Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Gluten free diet for celiac disease

The gluten free diet as it is clear by the name that it is a diet that is free from the gluten. It is a kind of protein that is found in foods like bread, pasta and crackers. When a person is suffering from the celiac disease, then he cannot eat gluten. Because when the gluten enters the intestine, the immune system of the body attacks the gluten and it causes the damages to the intestine. There are many symptoms of the celiac disease that include gas in the stomach, bloating, loose motions, weight loss, fatigue, weakness and vomiting. There are also many other symptoms but they are the most common one. The damaged intestine is very dangerous because it causes the loss of important and essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. The absorption cannot take place and they are lost with the stool. The celiac disease must be cured because later on it may cause osteoporosis and anemia. The celiac disease if not treated, can lead to severe loss of nutrients of the body. Th e food eating routine must be strong enough in case of celiac disease patients.

The patients eat gluten free foods and healthy foods so that they can regain their lost energy by fulfilling the nutrients requirements. In some people, the celiac disease doesn't cause symptoms but still you need to avoid gluten foods. The people having celiac disease must avoid the cow's milk and other milk products. When the disease is cured, you can add the dairy products to your diet slowly.

The gluten is found in wheat, barley, rye and in some oats types also. In celiac disease, a small amount of gluten can create serious problems. The gluten free products are available in the market for the celiac patients. The plain meats, poultry, fish, tofu, potatoes, fruits, rice, and vegetables don't have gluten at all and they are included in the gluten free foods list. The beans, peas, lentils, nuts, tapioca, tiff, sunflower, pumpkin seeds, sprouts, chips, popcorn, rice cakes, wine, eggs and many other products are available in gluten free form. Som e dairy products are also available gluten free.

The wheat products, spelt, durum, bulgur, graham and barley products are off limits when we talk about the gluten free products. In celiac disease, avoid the processed foods. Try to read the ingredients at the back of the products and avoid them. The modified food starch written at the back of any food item may be a corn or wheat extract. When you go out to dine in, then ask for gluten free diet. You must avoid the gluten at any cost. The gluten free cakes are also allowed.

The gluten free diet is not enough for the celiac disease. The cure of the disease is also important. The doctors give medicines to suppress the immune system for the curing of celiac disease.

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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

More Gluten-Free Products Provide Health Benefits

A gluten-free diet is recommended for those with celiac disease, a digestive disorder due to severe gluten sensitivity. As celiac disease affects 1 in every 133 Americans, a gluten-free diet has been widely recognized for its health benefits and lessening of symptoms of other neurologic and auto-immune disorders.

There is no cure for celiac disease, but most peoples' intestines can heal over a certain amount of time if they adhere to a strict gluten-free diet.

The long-term effects of consuming gluten while living with celiac disease includes damage to the intestines, increased risk of colon and other cancers, malnutrition, anemia, low energy, and other health complications.

Gluten is a protein compound found in many grains, including wheat, oats, rye, spelt and barley. Normally those with celiac disease are advised to avoid these foods, as well as foods and products made from these grains including pasta, cereal, beer and other processed foods.

But the food industry has been rapidly advancing to provide gluten-free versions of these products, from gluten-free pastas to lesser-known carriers of gluten, such as ready-made soups and stocks. Gluten-free versions of pizza, restaurant entrees, beer and baked goods are being pushed into the American market. Nowadays, food manufacturers even provide meat and vegetable-based, gluten-free stocks to aid chefs cooking with celiac disease.

Others that may benefit from a gluten-free diet include those suffering from joint pain, brain fog, loss of balance, seizures, arthritis and other neurologic and auto-immune disorders. Specialized diets of gluten and dairy-free (primarily bread and milk) diets have been proven to help lessen autistic behaviors including impulsive behavior, lack of focus and speech problems. Those with wheat allergies can also alleviate their side effects by choosing gluten-free products at the grocery store.

Gluten-free diets also improve digestive health, which can assist in the recovery and reduction of symptoms of these conditions. People suffering from migraines can also find pain relief through eliminating gluten.

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Monday, February 17, 2014

Tips to Spot Gluten Free Products

Though it is difficult to follow the gluten free diet but at the same time it should be noted that if you are suffering with gluten intolerance then you have no other options to survive than to just make yourself habituated to these gluten free products in your own special way. It depends on you how you consume so that you do not remain half starve. It is true that gluten free diet is not tasty as other normal diet but unfortunately you have to follow that gluten free diet because you are sick. Now removing foods that contain gluten out of your diet is not so simple and easy as it sounds. Simply checking the ingredients of everything you buy and do not consume those food product that says gluten may be easy but unfortunately it is not so every time since gluten comes in many forms, and there are almost endless ways it can be described on an ingredients list. You have to know those forms and ways gluten comes. The only easy way to learn if a product holds gluten is to look for the 'gluten-free' sign, or call up the manufacturer. Here are a few of the ways that has been mentioned to show you how gluten can be described on a list of ingredients on the package of the food products.

As we know that wheat is the most common form of gluten so avoiding foods that contain wheat is a good way to start eliminating gluten from your diet but sometimes you will find that wheat is not mentioned instead in the ingredients and your logic says that it is a gluten free product. Watch out for the ingredient includes durum, bulgur, dinkel, kamut and spelt because these words mean wheat. Semolina and Couscous are common wheat containing substances. Also avoid those substances such as starch, bran, hydrolyzed vegetable protein or dextrimaltose in a food product if you are unsure that these are derived from a gluten free source.

Difficulties also arise from the word flour because the word flour on its own in a list of ingredients. There are di fferent kinds of flour but the safe forms are rice flour, potato flour, buckwheat flour, chestnut flour and corn flour. Flour that are described as plain flour, self-raising flour, stoneground flour, wheatgerm flour, malted wheatgrain flour and wholemeal four should not be consumed as they are made from wheat from wheat flour.

Barley and Rye are the two most common gluten containing substances besides wheat and there are a number of derivatives that you may not even realize containing gluten and these include caramel coloring and malt, which can be in the form of a flavoring or vinegar. As you realize that there are myriad terms used to illustrate foods that hold gluten, and derivatives of these substances, so getting hold of an up to date list of all the terms that may mean gluten, or wheat is required to memorize to avoid those foods with hidden gluten. Also manufacturers should specify whether the food is gluten free or not to make the work of the consumer a little easy.

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Sunday, February 16, 2014


If you are new to a gluten-free diet you may be feeling overwhelmed. Understanding is often the first place to start.

What is gluten?

Gluten is a sticky protein found in wheat, rye and barley. It is found also in most oats not because of the oat itself but because of the way it is processed.

Gluten is what makes pizza dough so stretchy, bread rise and pasta hold together.

How can gluten affect the body?

The root of the word gluten is glue. Remember when you were a kid and you made paste with flour and water? It does the same thing in the body.

For most people, gluten is not a serious issue. However for people with Celiac Disease or gluten intolerance, eating gluten is very much the same as eating tiny amounts of rat poison. The body perceives the gluten as a toxin.

People who cannot tolerate gluten can suffer from a wide variety of ailments including seizures, bloating, intestinal problems, compromised immune systems, depression, anxiety, ADHA (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), autism, adrenal exhaustion, and thyroid problems just to name a few of the not so pleasant results. There are over 300 symptoms related to gluten intolerance.

Who has it?

Approximately 1 in 130 people has Celiac Disease. Celiac disease is a digestive disease that damages the small intestine and interferes with absorption of nutrients from food. It is an autoimmune disorder which means that the body literally attacks itself. According to Dr. A. Fasano only 5 percent of all people with Celiac Disease have been diagnosed.

It is estimated that 7% - 8% of people have sub-clinical gluten intolerance which means they are intolerant to gluten but it does not show up on blood tests.

In September 2010, on the Oprey Winphery Show, Dr. Christiane Northrup, author of Womens Bodies, Womens Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause, stated that 1 out of every 4 women suffer from gluten intolerance.

About a quarter of U.S. adults (25% of the population) ) are either trying to reduce or completely avoid gluten in their diets, according to the marketing firm, NPD (National Product Development) Group Inc.

Some people find they simply feel better, dont feel so blotted after a meal and many commonly find that their diet all of a sudden works when they cut out the gluten!

Whats the cure?

Unfortunately there is no CURE for gluten intolerance or Celiac Disease. The only thing you can do is stay away from gluten. Dont eat it! Most people will start to feel better within days of removing gluten from their diets if they cant tolerate it. Its one health issue that you dont take a pill for!! You just stop eating gluten!!

It is important to realize that cheating on a gluten-free diet is not an option. Celiac Disease and gluten intolerance do not go away. Just because one starts to feel better on a gluten-free diet, it does not mean they are cured.

The easiest way to begin a gluten free diet is to concentrate on the foods that are naturally gluten free such as fresh vegetables, fruits, meats, fish, poultry, nuts and gluten free grains such as rice.

Want to know more about your favorite Gluten Free Recipe or how to avoid being bothered by Celiac with our range of Gluten Free Recipes which are made from Gluten Free raw material feel free to visit us at:

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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Can Gluten Free Diet helps in Maximum Weight Loss? - Health - Weight Loss

If you've ever had marketing experience, I believe walking along the food market shelves would be good for a laugh or two. It's difficult to not be entertained when you see those garish splashes on products that offer gluten free snacks, gluten free cereal, or fat free candy. Like candy possesses any fat in the first place. Marketing managers love to take advantage of the newest and finest (or maybe not so fine) fads on the marketor generally anything at all which has had lots of coverage for currently being good for you. The previous fads have including those leaping on the HCG diets, or maybe the Hollywood cookie eating plans, liquid diet plans, cabbage soup diets, MSG Free and so forth.

The current newest is going to be 'gluten'. Let's clear the table of all of the fluff associated with it, shall we? We have heard blanket statements including:

Gluten free diets are supplying optimal weight loss gains, Gluten free is definitely the strategy to use for any person after fat loss gains, and Gluten free foods are wonder foods for both nutrition and weight-loss. Gluten free diets are now the fashion for weight reduction in the 21st century.

But first why don't we get to precisely what gluten is exactly. Gluten can be mistaken for wheat as a grain yet it actually isn't. It's a protein associated with wheat, which includes kamut, spelt, barely and then rye. It is to blame for the stretchy texture of dough and for that reason is in a large number of breads, pastas, crackers as well as some cereals or manufactured appetizers. Mainly anything with flour within it carries gluten in it. Gluten is not present in buckwheat, corn, almond meal, rice flour or rice for that matter, millet, quinoa and many oats.

There are definitely some people that for allergic, intolerance or sensitivity motives must avoid having to eat gluten - these individuals are usually referred to as possessing Celiac disease however it is still a small portion of the human population typically about 1-2%, even if this number definitely seems to be growing. My thoughts are that this can be caused by the over-processing plus genetically alteration of wheat, which has changed the quantity of chromosomes within the plant and for that reason heightened the inability for human beings to digest itbut that is a whole different subject which I won't go into at this time.

Those that do have Celiac disease feel major bloating, gas, fatigue, distress inside the intestinal tract and usually the failure to shed pounds. Quite a few people MAY be walking around having Celiac disease and never realize it. If you really have it and take gluten from your eating routine then the consequence will probably be that of course ta da you are going to shed weight!!

With regard to other individuals being without Celiac disease that remove gluten completely I've a couple of additional results regarding maximum weight loss that will be probable. If you ever cut out gluten once and for all you happen to be reducing your carbohydrate consumption. People today eat way more carbohydrates compared to what they require anyhow. The easy source of energy that is the mess of carbohydrate full foodstuff presented all over the place has made men and women in the western word slaves to the speedy energy rush. Add that to food pyramids that convey to individuals to eat more carbohydrates, and you receive carbohydrate consumption for the regular Western eater that is definitely way above he or she can burn fat fast. So my real answer is - of course you are going to shed pounds in the event you adjust your diet to reduce the volume of carbohydrates but there's a big caveat, the weight loss outcomes will totally be determined by just what you might be swapping it with.

This is actually the point where expert marketers take the lead.

Do you feel that substituting gluten free cereal for those steel cut Irish oats you like so much will be good for your weight loss endeavors? And here, I say - all of it would depend on the greater picture. By God here she goes again on a rant..not really much a rant as a just be more aware sort of message. In comparison with your oats, you could be savoring the similar 18 grams of sugars for each helping with gluten free cereal. When you consider that gluten free is processed and has more artificial additives and synthetic ingredients, then you're more well off with the actual Irish oats. As an aside, 18gms of sugar comes to 4.5 teaspoons of sugar!!

On the flip side, if you would give some thought to exchanging your steel cut oats with a buckwheat cereal, zero additional sugars, then that could considerably be wiser. That is, if it actually has less carbohydrate when compared to the steel cut oatshaving said that I actually doubt this too. Not counting the amount of carbohydrates, a very good breakfast food should likewise think about the vitamin and mineral valuation.

I might be saying the obvious but in the case you will be eating gluten free biscuits they can indeed be simply no better for an individual's weight reduction than choosing regular biscuits. Remember that just because the label says gluten free it will not necessarily suggest you are being healthful by consuming that particular product.

Should you be convinced you'll be able to reap some benefits from the gluten free diet, it is easy to make sure by getting rid of your gluten for two weeks. This test period can let you know if you are intolerant or susceptible to gluten. In case you are exceptionally sensitive, then you'll definitely find out in the initial few days. You will definitely reap the advantages in this connection.

My next recommendation should be to go gluten free should you wish to try it out as a weight loss strategy but be careful of what you're substituting the gluten with. Try working with quinoa or millet as a substitute. Go to town with your meals and make use of clean, actual food. That is, foodstuff that has not been packaged seeing that most of the gluten free goods are not a good idea. They still consist of all of the nasty additives and preservatives that you might want to avoid. If this matches your needs for a weight loss diet then that's excellent! It's rather more likely that eating real food as an alternative to processed will be more effective for your fat reduction efforts though. It may not consequently be the absence of the gluten in so much as being the replacing of the unhealthy foods with superior healthy, real, natural foodstuffs. Any way you see it, choosing real, clean, sensible foods over the man-made highly processed versions is going to be key in maximu m weight loss.

So you don't have to really go gluten free for maximum fat reduction - you just need to consume natural food the appropriate wayjust as I have often encouraged. I am going to claim, sure, check out a gluten free diet for a few products then of course, it provides a beneficial effect on your weight reduction then persevere. Be wary of precisely what might be in gluten free products by perusing the tags very cautiously.

Moral of the account - Stick to actual foods for real fat loss and you invariably are likely to be safe and sound! By ingesting authentic foods that you were constructed to consume you will be bound to attain maximum weight loss - gluten or no gluten.

Should you prefer a real food for real fat loss diet plan that tells you particularly what things to eat and exactly what brand names to purchase then take advantage of the Real Food for Real Fat Loss program.

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Friday, February 14, 2014

Gluten Free foods are the fastest growing food category since 2004, see the growth forecasts of up to $2.6B by 2012! - Health - Nutrition

In short, a Nielson Co. report reveals that revenues from items labelled gluten-free have soared almost 20 percent in the past year (2008) to $1.7 billion from $1.4 billion in May 2007. Sales have increased 74 percent compared with 2004. Some items, like gluten-free gum and pet food, only entered the market in 2008." ref 1

Another independent report provides similar growth projections. "The Gluten-Free Food and Beverage Market: Trends and Developments Worldwide, 2nd Edition" - from market research publisher Packaged Facts, this trend is here to stay. Packaged Facts notes that the market for gluten-free food and beverage products grew at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 28 percent from 2004 to 2008, to finish with almost $1.6 billion in retail sales last year." Ref 2

The 'Packaged Facts' company forecasts that, in the coming years, they will see double-digit growth in this category due to many factors, the most important of which is the existence of more gluten-free products in the market through both product introduction and the conversion of existing products to gluten-free status. By 2012, the market is expected to reach about $2.6 billion in sales. To meet consumer demand, more than 225 marketers introduced new gluten-free products into the United States in 2008. Ref 2

According to a March 2007 survey by the market research company Mintel, 8% of the U.S. population look for gluten-free products when they shop. Nielsen Co., which tracks gluten-free food in U.S. grocery, drug and mass merchandiser stores (excluding Wal-Mart), reports that the gluten-free sector increased 20% in the 12-month period ending June 14 (2007), to $1.75 billion from $1.46 billion a year ago. Ref 3

A quick calculation suggests that an increase of 74% over three years is an average of 25% annual growth from 2004 to 2007. Interestingly, online demand for gluten free searches as analysed in another Gluten Free Pages article, shows that for five years leading up to 2009 that the US e-demand market grew annually at 42% in the US and 10% in Australia. That suggests, that growth rate of people searching online is almost double that of the growth of their actual purchases.

One reason given for the dramatic increase in gf consumption (above and beyond diagnosis levels) is that "the number of people eating gluten-free diets may be larger than the number of Celiac sufferers. Because of the intensity of the intolerance, separate ovens, toasters and other appliances can be needed to reduce contamination. So, many families of sufferers lead gluten-less lives as well." Ref 1

Regarding the price of gluten free, one article considers that being gluten free could in fact eventually be cheaper due to the exclusion of wheat and gluten grains from the diet. It points to "The United States Department of Agriculture reported that the April 2008 average price of U.S. wheat was $371 per metric ton, double the $180 per metric ton average wheat price in April 2007." (Ref 1) However a Gluten Free Pages report provides an opposite forecast and many good reasons why Gluten free products are likely to remain high cost for a long time to come.

The variety of choices is also expanding. In 2007, 700 new gluten-free products were launched in the U.S., up from 214 in 2004. Mintel projects a 15% to 25% annual growth rate for gluten-free foods over the next few years. Ref 3


An extensive but not exhaustive list of celiac disease effects are shown in a GFP article. Some of the more serious types are considered to be: "autism, multiple sclerosis (MS), gluten allergy, various types of gluten-sensitivities, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), repetitive strain or stress injury (RSI), and irritated bowel syndrome (IBS)." Ref 2

While these are the effects of celiac disease, there are FOUR non distinct classes of people who choose a gluten free diet. The "non negotiable" group of celiac are those with the celiac gene who must remove gluten to lead a healthy life. The second group "believe the gluten-free diet may help in the treatment of autism and a host of other disorders, including schizophrenia, chronic fatigue, multiple sclerosis, attention deficit disorder, migraine and even fertility problems. Ref 3

The THIRD group take gluten-free foods because they have gastrointestinal problems that improve when they go on a gluten-free diet. This group is said to have "gluten sensitivity," there is an immune response or associated condition even though the patient might not have the small-intestine findings on a biopsy to meet the criteria for celiac disease, says Dr. Eric Esrailian, director of general gastroenterology at UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine.

Group FOUR are said to have "Gluten intolerance," or those who experience symptoms similar to the term lactose intolerance.


In the US in 2009 the Natural Products Expo West, held in March at the Anaheim Convention Center had tables filled with gluten-free breads, pasta, pot pies, brownies, muffins, beer, cosmetics and even dog treats. (Ref 3) As people become more aware of the prevalence of gluten in almost every product class, they are demanding gluten free alternatives.

SO what is accelerating the use of gluten free? One source suggests that because of the intensity of the intolerance (one grain of bread causing a reaction), "separate ovens, toasters and other appliances can be needed to reduce contamination. So, many families of sufferers lead gluten-less lives as well." Ref 1 This is similar to the reason why when only a small percentage of CD people have been diagnosed that they are bringing their whole families to gf restaurants for the sake of the one gluten free family member.

Remarkably with all of the latest research there are still articles on the net that see gluten free as a fad. This is partly due to the fad trends that the US has seen in the past. Consider that new food products labelled 'gluten-free' jumped 86% in 2008. But new low-carb product launches fell by more than half from peak levels of 2004. Ref 5. Other articles go much further with doctors still willing to offer a 'devils advocate' opinion to the actual existence of the disease being real. In time we expect these doctors to be converted in the same manner as some 'expert' doctors denied that cigarettes and asbestos were harmful or that global warming is a myth.


And there are broader concerns. Some dieticians worry about the long-term effects of a strict gluten-free diet on those who don't need to be on it, because in avoiding foods with gluten, people may give themselves nutritional deficiencies. Those who elect to go on the diet need to watch that they get adequate amounts of B vitamins, and particularly increase folic acid ingestion.


ref 1: June 02, 2008 /chicago/news.aspx?id=91515

Ref 2: March 15, 2009 /gourmetretailer/content_display/news/e3i68061ff8eae6a637fce99ed1d7c54d9c

Ref 3 July 7, 2008 /features/health/la-he-gluten7-2008jul07,0,4319882,full.story

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Gluten Free Diet - Buckwheat - Health - Diseases and Conditions

Buckwheat is not a type of wheat, it is not even a member of the grass family, and is therefore not a type of grain or cereal. Buckwheat is in the knotweed (smartweed) family and is considered a pseudocereal.

There are several types of buckwheat, but the type most often consumed by humans is Fagopyrum esculentum, or common buckwheat.

Buckwheat is a nutritious food and a great addition to a gluten-free diet.

Tolerance to Buckwheat

Some people have difficulty digesting buckwheat. Make sure it is well cooked, and do not eat to much at once.Buckwheat Food Uses

Whole buckwheat (husk removed) can be cooked up, much like rice, and served as the carbohydrate portion of a meal.

Buckwheat flour is a great addition to pancakes. Beware that many pancake recipes use wheat as well.

Soba is a type of Japanese noodle made from buckwheat.

Caution: Many types of soba contain wheat. It can also mean any kind of thin noodle in Japanese.

Wheat-free Soba: Some types of sorba (e.g. Juuwari and Towari) are made from 100% buckwheat, and are safe.

Be aware that pizzoccheri, a type of Italian noodle, is made with 20% wheat flour, and is unsafe for a gluten free diet, even though it is made mostly with buckwheat.

Buckwheat honey is very dark and flavorful, with a strong taste.How to Cook Buckwheat

Buckwheat It is a good idea to rinse the buckwheat in a sieve before cooking.

Cook with one part buckwheat and two parts water, with a dash of salt to enhance taste.

Bring to a boil, simmer in a covered pot for 30 minutes.Gluten-Free Beer

Buckwheat can be used in the same way as wheat or barley in beer making. It is becoming a popular ingredient in gluten free beer and wheat free beer.Buckwheat and Health

The rutin in buckwheat can strengthen capillary walls, which is beneficial to people with high blood pressure or chronic venous insufficiency.

The D-chiro-inositol in buckwheat is an important deficiency in Type II diabetes and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.Buckwheat Non-Food Uses

Buckwheat hulls can be used as a filling for furniture. This is a popular filling for hypoallergenic pillows, especially for those with asthma.Buckwheat Name

The "wheat" part of buckwheat refers to how buckwheat can be used much like wheat. The "buck" part of the word referrers to Middle Dutch for beech (boek) because of the triangular seeds that resemble the beech nut.

Buckwheat is known as kasha in Eastern-Europe.

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Career In Accounting

Accounting is the study of how businesses track their income and assets over time. Accountants do much more than the generic presumptions; they compute costs and efficiency gains from new technologies, participating in strategies for mergers and acquisitions, quality management, developing and using information systems to track financial performance, tax strategy, and health care benefits management.

The career is a highly momentous and versatile. The field is usually divided into three broad areas: auditing, financial/tax and management accounting. Audit: Work in audit involves checking accounting ledgers and financial statements within corporations and government.

Budget Analysis:

Budget analysts are responsible for developing and managing an organization

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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

will your business survive without you

I had a health scare in December.

As it turns out, everything's perfectly okay. But the possibility of things not being okay really knocked me for a loop.

For the first time ... ever ... I thought about what would happen to my business if I suddenly weren't around to take care of it.

What an eye-opener!

Fact is, I'm the only person who really knows how things work in my business.

Several people - from my attorney to my coach to my book printer - know 'bits' of it. But there's really no one who knows enough about my business to step in, figure things out, and keep things moving without me.

And that was pretty scary to me. (Fortunately, it was scary enough to actually do something about it.)

Thought it would be helpful to share with you what's working for me....

1 - Put your business systems in writing

The good news: I know exactly how things work in my business.

The not-so-good news: I'm the only person who knows exactly how things work in my business.

Why is this a problem?

For starters, I'm heading out on vacation tomorrow. And I don't want to bring work with me! If I'm the only person who knows how to keep things moving, how is this possible?

It's clear I need some systems. So what needs to be in writing?

Ideally, practically everything. But you might want to start with something fairly easy. Say, how you 'process' new customers, or clients.

When someone decides to work with me as an Art Coach, here's what happens:

We make our first coaching appointment

I get credit or debit card authorization for payment of coaching fees

I send out a Welcome Pack, which includes: pocket folder/label, cover letter, business card, Policies & Procedures, Client Data Form, Client Checklist, Coaching Prep Form, and additional information about coaching

I use my 'KG Checklist' to check off the exact forms I send out; note date mailed/delivered

I prepare a client folder for my office: insert checklist, cover letter and all info/notes to date, write phone number on tab, write date of first coaching appointment (and all subsequent appointments) on the folder cover

I follow up and note when the signed Policies & Procedures form is returned, and add it to the client folder

I staple the completed Client Data Form to the inside cover of the client folder

As we work together, I add all relevant materials (correspondence, artwork samples, etc.) to the folder

What's your 'system' or 'process' for prospects and new customers? Do you:

Capture all their contact information (name, address, phone, email, snail mail)?

Send them a thank you note?

Give/send them an Artist Pack (folder with you Bio, Artist Statement, Resume, and other information about you and your work)?

Add them to your database? How? When?

Follow up with them regularly? How often? In what way(s)?

Invite them to your events?

Send event announcements?

Send holiday cards?

Ask them for referrals?

Chances are, if you have a 'system' for doing things, you'll be more consistent. And that's likely to make your business stronger.

2 - Let people know where you keep things

Okay, I actually do need to be around for some things - for example, my 1:1 telephone coaching sessions.

But other processes don't need me at all. Take, for example, my book, "187 Tips for Artists."

It's already written, already published

Website's up

Advertising (googleAdwords) is in place

Orders are moving smoothly through online booksellers, my website/shopping cart, retail outlets

Revenue is automatically deposited in my business account

So what's the problem? Once again, I'm the only person right now who knows how this works.

Unless I write down my 'book-selling' system - and let someone know where to find it - if I'm not around, my book sales come to a screeching halt.

I've put way too much work into the book to allow that to happen. So I'm writing - and will soon be sharing - exactly how my 'book-selling' system works, and how to keep it working without me.

So that's the point of this section: Writing your systems is just the first step. You also have to let a trusted colleague (or assistant, or family member, or friend) know where they are - and how to use them.

3 - Automate and delegate

One of the coolest benefits of writing out your systems and procedures is that you'll see places that you can automate ... or delegate.

Yep. That means less work for you!

Looking back at my procedures for new clients, for example, it's pretty clear that I don't need to do everything myself.

For starters, I could ask someone else to put together and mail the Welcome Packs for me. That could be a half hour or so every time I add a client.

And where does automation come in? Wherever possible, I say. Case in point, I used my automated broadcasting system to send out this month's newsletter.

I couldn't do it myself, because I was on vacation.....

Ahhhhhhhh. Automation..............

Copyright 2005 Kathy Gulrich

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Monday, February 10, 2014

New Generation Of Financial Information Systems Makes Crunching Numbers Faster And Easier

In what seems like only a few short years, fiscal selective information systems (FIS) have evolved from simple, back-office support systems into fully integrated solutions that can handle everything from payroll to accounts receivable and gross cycle management. But such increased functionality would not be possible without the ability to combine disparate databases into a single source of entropy that can be mined at multiple levels.

The importance of data mining quickly became apparent to corporate executives at James Edmund Scripps Wellness in San Diego, who had been working with six separate databases before upgrading to a newer variant of Dawn Approach Coach/Affected role Fiscal Handler from Boca Raton, Fla.-founded Eclipsys Corp.

Edward Wyllis Scripps currently operates five acute care facilities totaling nearly 1,400 beds, two medical groups with 14 outpatient clinics, a home health agency and a health plan. Today, yearly revenues average $1.35 billion, which is a big turnaround from a few years ago when posted operating losses in 2000 and 2001 totaling approximately $26 1000000 and $22 one thousand thousand and respectively. In an effort to bolster their bottom line, devised a number of key strategies, not the least of which was drastically changing their methods of charge and reimbursement.

"A couple of years ago we moved away from capitated risk to fee-for-service risk," says David Ferdinand Julius Cohn, vice president of patient services. Additionally, since each infirmary had been running its own Eclipsys FIS, the organization made the decision to rise these 13--old systems by installing an enterprisewide FIS.

Realized similar gains in efficiencies, although not all were directly related to the adoption of a new software solution. admits that a significant portion of gain was due to process improvements in recovering underpayments from third-party payers.

"We look at trends by types of underpayments and develop strategies to work together with our payer partners," he says, adding that collection of underpayments in financial 2003 was 9 percent above 2002, amounting to More than $15.4 meg. The auditing of Thomas More than 100,000 accounts during outpatient tax income charge-capture audits yielded Sir Thomas More than $10 a million in additional charges.

Furthermore, monthly cash collections for 2004 exceeded those for 2003 by $10.4 , while net taxation between 2001 and 2003 increased by $44 as a result of improvements in charge capture, coding, reduced bad debt and incremental tax revenue recovery. In addition, operating profitability, during that same period, improved by $40 . A focus on reversing the losses incurred during 2000 and 2001 also led to establish a systemwide cycle steering committee, as well as multidisciplinary teams on the level so that "everybody would be on the same page,".

Drake adds that coordinating the steering committee and teams helped define how the centralized business office could best support the needs of each facility. Those weekly meetings covered a wide range of topics, she says, including coverage, interim and obstacles to discharge. But went even further in overhauling its strategies.

It developed a -dedicated claims processing team within Kaiser's regional claims center in Pasadena, Calif., which reduced the claims backlog by $6. It outsourced unpaid commercial and PPO outpatient claims to QuadraMed. "We wanted our people to stay focused on higher-dollar claims," explains . Drake also says, "We did an awful lot of work on appeals by working with our payers and improving our contracts."

There's no question that upgrading to Dawning Memory access Director/Patient role Managing director variation 11.3 improved the organization's efficiency in accessing and analyzing data. A major driver in that rising slope was the EDI transaction set requirements mandated by HIPAA, says.

Also, needed to streamline its Medicare process, since Medicare accounts for about 35 percent to 40 percent of its business. Due to time constraints resulting from the HIPAA deadline, was unable to install a Web- edition of the Eclipsys software, choosing instead the character- interpretation that could ruin on a UNIX platform using a cache system, says Drake. However, plans are already in the works to ascent to reading 11.4.

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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Medical Receivables Funding

Medical Receivables Funding: The Rx for Ailing Cash Flow

The current adverse financial structure of the healthcare industry has placed hospitals, medical groups, private practitioners and other providers in a perilous position. Cumbersome and bureaucratic third party billing systems with long time-to-collection waiting periods have resulted in inconsistent cash flows and limited capital for growth. Nationwide, two-thirds of physicians work in practices that are set up as small business. Payment cuts 18% over four years, together with soaring malpractice premiums and other overhead costs, have threatened to put such practices out of businesses. More than 50% of doctors have deferred plans to purchase much-needed new equipment, and 30% either have laid off staff or are planning layoffs in the near future.

What is medical receivable funding?

Medical receivable funding is a means by which health care providers (Hospitals, Doctors, Outpatient Facillities, Physical Therapists, Dialysis Facillities, MRI Centers, Durable Equipment Suppliers, Rehab Centers, Medical Labs, & Substance Abuse Clinics) receive immediate cash for their billings to third party payors (i.e. commercial insurance companies, HMOs, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Medicare and Medicaid).

What Factoring "Is Not:"

A Loan - Factoring is the sale of your medical claims for services already delivered

Offered By Banks - Factoring is not an asset-based loan, nor is it a debt facility similar to those offered by banks.

Why not simply pick up the phone and call a bank for a loan to get through the crisis? Many of you already tried that and have been surprised to find that the average practice may not have sufficient credit and assets with which to secure adequate working capital. Additionally, the traditional banking loan application and approval process is long and involved. Debt is created for the practice to repay, and personal guarantees are required. The practice becomes less desirable for resale or acquisition.

Unlike bank lines that can tie up all of your assets, factoring involves only your third party medical claims

No collateral other than accounts receivables

No financial guarantees

Unlimited amount of dollars

Factoring provides working capital without adding debt to your balance sheet. There is no predetermined maximum limit. This working capital arrangement is not limited in amount as many bank products are nor is it subject to banking "regulations."

Surveys of physicians have identified the following immediate needs:

The creation of solid dependable cash flow

Decrease in the reimbursement interval between the time service is provided and payment is received

Increase in the overall percentage of claims collected

Reduction in administrative costs

Ready availability of cash for new equipment, expansion of office space, the addition of new partners, and practice marketing


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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Employers and Managers Five Steps to Greater Employee Profitability

If you do not know right now which of your employees is making money for you, how much they are costing you or whether you're operating profitably, this short article will provide vital information for you.

Employees cost huge amounts of money and the stark reality is that unless every employee pays their way a lot of YOUR money could end-up down the drain!!

But how do you know which employees are working profitably for you, especially if your employees are spread all over the country or even the world? Indeed some may be frittering away hours (your money) on wasteful activities. For all you know your money could be leaking away drop by costly drop, like water from a dripping tap.

So here are five steps you can take very quickly to switch-off that dripping tap!

Step 1: Monetise

Calculate the true hourly cost of your employee per hour. You can work out a percentage to add to your employee hourly rate that will cover all the overhead. Examples include a share of office overheads, pension and health care payments, the cost of holidays and sickness (which are non-productive for you but still need to be paid for). Build a list of all costs and include them in the hourly rate.

Step 2: Measure

What can't be measured can't be improved. The second step is to get your employees to use a timesheet. A timesheet records the number of hours spent on activities. The employee usually has to enter hours into a table cell in a spreadsheet or software form each day. Activities are often grouped in a project. There are many excellent timesheet systems available.

Step 3: Report

The information entered by your employees is priceless to you if you are an employer, manager or business owner. It should be gathered together to form the basis of reports. What reports? How about a report that shows the total of hourly costs of every employee working on a project. The first time we did this we had a nasty surprise - costs had crept up dramatically on one of our projects! How about a report that shows exactly what activities an employee actually spends his time on. Many very revealing reports are available if the data is collected correctly.

Step 4: Track

The reports you have should give you information in daily, weekly, monthly and annual format. This gives you the chance to see if your costs are increasing or falling. Therefore you can see the results of any changes you make.

Step 5: Confront

This is a vital step: Show the employee the true cost his time and how much each activity he is involved with costs the company. Employees are often completely unaware how much they cost the company. Of course, this step has to be done carefully, unless you have a real problem to confront. It might be good to show a group of employees the average cost of an employee hour, so that no one individual employee thinks he is being singled-out for 'special treatment'.


Tracking employee activity in this way can truly be an enlightening experience. With the right information you can stop or reduce wasteful and costly activity and focus on activities that are literally profitable.

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Friday, February 7, 2014

Growing your VAR Business

Given this backdrop of explosive growth opportunities, the challenges for VAR executives becomes managing for revenue growth and targeting the highest margin opportunities - in initial sales and throughout ongoing client relationships. Professional services automation software applications give VARs a competitive edge and make the difference between struggling to grow and harvesting profit from the abundant growth opportunities.

Advantages for VARs who use Professional Services Automation Software

1. Executive Insight

VAR businesses usually start by selling a primary set of products and services. As they become more successful, they add more products and services, ultimately bundling them up in ways clients want to buy them. Most VARs look at their business through "business practice" lenses - areas of marketing and delivery that bring together the multiple disciplines needed to constitute a client solution. Basic start-up system tools don't fit any more, VARs need professional services automation software tools that manage and report products the way clients buy them, through the lens of a practice.

#Example of how PSA Software can help improve executive insight

As an example of this, think of a network practice that combines elements of hardware (servers, routers, and hubs) with software (security messaging and e-mail), along with client education and even network monitoring and management.

A CEO view lists all the practices and ranks them by key performance indicators: revenue, growth rates, and margins. Practice managers can see how their projects are unfolding and with drill downs, identify what's working and what�s not.The important point is that with the help of PSA software, VARs can put their fingers on the pulse of the business and tell where the market is expanding or contracting.

2. Client Visibility: All clients are important, but in reality, some are more important to your bottom line than others. Once you understand a client�s lifetime value - revenue, projects, invoices, and opportunities with the help of a PSA software - you can shape your interactions with them better.

Look at yourself from your client's point of view

Clients see their relationship with the VAR as the sum total of their experiences with sales, receivables, service incidents and other interactions.

For a VAR, getting such specifics for even one client is usually a tedious one-off spreadsheet exercise. And when it's done, the rest of the organization usually doesn't share in the insights. As a result, the type of effective follow-up activities you want to have routinely - whether it's having an executive make a remedial call or initiating an incremental sales opportunity don't happen.

Professional services automation software changes all that. It gives executives the most critical elements of any client's transactions at a glance: practice revenues and margins, buying patterns, service incidents, and invoice payment. It gives insights about the client's experience with the VAR and shows the value the client brings to the VAR.

Using this knowledge can trigger a well placed call from a senior executive at the right time to reinforce your position and lead to a deeper relationship. It's the information you need to set priorities, ensuring you take care of your best clients and nurture the most promising ones.

#Keep tabs on ongoing interactions to improve revenue growth

Many executives measure the health of a client relationship by the number of interactions between the firms, recurring order patterns, and by increasing order size. The converse is an increasing number of calls to a support center about a repeating, nagging problem, or too many on-site visits that do not lead to any sales. Finding shifts in buying patterns through PSA software can act as an early warning system to help you prevent a good client from getting away and recognize where new strategies may reignite purchases.

#Making yourself visible to your clients increases trust

The ultimate deliverable is your ability to create trust and business value for your clients. Opening up to let clients see their own daily interactions with you saves your client time and money, and you too.

By using PSA software portal clients can answer their own questions like have my payments been received (and applied to the right invoices), which invoices are outstanding, which orders are still open (and is any delivery info available), how many service calls have been placed recently, and how many (which ones) are still open.

Once an order is placed you set up a project to design, install, get the system operational, and ultimately accepted. During the project your clients can use the PSA software portal to understand the status of a project, use it for internal reporting purposes, and use it as a communication platform.

Forward thinking VARs are using professional services automation software to monitor the acceptance process and even ensure that a project delivers on its business improvement or ROI projections. During this process, a savvy practice manager will be looking for sales opportunities for after market services.

3. Marketing Effectiveness: Capturing true marketing costs and performance improves your capture rates and minimizes wasteful spending.

There is an old marketing saw that says 50% of advertising dollars are wasted - we just don't know which 50%. Unfortunately, that principle is true for VAR marketing expenditures too. Through professional services automation software, you can collect true costs for all aspects of your lead generation efforts and compare them to sales achieved. It's powerful information that ensures winning propositions are used again and less than stellar efforts are jettisoned. Knowing the cost per lead and success rate of every campaign brings marketing operations closer to the company's mission of growing revenue and high margin opportunities.

#Watch pipeline activity to identify where you can stimulate growth

Pipelines are hard enough to manage, even if you aren't dealing with sandbagging or missed executions. Professional services automation software generates real-time reports for the sales executive, CFO, and CEO that detail the movement from proposal to order to shipment and acceptance. Reports that help you understand proposal conversion rates, internal execution, and how successful your employees are when visiting on site. Knowing this can help you identify good sales execution, spot remedial work for individual sales people, and decide what needs to be done to help cement a good relationship with a client.

#Use client feedback to productize opportunities

Every VAR maintains a support center for ongoing client support and project installations. Data from these interactions can be a treasure trove of new opportunities. PSA software identifies important call issues so you can examine them for add-on product and sales opportunities. Getting a lot of calls about start-up issues at the end user level? Perhaps an onsite introductory training class is needed. Do clients have insufficient skills in their IT departments? Maybe it's time to consider a managed services offering.

PSA software for VARs can provide the facts to make informed decisions about when to productize services for repeatable, high margin sales and to help you spot emerging areas clients are inquiring about.

#Accelerate upgrade opportunities through insight into your clients' installed environments

By its very nature, the technology industry is always racing towards the next breakthrough. Unfortunately, end user clients can't possibly keep up with the relentless adoption of the next big thing. In fact, they often don't maximize the use they get out of any piece of equipment and may not be aware of savings opportunities that come with some upgrades.

It's easier to sell when you know how and when the client buys. Many IT directors have a budgetary model that subscribes to the notion of being fully depreciated. Knowing when equipment depreciation occurs can trigger sales activities to harvest this built-in financial understanding. Creative sales executives will also see this as an opportunity to offer new contractual terms that extend beyond a single project or delivery. For example, they may take a deal off the street by replacing all of a company's PCs over a three-year period, as the systems become fully depreciated, and offering special payments terms to take the sting out of lump sum payments.

4. Internal Operations: Managing technology implementations means running projects on-time and on budget. Real time awareness can detect margin leakage before it becomes a problem.

#Tight control of new technology introductions can speed revenue and contain ramp-up costs

Becoming market ready for each new technology is not a small or inexpensive undertaking. PSA software with good project management functionality enables you to identify and control key ramp-up tasks such as obtaining licenses, employee training and certification, setting up development environments, arranging your product distribution network, and so on. Technology ramp up is a huge internal project that requires costly capital outlays and profitability often depends upon skillful project and budget management and preventing cost overruns. PSA software tools give you time and cost management insights to use to help guarantee a prepared staff and an on-time rollout at a cost you expected.

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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Consumers Get in Touch With New Technology

No matter who you are or where you are, you are likely feeling the growth of touchscreen technology. Today, frequent fliers often enter flight information using self-serve kiosks and soar through airport check-in, skipping the otherwise long lines. Busy moms may use car touchscreen systems to find directions, control air temperature and more. And businesspeople who require communication access at all times invest in advanced communication devices to stay in touch.

Whether it's used by people stopping by the ATM to get some quick cash or casting a vote, touchscreen technology is taking off, converting everyday tasks into fast and convenient experiences.

The technology appeals to all ages and in a variety of industries. Retail outlet store merchandisers are using touchscreen as a new marketing strategy to engage consumers while delivering product information at the touch of a finger.

FAO Schwarz, for example, has installed 17-inch Planar touchscreens as part of a consumer design center for the Hot Wheels Custom Car Factory in its New York store. Using the Planar touchscreen kiosk, shoppers can customize their own Hot Wheels car with special colors, designs, wheels and rims.

Other toy manufacturers are taking advantage of touch technology to provide entertaining and educational toys for children who are too young to have developed the motor skills required for a regular computer.

The restaurant industry also is seeing the benefits of touch-integrated point-of-sale systems to improve order-processing time. Easy-to-use touchscreen devices enable servers to enter food orders faster and more accurately, enhancing the overall dining experience.

Tableside units in restaurants provide customers with a variety of entertainment and information options, such as playing video games or surfing the Web.

Other industries embracing touchscreen technology include automotive (car rental information portals, GPS systems), industrial (ATMs, gas station service pumps) and health care (outpatient information kiosks).

Receptive consumers and falling prices have enabled touch technology to spread its reach across a wide range of markets. As a result, it is making strong inroads as a primary way for consumers to get more "in touch" with products, services and information. - NU

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Is There A Preferred Way To Detect Breast Cancer Both Digital And X-Ray Film Mammograms Can Help Save Lives

In 2006, more than 250,000 U.S. women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. This deadly disease will claim the lives of more than 40,000 friends, neighbors, mothers and daughters. These are staggering statistics.

However, breast cancer death rates are going down. This decline is largely attributed to the benefits of annual mammograms that enable physicians to detect cancer at its earliest stages, and improved treatment programs that help patients better manage their cancer.

Both digital and film-based mammography can identify breast disease in women who may have no obvious signs of breast cancer. Historically, mammograms have been conducted using medical X-ray film. Now, new digital imaging technologies are emerging that offer a complementary method for early detection of breast cancer.

The arrival of more digital imaging options sometimes can cause some patients to "wait it out" until their health care provider installs digital imaging systems. But the advice from physicians appears to be overwhelming: Do not wait for the latest digital technology. One of the most critical aspects for a full recovery is early detection, and it is far better to have any kind of mammogram than to delay or skip a mammogram entirely. The decision on which imaging technology to use should be a secondary issue that patients can discuss with their physicians.

"Digital technologies show great promise in helping to detect breast cancer in certain patients," said Dr. John M. Lewin, Diversified Radiology of Colorado, a leader in providing technologically advanced radiology imaging. "In fact, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is considering relaxing guidelines that may make it easier for manufacturers of digital mammography systems to bring new products to market faster."

Should the FDA adopt revised guidelines, it is possible that health care providers and patients could have access to a broader range of new digital mammography products earlier-and perhaps at a lower cost-as more competition among manufacturers may drive down prices of these systems.

One of the innovators of digital medical imaging systems is Eastman Kodak Company, which currently markets a digital mammography system for use in Europe, Latin America, Asia and other parts of the world. Kodak has applied to the FDA for approval to market this system in the U.S. and the company is conducting clinical trials of this system in the U.S. and Canada. "We applaud the FDA for examining ways to streamline the approval process for digital mammography products that may lead to increased adoption and improved access to these innovative systems," said Michael Marsh, vice president, Kodak's Health Group.

Given the benefits and improvements in both digital and film mammogram technology, there is more reason now than ever before to encourage mothers, grandmothers, sisters and friends to get an annual mammogram.

The American Cancer Society continues to recommend the importance of mammograms as a highly effective tool in the detection of breast cancer. What is critical is not the technology used to produce a mammogram, but ensuring that women age 40 and older have regular mammograms as part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Natural Breast Enhancement May Change Your Life

If you're one of the millions of women who suffer the embarrassment of small breasts, natural breast enhancement may change your life. Many women report that both types of natural breast enhancement products have worked for them. This is why natural breast enhancement through herbal therapy has been pioneered to give those women a second option. These women would take all-natural breast enhancement supplements for the next 30 days, then report on the results. If you're one of the millions of women who suffer the embarrassment of small breasts, natural enhancement may change your life.

Using herbal breast enhancement, many woman claim, allows the body to naturally increase breast size. To achieve a larger chest size, there is the option of breast augmentation surgery, or natural breast enhancements. Week 4-8 You will by now experience natural breast enhancement as breast growth increases size and firmness. Label Information The all-natural breast enhancement gradually augment the size and shape of your breasts using a formula that promotes a healthy transformation.

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If you're one of the millions of women who suffer the embarrassment of small breasts, natural enhancement may change your life. To achieve a larger chest size, there is the option of breast augmentation surgery, or natural breast enhancements. This is why natural breast enhancement through herbal therapy has been pioneered to give those women a second option. Many women report that both types of natural breast enhancement products have worked for them. These women would take all-natural breast enhancement supplements for the next 30 days, then report on the results. Bosom Naturale Non surgical, safe all natural breast enhancement developed by a physician, to enhance a womans natural beauty.

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The product is no breast cream, but a breast enhancement pill (capsule) on a 100% natural base. Often a breast enhancement cream works better if you are using with other natural breast enhancers, such as breast enhancing exercises. Find to resource for natural breast enhancement. Visit for natural breast enhancement alternatives, fitness, hormone balance, and cosmetics. Using herbal breast enhancement, many woman claim, allows the body to naturally increase breast size. No other commonly available natural breast enhancement solution can make this claim. You will learn to make use of the natural breast enhancement and maintainence systems that already exist in every woman.

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I am not aware of any natural or herbal products that lead to male breast enhancement. Week 4-8 You will by now experience natural breast enhancement as breast growth increases size and firmness. Super Firm Coenzyme q10 is a natural bust enhancement system that firms up breasts and creates more cleavage. Upon my first query on natural breast enhancement, several web sites displayed conflicting information. Generally, the key to herbal breast enhancement products is the use of naturally occurring, non-hormonal plant estrogens. This natural breast enhancement product is safe, has no influence on menstruation and causes no weight gain. This dynamic site will answer all questions regarding natural breast enhancement. Strongest and most effective natural breast enhancement on the market.

During this time breast enhancement is usually maximized and stops naturally. These natural breast enhancement/enlargement pills are guaranteed to work! This breast enhancement formulation is made of all natural ingredients. Although largely unproven in conventional medicine, natural breast enhancement methods are gaining in popularity. It is very important to take a natural breast enhancement product exactly as the creator of the product prescribes. It is specially manufactured with over thirteen unique herbs to assist in the development and natural breast enhancement of a woman's breasts. /

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Monday, February 3, 2014

22 What are auditors

What are auditors?

Accountants and auditors help to ensure that the Nation's firms are run efficiently, its public records kept accurately, and its taxes paid properly and on time. They perform these vital functions by offering an increasingly wide array of business and accounting services, including public, management, and government accounting, as well as internal auditing, to their clients. Beyond carrying out the fundamental tasks of the occupation-preparing, analyzing, and verifying financial documents in order to provide information to clients-many accountants now are required to possess a wide range of knowledge and skills. Accountants and auditors are broadening the services they offer to include budget analysis, financial and investment planning, information technology consulting, and limited legal services.

Specific job duties vary widely among the four major fields of accounting: public, management, and government accounting and internal auditing.

Internal auditors verify the accuracy of their organization's internal records and check for mismanagement, waste, or fraud. Internal auditing is an increasingly important area of accounting and auditing. Internal auditors examine and evaluate their firms' financial and information systems, management procedures, and internal controls to ensure that records are accurate and controls are adequate to protect against fraud and waste. They also review company operations, evaluating their efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance with corporate policies and procedures, laws, and government regulations. There are many types of highly specialized auditors, such as electronic data-processing, environmental, engineering, legal, insurance premium, bank, and health care auditors. As computer systems make information timelier, internal auditors help managers to base their decisions on actual data, rather than personal observation. Internal auditors also may recommend controls for the ir organization's computer system, to ensure the reliability of the system and the integrity of the data.

Government accountants and auditors work in the public sector, maintaining and examining the records of government agencies and auditing private businesses and individuals whose activities are subject to government regulations or taxation. Accountants employed by Federal, State, and local governments guarantee that revenues are received and expenditures are made in accordance with laws and regulations. Those employed by the Federal Government may work as Internal Revenue Service agents or in financial management, financial institution examination, or budget analysis and administration.

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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Healthy Nutrition and Exercise

What is Healthy Nutrition and Exercise?

Healthy nutrition and exercise are crucial to leading healthy lives and feeling your best at all times. It takes hard work and determination to continue this goal daily and work at keeping your body in the best shape possible. Some people think that nutrition or exercise are not for them. If you think that you do not have enough time for these things, then please think again. Nutrition and exercise are two very important concepts for everyone to understand.

First of all, nutrition is all about eating healthy and make the correct choices with your diet. It is important to eat a variety of foods packed with nutrients and vitamins for your overall health and well-being. I am sure that you have tried dieting before or may be in the middle of a long battle with staying healthy. Nutrition can be complex, but you can usually figure out for yourself if the foods that you are eating are good for you. When you decide to start eating healthier, it needs to begin with researching information on nutrition and the best food available for you. Everything that you eat gives your body fuel, and you want your body to run on the best fuel available.

Healthy Food Choices


Avocados Beets Bell Peppers Cabbage Eggplant Green Beans Onions Spinach Squash Tomatoes Turnip Greens


Apples Bananas Figs Grapefruit Grapes Oranges Pineapples Strawberries Watermelon

Although nutrition is a big part of the picture, your time should also be filled with regular exercise. Healthy exercise is a big section of increased fitness. Exercise has been show to decrease depression. It also helps you feel better and reduces stress. I find that exercise keeps me going each day, and makes feel accomplished after each workout. Try to make a workout plan that fits your schedule and adapt it to meet your needs. All it takes is a willing mind and a goal to get moving. Remember that staying healthy with nutrition and exercise will always be beneficial to you. The more you are committed, the better results you will achieve. Being healthy is all about knowing your goals and meeting them with dedication and perseverence.

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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Nutrition on the net

With almost all of the worlds humanity now getting to be weight watchful and health watchful, nutritional courses are speedily becoming very crowd-pleasing as they offer worthwhile careers. Unluckily, not everyone has the time and the opportunity to go to universities to learn about nutrition. In such cases, the internet is a boon as online nutritional programs are getting to be much in demand. The online nutritional courses are the kinds that allow you to study in your own time and thus offer more time elasticity and also they can study from wherever they are, not having to travel to any specific location physically to attend classes. This way even working people can decide to study nutrition online.
The study material in a nutritional program covers not only the nutritional value of different foods, but a comprehensive range of topics and subjects such as: the consequences of food eaten on the metabolic and physiological reactions of a human body, biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics.
Now a days an abundant number of people are turning to holistic healing and so they are very conscious of the kind of food they feast upon and how it affects them; this makes the health care business which includes nutrition; very fruitful as a career. The nutrition courses are tempting lots of people to not only improve their health, but also to earn lots of cash.
Health care companies not only need medical practitioners and doctors but they also need the services of nutritionists who help by prescribing the patients a proper diet blueprint with the medical prescriptions, so they know what foods they can safely feast upon and what foods they should avoid in order to allow the patients to be fit and healthy all the way.
Pre-requisite qualifications required to take up online nutrition courses:
Although anybody can study nutrition, it does benefit if you have some essential familiarity of the subject or at the very least a high school diploma. The pre-requisite qualifications compulsatory to sign up for online nutrition courses can vary from institution to institution and the type of courses opted for. There are many types of online nutritional courses: Students can sign up for associate, diploma or degree programs in nutrition and food care, or, for various online certificate courses on health care, food science and fitness and nutrition.
Listed here are some of the study programs a student can choose from:
? BS in Nutrition Science
? Advanced Start BS in Nutrition Science
? Nutrition, Diet, and Health Science
? Nutrition Specialist
? Master of Science in Holistic Nutrition
Good communication skills also help.
Career options with nutrition:
You can get a job or find work in government and non government sectors such as hospitals, insurance companies, health care centers, research organizations, gyms where people coming in to exercise and lost weight need to know their nutritional requirements. If you have an advanced degree in nutrition you can also be a faculty member in the institutions.
Schools that offer Online Nutrition Degree:
There are a number of recognized online nutrition degree schools in the world offering various online nutrition degree courses. Some are listed here:
? Penn Foster Career School Health care
? ICS Canada
? Clayton College of Natural Health
? Ashworth College Online

These schools also stipulate basic home study materials in a range of forms that include audio-video recordings. The courses are so designed that they can be extremely extensive as well as easily adaptable.

The above article is written by the author of edentalhealth who is actually a dentist and has an expertise in how to stop teeth grinding and treatment for teeth grinding

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