for your acne condition, it is important to know about acne treatment lifestyle changes. A wide range of (lifestyle) treatments can give you control over your acne. Objectives To collate and evaluate the evidence on the clinical efficacy of minocycline in the treatment of inflammatory acne vulgaris. The review found that there was no reliable evidence that minocycline was better than any other acne treatment and that more research is needed. Objective To review the best evidence available for individualized treatment of acne. Shaw JC: Low-dose adjunctive spironolactone in the treatment of acne in women: a retrospective analysis of 85 consecutively treated patients.



Thursday, February 16, 2012

Healthy Lifestyles Can Fight Acne

If you're seriously interested in knowing about acne, you need to think beyond the basics. This informative article takes a closer look at things you need to know about acne.

This information is simple. Make certain you don't let important acne information slip by you.

I am sure that every one of you is familiar with acne. Almost all of us got this skin disorder, right? Well, technically known as acne vulgaris, this skin disorder affects millions of people from different walks of life, annually. Studies have found out that most of the adolescents are the usual target of this disease, although infants and adults are also affected. It is even found out that about 80 percent of the teenagers develop acne, particularly for women.

What is acne?

According to certain studies, acne varies from quite mild to tremendously severe. It typically forms when the lining of the skin duct as well as the sebaceous glands start to work overtime. With the onset of acne, the lining of the duct actually shed cells which are then transported away to the shell of the skin by the sebum. Once the duct is blocked, it is when the sebum and cells start to amass, forming a plug known as comedo.

Once the plug stays below the plane of the skin, whiteheads or "closed comedo" occurs. If the plug boosts and pops out of the skin duct, it is called "open comedo" or blackhead since the top is dark. As you may know, this is not absolutely dirt, thus it will not wash away.

There are a lot of factors that contribute to the formation of acne, but in terms of its real cause, no one is actually certain as to what exactly causes acne to develop or why it starts in adolescence. However, factor like hereditary top the list. It has long been deemed as the most important factor that plays a large role in the acne's development. As what most people believe, if a member of your family had acne, there is a great possibility that you will have acne too.

Although acne is very prevalent among teenagers, acne should not control your life. There are a lot of ways to fight acne, and one of those is maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy Lifestyle Changes

Experts have said that when treating a person for acne, the only way to obtain results from effective treatments is through various healthy lifestyle changes. When I say "healthy lifestyle changes", it includes the way you eat, sleep, work, play, etc. As much as possible, you should try to focus on all areas that need changing. This is very important in order for a sustained effort to be completed. If your goal is to treat your bothering acne, then try to treat your whole self as many ways as possible.

Overcoming Stress

One of the most common dilemmas that face people is stress. Stress that is not normal. So what happens when the body gets too stressed out? Experts have found out that in this case, the adrenal cortex converts adrenal androgens to the hormone testosterone in both men and women, which in turn results in overactive sebaceous glands. As found out, the ovaries of women are capable of producing 25 percent of the testosterone, while 75 percent of the hormone comes from the adrenal androgens.

When the body of both male and female is stressed, more adrenal androgen is released, causing a double amount of testosterone. It is this doubling effect that causes the T zone of the face to be oily, while other areas are still dry from dehydration. Also note that adult acne is sometimes the by-product of stress and dehydration. And, water and estrogen are the factors that calm the body's stress alarm system.

Now you can be a confident expert on acne. OK, maybe not an expert. But you should have something to bring to the table next time you join a discussion on acne.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How Do I Know If I Am Severely Depressed?

Curiously easily diagnosable and treatable medical problem, depression happens to at least 20 million American adults every year. As we discussed earlier, although everyone has experienced sadness and feelings of being depressed, people that are suffering from true depression have many frequent and recurring long-term symptoms, making them view life as something not worth living.

How would you know if you have a depression problem? Here are more depression symptoms. These symptoms vary in each person, although if these happen to you, it might be wise to consult a doctor.

- Sadness that is prolonged

- Crying spells that are unexplained

- Significant and abrupt changes in sleep patterns and appetite

- Anger, irritability, anxiety, worry, agitation

- Pessimism, indifference

- Energy loss

- Persistent lethargy

- Guilt feelings and unexplained sense of worthlessness

- Difficulty in concentrating and indecisiveness

- Inability in taking pleasure in interests you previously enjoy

- Social withdrawal

- Unexplained pains and aches

- Extreme fatigue when you have not done much

- Recurring and frequent thoughts of suicide or death

If you are experiencing at least five of the symptoms listed above and have begun interfering with family activities or work for more than a week, ask your doctor for a thorough checkup. This would most likely include having a comprehensive physical exam (although some symptoms might be caused by other health problems that you have) and a detailed clinical history. Just be honest and open on what and how you are feeling.

Do not even think of diagnosing yourself. Likewise, you cannot rely to a friend or a member of your family for diagnosis. Only a doctor that is properly trained to check illnesses is the only one that can fully determine if you are having a depression episode.

If you want, you could try self-evaluation tests available on the Internet that could help you gauge the symptoms that you have, or at least, can prepare you when you visit your doctor. Think of these tests as a way of communicating your symptoms better to a healthcare professional when you go in for a visit. Of course, online tests prove no match to an actual consultation.

For other people, depression is recurrent, which simply means that they experience depression episodes often - once or twice in a month, at least once a year, or many times throughout their lifetimes.

Do not feel embarrassed, shy, or ashamed of your depression problem. People of various ages, ethnic groups, races, and social classes get this problem. Although depression can happen at any given age, depression commonly develops in people whose ages lie between 25 and 44. If you have a depression problem, you're not the only one. Every day, there are more than 20 million American adults that are experiencing depression problems.

Be persistent and patient and you will find the method that suits you best for determining depression.

Be Proactive With Acne Treatment

At some point in life, most people deal with acne. It is one of life's most annoying realities that doesn't seem to be a respector of persons. As a dermatologist, I am constantly meeting with teenagers, young adults and adults that are tired of struggling with acne and that are desperate for acne treatment that works.

Effective and healthy acne treatment is my life's work and my passion. I love researching about the causes of acne and about all of the possible methods for helping the skin clear from acne. If you've ever been to a store looking for an acne treatment, then you know first hand how many options there are and how easy it would be to make the wrong choices.

Most teens and adults I know go looking for the easiest and cheapest form of acne treatment that they can find. Yes, acne bothers them, but not enough to seek professional treatment. I am convinced that one of the reasons that so many people are unhappy with their chosen method of acne treatment is that they haven't taken the time to make changes to their lifestyle.

I am a firm believer that the most effective acne treatment is one that requires a total change of lifestyle. When any client struggling with acne enters my office, my first assignemnt to them is to change some of their lifestyle habits for a month and then return to see me. I will not prescribe any topical or oral acne treatment until people have other daily habits under control. For example, I look carefully at the typical diet of my patients and I look for ways to help them cut out junk food. I ask them to drink more water and less beverages that are filled with sugar, and I encourage them to stay away from sugary and salty foods for the month. I monitor their fitness habits and suggest that they get moving.

This might seem like a strange method of acne treatment, but you would be shocked to learn that every single client of mine returns to my office after a month of changing their lifestyle in awe of what a difference changing habits has made for them. Yes, I do offer topical and or oral acne treatments to supplement their other methods, but the point is that no topical or oral acne treatment will be as effective without partnering it with a healthy lifestyle.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Acne Treatment - How To Squeeze A Spot Zit Or Pimple

First of all, and you probably know this, you shouldn't squeeze acne, spots or pimples. Let's face it, you're going to do it anyway right? If you must there's a way to do it safely.

Thoroughly clean your face and then apply a wet, warm facecloth over your entire face for around 10 minutes. Next, pat your face and hands dry with a soft, clean towel, try not to rub with the towel as this can spread infection. Next, cover your fingers with dry tissue and apply gentle, even pressure to the sides of the blemish. Gently press downward first and then upwards, toward the pimple or spot. Try it once or twice and then leave it. If it's not ready, forcing the issue will only make matters worse and might even lead to scarring. If the blemish does squeeze out, remove the head and oil with the tissue to avoid spreading bacteria. Finally, immediately apply a treatment product., zit or pimple.

Your path to clear skin is based on 3 basic methods. Each area can have a profound impact on your skin so make sure to pay careful attention to all of these methods.

1. Topical Regimen - What you put on your skin This section consists of scientific and natural ingredients that have been shown to combat acne or have skin beneficial effects. Topical creams can have the most immediate impact on the look and feel of your skin.

2. Lifestyle - Everyday mistakes are too frequent Proper exercise is an important aspect of anyones life. To keep your body, and your skin, in proper health, you must exercise on a regular basis. Your body must be efficient at eliminating waste in order to help curb your acne problem. Sweating is one of those mechanisms and a healthy heart and circulatory system also make a big difference.

1. Exercise at least 2 times per week for 30-60 minutes. This should include cardiovascular and resistance training. Note: Wash your face (and body) within 30 minutes of finishing your workout to minimize the chance the bacteria buildup.

3. Diet - You are what you eat Whether or not what you eat affects your skin is a matter of some debate. We feel that what you eat affects your body in many ways, including your skin. Our diet section includes a list of foods that may cause acne flare ups and also a list that can have benefits for your skin.

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